SIN 319 AND VOSKR 27 AND THE TRIODION CYCLE IN THE LITURGICAL PRAXIS IN RUSSIA DURING THE STUDITE PERIOD Svetlana Poliakova ___________________________________________________ A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Social and Human Science of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology JUNE, 2009 i Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Musicais, realizada sob a orientação científica do Professor Doutor Manuel Pedro Ferreira (FCSH-UNL), com a co-orientação do Professor Doutor Christian Troelsgard (Universidade Copenhaga). ii Apoio financeiro da FCT e do FSE no âmbito do III Quadro Comunitário de Apoio. Bolsa de Investigação com a referência SFRH / BD / 16486 / 2004. iii iv To my daughter Taísia v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The completion of this thesis was made possible thanks to the assistence of a number of institutions and individuals in Eastern and Western Europe, and in North America. I gratefully acknowledge the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) of the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior for its award of a Doctoral Fellowship (2004-2008), and the support of the Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM) at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. I would like to express my deep gratitude to my two supervisors, Manuel Pedro Ferreira and Christian Troelsgard. Among Russian scholars, the writing of this thesis benefited from multiple and constant consultations, as well as the human support, of M. A. Momina and T. F. Vladyshevskaia, who inspired and supervised the preliminary stages of my research, carried out as part of the masters' course at the Tchaikovsky Higher Conservatoire in Moscow. Invaluable help was provided by scholars from a number of countries – Drs Svetlana Kujumdzieva, Alexander Lingas, A. N. Kruchinina and Fr Stefanos Alexopoulos, amongst others. I should like to thank the staff of the manuscript sections of the Moscow State Historical Museum and the Russian National Library in St Petersburg and, in particular, E. Ukhanova, N. Ramazanova, scholars whose professionalism, understanding and advice guaranteed the efficacy of my work with the primary sources necessary to the thesis. In order to facilitate the circulation and discussion of this thesis and to make it more accessible to those among the scholarly community in general who may be interested in the subject, as also with regard to one of the supervisors, Christian Troelsgard (Copenhagen University), the decision was taken to write the thesis in Russian, translate it into Portuguese and present the final version in English. This decision accords with the orientations approved by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the Universidade Nova in Lisbon, and the costs of the English translation supported financially in part by CESEM and in part by the FCT, within the context of support for award holders, for which I express my gratitude. Also as regards translation, special thanks go to my friend, technical advisor and English translator for most of the thesis (the introductory and concluding sections, Chapters 1-3, 7-9), Fr Ivan Moody. Invaluable help in the translation of Chapters 4-6 was given by Maria Takala-Roszczenko, which I also gratefully acknowledge. vi RESUMO ABSTRACT SIN 319 E VOSKR 27 E O CICLO TRIODION NO PRAXIS LITÚRGICO NA RÚSSIA NO PERÍODO ESTUDITA SIN 319 AND VOSKR 27 AND THE TRIODION CYCLE IN THE LITURGICAL PRAXIS IN RUSSIA DURING THE STUDITE PERIOD SVETLANA POLIAKOVA PALAVRAS-CHAVE: música, litúrgia, igreja ortodoxa, manuscritos, Idade Média. KEYWORDS: music, liturgy, orthodox church, manuscripts, Middle Ages. A tese é dedicada a dois manuscritos russos que pertencem ao Museu Histórico de Moscovo (Gosudarstvenny Istoricheskiy Musey: GIM) – o Triodion Quaresmal Sinodal 319 (Sin 319) e o Pentekostarion Voskresensky 27 (Voskr 27), ambos do século XII. Estes livros tinham sido incluídos nas investigações de alguns cientistas, assim na Rússia como no Ocidente. Nesta tese foram corrigidos a atribuição da proveniência de um dos livros e a data da escrita do outro. Na sequência da análise textológoca, semiológica e paleográfica, chegou-se à conclusão que ambos os livros foram escritos como um conjunto integral num dos scriptoria de Novgorod. Os dez Sofisky Menaia da Colecção Sinodal do Museu Histórico do Moscovo (nº159-168) foram atribuídos ao mesmo conjunto. Em relação ao tipo de livro litúrgico que es representam, os Sin 319, Voskr 27 e Sofisky Menaia são códices que incluem diferentes géneros himnográficos. Estes manuscritos estão apontados com a notação znamenny, que na tradição russa pode ser encontrada prioritariamente em livros limitados aos mesmos géneros (singulares), como os Sticheraria e Heirmologia. O facto da presença de textos de contrafacta com a notação znamenny em Sin 319, Voskr 27 e Sofisky Menaia torna estes livros multi- genéricos litúrgicos únicos a este respeito. Afim de estabelecer a função dos livros GIM-Triodion dentro do contexto histórico da liturgia russa, foram investigados aproximadamente 40 livros notados e vii sem notação russos, búlgaros e sérvios. A sua estrutura, conteúdo, particularidades paleográficas e as de notação, em comparação com o ciclo GIM-Triodion, foram comentados numa vasta quantidade das tabelas e exemplos. A análise de vários parâmetros sugere a conclusão, de que Sin 319 e Voskr 27 foram criados como um conjunto de referência (um protótipo para escrita e a guia para a prática de canto), concluindo um dos períodos que podem ser distinguidos no desenvolvimento da arte russa de canto sacro dos séculos XI-XV. The dissertation concerns two Russian manuscripts which belong to the Moscow Historical Museum (Gosudarstvenny Istoricheskiy Musey: GIM) – the Lenten Triodion Synodal 319 (Sin 319) and the Pentekostarion Voskresensky 27 (Voskr 27), both from the 12th century. These books have been included in the studies of some scholars, both from Russia and from the West. In this thesis, the attribution of place of writing of one of the books and the date of writing of the other have been corrected. Following textological, semiological and palaeographical analyses, it is concluded that both books were written as an integral part of the same group, in one of the scriptoria of Novgorod. The ten Sofisky Menaia from the Synodal Collection of Moscow Historical Museum (nº159-168) are attributed to the same set. Regarding the type of liturgical book they represent, Sin 319, Voskr 27 and the Sofisky Menaia are codices which include different genres of hymnody. These manuscripts are notated with znamenny notation, which, in the Russian tradition, can be found mostly in books limited to a single genre, such as Sticheraria and Heirmologia. The fact of the presence of the texts of contrafacta with znamenny notation in Sin 319, Voskr 27 and the Sofisky Menaia makes these multi-genre liturgical books unique. For the purpose of establishing the role of the GIM-Triodion within the historical context of Russian liturgy, about 40 notated and un-notated Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian books were investigated. Their structure, content, paleographical and notational particularities, in comparison with the GIM-Triodion cycle, has been commented upon in a large number of tables and examples. The analysis of various parameters means that one may conclude that Sin 319 and Voskr 27 were created as a reference set (written prototype and guidelines for chant practice), concluding one of the periods that could be distinguished in the development of Russian art of sacred chant of the 11th-15th century. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement vi Abstract vii-viii Table of Contents ix-x Bibliographical note xi List of Abbreviations xii-xiii List of Tables xiv-xvi List of Examples xvii-xix Glossary xx-xxiii Part I Introduction 2 Chapter 1 The formation of the Triodion cycle tradition until and during the Studite reforms in Bizantium 12 Chapter 2 The Liturgy and liturgical books of the Studite Period in Russia. 79 Part II Chapter 3 Sin 319 and Voskr 27 as a set: questions of dating, locality and palaeography 128 Chapter 4 Sin 319 and Voskr 27 as a set: the content and numbering of commemorations 173 Chapter 5 Sin 319 and Voskr 27: Questions of classification – the composition and disposition of daily hymnography 211 Chapter 6 Sin 319 and Voskr 27: Questions concerning the composition of the codices in the context of liturgical practice 243 ix Part III Chapter 7 Two hands in the notation of contrafacta in Sin 319 and Voskr 27. Questions of repertory 299 Chapter 8 Russian technique of contrafact: some general questions 324 Chapter 9 Russian technique of contrafact in the canticles by two Hands In Sin 319 and Voskr 27 (automelon Все упование and its prosomoia) 353 Conclusion 412 Bibliography 429-443 List of Manuscripts Consulted 444 x BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The citation of bibliographical sources in the present sources is as follows: the first reference is given in full – author, name of article included in the collection in inverted commas, name of book in italic, place of publication, date of publication and numbers of pages quoted. The language of the source quoted is the original, while the place of publication is given in English (for example: Момина М.А, “Проблема правки славянских богослужебных гимнографических книг на Руси в XI столетии”, Труды Отдела древнерусской литературы, v.35, St.Petersburg, 1992, pp. 208-215.). All subsequent mentions of the source are given in abbreviated fashion: author's surname and the first words of the name of the article of book; the numbers following correspond to the numbering of the pages quoted (for example, Момина, Проблема правки, 210). xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS MMB Momunenta Musicae Byzantinae OCA Orientalia Christiana Analecta PG Migne J.P., ed. Patrologia Graeca Libraries BAN Biblioteka Akademii Nauk (Library of the Academy of Sciences), St.Petersburg BAN, Sofia Biblioteka Akademii Nauk (Library of the Academy of Sciences), Sofia GIM Gosudarstvenny Istorichesky Muzei (The State Historical Museum), Moscow NBKM Narodna Biblioteka “Sv.Sv.
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