E88 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks February 8, 2000 I urge this body to identify and recognize Martin Banda is an 11-year member of the of the administrators, physicians, nurses and others in their congressional districts whose Boys and Girls Club of Harlingen, Texas. The other staff of Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, actions have so greatly benefitted and enlight- circumstances of Martin's life are the sort that a renowned 350-bed hospital within Brooklyn's ened America's communities. would make many people lose hope. Growing 10th Congressional District. For over 100 f up in the Lemoyne Gardens housing project in years, this facility has served the residents of Harlingen, Martin could easily have chosen an Brooklyn with pride. IN REMEMBRANCE OF EARL easy but dangerous life on the streets. I also ask that we take a moment out of our LESTER COLE But a higher power led Martin to join the daily business to commend Wyckoff for its ex- Boys and Girls Club. He thanks the Lord for traordinary work throughout the years, and for HON. JULIAN C. DIXON guiding him to the Club because it is a safe going that extra mile this month by sponsoring OF CALIFORNIA sanctuary from the street. But Martin's obsta- the 1st annual men's health symposium. This IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cles were not just on the streets. His father symposium entitled ``The First Step of Em- was incarcerated when Martin was just 5 powerment is Taking Care of Your Health'' will Tuesday, February 8, 2000 years old, quickly making Martin the man of be held on Monday, February 14, 2000, and Mr. DIXON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay the house. This responsible young man took will take the extraordinary step of focusing on tribute to Earl Lester Cole, one of the great care of his mother and two sisters by dis- men's health in Brooklyn, and throughout this pioneers whose exemplary years of service as ciplining himself and focusing his life around nation. an educator at Grambling State University positive things. Although there are numerous individuals spanned nearly half a century. Earl Lester I understand the trauma with losing a father who have worked to create this program, I Cole's tenure at Grambling began in 1936 as early; my own father died when I was 16, want to applaud the efforts of four individuals: a science teacher; advancing through the leaving me the oldest male in the house. But Dominick Gio, president & CEO; Pradeep ranks of the faculty, becoming dean in 1946 young Martin had to face that reality and re- Chandra, MD, chairman, Internal Medicine; and was appointed vice president in 1969. sponsibility much earlier in life than I did, and Nirmal Matto, MD, senior vice president, Med- ``Dean Cole'' as he was affectionately called under different circumstances, so it is hard to ical Affairs/director of Nephrology; and William even after assuming the vice presidency, can see how difficult that event marked his young Green, vice president, Ambulatory Services. be remembered for his active involvement in life. They each have worked tirelessly to ensure implementing curriculum which is considered While Martin is grateful to them, the Boys that Wyckoff does not lose the focus of its to be the cornerstone to courses now being and Girls Club and Harlingen are grateful to mission: to provide excellence in care through offered at Grambling State University. Even Martin as well. Martin is a role model for the prevention, education and treatment. In to- after his retirement in 1977, Earl Lester Cole other young people in the Boys and Girls day's health care environment, their unwaver- continued to advise members of the faculty Club. He has great athletic ability, having ing energy and steadfast determination toward and administrators. played on several championship football improving our health care delivery system is Mr. Cole was highly respected by his former teams. But he is mostly admired for his strong truly a beacon of hope for the future. colleagues and students and is described as a leadership skills, developed first by his partici- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my es- true professional, a good administrator, and a pation in the Torch Club and later by his serv- teemed colleagues join me in commending the truly outstanding man who is credited for the ice as vice president of the Keystone Club. At work of Wyckoff Heights Medical Center and positive influence in the educational advance- last count, Martin has already won $29,000 in its dedicated staff. It is truly a shining star in ment of his former students. Honesty and a scholarships. This is a very determined young Brooklyn! fullness of integrity were accolades from those man who will continue his education on his f who knew him well. Over the years, he had merit. Martin is a senior in high school and is a THE STATE CHILDREN'S HEALTH been recognized for his numerous contribu- member of the National Junior Honor Society INSURANCE PROGRAM INTEG- tions to Grambling, culminating 10 years ago with a 3.75 GPA. It isn't just a pleasure, it is RITY ACT OF 2000 in the naming of the university's honors col- an honor, for me to represent this young man lege, the Earl Lester Cole Honors College. in Congress. I ask my colleagues to join me His influential involvement in the community HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK today in commending Martin Banda, the OF CALIFORNIA brought several businesses to the university Southwest Youth of the Year winner for his tri- and as an active member of New Rocky Val- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES umph over the odds and his dedication to ex- Tuesday, February 8, 2000 ley Baptist Church, ``Dean Cole'' was instru- cellence. mental in the construction of a building for the f Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I join today with church. Rep. SHERROD BROWN, the ranking Democrat Mr. Speaker, Earl Lester Cole recently suc- PERSONAL EXPLANATION on the Commerce Health Subcommittee, and cumbed after a prolonged illness at the age of my California colleagues Representatives 89. He can be remembered as a man who HON. JULIA CARSON HENRY WAXMAN, GEORGE MILLER, BOB MATSUI, gave much to the field of higher education at OF INDIANA ANNA ESHOO, TOM LANTOS, XAVIER BECERRA a historically black university, always exuded a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and LYNN WOOLSEY to introduce the State commanding presence during his lifetime. In Tuesday, February 8, 2000 Children's Health Insurance Program Integrity his passing ``Dean Cole'' will be deeply missed Act of 2000. by his family, colleagues and friends. Our Ms. CARSON. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- This legislation would prohibit any State heartfelt sympathy to his wife, Garnett, his two ably absent Monday, January 31, 2000 Children's Health Insurance Program (S± children, and Elouise Martin, his sister-in-law. through Wednesday February 2, 2000, and as CHIP) from allowing a health plan to simulta- f a result, missed rollcall votes 2 through 7. Had neously administer and participate in the state I been present, I would have voted ``yes'' on plan. While it is simply a technical correction MARTIN BANDA rollcall vote 2, ``yes'' on rollcall vote 3, ``yes'' to S±CHIP, it is important technical correction on rollcall vote 4, ``yes'' on rollcall vote 5, that would eliminate a very real potential for HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ ``yes'' on rollcall vote 6, and ``no'' on rollcall conflict of interest problems caused by health vote 7. OF TEXAS plans playing dual roles in state programs. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The need for this legislation was first brought to our attention in 1998 when Cali- Tuesday, February 8, 2000 HONORING WYCKOFF HEIGHTS MEDICAL CENTER FOR ITS DEDI- fornia initially granted a contract to a partici- Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- CATED SERVICE TO BROOKLYN pating health plan to also administer the state leagues to join me in commending an out- CHIP plan. In fact, that health plan withdrew standing young man from my district in South its application and the State went with a non- Texas, Martin Banda, who was the Southwest HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF NEW YORK health plan alternative administrator. Region Youth of the Year in 1999 as part of We are now reintroducing the bill and urging IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and the its swift passage because it may soon be an National Youth of the Year Program. They Tuesday, February 8, 2000 issue in California again and could easily be- only choose five winners nationally, so this Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to come an issue elsewhere since there is noth- was an enormous honor. honor the unwavering service and dedication ing in federal law that prohibits states from VerDate 27<JAN>2000 04:11 Feb 09, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08FE8.036 pfrm04 PsN: E08PT1 February 8, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E89 granting such contracts. The second adminis- vember 8, 1999 by voice vote and currently In the movie ``Life is Beautiful'' the child sur- trative vendor contract will be negotiated in awaits action in the U.S. Senate. vives the concentration camp because his fa- California later this year. Without Congres- You may remember that Mr. Ileto, a resident ther is clever enough to hide him each day. sional action on this issue, it is likely that there of Chino Hills, was the postal employee who The child is led to believe that he is playing a will once again be competition among partici- was murdered on August 10, 1999 by Buford game with the SS soldiers.
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