LLt.t. CCol.ol. HHaroldarold BBuhluhl aacceptsccepts tthehe aacquisitioncquisition fl aagg ffromrom CCol.ol. SStevensontevenson RReed,eed, UU.. SS.. AArmyrmy KKwajaleinwajalein AAtolltoll ccommanderommander dduringuring tthehe RRonaldonald RReaganeagan BBallisticallistic MMissileissile DDefenseefense TTestest SSiteite cchangehange ooff ccommandommand cceremonyeremony FFriday.riday. FForor mmore,ore, sseeee PPageage 33.. Saturday, July 21, 2007 ((PhotoPhoto bbyy NNellell DDrumheller)rumheller) The Kwajalein Hourglass www.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html commentary It was better when we knew it was real Barry Bonds is now just a few hom- of course Aaron came to town. Even ers shy of breaking Henry Aaron’s though they were arch rivals, we mar- home run record and it makes me think veled at their baseball skills. of times long past. When the Yankees came to St. Louis I’ve said before that some of the fond- for the 1964 World Series, I saw Whitey est memories I have of time spent with Ford, Jim Bouton, Elston Howard, Joe my father are the baseball games he Pepitone and the great Mickey Mantle would take me to when I was a young- play in person. The Cardinals won that ster in the late ’50s and through the Series as my dad and I sat together, ’60s. Yeah, a long time ago. and it will always be one of the biggest We went to Sportsman’s Park on thrills of my life. played then — tough and all out. Grand Avenue in St. Louis, paid $1 There was the Red Sox World Series One of the sayings many people of each for general admission seats, and in 1966, the Detroit Tigers Series in my generation had drummed into our watched the Cardinals play America’s 1968 — so many games, so many heads was that ‘cheaters never win.’ game. In the mid-sixties, the new Busch magic moments and so many great ball These days, it seems the saying has Stadium was built on the riverfront. It players, I can’t even remember all of been changed to ‘you can’t win without was a nice stadium, but it never had them. cheating.’ the same ‘feel’ as Sportsman’s Park. Of And during all those games and all It’s a sad thing that players like Mark course the ticket prices got ridiculously the great hitting and pitching I saw, I McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Barry high. never once wondered whether I was Bonds, among others, will always be I’ve always felt privileged to have actually seeing natural ability or ‘perfor- under that dark steroid cloud. seen Cardinal players the likes of Stan mance enhancing’ drugs. I don’t think Bonds will ever be ac- Musial, Bob Gibson, Orlando Cepeda, Sure, pitchers threw a ‘spitter’ or cepted as the legitimate home run Curt Flood, Bill White, Tim McCarver, ‘Vaseline ball’ now and then, but heck, record holder by the majority of base- Julian Javier, Dick Groat, Roger Maris that was an art form, not cheating. That ball fans. That will always belong to (after his Yankee days) and the amaz- was as much a part of the game as Aaron. The possibility actually exists ing Lou Brock, among others. chewing tobacco and sliding hard into that Bonds might not be voted into the Visiting players such as Roberto a base with sharpened spikes fl ashing Hall of Fame. It will be interesting to see Clemente, Sandy Koufax, Don Drys- to intimidate infi elders and break up dale, Willie Mays, Willie McCovey and double plays. It was how the game was See BETTER, Page 12 To submit a letter to the edi- tor: Keep letters USAKA Person of the Week to less than 300 words, and keep com ments to Pedro Ferrer is a delight to work with the issues. No personal attacks will be printed. Letters must be signed. and has been with food service for three However, names will be withheld if requested. We will edit for years. His outstanding culinary and lead- Associated Press style, grammar ership abilities have lent to the ongoing and punctuation and if you exceed the word limit, will be edited for space. success of Café Pacifi c by providing deli- Limit one letter every 30 days. Send cious eye-appealing entrees to our island your letter to: The Hour glass, P.O. Box 23, Local; or Pedro Ferrer community hourglass @kls.usaka.smdc.army.mil. TThehe KKwajaleinwajalein HHourglassourglass The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department E-mail: [email protected] insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. It is which liberated the island from the forces of Im- published Saturdays in accordance with Army Regu- Commanding Offi cer......Col. Stevenson Reed perial Japan on Feb. 4, 1944. lation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Public Affairs Offi cer (acting)........Tamara Ward Range Services editorial staff. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized pub- Editor......................................Nell Drumheller lication for military personnel, federal employees, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555 contractor workers and their families assigned Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-3539; Graphics Designer..........................Dan Adler to U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll. Contents of The Local phone: 53539 Reporter..............................................JJ Klein Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial views of, Printed circulation:1,500 Distribution..................................C.J. Kemem The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, July 21, 2007 Buhl is new RTS commander Hirniak led, improved RTS, departs after two years By Nell Drumheller University of Louisville. Editor Reed told Buhl, “Listen to the voices of experi- Lt. Col. Justin Hirniak ence that you have down relinquished command at RTS. They will serve of the Ronald Reagan you well.” Ballistic Missile Defense The USAKA command- Test Site Friday to Lt. er concluded, “Eyes for- Col. Harold Buhl. ward, secure the high “I asked him to be a ground.” leader and lead people Hirniak took a few and make this a better minutes to thank those place. And that’s exactly who attended the cer- what he’s done,” Michael emony as well as those C. Schexnayder, deputy who have worked with to the commander for him during his two years Research, Development on Kwajalein. “I can’t and Acquisition at the say thanks enough,” U.S. Army Space and Hirniak said. “My hat’s Missile Defense Com- off to everyone here.” mand, said of Hirniak. He continued, “It’s go- Schexnayder was guest ing to get busy. There’s speaker at the ceremony a lot of work to do. And which was held in the it’s because of you show- Island Memorial Cha- ing up to work everyday, pel. He welcomed Buhl doing that coordination and advised him, “Your and dealing with the job is to leave this place hard and challenging better than you found it. problems that we’re vi- Simple. And when you able and we’re relevant leave set the condition into the future in test for the future,” he said, and evaluation com- insisting that Buhl must munity as well as the require those who fol- space operations side low him to do the same. of the house.” “We’re committed to Hirniak said that dur- Patricia and Reagan Buhl listen to Lt. Col. Justin Hirniak at helping this place sur- ing his two years as the change of command ceremony Friday. Buhl is the wife vive, because I think it RTS commander that of the incoming commander. (Photo by Lee Craker) is important,” he con- there was never an is- tinued. sue put in front of him where there those that “The world is a dan- “The Army has sup- work with and support gerous place. And in plied us with a super- RTS hadn’t already fig- this dangerous world star,” Col. Stevenson ured out a solution.” we have a critical mis- Reed, commander, “I am very humble in sion in helping to en- U.S. Army Kwajalein this great honor,” Buhl sure those blessings said of Buhl. Buhl has said. What makes it tre- of liberty; through the a bachelor of science mendous is the team.” Army, the Republic of degree in physics and The new RTS com- the Marshall Islands atmospheric science mander continued, “We and the U.S. of America. from Drexel University, have a great future, it’s So it’s a daunting chal- Philadelphia and a mas- bright and it’s full of lenge. My solemn prom- ter of science degree in challenges, and full of ise to you is that I won’t industrial engineering Spurs are traditional opportunities. You’ve from the Speed Engi- accessories for members of developed a track record See BUHL, Page 6 neering School at the the calvary. (Photo by Lee Craker) here of great success. Saturday, July 21, 2007 3 The Kwajalein Hourglass General claims NATO doesn’t deliver critical capabilities By Jim Garmone is short on “helicopters, maneuver seven countries that could contribute American Forces Press Service troops, aeromedical evacuation, more helicopters but, to date, have some medical, and some intelligence not done so. We have proposed that NATO countries have still not apparatus.” perhaps if we are not going to get he- manned the International Security When NATO assumed control of licopters from member nations that Assistance Force in Afghanistan to security operations in Afghanistan, they should put money up and we promised levels, the commander of the United States provided a “bridging could hire local indigenous helicop- the force said in Kabul, Afghanistan, force” with these assets until NATO ters, not to move NATO Soldiers, but Thursday.
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