E1424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks August 1, 1996 man from New York, Hamilton Fish. Congress- TRIBUTE TO LEONA BRADY rating the less useful from the most useful, but man Fish's death is an extraordinary loss to a WATSON always looking for ways to make what is left community he faithfully served for over 25 behind even more useful. years, and to all of us in this House and HON. VICTOR O. FRAZER Gordon has served as a skilled motivator. around the world who knew him well. OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS There is not a person he has ever touched Although I only had the privilege of serving IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that hasn't come away feeling like the most with Rep. Fish in the 103d Congress, I quickly important and most valuable person in the saw his impact on this institution, and on me. Wednesday, July 31, 1996 world. He has marshalled resources like no His warmth and openness made a junior Mr. FRAZER. Mr. Speaker, Leona Brady other individual, turning everyone around him Member feel welcome and confident in an or- Watson was born on the north side of the is- into his informed advocates. Just ask any of ganization that can be overwhelming. Even land of St. Croix in Estate Two Friends. At the our staff who have been privileged to partici- though Rep. Fish worked hard as one of the tender age of 3, she began her education, pate in one of the legislative staff agricultural busiest members of Congress, he always had which involved walking from Estate Two seminars that he created. Or ask any current time to serve as a teacher and mentor to other Friends to Frederikdsted town where she at- or recent member of our delegation who has Members. I will always remember him as the tended St. Patrick's School. After finishing the always felt politely challenged an strongly in- example of how to serve New York State and third grade, she journeyed to the United vigorated by his careful encouragement. I can how to serve our country in a truly bipartisan States, and completed her formal education speak most directly to this point from my ex- manner. there. periences of having worked with him while I Hamilton Fish died on July 23d, but his Upon returning to St. Croix in the late 50's, served as chairman of the Senate agriculture service to the mid-Hudson Valley constituency Mrs. Watson came home with a special yearn- committee during my days in the Michigan will ensure that he has an everlasting memory ing for her culture. She spent many years State Senate. to all. During the years he lived among us, learning about what was a dying art in the Vir- And to top all of this Gordon has a wonder- Congressman Fish was a pioneer and sup- gin IslandsÐthe art of cariso. From the elders, ful family which he always promotes and com- porter of Civil Rights legislation. He was the particularly the ones on the north side of the pliments with equal vigor. His wife, Norma is principal Republican sponsor of the Civil island and the Frederiksted area. Leona was both blessed to be with Gordon, and per- Rights Act of 1991, and also worked with able to attain and maintain our delicate culture plexed to always keep up with his new ideas. Democrats to sponsor amendments to the Fair through their stories, soups, and music of His daughter, Dawn, learned the value of a Housing Act and the Americans with Disabil- days gone by. Leona continues to be honored caring father, and his son, Dan, has the chal- ities Act. by various cultural organizations as a tradition lenge in following in his father's image as an However, his concern for others was not bearer for her untiring contribution to the cul- assistant professor of MSU. limited to the borders of this country. He was tural growth of the Virgin Islands, and the Mr. Speaker, Gordon's blood is green. He an outspoken advocate for human rights knowledge of the history of our beloved home- does live and breath Michigan. He dreams around the globe and worked on behalf of So- land. fishing, and he thrives on retirement parties. viet Jews who for years were battling to emi- Some of Leona's famed works include: That's why after retiring from extension, and grate from tyranny to freedom. As a member Quoted in three published books; actress in DNR, and MSUÐtwice, he now will retire from of the House Judiciary Committee, Represent- the film ``The Story of Cariso'' nationally ac- the formal position of director of agriculture, ative Fish worked to expand refugee assist- claimed; performance in numerous stage not from his continuing and devout interest in ance programs. He wanted to ensure that all shows, on island and abroad; participated in making our State the best one of all. I urge people, no matter from what background, had the 24th Annual Festival of American you and all of our colleagues to join me in an opportunity to fulfill the American dream. FolklifeÐthe Virgin Islands; program spon- wishing Gordon a long and happy retirement. Rep. Fish was born to a family whose politi- sored by the Smithsonian Institution and the f cal legacy dates back to the Revolutionary Virgin Islands Government. War. One of his ancestors Nicholas Fish Leona is also a highly respected herbologist LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN fought with George Washington during the who has been asked most recently to partici- SERVICES, AND EDUCATION AP- birth of our nation. His great-grandfather, pate in cultural exchange between Africa PROPRIATIONS BILL Hamilton fish, served as governor of New York (Senegal), China and Switzerland. before serving in the Senate and as Secretary Mrs. Leona Watson resides at Estate Grove HON. PATSY T. MINK of State to Ulysses S. Grant. Place, St. Croix. OF HAWAII His grandfather, of the same name, served f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the 61st Congress after a long career in the New York Assembly. Congressman Fish's fa- GORDON GUYER RETIRESÐAGAIN Wednesday, July 31, 1996 ther, Hamilton Fish, Sr. served in Congress Mrs. MINK of Hawaii. Mr. Speaker, I rise to from 1920 to 1945. Thus, Congressman Fish HON. JAMES A. BARCIA express my opposition to the Labor, Health brought a legacy that was 200 years old the OF MICHIGAN and Human Services, and Education appro- first day he sat in his seat in 1968. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES priations bill. It is disheartening to come to the He received his B.A. from Harvard, and his well today to oppose a bill that funds the most Wednesday, July 31, 1996 LL.B. from the New York University School of important investment our Federal Government Law. His college career was interrupted twice. Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, few people are makes in the basic human needs of our Na- Once in 1944 by World War II, and the second synonymous with the experiences we have in tionÐhealth care, education, employment and time by Fish's enlistment to the Foreign Serv- life, but there exists a rare and pleasant ex- training, and support services for families. ice. Despite these interruptions, Fish was ad- ception: Dr. Gordon Guyer, who has an- Unfortunately, this bill falls far short of fulfill- mitted to the New York Bar in 1958. nounced his resignation as director of the ing our responsibility to the American people Hamilton Fish's dedication to seeking the Michigan Department of Agriculture, and, at and reflects the majority's continued policy to truth can never be questioned. As a member long last, another in a series of retirements. reduce Federal resources in some of the most of the Judiciary Committee during Watergate, For those who know Gordon, they know that significant aspects of our lives. Fish was one of the first Republicans to vote he bleeds green for Michigan State University, Nothing should take precedence over the in favor of impeaching the President. His ac- where over his distinguished career he served health and economic security of our people. tion went against the beliefs of many in his as professor of entomology, director of the co- Yet this bill makes clear that these goals are party, including his father, but Fish recognized operative extension service, vice president for not a priority for the current congressional ma- that the need for truth and justice was greater government affairs at Michigan State Univer- jority. than party and individual loyalties. sity, and finally interim president of the Univer- Sadly, education has been the area hardest This is the legacy of Hamilton Fish. The leg- sity. He lives and breathes Michigan. He has hit, denying school districts around the country acy of a man who carried the responsibility of served as a member of the commission on of desperately needed funds to improve or representation with grace and dignity. He was natural resources, director of the Michigan De- maintain the quality of education in their local a kind and gentle mentor I am proud to have partment of Natural Resources under Gov- schools. served with in Congress. Always seeking the ernor Blanchard, and most recently director of This bill sustains the $2.2 billion cuts in edu- truth and compassion for those who were less the Michigan Department of Agriculture. His cation made by the Republican majority last fortunate, he will truly be missed. mind is always working like a combine, sepa- year. In addition, it targets several important.
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