Raising tuition Students respond to Carmen A guide to Super costs will controversial Cummings' Bowl festivities cheat students AIDS theory good news Opinion 4 Opinion 4 Lifestyles 7 Sports 8 The I amnan JANUARY 26, 1995 ' -/7. The Voice of Florida A&M University - Tallahassee, Fla. Vol.81 - No. 3 FAMU has worst graduation rates in SUS Giovanni said. 25 percent respectively. at Florida State University, the cancels visit Legislators may use poor The report, which tracked FAMU President Frederick school with the highest gradua- graduation rates to justify Florida's public university stu- Humphries said the main reason tion rate in the report. because of education spending cuts dents, found that less than 10 FAMU's graduation rate is lower In recent talks of possible percent of FAMU students gradu- than that of other state schools is budget cuts, legislators used lung tumor BY KATRINA MILES ated within four years if they because FAMU students general- FAMU's poor graduation rate as CORRSPONDENT enrolled from 1984 to 1989, and and ly come from poorer families an example to show why change BY INGRID MIDDLETON FAMU has the worst four- approximately 15 percent gradu- have to take semesters off to was needed in Florida's higher Sturn WIrTER ated in five years. work and save money for school. education spending patterns. year and five-year graduation Poet, author and lecturer The other eight state The average familial income The state is considering cut- rates in Florida's State University Nikki Giovanni, who was schools' four-year and five-year of students at FAMU is only System, a recent Board of scheduled to speak at FAMU graduation rates averaged 20 and $20,000 compared with $80.000 Regents accountability report PutSEE GR4DLATE/.3 today, canceled because doc- tors discovered a tumor in her lung. Giovanni was told about the tumor Tuesday. A dance offreedom "We just got the news," Orchesis she said in a phone interview Tuesday. "It's a little frighten- Contemporary ing ... It's not the happiest day Dance of my life." Theatre Giovanni, 51, said her performs at doctors scheduled a biopsy for their annual Friday, and instructed her not concert in to fly. However, she said she is Lee Hall going to try to keep as many auditorium of her speaking engagements Friday. as possible. SHITE Giovanni, who has been Please see involved in the black arts the story on movement for 25 years and White grabs Orchesis on has written several books, is Page 6. now a professor in the English department at Virginia steals record The Famuan/ KEVIN CLEMONS Polytechnic and Institute and State University in FROMSTAFr REPoRTS Blacksburg, Va. When it comes to steal- She was to speak at ing, nobody does it better than FAMU as part of the Black Natalie "Pocketbook" White. New loan program gets off to a slow start History Year Lecture Series' Tribute to the Creative Arts. The Rattlerette guard semester, the Federal Direct their loan money. Student Government broke the National Collegiate BY TACUMA ROEBACK STAFF WRIER Student Loan Program, started in But compared to the Association Vice President Athletic Association record 1993 by President Bill Clinton, University of Florida, the other Nyesha Cook said Giovanni for career steals Saturday This year FAMU implement- was introduced as a way to sim- state school using the new sys- was to discuss arts-centered night in a game at Howard ed a new system designed to plify the loan process and elimi- tem, FAMU's net check disburse- education. University. speed up loan distribution. But nate the need for private lenders. ment is weeks behind. Giovanni offered to Though the Rattlerettes with the tuition deadline already The direct loan system UF disbursed $25.7 million reschedule the lecture, but a fell 85-73 to the Lady Bison, passed for the spring semester, allows FAMU to approve loans during the first week of school postponement was not appro- had nine steals for the FAMU students won't start get- White itself, apply the loans to students' alone, said Stuart Hoskins, assis- night bringing her four-year ting net checks until Feb. 2 - a priate, Cook said. "Because of month into the semester. tuition and fees and send students tant controller at UF. the illness, it's a lot to ask," career total to 534, two steals net checks for the remainder of Cook said. more than Heidi Caruso, the At the beginning of the fall Pt4s sEELOA.S/2 former NCAA steals champi- on. But the senior graphic A rattler's strike is stricken, creates congressional stir arts student from Fort Valley. BY JACQUELINE LOVE Gingrich accepted Pa.. who demanded her words be stricken Ga., is no stranger to breaking STFF RITrR a $4.5 million advance from the Congressional Record. Walker records. attlers have had their voices and from HarperCollins, a referred to a House rule prohibiting represen- White holds the school words heard around the world. But tatives from making personal attacks on the record for most career steals, one graduate has gone to the opposite , 'whose- 1 Murdoch,owner, has Rupertissues speaker of the house. the NCAA and school record extreme - her words were "stricken from New York publisher House Democrats protested the action for most single-season steals the record." and complained that Republicans were mere- (172 in 1993-94), the NCAA FAMU graduate Rep. Carrie Meek, D- ly attempting to bully Meek. record for most steals as a Spendinugg. network.before Congress Fla., started another round in the debate over concerning his Fox TV freshman, the NCAA record House Speaker Newt Gingrich's controver- ButK Gingrich, Meek, who graduated from FAMU with for most steals as a junior and sial book deal when she brought up questions Speaerarnshasgrowmuhas who later accepted isesdpn a $1 a bachelor's degree in biology and physical the NCAA record for most of "impropriety" and "conflicts of interests" advance instead, said he did not know education, was elected representative of steals in a game. in a one-minute speech Jan. 18. Murdoch. Miami's 17th Congressional District in 1992. She also led the "News accounts tell us that while the "If anything, now, how much the She was the only Democrat elected that year Rattlerettes Saturday in scor- speaker may have given up the $4.5 million Speaker earns has grown much more depen- to be named to the powerful House ing with 19 points, in advance, he stands to gain that amount and dent upon how hard his publishing house Appropriations Committee. Before she was rebounding with 10 and in much more," Meek said. "That's a whole lot hawks his book," Meek continued before she elected to the House, Meek served as a state assists with seven. of dust where I come from." was interrupted by Rep. Robert S. Walker, R- representative and a state senator. 2 THE FAMUAN /JANUARY 26, 1995 fR)tI And ince J 10.In [F has iued tern can handle over Sl U million." i .JAVAL UNE direct loans in excess of $30 million. O'Kelly said. NAVY * A "Because it was our first time using Before the new system, loans were **t the direct loan system, FAMU ran into approved and sent to students through some transition problems," said Robert private banks and financial institutions. O'Kelly, assistant university controller. "Even though some student aid will But Wilma McKay, associate direc- be delayed," O'Kelly said, "the majority tor of information resource manage- of students will be receiving aid faster ment, blames the federal government for than the old net check system." * FOUR-YEAR, THREE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR the problem. Royal said about 95 percent of the SCHOLARSHIPS THAT PAY FOR TUITION AND "The government wasn't exactly students should get their loan money on FEES, BOOKS PLUS $150 A MONTH STIPEND timely in the dissemination of software the first disbursement. information, so we had to play catch The net check system has been in * MINORITY SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THOSE WHO up," McKay said. place at FAMU since 1986 by the QUALIFY "We were backed up a week and a Standard Software Development half to two weeks," said Alton Royal, Services, an information resource man- * OPPORTUNITIES TO EARN A COMMISSION IN director of financial aid. agement company which is a part of the NAVY OR MARINE CORPS FAMU also had to deal with more Board of Regents. THE loans. Royal said there were about 1,300 A net check is awarded to a student * OPPORTUNITIES TO DEVELP LEADERSHIP more loans and disbursements than last whose financial aid exceeds what he or year. This semester FAMU is expected she owes the university. AND MANAGEMENT SKILLS to disburse over $10 million in student If a student's financial aid award is loans. That's up from the $8.6 million less than what he or she owes, then the disbursed last semester. student is sent a letter explaining how To find out if you have the Right Stuff "WVe're not sure ifthe net check svs- the aid was applied to their expenses. Come and see us in the Perry-Paige Bldg. (FAMU) '2. 4 o0 lege Student THE FAfIAN/JANUARY26. 1995 3 UitADUT F CLASSIFIED ADS Feoi I ting educational spending by Department of Education, the and Princeton. ATTENTION STU- Tel: (818)772-7168; more than $100 million, freeing national average for college "The students we have DENTS! Over $5 billion in (818)998-4425. CRUISE money that could be spent to graduation is actually six years. coming fare better than those private sector grants & SHIPS NOW HIRING - battle crime and increase prison " FAMU has the lowest when that report was being scholarships is now avail- Earn up to 52,000+/month space.
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