1042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. M '.AY 5, PETITIONS, ETC. The Chief Clerk read as follows: The following petitions, &c., were presented at the Clerk's desk, The Senate proceeded to consfder the resolution reported yesterday by Mr. SAULSBURY, from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, instructing Etaid com­ under the rule, anc1 referred as stated : mittee to inquire into the matter alleged in the petition of Henry M. Spofford, By Mr. ACKLEN: Papers relating to the war claim of Lizzie Rog­ relating to the right of Hon. WILLIAM PITT KELLOGG to a. seat in the Senate; and, ers, of Saint Mary's Parish, Louisiana-to the Committee on War On motion by Mr. Ho.AR, t.o a.mend the resolution by striking ont ruJ of said res­ Claims. olution- . By Mr. CARLISLE : The petition of Eliza A. Scott, widow of Cap­ l\Ir. EDMUNDS. Pass that and come down to what the Senate tain Joseph Scott, deceased, for a pension-to the Committee on In­ :finally ordered. valid Pensions. The Chief Clerk read as follows: Also, the petition of Calvin Bronson, of Toledo, Ohio, for the re­ funding of internal-revenue taxes alleged to have been illegally col­ Pending debate. The PRESIDE..'\T pro tempore announcecl that the mornin~ hour hau expired, and lected from him-to the Committee of Ways and Means. called up the unfinished business of the Senate ab its adjournment yesterday, By Mr. CLARK, of Missouri: The memorial of the Legislature of viz: The bill (S. No. 108) to prevent the introduction of contagions and infections Misseuri, for the repeal of certain statutes and the modification of diseases into the United States; and the Senate resumed, as in Committeo of the existing laws relating to the "removal of causes" from the Stat.e Whole, the consideration of the said bill. courts to the circuit courts of the United States-to the Oommittee l\Ir. EDMUNDS. That is right, Mr. President; I thought I hea,rd @n the Revisien of the Laws. it read that the resolution was made a special order. By Mr. GOODE : Papers relating to the war claim of Anna Perry- The PRESIDENT p1·0 tenipore. The Journal is approved. Peti­ to the Committee on War Claims. · tions and memorials are now in order. By Mr. HENRY: The petition of citizens of Queen Anne, Talbot, Mr. HOUSTON. I waa endeavoring to get the attention of the and Caroline Counties, Maryland, for an appropriation for the improve­ Chair in relation to the amendment of the Journal. ment of Tuckahoe Creek-to the Committee on Commerce. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. No amendment has been moved to Also, the petition of citizens of Caroline C<mnty, Maryland, for an the Journal. appropriation for the improvement of the Gre:it Choptank River near Mr.HOUSTON. I should like, then, tohearthatpartofitrea.dagain, Greensborough-to the same committee. if the Chair will gratify me. By Mr. 1\.1ANNING: The petition of Frank L. Donnelly, for addi­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The portion of the Journal just tional compensation for services aa a page of the House of Represent­ read will be again reported. atives-to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. The Chief Clerk again read the extract fr0m the Journal. By Mr. .MURCH: The petition of 178 workingmen, of Quincy, Mas­ Mr. HOUSTON. Mr. President, of the facts as they occurred a very aachu&etts, for the enforcement and observance of the eight-hour important one is not stated in the Journal-that the report of the law-to the Committee on Education and L11bor. Committee on Privileges and Elections was postponed by unanimous Also, the petition of 90 workingmen of Salem, Massachusetts, of consent. The way the Journal reads now it woulu indicate that the liimilar import-to the same committee. Chair ruled that the unfinished business came up because it was in Also, the petition of 38 workingmen of New York and N~w Jersey, order in advance of the privileged question. Now, the truth is, and ef similar impert-to the same committee. I think it ought to appear upon the Journal, that upon the motion of Also, the petition of 43 workingmen of Clark's Island, Maine, of the chairman of the Committee on Privileges a.ad Elections, [Mr. aimilar import-to the same committee. SAULSBURY,] the report from that committee upon that 1mbject was Also, the petition of 81 workingmen of Westerby, Rhode Island, of by unanimous consent postponed till Tuesday. similar import-to the same committee. The PRESlDENr pro tempore. The Chair would state to the Sen­ Also, a petition of the inhabitants of Saco, Maine, for the enactment ator from Alabama that the Journal is made up in strict pursuance of a law authorizing a new issue of full legal-tender paper money, and of the facts as the Chair understands th.em. Of course, if a motion instructing the Secretary of the Trea-sury to buy and cancel United is made to correot the Journal it must Ile submitted to the Senate. States loonds with the same-to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ The Chair did not decide t.hat the resolution reported from the Com­ rency. mittee on Privileges and Elections took precedence of the business Also, the petition of the Greenback Club, of Newark, New Jersey, that would come up at the expiration of the morning hour. Tilat for t.be enactment of a law expanding the currency-to the sn.me com­ was a question upon which the Chair ma.de no i·uling at all one way mittee. or the other; but after considerable discussion as to whether it was By Mr. O'NEILL: Papers relating to the pension claim of Annie a question of privilege that took precedence, the 8en:i.tor from Dela­ Gibson Yates-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ware, the chairman of the committee, suggested that he did not wish Also, the petition of Margaret Dickson, for a pension-to the s:t.me the resolution pressed until next Tuesday and nothing fnrtller was committee. said about it, and the Chair laid before the Senate the unfinished busi­ Also, the petition and affidavit of Thomas Toomey, formerly a pri­ nsss. The Chair would state to the Senator from Alabama that the vate of Company A, Sixty-Ninth. Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, for resolution is the first business in order after the routine morning busi­ a removal of the record of desertion-to the Committee on Military ness, and by unanimous consent oon be laid over until to-morrnw, in Affairs. a-0corda.nce with the suggestion made by tho Senator from Delaware Also, papers relating to the claim for bounty of Robert M. Barr, on Fridav. father of William B. Barr, deceased, late a private of Company E, .Mr HOUSTON. No sir I do not a.sk that th resolution be ta.ken Seventy-TWrd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers-to the same com­ up to-day; I do not want to vfalate the arrangement made by the mittee. chairman of the committee with the unanimous consent of the Sen­ By Mr. RANDALL: The petition of J.C. Pemberton, of PhiJa.del­ ate. But the reading of the Journal as it now stands would seem to phia, Pennsylvania., (accompanied by draught of bill,) for the removal indicate that that particular course was taken with the bnsiness be­ of his political disabilities-to the Committee on the Judiciary. cause of the superiority over the privileged question of the unfin­ By Mr. RYAN, of Kansas: The petition of citizens of Kansas, for n. ished besiness at the expiration of the morning hour. I make no mail-route from Hill Grove to Dodge City, in that State-to the Com­ motion to amend the Journal, but I suggest to the Chair whether it mit.tee on the Post-0.ffioe and Post-Roads. is not the province of the Journal to record the ll'.lotion of the chair­ By Mr. SPRINGER: 'l'ho petition of T. E. Chambliss, for expenses man of the Committ.ee on Privileges and Elections, tha Senator from of contesting a seat in Congress from the fourth congressional dis­ Delaware, to postpone the resolution until Tuesday, and to state that trict of Virginia-to the Committee of Elections. by unanimous oonseat it was so postponed 't ' By Mr. WRIGHT: The petition of Adelaide Koons and 81 other The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Tile Chair is not aware that any women of the twelfth congressional district of Pennsylvania, of the such motion was made. The Chair, as he ha11 said, made no ruling Woman's National Christian Temperance Union, against any change upon the subject. If the Chair had been compelled to rule, he would in the revenue laws that will promote t.he interestli of dealers in have felt constrained to rule in accordance with the previous decision spirituous liquors-to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the Vice-President, which he would not assume to overrule unless the Senate se ordered, that precedence was given to the yellow fever bill. Mr. HOUSTON. The report of the Committee on Privileges and IN SENATE. Elections was postponed until Tuesday, to-morrow. There is n9 doubt about that. Having been postponed 11.Dtil to-morrow, it now MONDAY, May 5, 1879. stands for to-morrow to be taken up then. The Jom-nal ought to show that. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair is not aware of any such THE JOUR..~AL. vote.
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