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See application file for complete search history. * cited by examiner (56) References Cited Primary Examiner — Michael Meller U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Scott D. Rothenberger; 4,211,577 A 7, 1980 Wallin Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. 4,268,265 A 5/1981 Von Wattenwyl 4,302,200 A 11/1981 Yokoyama et al. ABSTRACT 5,008, 110 A 4, 1991 Benecke et al. (57) 5,087,240 A 2, 1992 Sibalis The invention describes stabile anthocyanin compositions, 5,088,977 A 2, 1992 Sibalis methods to prepare Such compositions and also methods of 5,163,899 A 11, 1992 Sibalis 5,164,189 A 11/1992 Farhadieh et al. use of Such compositions to treat various afflictions. The 5,200, 186 A 4, 1993 Gabetta et al. present invention describes unique compositions of an antho 5,254,346 A 10, 1993 Tucker et al. cyanin and a stabilizing compound Such that the combination 5,290,561 A 3, 1994 Farhadieh et al. of the two components provides that the anthocyanin does not 5,332,213 A 7, 1994 Klose 5,336,168 A 8, 1994 Sibalis readily undergo degradation, such as oxidation, pH instabil 5,352,456 A 10, 1994 Fallon et al. ity, etc. 5,407,713 A 4/1995 Wilfong et al. 5,817,354 A 10, 1998 Mozaffar et al. 4 Claims, 27 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 2 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 Figure 3 % residual anthocyanosides of bit berry extract (unprotected) 60 minutes at roorn tenperature (None) 2 s e O. is as O. v is O. M. Figure 4 % residual anthocyanosides of bilberry extract (DHLA protected) 60 rinutes at roor temperature (Ohil A) Šs: 888 X see is . so be O so U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 3 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 rigires & resid:8 at 8:y&88sixes of 8:88-y extract 38: protectex & x::::::::::::: *xxxix: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .g. y y' & & 8 a.s.. ." & 8 x 3.38.8 * * x re isssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 3. 8 & 8 kx ::::: 8 x x 8.3:3: 8: x:33:33:38 Fig.ire & through 8:3 {{3:33:8:w: tieg'8:a:::::: x:3:x: {}f 8:8-y 8x838 (38.8-3-8:8:::::: *g are A *igre 88. 8x3.8 $883.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 7 Of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 *igre . 8.83.388.88: 888.8 x8:38: figures 2 8. : & & s y's 8:3::::::::::::8x: 8:3::::::::::88-8:::::::::::::: U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 10 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 Figare 38 S S S S : s 83:8: : U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 12 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 figure is: ::::s:x:33:3::::::::::::: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Y-------------. 3:8:&&. --88:a & --... 8388x3:wa : 3 : 3 8 8 & '88: 8: figure 28 3: *:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 883 . -------------------- 8. 8:3 s: &8 is 8. : :::::::: U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 13 Of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 * is: 8 23. 8.::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: {}i 388 :*>. **** s: :*... g.: 8 :::::: $3 &:::::: ------------------------------. wr-------------------------------------------------- 8. U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 US 8.449,927 B2 *************& 8: 8-8-*-Ws....: U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 16 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 8-xxxx $3:3: 8::::::::::y www. :: s: : 3.SS sees is 38 388 , -: , s: - - 8: & M. :8 U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 18 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 :*ig ire 3 exte: 88sixir (x:::::::::::::: 8:8; y - $3:xerry; Cyst8:8 cc 88 :::::::::::: U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 19 Of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 fig:8 3: 388: 8::::::::::::::::::$88 8:88 y - 8:38:rry; Cy:88 ::::::x: ::::: as s as SS 33 : s 8. s S-- : 83. : U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 20 Of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 *igate 32 8:: : 8:3 : 8. 88: 38 8. &ry-8: ::::: U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 22 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 w 3. 88: 8 8 :: 8:: :88: 8. 8 8.3:8:8: ::3:38 U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 23 Of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 fig:: 388 :::::::... 8.3:33:8: 83.3888 & 3.3% fata: C &ixerry 83 8. 3 8 3. 8 : * : *:::::::: 3 one ... a 3x3; 3 xx:33y *igi: 3:38 fata: C (8iiiety f(ysteite txatics : is: X is 33s 3 sex r $33, 8 rex 333 : U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 24 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 *igise 3 & {}: 83,333.38: fatai tph (8ixerry : w X-XXixXx: ise {} {33y : W -- 33 3 MM. 33 3 *g:re 338 fotai top (Biiixerryf cysteine corrbo ex m s w U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 25 Of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 *ig.:8: 388. 88:88): 3888::::: fatai at 8i xerry : &a---3. figure 388 fotai tsiiseryf cysteine corribe : U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 26 of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 *:::::: 3:38. 8:338:... :::::::::::::::::::::: fotai pe (Biterry Y Y Y Y Y Y : Y Y Y Y Y Y Y {}. 33 y : - -3-33s. 4 re--a 38 y : fig338 388 foxtai e Biberry cysteine cannix is w X-33s 4 xx 8s 3 U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 27 Of 27 US 8.449,927 B2 *ig ire 88& $3:33.8:83.333333: $3.8883: .3:x: {&:8::... 8:8. fatai Kw Biberry Ya -------.38-3-8X-------------------&-,' & 's' & 3. - gtai Kw Biery fysteine certist US 8,449,927 B2 1. 2 STABILIZED ANTHOCYANN six basic anthocyanin compounds predominate, differing COMPOSITIONS both in the number of hydroxyl groups present on the carbon ring and in the degree of methylation of these hydroxyl CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED groups. The identity, number and position of the Sugars APPLICATIONS attached to the carbon skeleton are also variable; the most common Sugars that can be linked to carbon-3, carbon-5 and, This application is a Continuation of U.S. patent applica Sometimes, carbon-7, are glucose, arabinose, rhamnose or tion Ser. No. 12/825,546 filed Jun. 29, 2010, now U.S. Pat. galactose. On this basis, it is possible to distinguish mono No. 8,153,168, issued Apr. 10, 2012, which is a Continuation sides, biosides and triosides. of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/047,993, filed Mar. 13, 10 Another important variable that contributes to the chemical 2008, which is U.S. Pat. No. 7,820,207, issued Oct. 26, 2010, structure of anthocyanins is the acylating acid that can be which claims benefit of U.S. Ser. No. 60/895,034 filed on present on the carbohydrate moiety. The most frequent acy Mar.
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