T U E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2, 1960 Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather - Ferecaat of C. S. Weathtr Ba For the Week Ended Jan. so, ISSO PAGE FOURTEEN, iMattftitgBlgr gttMting Ijgralb Partly Mondy aa< '‘saUar night, low lS-18. Thefeiegr ' 'DAR-to Hear Talk 13,071 Ky iUr, little change ta The Waddell School J T A will • freed^ ry** Mmbar of the Audit meet tomorrow beginning with an Lutz Museum Launches By State Historian Bureau of OlrenlaHoB. About Town open house for parenU to visit ugrettdrug • Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm classrooms at 7:30 p.m. Miss Joyce Green, curriculum asalataht for "History Through Literature: The Manchester' Italian Ameri­ PARKADE (Claaatfled Advertlring on Page IS) P R IC E F IV E can Club will hold a committee language in Glastonbury schools, Membership Campaign Some of the Great Historical Nov­ VOL. LXXIX, NO. 165 (ENGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1960 meeting Friday at 8 p.m. at the will speak at 8:30 on the elemen­ els.” wlU be the subject of Miss clubhouse to discuss plans for the tary school language program. Esther D. Griswold, state DAR his­ 10th annual banquet slated Satur­ "Mancheater’s Heritage’’ will be^Butler, Mrs. Richard Carpenter. Mrs. Edgar Clarke and Mrs. torian, from ^ rlln , at a m eetli^ day, Feb. 27. Members of the Italian "Ameri­ the theme of an adult nsember- Hyde. of 'Orford Parish Chapter, D 7 on Burning Boat Let’s. Face lt:i can Society will meet tomorrow ahlp drive fbr Luts Junior Museum Syria A irs Joseph Lopes, 48 Spruce S t, left at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse to pro- Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at thCxhome during February. for Belverdere, Sicily, yesterday to I ceed to the John F. Tierney of Mrs. James iRichmond^^^ Sum­ LECLERC visit his parents, whom he hasn't .Funeral Home. 210 W. Center St., A special historical exhiWl.wlll 812 Roonis for Clash Cbaminade Holds mit, St. i / i „ FUNERAL HOME seen for 13 years. to pay final respects to Alfred open Saturday and continue during 'Hte speakeb is‘ a/retired, ^ g - -Bausola, a member of the sociejiy. the month at Bhe museum, 126 lish teacher lii New York City Classes Lost The auxiliary of the Italian Pollack, Musicale Rescuers Use Manchester Emblem Club will C/Cdiu* St high schools, p t(a a . past FINERAL observe District Deputy Night t^ American Club and the Alplna John McBJlraevy, president of chairman DAR Good Citi­ On Frontier morrow at 8 p.m. at the K of C Society will both rneet at the the museum, will be interviewed More than 60 members of the zen committee. SERVICE Hartford, Feb 3 (fl>)— "The Home. The club w ill honor Mrs. Tierney Funeral H0m,e at 7:30 p.m. Cbaminade Musical Club attended Mrs. Iloward Roy, Good Citizen ;ase of the vanishing class­ by Kathy Godfrey oh Friday at Walter N. Jerusalem, Feb. 3 (/P>— John Murphy of Rockville Lodge, tomorrow for the same purpose. a potluck last night in the Robbins chalraian, will ; present the Good 11:30 a.m. oi^f- radio ittatiop LecJerc, rooms” Has mystified re­ who was recently appointed dis- Mrs. Bausola is a member of the boom at Center, Congregational Cltiieen pin aWard to Miss Jean Damaged Dory The Syrians reported a new W IN P about the many program* searchers of the Connecticut Alplna Society. Church preceding the club’s musi­ Director shooting today on the Israeli- trict deputy of Eastern Connect!- and services provided by the mu­ Jiurtin, daughter of General Man­ Public Expenditure (Council. cut. Officers will rehears* at 7 cal program. ager and Mrs. 1 Richard Martin. Syrian frontier, but Israeli Fallot Photo seum for both adults and lAlldren. Call Mi 9-5869 •The council, a privately financ­ p.m. Members of the Troop 3 Boy Mrs. Allan S. Taylor, chairman An honored guest was Mrs. Mary Engaged Miss Martin, w|th other girls se­ New Bedford, Mass., F eb . 8 t « » t at the and worked toeir 23 Main Street, Mancheiter ed economy group, said today it ahd-^United Nations spokes­ Scout Committee will oiaet at of the museum’s membership com­ Taylor, a charter member of the ’The engagement of'Mlaa Jabque lected for this qWard in the state, way forward. Engaged club. (/F)— Two explosions and fire has been unable to reconcile "dis­ men declared all was quiet. A Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma­ Camp Johnson in Bolton tomoirow mittee, at a meeting last night, line Lorraine Alves to Jjriui Clif­ will be guests qf the Connecticut The men nibved ahead of the at 7 p.m. Dinner will be served be­ Dr. Melvin Horwitz spoke to the DAR, and will be guests on a tour early today sent an 880,000 crepancies” over the periodic class­ heavy rain dfenqltod the dis­ sons, wlU meet tomorrow at the The engagement of Miss May reported there are noW 234 adult ford Whitridge III is/Announced fire, knowing it had made such room listings supplied by school Masonic Temple at 7:30 p.m. The fore the meeting. For information, Marjorie Lehto-to David Crawford group about Manchester Commun­ by her parents, Mr. aria Mrs. Jack of the State Library and Capitol fishing dragger to the bottom puted demiHtari^ik.z one members. The committee has s ity Concerts Inc. headway, Cleary said, that it was superintendents in Connecticut. Oppose Royal Arch Degree will be con­ committee memberis may contact Hair is annoi'ncod by her parents, V. Alvea, 1.63 SprmJe St. with a luncheon In New Britain on southeast of the Sea m Gali­ goal of 600 adult members as a ’’.These We Have Loved” was the of the sea— but not until its futile to try to extinguish it. f e r r e d . Refreshments and a social Herbert Meier, 26 Griffin Rd.. or Mr. and Mrs. Esko Lehto of Ster­ Her fiance la/the son of Mrs. F6b "On the face of it,” the council result o I the current, drive. Mrs. theme of the musical program seven crewmen were rescued Capt. Jo8eph‘‘ Rondeiro_,of Ston- lee. ^ hour will follow the ceremony. John Neilson, 49 Harlan St. ling. Her fiance is the sort-.'of Mr. Taylpr dfstflbuted- ' information John C. W h ^ d g e Jr. of South Hostesses for the meeting will I said, “ one would suppose that which included two Chopin piano by a fellow fisherman at Ington, Conn., skipper ' of the counting classrooms would be easy St. Mary’s Guild will. meet and Mrs. Daniel-L. Hair of. Man kits to those^ho-will make infor­ Norwalk, Mid the late John C. be Mrs, Steven Williams. Mrs. Notice prelude's by Mrs.-George Hunt, a America, said he was shout twb —much easier than counting pu Jerusalem, Feb. 3 <^)-^Syr- 1 Thursday at 11 a.m.'in the Guild Chester. mal cwitacts IH the drive ter new Whitrldge'jr. I Raymond Georgei and Mrs. Millard great peril. 24 H o u r Handel ' sonata and Glazounov and a half miles away when he room at St. Mary's Episcopal ’The bride-elect is a graduate of Botb^tlie bride-elect and her! Park. The doomed veeael was the Star pils. AftC^ all, classrooms do stay ians' announced shooting re­ membem. meditation by Mrs. I.,eland to w ­ Lucky Lady Self Service spotted the blazing Star of the Church. Members will provide the University of Connecticut flaiyjA are with the U.S. State De- a t tte Sea, owned by Gapt. Kevin put. They do not move out of town sumed on the Syrian-Israeli Others on the membership cora- ard. violinist, and ■ Mrs, Robert Sea about 7:30 p.m. He. sped to their own sandwiches. Beverage where she majo.-ed '.n English. Her ppnment at tlie American cousii- Laundry (11' Maple C3ea^, SI. Dwcheater, who was or graduate. mlb:ee are Mrs. L. Theodore Huri, Martin, platiist. the side of the dragger. frontier today. and dessert will be served- by the fiance is studying fine arts at the ite in Frankfurt, Germany. •board M Ms ektpper. "Nevertheless, tsebool superin­ 6 0 d D _ Mrs. Richard McLagan, Mrs. Wll^ Miss Janet M or:^, soprano, Street, across from First A Damascus spokesman for the A ir A lert hostesses. Mrs. Earl Rohan, Mrs. University of Hartford. liam MalkeiMOn, Mrs. Donald Con­ Miss Alves was graduated from A ll 'dfiren were rescued by the Ronedeiro said' all seven of the tendents find classrooms hard to United Arab Republic’s army said Cespi’s ' ‘Ah Quanto e Verd;' Manchester-High School, in 1949. Walter Aitkin, and Mrs. Elisabeth Both are employed by the. sales rad and Miss Epther Granstrom, National parking lot) ' flehiqg veaee], America, through Star of the "Sea crew were hud­ count." U AR positions and that Israeli Kennedy. comnanied bv Mrs. W iUlant^lop She attended night classes al Hlll- an ingenious use of ropes and one dled on the bow as the flam es; Connecticut, for example, the and service department of Pratt Jfc The members^ir.h?b»mittee has oenbere at the oianp. Vojuif soloi will be closed for a few machine gunners then opened fire. Washington,, Feb. 3 (4^— NEWS yer College and University of damaged dory. j ate their way toward them. classroom count by superinten- Whitney Aircraft in East Hartford been augmented for' the drive to were slso oresented by Jars.
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