b ib SB b b ib s OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1977 Island Pilot: Jane Kelley. .p. 16 Women’s World Records in Aviation. .p. 11 Survey on Format of the 99 News. .p. 31 Continuing thoughts on. India ANO CFI NEPAL REVALIDATION CLINICS by Jan Million When a pilot passes his check ride for the tion in staffing, many CFIs will encounter Flight Instructor Certificate, his new delays in certificate renewal. certificate is valid for a period of 24 8. During the 10 years the clinics have months. He may renew his CFI at the end been in operation, there has been a greater of that period by taking another check ride awareness of good practices and a very or without taking a check ride if: significant drop in instructional accidents 1. His record shows he is a competent — from almost 1,600 per year to last year’s instructor. 605 (60% reduction). 2. He has a satisfactory record as It’s beginning to look more and more like company check pilot, chief CFI, or pilot in the FAA will not back down on it’s decision command of an aircraft operated under to phase out their operation of the Clinics Part 121. .and passes an oral. and will go ahead and let industry handle 3. He completes an approved flight them. However, FAA’s McLucas has instructor refresher course. (FAR 61.197) related that for a period of one year, the The CFI check ride is one which must be FAA will watch industry to see what given by an FAA Examiner and not a happens with the clinics. It’s extremely Designeee. The man hours of FAA time important that we watch the clinics also, required to re-examine the 42,500 U.S. and let our evaluations of them be known flight instructors every two years on a to the FAA. There is no reason to accept one-to-one basis is mind-boggling to say the less than the best. least. In this regard, not only have the There are several areas of real concern to Revalidation Clinics served to standardize be alert for with industry-operated pro­ 3 WEEKS IN IN DIA flight instruction and provide an avenue for grams. Wally Funk points out some areas FOR ONLY the FAA to reach Instructors (and through that we might closely scrutinize during the $1497. them all pilots) with the very latest next year: information on new regulations and proce­ • Is Industry providing the broad input dures and aviation knowledge, they have of problem areas that the central FAA team also in fact been one of the most cost afforded? Send to Ms. Chanda Sawant effective programs within the FAA. In the • Are we achieving the same level of c/o Destination World Ltd. last 2 years alone, an estimated 29,000 standardization of flight training as in the 680 Lexington Ave. Instructors attended the Clinics nation past? (It’s hard to see how this could be New York, NY 10022 wide. possible with so many different agencies Wally Funk, Long Beach 99 who’s also conducting refresher clinics.) □ 1 wish to participate in this trip to an Air Safety Investigator with the Nation­ • Is industry providing the same number India & Nepal. Enclosed is my Check/ al Transportation Safety Board, has sent us of clinics as were available in the past? Money order payable to “Destination some pertinent facts which are of interest in • Will cost become prohibitive to the World Ltd.” for $ representing: regard to this matter. CFI? With the FAA clinics, the cost ranged 1. During the past 24 months, approxi­ from $0. to $35.00 depending what was □ down payment □ full payment mately 29,000 Flight Instructors attended provided (meals, lodging, etc.) for the □ single accommodation $50 extra clinics nationwide. attendees by the co-sponsoring group in □ I would like complete information on 2. There were a total of 86 clinics. addition to the free FAA clinic. A large the trip to India & Nepal. 3. There are approximately 42,500 Flight increase in cost will probably be a deterrent Instructors nationwide. Each Flight In­ to the attendance, leading to a diminishing N am e:__________________________________ structor’s renewal is good for 24 months. number of clinics, and on to eventual 4. There are 84 FAA District Offices abandonment of the program. A ddress:________________________________ (GADOs) with 492 General Aviation • Is there any upturn in instructional Operations Inspectors nationwide. accidents? 5. It requires an estimated 3 hours to • Will industry guarantee their clinics renew a Chief Flight Instructor or Flight and schedules? Industry can (and has twice Phone: (office)___________________ Instructor when done on a one-to-one basis recently in the Western Region) cancel (i.e. not on basis of attendance at clinics). clinics if attendance is not to their liking. (hom e)___________________ 6. There are approximately 1600 “ap­ Then what happens to the CFI who needs proved” flight schools. Each Chief Flight to be certified? Names of Accompanying Persons: Instructor is required by regulation to Let’s not sit back and just accept attend a clinic annually. industry’s program s. L et’s examine them 7. Based on items 1 and 5, no clinics carefully, and if they are good enough, would add 12 man years of work annually fine. If not, let’s continue to let the FAA to District Offices. With continuing reduc­ know that they are wanted. ie b HH e e i u s KING Volume 4 Number 1 January-February 1977 THE NINETY-NINES, INCORPORATED UP International Headquarters WITH LOIS Terminal Drive and Amelia Earhart Lane P.O Box 59965 Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 Return form 3579 to above address In the past, the Ninety-Nines have supported and sponsored 2nd Class Postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK Accident Prevention Seminars, conducted Safety Programs, and and at additional mailing offices. encouraged General Aviation Safety. For these efforts we were presented a Distinguished Service Award from the FAA at our International Convention in Philadelphia last Summer. We were Publisher ...........................The Ninety-Nines, Inc, again recognized as a leader in the promotion of safety by the Editor Jan Million (405) 682-4425 FAA. Circulation Manager Loretta Gragg At our last Board of Directors meeting in November, the Headquarters Secretary .................................................... Virginia Oualline Ninety-Nines were asked to join with the FAA in a combined Contributing Editors Sylvia Paoli, Joan Kerwin effort to revitalize the Accident Prevention Program. Our own Editorial Assistant....................................................................... Nema Masonhall safety programs are interesting, informative, and highly Advertising Manager Jan Million (405) 682-4425 successful. We have been asked to work with the FAA in putting together quality presentations with new material and new and qualified speakers from sources other than FAA. We will sponsor the programs throughout the country and “ make them happen” , as well as participate in their development. We will no longer be Special Articles and Features “tea and coffee pourers” . Aircraft Oxygen Systems ........................................................................................ 4 The FAA has agreed to appoint at least one member from each Continuing Thoughts on CFI Revalidation C lin ics ....................................... 2 Chapter as an “Accident Prevention Counselor” to plan, Flying in Germany...................................................................................................... 14 coordinate, and guide the programs in that area. I have sent a India 99s Visit U.S.A .................................................................................................10 memo to all Chapter Chairmen and Governors in the United Island Pilot: Jane K e lle y .........................................................................................16 States about this to get the program moving and, I am certain, if It was October 25th, 1976 ......................................................................................6 it has not already been discussed at your Chapter meeting, it will Jerrie Cobb Inducted into OK Hall of Fame .................................................... 5 be soon. Also, I have appointed a dynamic International 99 NEWS Survey ...................................................................................................... 31 Committee to coordinate this program between the FAA and the To Save an Airport ...................................................................................................... 7 Ninety-Nines and between Sections. Hazel Jones and Gene Nora Women's World Records in Aviation ........................................................ 11-13 Jessen will serve on this committee, with our immediate Past President, Pat McEwen, as Chairman. They will work closely with Mr. Huard Norton, Chief, Accident Prevention Staff of the FAA in Washington, D.C. I am certain that they will keep Mr. Norton on his toes and make things happen. Regular Features Within this committee, we are going to design and write a book Aviation Law ................................................................................................................... 9 on safety, using information compiled from various sources, and AWTAR ..............................................................................................................................4 containing some cartoons to make the book light and interesting. C alendar.......................... 5 The FAA will print it and make a wide distribution of it. We are Classified Ads ..............................................................................................................30
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