· ···'Ul.nt~ersU~ of.mtnnesota Uwent\?==nintb Bnnual '-tommencement 3une· Sl):tb 1Rtneteen 1bun~rel) ~ne ., ttbe Btmor\1 minneapolis ! ' ,I ~, THE BOARD OF REGENTS The UO". JOHN S. PILLSBURY, MINNEAPOLIS, Regent for Life CYRUS ~OR'J~HROP, LL. D., MINNEAPOLIS, EJ1-0 fflcio '1'11'3 President of. the UnIversity. Tlle HON. SAMUIilL R. VAN SANT, WINONA, Ex·Officio Tbe Governor of the State. Til.. HON. JOHN W. OLSEN, AI,BERT LEA, Eil1·0f/icia The State Superintendent of Public Instruction. TIl~ HON. ELMER E. ADAMS, IJ. A., FERGUS FA.LIoS, 190~ The nON. THOMAS WILSON, ST. PAUL, 11l0a 'fhe HON. WILLIAM M. LIGGI.;T'l'. BENSON, 100.1 The HON. A. K RiCE, WILUIAn, 10G3 Tile HON. GREENLEAF CLARK, M. A., S·r. PAUL 1D04 The HO:-i. SA-blUEL G. SJ\IlTH, PI!. D., LL. D., ST. P~UL, 1904 The HON. STEPHEN MAHONEY, B. A., MINNJ<APOLI8, 1007 l'b.~ HO~. O. C. STIUCKLER. l\L D., NEW ULM, 1907 TIlt' HO:-1. JAMBS T. WYl\fA:-<, l\IrNXEAPOLIS, 1907 f ORDER OF EXERCISES MUSIC-Overture, "Bell. of Cornville" Pla1llJfuftt PRArER M US I C-Val.e, "Romantique" ADDRESS by ANDREW S. DRAPER, LL. D. President of the University of Illinois MUSIC-Characteristic, «Coon, Coon, Coon" F,.i,dml1f1 CONFERRING OF DEGREES MUSIC-Hymn, "America" Audience will please join in the singing My country, 'tis of thee, Let music swell the breeze, Sweet land of liberty, And ring from all the trees Of thee I sing: Sweet freedom's song! Land where my fathers died, Let mortal tongues awake; Land of the pilgrims' pride, Let all that breathe partake; From every mountam side Let rocks their silence break- Let freedom ring. The sound prolong! My native country, thee­ Our fathers' God! to Thee, Land of the noble free- Author ofliberty, Thy name I love; To Thee we sing: I love thy rocks and rills, Long may our land be bright Thy woods and templed hill. ; With freedom's holy lIght; Rapture my spirit thnlls Protect us by Thy might, Like that above. Great God, our king! BENEDICTION MUSIC-"Marching to the Music of the Band" rlOfl 'Filzt,. Music by U. of M. Cadet Band B. A. Rose, Director CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION, 409. THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND THB ARTS, 157. FOR BACHBLOR OF ARTS, 22. Alfred Nelson Ahnfeldt, Chicago, III. Helen Ida Koenig, Minneapolis. John Fred Bernhagen, Minneapolis. Harry Clinton Libby, Minneapolis. Gertrude Marie Brandsmark, Minneapolis. Marco F. Liberma, Minneapolis. Osc.ar Carl Burkhard, Preston. Ernest Frank McGregor, Minneapolis. Frank Carlson, Upsala. Linda Helen Maley, Minneapolis. Josiah Hook Chase, Minneapolis. Carl Martin Const,a.ntine Olander, Mpls. Florence Pearl Colter, St. Paul. George Benjamin Otte, Farmington. Addie May Davis, Minneapolis. Dagny Sunne, Minneapolis. Louis David Davis, Elgin. Ole Thoreson, Woodville, Iowa. Drusilla Christiana Hutchinson, Mpls. Edwin J. W. Vikner, Minneapolis. Frank Fanning Jewett, St. Paul. Bertha Wakefield, Sioux City. FOR BACHELOR. OF SCIBNCE, 54. Cara May Adams, Lisbon, N. D. Grace Louise Kelsey, St. Paul. Sidney DeWitt Adams, Lisbon, N. D. Michael Anseln Kiefer, Sleepy Eye. James Ford Bell, Minneapolis. Harold Morris Knight, Glencoe. Jacob Biedermann, StlIlwater. Ellen Adelia Lamoreaux, Newark, N. Y. J. Archie Burger, Huron, S. D. OIai A. Lende, Hanley Falls. Sara Burns, St. Paul. J.a,ura Charlotte Mahoney, Luverne. Adrian E. Buttz, ButtzvlIle, N, D. Arthur W. Martin, St. Paul. Elmer E. Carlson, Lake City. Jeannette Monette, Chatfield. Cleona Louise Case, Minneapolis. Otto Ferdinand Nelson, Hastings. Mabel Amelia Case, St. Peter. Alice Alena OIds, Luverne. Allee May Chlld, Glencoe. George E. Page, Minnneapolis. Kari Gerhllrd Chrysler, Lake Park, Iowa. Egbert Nelson Parmelee, Mankato. Louis Gray Cook, Minneapolis. Edith Marlon Patcb, Camden Place. WlIIiam Dudley Crouley, Redwood Falls. Alice M. Prendergast, St. Paul. Van Lym.an Denton, Minneapolis. Nettie Clara Reid, Minneapolis. Theodore O. Erickson, Fiandreau, S. D. Niles Edgerton Reid, St. Paul. Clara Elizabeth Fanning, Minneapolis. Amy Robbins, Robbinsdale. Mason Merrlll Forbes, Duluth. Walter Spottswood Rodgers, Farmington. WilUam Stuart Frost, Willmar. Otto Rosendahl, Spring Grove. Gustav Golseth, Ashby. John PblIlp Smltb, Cottonwood. Charles F. Grass, Fergus Falls. Paul S. Smith, Minneapolis. Peter Hanson, Sleepy Eye. Jens Joban Solbaug, Starbuck. WlIIl,am Clague Hodgson, Herman. Rosamond Estella Tbompson, Minneapoll!. Sam R. Houlton, Elk River. J. Roland Ware, Minneapolis. Roy Rowell Ireland, Minneapolis. Relnbard A. Wetzel, Sauk R,aplds. Josephine Fancher Jenness, WlIImar. Ann,a Wbalen, Minneapolis. Margaret Reat Kelly, Aberdeen, S. D. Frederick Lacy Wbeeler, Minneapolis. FOR BACHELOR OF LITERATURE, 49. Gertrude Wbittier Baker, St. Paul. Alma Ida Foerster, St. Paul. Maud Muller Bartleson, Minneapolis. Maude Gertrude Freeman, St. Paul. Bertba M. Barton, Minneapolis. Olga Glasoe, Spring Grove. Gunda Brunes, Minneapolis. Daza Marguerite Glover, Minneapolis. Emma H. Carpenter, Minneapolis. Helen Helllwell, Minneapolis. Isabelle Cbristison, St. Paul. Helen Juliet Hemenway, Minneapolis. Jessie M,ay Comstock, Moorbead. Walter Raymond HUbbard, Huron, S. D. Bonnie Cornisb, Myrna. Annlce Boory Keller, Minneapolis. Helen Gertrude Cutler, Red Wing. Hannab Josepbine Kjosness, Madison. Tbomas Patrick Ferry, De Grall'. Martha Albertine Kjosness, Madison. Bernard Nelson Lambert, Waverly. Helmer Olalas Olsgard, Lakota, N. D. 1dary C. Langley, Minneapolis. Kate Edna PhlIIlps, Minneapolis. James Wetherby Lawrence, Jr., Mpl•. Bertha Augusta Randall, Anoka. May Lenox, Minneapolis. Theodore Albert Schacht, Elltln. CJ.aude Zeph Luse, St. Paul. Edith Jane Snell, St. Paul. James B. McGinnis, Benson. Jessie Irene Spicer, WlIImar. Edith Mann, St. Paul. Blanche Mary Stanford, Kelso, N. D. WlII W. Massee, Menomonie, WII. Hal J. Stevens, Minneapolis. Sadie Lee Matson, Minneapolis. Clara Evarts Steward, St. Paul. Carl Marcus Melom, Dawson. George Elwin Thomas, St. PaUl. Margaret Moore, Minneapolis. Frances Marlon Tobin, Mlnneapolls. Vera Louise Morey, Minneapolis. Edith Cornelia Todd, Mlnnneapolls. 1 Clara Edith Morley, Minneapolis. Johanna Emma Clara Vellkanje, Mpls. George Norton Northrop, PlattevlIIe, WII. Gertrude Mary Woodcock, Mlnnl\llpolls. Edwood Cornelius Olsg.a.rd, Lakota, N. D. FOR BACHELOR OF PHILOSOPHY, 10. Arne O. Aaberg, Starbuck. Alma Marie Lundgren, Alexandria. Mary Elizabeth Alcott, Minneapolis. Eliza McGregor, St. Paul. ~ David E. Cloyd, Minneapolis. Dana Herman ParshalI, Faribault. I Gertrude Eliza Gates, Minneapolis. George B. Ribble, St. Peter. Fannie Johnston, Mankato. ElIen Torrelle, Minneapolis. FOB DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, 2. Adolph Oscar Ellason, B. A., M. A. Har-Ellas Rachle, M. A., Granite Fall•. vard, Montevideo. FOR MASTEB OF ARTS, 15. Allen R. Benham, B. A., St. Paul. Charles Emll Stangeland, B. A. AugabfW', Mary Tuttle Brewer, B. L., '95, Minneapolis. Eagle Grove, Iowa. Ethel M. Gower, B. A., SmUh, New Haven,Edson N. Tuckey, B. A., Hamline, Mpls. Conn. FOR MASTER OF SCIENCE, 12. Fred WlIIlam Bedford, B. S., '00, Mpls. Harold Lloyd Lyon, B. S., Hastings. LlIIlan Cohen, B. S., '00, Mlnneapolls. J. Burt Miner, B. S., LL. B., Berlin, Wis. Theo. L. Duncan, B. S., St. Anthony Park.EmU A. Nelson, B. S. Augu8tana, Mpls. Frank WlIIlam Emmons, B. S., '00, Mpls. Henry Oscar Sorkness, B. Ag., Ashby. Olga Berlolt Forsyth, B. S., '99, Mpls. WlIIlam A. Wheeler, B. Ag., Mlnneapolls. Joseph E. Guthrie, B. S., Mlnneapolls. Charles Zeleny, B. S., Minneapolis. FOR MASTIIB Oil' LITIIRATURE, 3. Frank W. Force, B. L., Minneapolis. Malcom G. Wyer, B. L., Excelsior. Ona M. Rounds, B. Ph. Upper Iowa, Fay- ette Iowa. THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, AND THE MECHANIC ARTIil, 16. rOR CIVIL ENGINEER, 6. James Wright Everlngton, Minneapolis. James McKittrick, New VIm. Paul Iver Gunstad, Detroit. John Quense, New Ulm. Frank Henry Klemer, Faribault. Thomas Henry Strate, Moorhead. FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER, 2. Phll1p Waters Robertson, Minneapolis. Ellel F. WUson, Minneapolis. FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, 7. Martin E. Anderson, Decorah, Iowa. Guy Joseph Houts, Mlnneapolls. Henry Barnard Blake, St. Anthony Park. Styrk Gerhard Reque, Spring Grove. Jake Danner, Minneapolis. Charles Edward TulIar, Warren. Amo. D. HOUlton, Elk River. rOB BACIlIILOR Oil' IlCIIiNCII (IN IINGINIIIIBIN8), 1. Bmjamw Jr. Qroat. ~_l SCHOOL OF MINES, 7. FOR ENGINEER OF MINES, 5. Thomas Oakes Burgess, Minneapolis. Hov,al A. Smith, St. Ansgar, Iowa. W. Howard Clapp, Oronoco. John Taresh, Sauk Center. Arthur Lawrence Gholz, Roscoe. FOR METALLURGICAL ENGINEER, 2. Henry Stephen Sanderson, Minneapolis. .. Elmo Vincent Smith, Minneapolis. THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, 4. FOR BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE, 4. Beyer Aune, Starbuck. Arthur James Glover, Zumbrota. Coatel P. Bull, Edina Mills. Robert Mann Washburn, Monticello. COLLEGE OF LAW, 112. FOR MASTER m' LAWS, 8. Marie Palmer Bond, LL. B., Minneapolis. McCants Stewart, LL. B., Minneapolis. Christian HennIngsen, LL. B., Stillwater. Kay Todd, LL. B., Shelton, Wash. Klas Erland Lind, LL. B., Winthrop. • Lonls W. Vas,aly, LL. B., Little Fall•. Walter Lewis Mayo, LL. B., Leavenworth,Prlce Wickersham, LL. B., St. Paul. Kas. FOR BACHELOR OF LAWS, 104. Hugh NellI T. AlIeu, B. S., Mlnneapollil. Archibald D. Gray, Preston. Andy Norman Anderson, Cumberland, Wis. Claud Fillmore Gr,ay, Minneapolis. Festus Lucian Bannon, Iona. Bertram B. Griffith, Sleepy Eye. Charies Roswell Bates, Little Rock, Ark. Julius O. Grove, Glenwood. Nels N. Bergheim, B. L. '93, Minneapolis. Alfred Haas, Holstein, Iowa. Henry John Bessesen, B. .A., Albert Lea. Harry Arthur Hagaman, St. Paul. Robert H. Biron, Battle Creek, Mich.
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