Printed from Woolley & Wallis Sale: Day 1 - Tribal Art the Americas, Indonesia & Oceania Wednesday 18th September 2019 10:00AM 579 lots in this sale All lots are subject to the Buyer’s Premium at 25% + VAT. Lot Description Estimate Hammer 1001 An Inca effigy container conopa £150 - £250 £60 1002 A Chimu weaving shuttle £150 - £250 £150 1003 Two Veracruz head fragments £180 - £220 £140 1004 A Costa Rica metate grinding stone £400 - £600 1005 A Chontal style mask £200 - £300 £50 1006 A pair of Peruvian figures £150 - £200 1007 Two Peru miniature masks £200 - £300 £180 1008 A Nayarit figural vessel £200 - £300 1009 Three Peruvian vessels £150 - £250 1010 A pair of Chancay figures £400 - £600 1011 An Inca style two handled vessel £150 - £250 £160 1012 WITHDRAWN 0 1013 Four Peruvian dolls £100 - £200 £90 1014 A Chancay textile fragment £100 - £200 1015 Twelve Pre-Columbian textile fragments £200 - £300 £170 1016 Eleven Pre-Columbian textile fragments £200 - £300 £160 1017 Eight Pre-Columbian textile fragments £250 - £350 1018 Ten Pre-Columbian textile fragments £300 - £400 1019 Ten Pre-Columbian textile fragments £200 - £300 1020 Eight Pre-Columbian textile fragments £200 - £300 1021 An Amazon club £200 - £300 £200 1022 A Guyana club £500 - £700 £700 1023 An Amazon club £100 - £150 £60 Lot Description Estimate Hammer 1024 λA Tierra del Fuego harpoon head £200 - £300 £110 1025 A Guyana small club £200 - £300 £420 1026 A Hopewell type pipe bowl £400 - £600 £400 1027 A Zuni bear fetish £100 - £150 £480 1028 A Sami knife and sheath £40 - £60 £90 1029 Four Sami knives and sheaths £350 - £450 £420 1030 A North American roach spreader £200 - £300 £280 1031 A Navajo apron £150 - £250 £150 1032 λTwo Inuit gaming pieces £200 - £300 £320 1033 λAn Inuit needle case £300 - £350 1034 λAn Inuit harpoon tip £100 - £150 £140 1035 λTwo Inuit harpoon tips £200 - £300 £220 1036 λAn Inuit bag fastener £300 - £400 £420 1037 λAn Inuit drag handle / amulet £200 - £300 £300 1038 A pair of Inuit snow goggles £1,000 - £1,200 £950 1039 An Inuit mask £400 - £600 £500 1040 A pair of Inuit boots £50 - £100 1041 λAn Inuit Janus ornament £100 - £200 £50 1042 λAn Inuit amulet mask £750 - £850 £550 1043 λAn Inuit model kayak £150 - £250 £300 1044 Henry Napartuk (1932 - 1985) £200 - £300 £150 1045 λA Northwest Coast finger mask £60 - £100 £250 1046 A Plains rattle £80 - £120 1047 Henry Napartuk (1932 - 1985) £100 - £200 £80 1048 Isa Smiler (1921 - 1986) Inuit £500 - £600 1049 Allie Kah Inuit £200 - £300 1050 A Inuit carved group £200 - £300 £220 1051 Lucassie Amm Inuit £200 - £300 £200 1052 An Inuit carved figure £300 - £400 1053 Jusi Sivuarapik Inuit £200 - £300 £200 1054 An Inuit carved group £200 - £300 £110 Lot Description Estimate Hammer 1055 λA Haida spoon £400 - £500 £400 1056 Two Canadian totem poles £300 - £500 1057 A Kwakiutl puppet figure £1,500 - £2,000 1058 A Haida carved horn £200 - £300 1059 A Haida spoon £250 - £350 £300 1060 A North American tomahawk £200 - £250 1061 A Sioux club head £100 - £150 £100 1062 Two Northwest Coast paddles £40 - £50 £100 1063 A Northwest Coast ladle £100 - £200 £300 1064 A Plains club £250 - £350 £250 1065 A Sioux pipe £200 - £300 £150 1066 A J Russell & Co skinning knife £100 - £150 £100 1067 A Haida decorated European gunstock £100 - £200 £700 1068 A Haida spoon £800 - £1,200 £700 1069 A North American club £200 - £300 £200 1070 A Blackfoot knife sheath £600 - £800 £1400 1071 A Plains pouch £120 - £150 £280 1072 A Potawatami pouch £150 - £250 £600 1073 A Cree 'fire' pouch £150 - £250 £420 1074 A Blackfoot loop necklace £200 - £300 £1300 1075 A Crow perfleche envelope £200 - £300 £480 1076 A Tlingit spoon £150 - £250 £250 1077 A Plains pipe bag £150 - £200 £170 1078 A Sioux war bonnet case £200 - £300 £320 1079 A pair of Southern Cheyenne leggings £300 - £400 £600 1080 A pair of Plains wrap round leggings £300 - £400 £420 1081 An Ojibwa pipe bag £300 - £400 £380 1082 Six pairs of Plains moccasins £200 - £300 £380 1083 Six pairs of North American moccasins £200 - £300 £300 1084 A pipe tomahawk £400 - £600 £1900 1085 A pair of Chippewa mittens £150 - £200 £380 Lot Description Estimate Hammer 1086 Twenty seven Plains beaded and quilled pieces £100 - £200 £380 1087 A pair of Sioux armbands £200 - £300 £950 1088 Four Iroquois pouches £100 - £200 £200 1089 A Sioux childs' vest £200 - £300 £600 1090 A Sioux / Yakima war club £300 - £400 £400 1091 A Blackfoot knife sheath £250 - £350 £850 1092 A Plains stone headed club £300 - £400 £550 1093 A pair of Arapaho woman's leggings £200 - £300 £550 1094 A pair of Plateau leggings £150 - £200 £550 1095 A Sioux stone headed club £300 - £400 £450 1096 A Plains roach £150 - £250 £180 1097 A Plains club £200 - £300 £750 1098 A Chippewa sash £100 - £200 £700 1099 A Micmac oval box and cover £150 - £200 £220 1100 A Plains woman's hair pipe necklace £120 - £150 £320 1101 Literature £200 - £300 £100 1102 Three North American model canoes £100 - £150 £140 1103 A Sioux pipe £100 - £150 £320 1104 An American arrow head £40 - £50 £30 1105 A Cree rifle case £300 - £400 £600 1106 λA Sioux feather dance bustle £300 - £500 £220 1107 A pair of Alonquin snow shoes £150 - £250 £170 1108 A Central Plains shirt £300 - £400 £3500 1109 A Plains awl case £200 - £300 £420 1110 A Sioux pipe bag £300 - £400 £1600 1111 Literature £100 - £200 £120 1112 Literature £100 - £200 £200 1113 Literature £80 - £120 £40 1114 Literature £50 - £100 £110 1115 A Kenyah shield £3,000 - £5,000 £3000 1116 Three Dayak amulets £300 - £350 Lot Description Estimate Hammer 1117 A Timor lime container £400 - £600 1118 An Ifugao ritual bowl duyu £300 - £400 1119 An Ifugao pipe bowl £120 - £150 1120 λA Flores bracelet £500 - £600 1121 Three Indonesian shadow puppets £150 - £200 £170 1122 A Java mask £300 - £400 £2200 1123 λA Bali kris £300 - £350 1124 λA Java kris £500 - £600 1125 A Timor spoon £200 - £300 £380 1126 Two Batak stoppers £300 - £350 1127 A Batak stopper £40 - £60 £90 1128 A Timor altar figure £250 - £300 £250 1129 A Dayak guardian figure £200 - £300 £200 1130 A Batak medicine horn £200 - £300 1131 A Dayak baby carrier £250 - £350 £380 1132 A Dayak shield £800 - £1,200 £900 1133 A Batak medicine horn £150 - £200 1134 A Bontoc shield £400 - £600 £350 1135 A Bontoc axe £150 - £200 £300 1136 A Dayak quiver £100 - £150 1137 A Bali wedding headdress £100 - £200 £250 1138 A Sumba amulet figure £150 - £200 £150 1139 An Ifugao figural post £200 - £300 £800 1140 An Ifugao back carrier / shirt £150 - £200 £130 1141 A Timor ceremonial spoon £100 - £150 £100 1142 A Timor spoon £300 - £400 £420 1143 A Tibet lute £80 - £120 1144 A Moluccas Islands shield £200 - £300 1145 A Nias sword balato £250 - £350 £250 1146 Two Dayak pig sticks tun tun £80 - £120 £170 1147 Four Dayak pig sticks tun tun £200 - £300 £320 Lot Description Estimate Hammer 1148 A Nias shield £300 - £400 £380 1149 A Dayak shield £100 - £200 £170 1150 A Batak shaman's staff £300 - £500 1151 A Dayak shield £100 - £200 £100 1152 A Sumatra shield £150 - £250 £250 1153 A Dayak paddle £200 - £300 £190 1154 A Sulawesi turban ornament £120 - £150 £130 1155 A Nias sword balato £500 - £600 1156 A Dayak baby carrier £150 - £250 1157 A Yami knife and sheath £250 - £350 £320 1158 A Dayak mandau sword £200 - £300 £280 1159 A Dayak mandau sword £50 - £100 £80 1160 Three Dayak mandau swords £800 - £1,200 1161 Two Indian votive maternal groups £150 - £250 1162 A Naga rice noodle press £150 - £250 1163 A Naga ornament £150 - £250 1164 Three Karen pipes £180 - £200 1165 A Nepal butter churning tool ghurra £200 - £300 £190 1166 A Tibetan prayer print block £100 - £200 £160 1167 A Naga hat £150 - £250 £160 1168 A Naga knife dao £120 - £150 £120 1169 A Naga ear ornament £100 - £150 £300 1170 A Tibet shaman's drum £100 - £150 £140 1171 Three Naga spears £150 - £250 £160 1172 A Tibetan 'tiger' saddle cover £3,000 - £5,000 £2700 1173 A Tibetan coin pouch £150 - £250 1174 Two horn bead necklaces £150 - £200 £130 1175 A Tibet milk pot £150 - £250 £160 1176 A Nepalese Shaman's drum £200 - £300 1177 A Tibetan bead mala £150 - £200 £160 1178 An Atayal beaded skirt £400 - £600 £4200 Lot Description Estimate Hammer 1179 A Taiwan knife and sheath £100 - £150 £300 1180 A Chinese headrest £50 - £100 £200 1181 A Chinese extending headrest £50 - £100 £70 1182 A Chinese headrest £120 - £150 £90 1183 A Balinese Star Calendar Palelitangan painting £200 - £300 £170 1184 An Abung ceremonial skirt tapis £300 - £400 £300 1185 Three Bali banners £120 - £160 1186 λA Japanese bow £100 - £200 £220 1187 An Usbek glazed silk ikat coat £150 - £200 £200 1188 A Sumba ikat £120 - £150 £130 1189 A Sumba ikat £150 - £250 1190 A pair of Sumba ikats £250 - £300 1191 A pair of Sumba ikat hinggi cloths £150 - £200 £280 1192 Two Timor Islands cloths £250 - £300 £190 1193 A Lampung ceremonial cloth £120 - £150 £80 1194 A Lampung ceremonial cloth £100 - £120 £50 1195 An Afghan saddle bag £150 - £250 1196 A coastal Sepik River mask £600 - £800 1197 A Papua New Guinea mask £250 - £350 £250 1198 A Highlands shield £300 - £400 1199 A Highlands shield £500 - £600 £500 1200 A Highlands shield £200 - £300 1201 A Sepik River standing ancestor figure £400 - £600 £400 1202 A Ramu River amulet figure £300 - £350 1203 A Papua New Guinea zoomorphic pounder £200 - £300 1204 A Huon Gulf betel nut mortar £200 - £300 £320 1205 A Papuan Gulf charm marupai £200 - £300 £280 1206 A Humboldt Bay standing figure £300 - £400 1207 Two Massim canoe prow ornaments £300 - £400 £300 1208 An Iatmul small orator's stool £150 - £200 £150 1209 A Sepik River headrest
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