THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 [email protected] [email protected] http://www.echo.net.au VOLUME 20 #40 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006 22,300 copies every week $1 at newsagents only DELIVERY FACILITATED BY AWB Kaye Hall named Woman of the Year Bangalow’s Kaye Hall has been to-none despite events in her named the Ballina Electorate’s personal life. Kaye has devoted Woman of the Year and nominated countless hours over the years to for the NSW Woman of the Year the Bangalow Chamber of award. It is a bittersweet announce- Commerce, and several other ment for this tireless community Bangalow community based groups. worker who has been battling can- Kaye is overwhelmingly deserving cer for the last few years. of being recognised for her efforts.’ Kaye described the award as a Anything that happens in ‘great honour’ but added ‘we’ve Bangalow it seems that Kaye is had a laugh about the possibility of there somewhere. The Bangalow meeting the governor-general [in Christmas Eve Carnival, the March at the State award cere- Bangalow Billy Cart Derby, the mony]. If it was a bit later I might Lions Club have all benefi ted from not get there,’ she said. her involvement. Member for Ballina Don Page She is a former president of the presented Kaye with her award on Bangalow Cricket Club, and was Friday night at the Bangalow one of the original group of Bowling Club. He described her as Bangalow residents who worked an obvious choice for the award hard to start up a community due to her never-ending dedication newspaper in the town, Bangalow to the Bangalow community. Heartbeat. As a journalist she has ‘Kaye is simply an inspiration. also written for The Echo and the Kaye Hall pictured with MP Don Page at Ballina electorate’s Woman of the Year announcement in Bangalow on Friday Her involvement with community Northern Star. night. ‘An overwhelmingly deserving choice,’ said Don. Photo Hans ‘I ain’t no JD’ Lovejoy organisations and events is second- continued on page 2 Selling art for Aunty State grabs more power on DAs The state government has taken a tor had ‘threatened to strip councils mine job creation and investment further step to increase its say over of their vital role in delivering devel- pointing out that the average pro- local development by announcing opment approvals. The Minister cessing periods for DAs have plans to step in to determine devel- says he will remove the planning increased by 20% over the past opment applications (DAs) if powers of councils which he four years, to an average of 53.4 Councils are too slow. declares to be under-performing in days. Latest fi gures show four out This week proposals will be intro- terms of time taken to reach critical of ten councils take longer than 40 duced into the NSW Parliament to decisions, without any defi nition of days on average to determine ‘deal with poorly performing and the criteria he will adopt. applications, with one council tak- slowcoach councils and unfair local ‘Communities across NSW ing an average of 160 days. levies,’ said Planning Minister should be extremely concerned. If Byron Shire Council has reduced Frank Sartor last Thursday. ‘These their councils don’t give approvals its average processing time, how- new laws expand on currently avail- in double quick time, the Minister ever, and it currently stands at 67 able powers and allow more fl exi- will remove their planning powers days. Council received 760 DAs bility to target problem areas. They and determine them himself in Far- last year. will be a last resort when a council rer Place or Macquarie Street. Mr Sartor’s offi ce said the pro- is failing to deal with planning mat- The state government has already posed reforms will also allow him ters effi ciently.’ taken over approval for sensitive to amend, repeal or approve a Turiya Bruce with young Coo Lehane getting a hands on art lesson. Local women The proposed laws will allow the and signifi cant developments on council development contribution artists have joined forces to raise money for The Aunty Program during the minister to appoint a planning the coast of NSW, including Bec- plan, amid concerns councils are Whole Woman Festival next month. Turiya Bruce, Biba Burgess, Cate Cormack, administrator, or a planning assess- ton’s North Beach DA and last drawing up unreasonable wish lists; Sharon Muir and Kathryn Fortuna are all offering their artworks for auction to ment panel, when councils are week announced they will be vet- and allow the Planning Minister to help Aunty help young women. The auction will take place on March 8 and 10 under-performing. The Local Gov- ting all new rezoning proposals amend a development control plan during the festival and women artists are also part of the festival’s opening ernment Association of NSW has before they go to the community or ask a council to do so. event at the Wet Paint Gallery, Uki, on March 3 from 6.30pm – all welcome. For reacted angrily to the move. for consultation. Spokesperson for local conserva- more information call Turiya Bruce on 6684 5485, or visit [email protected] President of the Association, Cr Mr Sartor said current trends tion group BEACON, Dailan Pugh or www.wholewoman.com.au. Photo Jeff ‘Whistler’s Mother’ Dawson Genia McCaffery, said Frank Sar- amongst councils could under- continued on page 2 ", -",/-ÊÊ7-",/-ÊÊ-1,Ê/-,/-ÊÊ-/ Ê/-,/-ÊÊ -Ê-77 ,ÊÊ -Ê "/ ÊÊ "9-ʳÊ,-Ê "/ ÊÊ *-ÊÊ/-ÊÊ /-Ê 7 /-,/-ÊÊ/" ,-Ê ,ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ/" -ÊÊ-" Ê -ÊÊ * -ÊÊ7/ -ÊÊ-1 -- -ÊÊ7 /-1/-ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ7 /-ÊÊ 7 ,9ÊÊ " 9 ", -ÊÊ -/ ", -Ê Ê , 7, Ê Ê ", -",/-Ê Ê 7-",/-Ê Ê -1,Ê /-,/-Ê Ê -/ Ê /-,/-Ê Ê -Ê -77 ,Ê Ê -Ê "/ Ê Ê "9-Ê ³Ê ,-Ê "/ ÊÊ *-ÊÊ/-ÊÊ /-ÊÊ7 /-,/-ÊÊ/" ,-Ê ,ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ/" -ÊÊ-" Ê -ÊÊ * -ÊÊ7/ -ÊÊ-1 -- -ÊÊ7 /-1/-ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ 7 /-ÊÊ 7 ,9ÊÊ " 9 ", -ÊÊ-/ ", -ÊÊ, 7, ÊÊ ", -",/-ÊÊ7-",/-ÊÊ-1,Ê/-,/-ÊÊ-/ Ê/-,/-ÊÊ -Ê-77 ,ÊÊ -Ê "/ ÊÊ "9-ʳÊ,-Ê "/-!33)6% ÊÊ *-ÊÊ/-ÊÊ /-ÊÊ7 /-,/-ÊÊ/" ,-Ê ,ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ/" -ÊÊ-" Ê -ÊÊ * -ÊÊ7/ -ÊÊ -1 -- -Ê Ê 7 /-1/-Ê Ê -" -Ê Ê 7 /-Ê Ê 7 ,9Ê Ê " 9 ", -Ê Ê -/ ", -Ê Ê , 7, Ê Ê ", -",/-Ê Ê 7-",/-Ê Ê -1,Ê /-,/-Ê -/ Ê/-,/-ÊÊ -Ê-77 ,ÊÊ -Ê "/ ÊÊ "9-ʳÊ,-Ê "/ ÊÊ *-ÊÊ/-ÊÊ /-ÊÊ7 /-,/-ÊÊ/" ,-Ê ,ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ/" -ÊÊ -" Ê -ÊÊ * -ÊÊ7/ -ÊÊ-1 -- -ÊÊ7 /-1/-ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ7 /-ÊÊ 7 ,9ÊÊ " 9 ", -ÊÊ-/ ", -ÊÊ, 7, ÊÊ ", -",/-ÊÊ 7-",/-#,%!2!.#%ÊÊ-1,Ê/-,/-ÊÊ-/ Ê/-,/-ÊÊ -Ê-77 ,ÊÊ -Ê "/ ÊÊ "9-ʳÊ,-Ê "/ ÊÊ *-ÊÊ/-ÊÊ /-ÊÊ7 /-,/-ÊÊ/" ,-Ê ,ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ/" -ÊÊ-" Ê -ÊÊ * -ÊÊ7/ -ÊÊ-1 -- -ÊÊ7 /-1/-ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ7 /-ÊÊ 7 ,9ÊÊ " 9 ", -ÊÊ-/ ", -Ê , 7, ÊÊ ", -",/-ÊÊ7-",/-ÊÊ-1,Ê/-,/-ÊÊ-/ Ê/-,/-ÊÊ -Ê-77 ,ÊÊ -Ê "/ ÊÊ "9-ʳÊ,-Ê "/ ÊÊ *-ÊÊ/-Ê /-ÊÊ7 /-,/-4()37%%+%.$/.,94(4(ÊÊ/" ,-Ê ,ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ/" -ÊÊ-" Ê -ÊÊ * -ÊÊ7/ -ÊÊ-1 -- -ÊÊ7 /-1/-ÊÊ-" -ÊÊ7 /-ÊÊ 7 ,9ÊÊ " 9 ", -ÊÊ-/ ", -ÊÊ, 7, ", -",/-ÊÊ7-",/-ÊÊ-1,Ê/-,/-ÊÊ-/ Ê/-,/-ÊÊ -Ê-77 ,ÊÊ -Ê "/ Ê "9-Ê³Ê - / Ê/ -Ê" 9 £{ÊÃÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊ ÞÀÊ >Þ ÓÊÃÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊ ÞÀÊ >Þ £ÇÊÃÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊ ÞÀÊ >Þ * °ÊÈÈnxÊÇn£ * °ÊÈÈnäÊnÓ * °ÊÈÈnxÊn£ÇÇÇ 2 February 28, 2006 Byron Shire Echo www.echo.net.au Local News Steve Brown hangs up his oven gloves Kaye Hall our Woman of the Year continued from front page "1/ "",Ê*"7 , Brought up in Bangalow, like many local residents +Õ>ÌÞÊÃ`iÊ she headed to Sydney to seek work, but returned 22 >`ÊÕÌ years ago when she married Bangalow boy, Terry Hall. The couple raised three 4RIMBEFORE children in the town, Ben YOUMOW who is now 20, 19-year-old Amy and Tom who has ÜÊVÃÌ]Ê iÊÜiÀÊÌÀ reached 17. Ten years ago Üi} ÌÊÜÌ Êv>ÃÌVÕÌÌ}Ê`ÕL Á on New Years Day tragedy ÕÌ ÕÌ Ê i>`Ê>`Êi>ÃÞÌà struck the family when wÊÌiÀ°Ê*ÀiÀÊLÕLÊ>`ÊÃÌ>ÀÌ} Terry died suddenly. For VÊ«ÀÛ`iÊv>ÃÌ]Êi>ÃÞÊÃÌ>ÀÌà many years Kaye organised sK7ENGINEPOWER -ÊÎn After more than 27 years in As a young man of 19 years cakes and pies for the families an annual car rally in Terry’s sCCENGINECAPACITY the baking business, Steve old, Steve started working for and the hospital staff,’ said memory. ¤ Brown has fi nally decided to the bakery’s previous owners, Jenny. s!UTO#UT CUTTINGHEAD fÓ{ Raising awareness of retire. the Bartz, and spent three Jenny also recalled the sKGDRYWEIGHT cancer has occupied much of Browns Bakery in Mul- years helping them establish occasion when Steve and Kaye’s time recently, in &3ONLY lumbimby has been a favour- the business. Then, at just 22 Nicholas chased a couple of #ANBE particular the Relay for Life &3ONLY ite among generations of years old, he bought it. It burglars across the roof of STARTEDBY a sponsored walk in Bangalow SMALL locals for bread, cakes and didn’t take long for him to Mallams Supermarket. &3#ONLY on April 1. CANINE pies, but Steve will not only gain a reputation for Nicholas had noticed the be remembered for his culi- supporting local charities, men very late one night and ‘I am proud of the fact nary skills; his boundless something he feels very called Steve, knowing that he that I have been the inaugural (EAVYDUTY generosity will be greatly strongly about.
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