CLARENCE STREIT Exemption Request NINE SENIORS Not Recognized BE AT COLBY No faculty action has result- TO ed from the student petition MAKE PHI BETE requesting exemption of seniors Noted Author To Give from final examinations in courses in which they average Six Men, Three Women Commencement Speech eighty-five per cent or over, Turner Elected The petition was not recognized Will Be Ini tiated because it was not presented made this week Frosh President Announcement was through the Student Council, The following persons were elect- author of that Clarence K. Streit, . the only body which can act as ed: Union Now, will deliver the Colby agent in such matters. Three D. K. E.'s uate members of the Colby Chapter ' Commencement address on Juno 16. "Are All Alone" of Phi Beta Kappa was held on Fri- Mr. Streit's proposal in Union Now day, March 14. Ni'ne persons from •that 15 democracies form a Federal Sports Awards the senior class were elected to mem- Union of Democracies has become a The results of the men's division oership in the society, six of them world-wide issue. Already groups of freshman election of a week ago men, and three women. Federal Unionists have been formed Announced Thursday have finally been tabulated, The following persons were elected, :in Canada, England, Australia South Three Dekes swept into office with Elmer L. Baxter, Waterbury, Conn. Africa, and France, as well as in this overwhelming leads. Rowena M. Buzzell, Waterville. country. A Gallup poll last week es- Letters And Numerals Norris E. Dibble, East Dongmead- John Turner, the frosh track star timated that eight million United , ow, Mass. Received In Three Sports was far in the lead for the office of States citizens believe in an interna- James M. East, Rockland. president. Charles Osborne also won tional federation of 'some such kind James J. Foster, Skowhegan. hands-down in the contest for vice as Streit advocates. In 'his latest The following men have been Prudence Piper, Caribou. president. Fred Wood with tho big- hook, published only a week ago, and COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER granted the varsity letter award for Robert W. Pullen, Danforth. gest margin of all the tabulations was entitled Union Now with Britain, he the season 1940-41 in hockey: Mary G. Robinson, Ashland. elected to the office of secretary- immediate course of ac- Elmer Baxter, manager, Water- Maurice Rimpo, Paterson, N. J. proposes an treasurer-, tion to prevent an even worse catas- Dean To Speak bury, Conn. Of the persons elected, Mr. Foster trophe than the present ' conflict- Arthur Beach, Watertown, Conn.. On the ballots for the election were has majored in biology, Miss Piper the names of nine persons—one from This author has had a remarkable At Frosh Assembly Charles Cross, Essex Falls,, Nt J, and Mr. Dibble in business, Miss Buz- each fraternity and ono non-frat— amount of practical experience in the Richard Field, Hebron. zell and Mr. Pullen in economics, Mr. Marriner wijl speak at fresh- for each of the three offices. Each field of journalism and in connection Dean Robert Johnson, Brockton, Mass. East, Miss Robinson, and Mr. Rimpo man assembly tomorrow mornjng at voter was instructed to vote by indi- with world affairs. Boriji . ifl Missouri Alton Laliborte, Waterville, in English, and Mr. Baxter in mathe- 10 o'clock. His subject will be "The cating his first, second, third and in 1896, he moved as a boy to Mon- Edward Loriflg, Frapiinghiim., matics. Committee on Financial Aid." fourth choices on the place provided tana and lated attended the Montana Mass. The formal initiation of the new who are interested in ap- on the ballot; and the stipulation was State University, from which he was Students Hiram Macintosh., Longmeadow, members of the Colby Chapter will help should Ittado that four choices had to be in- .¦awarded n Rhodes Sch olarship which plying for tjiis financial Mass, take place on April 22, in the after- ; dicated for , each office took- him "to Oxford. - Tie, also studied find this talk of .value. - Clarence Reid, Watertown, Mass. — , or else tho noon. Tho initiatory ceremony will vote would- be thrown out. at the Sorbonno. In 19,17, he volun- Joseph Wallace, Hamden, Conn. bo followed by the annual Chapter teered and served overseas with tho Ernest Weidul, Dedham, Mass. dinner at the Elmwood Hotel in the Intelligence Service , and, after de- "Colby At Mike" Walter Woodward, Milton, Mass. evening. mobilization, ho remained in France The following boys have been Tn Delts Hold Tho address at the dinner will bo and found time to marry a French granted tho varsity letter award in delivered by Dr. Lawrence C. Wroth, girl and to father three children, Jn On As Usual indoor track for the season of 1041 : Research Professor of American His- .(Continued on page C) James Bateman, Lawrence, Mass,. Annual Dance (Continued on page 5) Comparetti, Perkins John Daggett, WatervjllG. Victor Lebednik, Nashua, Ivf. JL Danny Danforth's Band Featured This Week Gilbert Pe|.ers, Benton Station. Women Sponsor Colby Choir Shelley Pratt, Chicago, III, Plays Festive Tunes Gives Concert Although Spring Recess begins at Keith Thompson , Presque Isle, Posture Pro gra m noon on Friday the 21st, the weekly Tho following boys have boon progra m will be "Colby nt the Mike" granted the varsity letter award in The annual dinner dance of Deltn Co-Eds To Stand Squarely Light Classical Music, presented at the usual time, from basketball for 1-941; Delta Delta was hold Saturday even- 7:45-8 :00 P. M, George Beach ing, For Month Of S irituals Rendered . ., Now Bedford, Mass. March 15, in nn nir of spring-like April p The program will feature Dr. Eiv Harold B.ubai<, Houlton. festivity, Tho dance commenced mano CompnvottJ , the Director of In- Clifford Oam.0, liar Harbor. with a formal dinner hold in the main The W. A. A. together with tho Robert LaFlour, Waterville. dining room of women's athletic department is plan- In -th e Alumnae Building Thursday strumental MuhI c at Waterville Hjffh tho Elmwood hotel. John Lee, Portland. The room was ning a posture program, Tho chair- li\st tho Colby Choiv presented its an- School and tho conductor of tho Ool- docornted with purple Ronald Livingston, Presque iris and yello man in charge is Alice Katkauskas, nual concert and dance. The selec- by Band, playing tho following pinno Isle, w jonquils. Two white John Lomao, Portl candles '44, assisted by Catherine Fussell, tions ranged from the light classical selections : Prelude in D flat major and, gleamed from each table. D flat Major by Rex McNameo, Millinockot, '41, and Natalie Mooers, '42. of Handel's "L'AIlegro" to excerpts by Chopin ; Walt?, in Tho chapcronoa woro Dean Ninottn Gilbert Peters, Bepton On April tho campaign for good from GiVbort and Sullivan's "Iolan- Chopin; Spanish Dance 'by Gramados ; Station. Runnals, Mayor nnd Mrs, Paul II, Dance No. by Robert Pullen, Danforth, posture will begin. Throughout tho tho" and "Tho Mikado ;" from Negro and Hungarian 7 Dundas and Dr. and Mrs. H. W, Al'bert Rimosukas month of April until the 27th the spirituals to folk songs; from sea Brahms. , Captain, Poqu- Aplington. nock, Conn. judges will observe the girls who im- chanteys to tho Chopin, Brahms, and Professor Norman C. Perkins, In- Dancing began at eight with tho Oron Shlro, pi'ovo their posture most. Tho pur- von Wobov of pianist Harold Polls, structor in Health-and Physical Edu,- Watovvillo, scintilating music of Danny Danforth Stephen Sternberg, Manager pose of tho campaign is to make tho Tho men's and women's gloo clubs cation, will be ' interviewed on the , Now and his orchestra. York City, girls more conscious of their posture performed both individually and in question "How can the Colby Health The committee in charge consisted George Young, Rutherf ord, N, J, n tho classroom, d ormitories, and combination. Program fit into tho National Defense of Mnrjorio Brown, chairman Vir- Th o following hoys havo boon , elsewhere on campus. At n tea on Following the concert Jimm y Program?" ginia Duggnn, Ann Man sfield . nwnrdod the class numerals in fresh- nnd Mil- April 27 tho winner will be an- Springer and his Colby Whlto Mules Tentative plans havo boon mode dred Van Valkonburg. man basketball for tho season 1940- noun ced and a prize will bo awarded, furnished tho music for dancing. for a program on March 28tli, (Contlnuod on pago 5) Dr. Schoenber g Presents Pap ers To Colby Students Absent At Chap el Perio d, American Math ematical Society To All Co-Eds Are Located At Station Lun ch Room The ECHO sent a reporter over to "But I merely played a small part Dr. Comparetti A FINAL WARNING : THE AN- Local Attorne y the station to see what Colby men In tho proceedings," protested Pro- NUAL PANHELLENIG DANCE and women are eating for breakfast, fessor Isaac J. Sohoonbovg on being Plays For Arts Club WILL BE HELD ON APRIL G, THE Speaks At Assembly especially those Colby men who havo questioned as to tho papers ho pre- FIRST SATURDAY AFTER VACA- oight-o'clock classes and simply pull ¦ sented before, tho American Mathe- TION 1 the blankets over their heads nt tho A. Raymond Rogers, Colby, '17, matical Society Inst month, Howovor, Dr. Ermnnno Compnrotti lectur- Kearney's, Knllnndor's orchestra thought of stumbling across tho and local attorney addressed tho tho ProfosBor does speak regularly ed to tho Arts Club Friday on "Folk will furnish tho music, and they will trucks to breakfast in tho dawn mon's assembly on Tuesday morning, 's before this society and other profes- Songs," giving musical illustrations feature all typos of music; swing for onrly light.
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