alkaloids 293 Allee effects 178, 179 Index Allee, Warder Clyde 172, 178 Allegheny River 301 A Allentown, Pennsylvania 271, 272, 274 altissima, Ageratina 55 Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel Uni- altissima, Ailanthus 48, 49, 57, 62, 181, 182 versity 45, 77, 89, 111, 151, 178, 198, Amaranthus 26 247, 276. See also Academy of Natural Amaranthus hybridus 184 Sciences of Philadelphia Amaranthus retroflexus 180 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2, Ambigolimax valentianus 172 35, 48, 53, 68, 78, 87, 111, 118, 155, 164, Ambrosia 26 168, 179, 206, 208, 212, 216, 230, 300 Ambrosia artemisiifolia 203, 296 Acanalonia conica 228 Ameiurus catus 216 Acanthocephala 168–170 Ameiurus nebulosus 215–226. See also brown “An Account of the Crustacea of the United bullhead catfish States” 164 americana, Malacosoma 51 Acer 78 americana, Phytolacca 140–142 acerifolia, Platanus 5 americana, Setophaga [Parula] 67–74. See Acer negundo 314 also parula warblers Acer palmatum 41 American Civic Association 243 Acer platanoides 247 American crow 150 acid rain 299 American Ornithologist’s Union 70 Acrelius, Israel 128, 130 American Ornithology 9, 140 adventitium, Bipalium 136 American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia Aedes aegypti 307 48, 174, 238 Aedes albopictus 307 American robin 138, 139–149, 298, 301, 303, aegypti, Aedes 307 306 Aesculus sp. 16 American Spiders and Their Spinning Work 96 Ageratina altissima 55 American toad 230 aggregation behavior americanus, Bufo 230 agricultural pests 274, 275. See also specific American Water Works Association 301 pests Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 117, 123 Ailanthus altissima 48, 49, 57, 62, 181, 182 Amphibia 230 ailanthus silkmoth 45–52, 316 amphibians, urban dryness and 230–231 ailanthus tree 20, 28, 46–47, 50, 53, 57, 62, 63, Amphidasys betularia 245. See also peppered 64, 65–66, 181, 182, 307, 317 moths ailanthus webworm moth 55–64, 81 Anas platyrhynchos 269 protective traits 62–63 Animal Aggregations: A Study in General Sociol- survival in Pennsylvania 65 ogy 172 vs. cynthia moth 58 annual cicada 281 air pollution 179, 243, 245–246, 249, 298–300 annuus, Erigeron 180 abatement of 245 annuus, Helianthus 143 liverworts and 244–245 Antheraea polyphemus 50, 77–88 mosses and 244–245 antheridea 242 recovery of tree moss after abatement of antheridium 239 246–247 Anthropocene 298, 299 refuges from 248 ants 62, 118, 249 Air Pollution Control Board 245 pavement 270 Aix sponsa 269 velvet ants 115 alba, Ardea 224 aphids 236, 285, 293 alba, Melilotus 282 Aphis nerii 236 Alberta, Canada 142, 214 Apis mellifera 175, 176 albicollis, Zonotrichia 257 Aporrectodea rosea 131, 136 albo-atrum, Verticillium 63 aposematic coloration 58, 60, 61, 62, 65 albopictus, Aedes 307 archegonium 238, 239 album, Chenopodium 85, 180, 184, 214, 313 Ardea alba 224 algae 191, 223 Ardea herodias 223 From Ecology of Center City, Philadelphia by Kenneth D. Frank. Published in 2015 by Fitler Square Press, Philadelphia, PA. 368 Área de Conservación Guanacaste 57 barnyard grass 313 areolaris, Climacea 212–213, 300 Barrows, William Bradford 22, 23–24, 24 argenteum, Bryum 192, 193, 244, 248, 301 Barton, Benjamin Smith 147, 174, 176, 264 argus, Channa 226 Barton, William P. C. 145, 176, 188 Arizona 143 Bartram, John 106, 107, 111, 116, 184, 298 Arkansas 256 Bartram’s Garden 121, 138, 154, 162, 314 Armadillidium 163–171 Bartram, William 147, 148, 184, 301 Armadillidium nasatum 163, 171 bass 223 Armadillidium vulgare 164, 165, 166, 168, 172 bats Arnold, Gerald E. 301 barn 254 Artemisia vulgaris 195–202, 296. See also big brown 254 mugwort collections of in nineteenth-century Philadel- artemisiifolia, Ambrosia 203, 296 phia 254 arthropods 164, 235, 249, 286 comparison with birds 257 Asclepias 62 harms and benefits of overwintering in Center Asclepias curassavica 60, 62, 184 City 262 Asclepias incarnata 184 house 254 Asclepias syriaca 58, 61, 173–183, 236, 285, 305, in a state of torpor 257, 257–260 313. See also milkweed in Center City 254 Asclepias tuberosa 184 little brown 89 Asian tiger mosquitos 307 mouse-eared 303 Asplenium platyneuron 187, 305 rabies and 258, 261–262 asters 26, 203 regulation of body temperature 256 atalanta, Vanessa 51, 52 silver-haired 253–261 ater, Molothrus 146–147 tricolored 261 Atlantic Flyway 266 white-nose syndrome and 260, 261–262 atropurpurea, Pellaea 185–192, 305 Beatley, Timothy 317 Atteva aurea 55–64, 81. See also ailanthus bedbug 166, 234 webworm moth bee fly 115 Audubon, John James 140, 142 bees 30, 118, 121, 122, 125, 154, 174, 175, 176, aulacomnium moss 249 182, 183, 315 aurea, Atteva 55–64, 81 beetles 58, 286 auritus, Lepomis 221 lady beetles 285–294, 287, 290, 291 auritus, Phalacrocorax 224 soldier beetles 181, 182 Autographa precationis 84 Belvidere, New Jersey 3 aviculare, Polygonum 180 Benjamin Franklin Parkway 78 axyridis, Harmonia 285–294, 297 Benjamin Rush Medicinal Plant Garden 130 Benson, Etienne 8 B Benton, Allen 120 bacteria 191 Berks County 9, 210 bagworm 33–52, 308 Bermuda grass 313 eggs of 36–37 Bernhard, Karen M. 272 electric lighting and 41 berries 144–145, 149, 306. See also specific mating of 35, 36, 41–42 berries new enemies of 42 Betula 78 nineteenth-century outbreaks 38 Betula nigra 88–89 termination of recent outbreaks 42 betularia, Amphidasys 245 Baily, William L. 70 betularia, Biston 245, 300 Baker, Herbert George 177–179 Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus 271–282. See also stink Baker’s Law 177–179 bug hunters bald cypresses 298 Biddinger, David J. 274, 281 bald eagles biennis, Oenothera 180 bald-faced hornets 124, 125 big brown bat 254. See also bats Barber, H. S. 130 bimaculata, Melissodes 315 Barclay, Robert M. R. 256 biocontrol 275, 281–283 Bardsley, John W. 20 biophilia 78 barn bats 254. See also bats Biophilic Cities 317 Barney, Jacob 196 Bipalium adventitium 136 369 Bipalium pennsylvanicum 135–138. See lamp fixtures and 94–96, 97 also flatworms mud daubers and birches 78, 88–89 use of visual lures to attract prey 100–101 birding, recreational 9 webs of 97, 98–99, 100 birds. See also specific birds broad-headed sharpshooters 228 decline in populations of urban 25 broadleaf plantains 180 electric lighting and 68–75 brook trout polarized light and 76 Brower, Lincoln 62 birdseye pearlwort 241, 242 brown bullhead catfish 215–226, 300, 307, 316, Birds of America 140, 142 317 bisselliella, Tineola 89 abundance of in Schuylkill River 216 Biston betularia 245, 300. See also peppered charisma 227 moths diet of 216–219, 219 bittersweet 86, 144, 145 disappearance of 226–227 black and yellow mud daubers 105–116, 298, in Schuylkill River 226–227 306 pollution and 219–225, 225–226 as hunters 110–111 power plant intake pipes and longevity of populations of 114–115 power plant water intake pipes and 227 powers of reasoning attributed to 110 tumors in 225–226 prehistoric links to human houses 115 brown lacewing 295 spiders and 113, 114 brown marmorated stink bug 272–273, 281 urban lighting and 112 as agricultural pests 274–275 Black River 225 theoretical ideal agent for control of 275 blackseed plantains 32 Brush Electric Company 79 black swallowtails 51 bryophytes 244, 247, 248 bladder ferns 305 bryozoans 206, 212 Blatta orientalis* 44 Bryum argenteum 192, 193, 244, 248, 301 Block, Timothy A. 5 bryum moss 244 blowflies 194, 249, 251 bubonic plague 14 blue jays 62 buckeye 32 Boathouse Row 111, 112, 113, 116, 223, 231 Bufo americanus 230 Boisselier-Dubayle, Marie-Catherine 252 Bug Fest 276 Bombus impatiens 122 bugs 58, 276. See also insects Bombyliidae 115 leaf-footed 276 Bombyx mori 48 bug zappers 89 borealis, Epilachna 294 building maintenance, mud daubers and 116 borealis, Lasiurus 254 bulkheading 226–227 Borrelia burgdorferi 143, 149 bullfrog 231 Botanicum Officinale 196 bull thistle 180 Botanologia 196 bumblebees 122, 182 Bourletiella hortensis 249, 250, 251 Bureau of Boiler Inspectors 245 Bowen, Daniel 79 burgdorferi, Borrelia 143, 149 boxelders 314 butterflies 30, 32, 162 boxwood leaftier moths 83 monarch 58, 59, 60, 62, 184 brachyrhynchos, Corvus 150 viceroy 58 Branta canadensis 263–268. See also geese butterfly weed 184 Branta canadensis maxima 233, 267. See also giant Canada geese C Brassicaceae 51 cabbage white 51 Breeding Bird Survey 9, 78, 142 caementarium, Sceliphron 105–116 brevipedunculata, Ampelopsis 117, 123 caespitum, Tetramorium 270 Brewer, Thomas M. 22 Calhoun, John C. 275 bridge spiders 91–102, 302, 316 Calliphoridae 194, 249, 251 aggression within colonies of 103 Callosamia promethea 50, 87 capture of prey 94–96 calycula, Erythroneura 228 colonies of 103 Camden, New Jersey 196, 198 diurnal vs. nocturnal activity 94–97 Canada 190, 214, 256, 267 food security and 103–104 Canada Department of Agriculture 180 370 Canada geese 233, 263–268, 307, 309, 316 habitats of 309–313 adaptations to cold 269 light pollution in 79–80, 81 breeding of 264 map of v domestication of 267 people in 307 local nesting of 266 persecution in 305 mixed populations in the winter 267–269 populations in 307–309 canadensis, Branta 263–268 sewage system of 311 canadensis, Erigeron 180 centipedes 235 canadensis, Solidago 196 European 171 Canadian Atlas of Bird Banding 148 Central America 143, 147 Candelaria concolor 104 Central Park 10 caninus, Mutinus 249, 251 centrarchids 221 Cantheridae 181 cestodes 221 Cape Cod 97 chalcid wasps 51, 115 Cape May 142 Channa argus 226 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy 316 channel catfish 226, 317 carcinogens 225, 226 charismatic species 227 carcinoma 225 Chauliognathus marginatus 181, 182 cardenolide poisons 62 Chenopodium 26 Cardinalis cardinalis 148, 257, 303 Chenopodium album 85, 180, 184, 214, 313 cardinal 148, 257, 303 Chenopodium sp. 143 cardui, Vanessa 51 cheopis, Xenopsylla 14 Carlisle, Pennsylvania 191 cherry trees 144 Carolina mantids 151, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, Chesapeake Bay 267 160, 162, 307 Chester County 135, 188, 199, 200 carolina, Stagmomantis 151, 155, 156, 157, 158, Chestnut Street Bridge 92–93, 95, 305 159, 160, 162 Chicago, Illinois 73 carolinensis, Sciurus 7–16 chickweed 180 carota, Daucus 184, 282 chicory 122 carpenter bees 122 Chikungunya fever 307, 308 Carpodacus mexicanus 303 Children’s Hospital 120 Carson, Rachel 9, 213 Chinatown 313 Carter, M.
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