^ \\ ^ W e aE t h e e r r ^ ^ > j a p j ____*_pinal-*——jl^ Partly Cloudy,.!;ioudy,:„ ^— EditionE iJ . ■ -TheThB Maulc.Vallejr NewspaperNewspaper Dedicatedpe to SehrtnsTins and PromotinKPr the -Growthr o w th oot' f NinoNini Irrigated Idahoho CoantiesCounties : ^-V0L. 45,U0.M_' v -gB*- ______________ • • • T W lI lN f a l l s . IDAHO,lHO, WEDXESDAY.WEDXl JULY .17,.1963j17,,1963^___ - . ____ _______ ^----- -- TEN CENTS— ffl SleBllttEfie C ouple I lEErogSeg?£essEKep( j t e p t S e d S T a ile a ininrGraslr^J r * N ea rlHH azeltoa a n | i B Hp ' iIn Conclave -toh ; I jr '17— A Jerome couple was Wiled • B sday when their car collided with, a ■ ^i4ra»cr tnirk miles M.gfr nf t^i>rlL-nn_highnmy , 38, and his wife, Anna May, 37, t * Ban Ni «25 Chftrles Viningr, 38, and his !ur Tests ’ ; 1 9 6 0 were traveling east on the hiffJhiffhwny when their . - , aiQSCQ.\V^»Iy-l-7-<-tJPI)^-^ 0 tfltc57H?ritiriTr7iTidtc57^ritTriTr7iTid-thg-3Dvict-UTrion tin- tn ic lc f — IsSISufliHBlKi---— ^ rhpvrolet collided with a frozenfroze food .expfeaa-tniiJt.' _ £ ; I n ; nounccdnoul toniKlit inI a joint communiquecomm they were makinKmiikinjr proffrc.Hs11 in drafting a . headed w e st. 'I'iie \ t \ which w as west, ihe truck driver, W. J. Wil- K ^ - pnrtiHl bun oii imdCiHLtcataJiL-wJic»iLicataJiL.\vimLiippearcd-tu-bc-aum-tu-bc-aum njor-njor-hcoflktht^ugh-in-the ------- — iiatnsrS«n-Antonio,jrex.»-ivho-»jrex.»-ivho-teccivcd-inlnor-iniurie8, n ju r ie e , T coltl AVHr. llie niiiiouuucmcnt—iqunccmcnt— fir«tfi form iil ropoi-liepoi-li oil011 thet h e EustiWestEi conference— ' old the ~ - _■ •tiM he trie d to -n v o id th e ’’ ^^^■■pgiKeE|c_-P F :;, - I £oik :0uc^iid^{^ii)ut-& =c0ih£&L'eii(«=behmn^ 1 AnclcclAnd Grbmyko; U.LI. S. Nc- -—“ r—— -----------------::— ^— o'S*KMifairericaii I ■^1,'" 4:i.: jrbtiatot-WJroti: wVvcroll-lIarrI- iSshcd through-a-flerieg of 7^ n.„,w u^_B rii^Lora ditches, officers said , a n d rSoldiers J O Hurl I H ail ^=lCUCRI7WiItrWiUDirect remained upnght. • "ProgrcM"P i was made In' draft- , "V f • ing some of the provisions of the | ’ i [f‘o„"SlnVietNam ' I ' '''- 'I "' . ' tetest st ban treaty concerning te-nt- 1 /'J ...xsinr.'Su';f‘o„''SCk lot .0 In .yjgi jjjjy ■ IbapilK raav «..-— .•-£ Ing\ m In the alma^phtre.m outer Civil Rightslights Fi^t Iront tamper ol the twcH lot 20 uly 17 U) ^ i 0 ' V;M ' apaceapnc( and underwater,- Uie com- •mt; -Y O R K , Ju ly 17 ( U P I ) — ' H. ^ f ^ ^ -C^ ^ on u n ^ t ^ewllla^rakrt ththe e ■ .. J c A . mnnlqueninni said. uly 17 (U PI)—Tho seven mujor.U. S. urn-s sec- Diblomntic ob.tervers.snlds.u M tUth lu at l nnnti-.Hegrogntion n tt-i orwinimor^nnimliona liona '• 1hnve formed n. singla : rtars and P li machlM Runs Tuesday night. onco aBrccmeiit m prlticlpleiiiticipie isii ’’cmc m erRe cn oj^’ c o iinncil c u wifhwiTli thet h e 7inim ot expanding the - K..,_______rca r e ch a d e d -o a -a test bftii 'ihc three flcfifrhffor h L civil riKhts,’s'Kts, it'wn.sit wn.s rerevealed today. The or- .*•' ^ ^ woUncwoUndingH“O rs. arrtiy/-apeclal apeclal “ H —- - powerspowe would be prepared 10 dls- forces troops..;;---------- ■ r . i . • r . ® S w g r " o“*"'cuss ft Whole range o rc o ld 'w a r £Runi “ '* r7-Htion, to bo knownknown <iHah tliu CouncilCi for United Civil i — <C*he—s 2 1 s t ^°TheThe-attack on the Can;a n Tho VM i ' v . " M a y .■ problproblems from Laos to0 Uerlln. ip (C(CUCRL); U CR L); :iH in the "formfttivo ’ M and 23n<I’ath t4nf.in airpor soutljwest of ' j l r f P it -minutes; _ B l6lQm&tla_sbitacaL-IorecaiL stngfi B jU iri a series of foreign mUilster'nister' and thet h e NationalI A 8«ociutlou.for_thenciution.for_thejidvanccmcnt_oI_CoI.-------- bHt“bctww^.T^-na&^m^L m o rtar ! l | \ sumr shells hit the InstallationIon and ■ ^ B S aum m ll cohfcfe'nccs to.follow follow the orcdorccl P eople (NAACP). A A C P). ------------------------------------- :— conclusion of the nuclear talks. ^ . I . r„ ®“« of 00 millimeterer sheltosheUs ■ clear talks, j^e sa id l e a d c r f l - o f th e T „ ; (Dlplomatlo speculation ..In „_q.„ DD accident: In through. the roof of: a ahack ■ lie Uniild Kroup plan to mcel. “every -1 1 1 r N g B Jeromes county. i,ommg th^ gpedal forceses teamteam, , _ ■ ..... j | ■ .K -. LondLondon wav that..Uie United S °'v2y Integration ' : - ~ Innictlng all the'caiaufllUM.____ m mjna-fiM ei-Ui.ion-Bi.hi.linn mtffht ^ 0 duyH o r t w o woek.H" nn d /-i ---------- tipalso-lssue-a -fleclflrntlonw Vno^of non- „ v , . vp-CtJCtOTs Fere taken io Uie eighthth U. S.8 . ^ ■ ■ H H , Bggrcaggression . after the talks In “ ®,, r^^^-Said^uccess— ? Idoho ' ... wmyanny field hospital In Nhatrans.h a tra n s. *- ■ m i- m ^ hopeihopes of enalng world 'teStoiis.l"tenslotis.) WillWilkins said that while the T , Three were In serious condition.ondtUon. ■} p-^jfTh<T he air of Joviality which hasha* " “ " 'i as,S£IriBasebaU: nn -emer- J.H 1963....,........................... 998 8 Three Vietnamese also,> .ww eere r e ■ K m f ' ■ '/ m arked the East-W est talksi . since. 1.^^! R ove 'y " ™ove in th e civil rteht.'» ,..1 1 7 wounded. ■ ^talksslnce jrive. It U not plonnbdnbd tliatUiat It WASHINGTON.WA; July n m — A 1962....................... .....1 1 7 «j^nd ththe e 1beginning carried over Jvrtto- bccomo perm anent. FordPord Prick, commissioner of Damage to U>e airport was ^ W ^ M night Into a dinner Gromyko , M ogie V alley ccmpnccmpnrntlvely light. A light:ht plane ■ B | gave for Karrlman and^ Hallsham orRiinlraUonsrgnnliaUons baseball,>»»eb( told the senate com- A re dam - j. would retain tiielr autonomytonomy and mereomerco committee today that ra- ' M 92 ond an automobile were dam- inIn theth Splrdonovka palnco where 1963..........................'** 222 4 «»nd there were bullet holes line# where wcnUty. clalclal IntegrationIr has worked with let holes pQ^iCE CRAB A ftlONKONK who tried to crawl under ak barbed wire 1barricade during. BnddhUtDuddhUt thethe ttalks are being held. 1962............................. 2 4 {'“'.'j.v; ’ «'«„u lu. Tlie groups parUclpatlngclnatlnir In success In baseball becauso ^ Vietnamese troops wereEre sentsent demonstrations Wednesdaysday !n SaJgonSaJgon. Viet Nam. ThisU aetlvltr (00k pUce a t th e GUoao M inh A partial test ban -would bo CUCRL;c u c n he sold, arere the No- of "tl"the exami>le of th e pla>-era # . ¥ ¥ * Vlel gcst demanstntlen look place. lUot poUee Itiju: ntr -rhn ^ Piirauiv ol tho BUeiTlllasu today.teday. pagoda.Pa*«< where the biggest demanstnti Hot poUee Itijured a t least SO dem«&stra-mttastra- && m«major brtaktbrouRh. but U« “..„nai on'^1 Association foror the Ad- “U»emselves." ‘ems fctl before Che cnr alW off.th.1 Tho Ihe heaviest casualty tors»»" and^ arreiled more1 thanth a n 200. TheT he dem onstrations camam e as a 48-hour_hunger48-hoi strtke.by' ft• group tlcklLticklish problem of undergroundnaerground vancementvancei of Coloredred People ^0«oi conceded th a t Uie Introdue- Vinlngs were pinned tn ^the v i Scar. a o^- American servlcemen-inemen-in of-nwnka«»-« and nans wentent Into lU aecoaecond'day. Nol« bangeringer strike bannerbai In background.nd. The nudenuclear explosions remainsemalns to (NAACP);(NAAi the Nationalonal Urban Hon ofc Negro players Into base- Mrs. Vlolng was reportedfSles killed an *Jfr, “"B'" «P«>un‘« with the Viet BuddhistsBudd are seeking religionsrtllgictts freedofreedom, cqualliy and "social Justice."Justice.* (AP wlrephota) , bebe.solved. so British and1 American league;league C ongress of Racial baUball shortlys after world war H (\ ■ •iMtantly. I t took authorltlea an i *'"* ------------- H. * * V sclenisclentlsu are on hand1 to advise EEqui q u ality (CORE);: Southern was approacheda with some hour to pry Vlnlng out-?/. of Oie Earlier_*•. Tuesday, two American T - . , their principals. ChristianChrist Leadership Conference but declaredd< "we had no reaction ' car. He died 10 minutes after tiehe oillltoinimtary advisers and two Viet- I T 2 i n Even before tonight's.'s commu*comrhu- (SCLC);(SCLC s t u d e n t Non-violent ftt all.all no Incidents" baled 00 WAS freed. iiamefiiiameso soldiera were InjuredS and indianJLJL DelejDelegation I BBuddhistsi “ -UXin nlQue:| there was increasingflslng optl*opti- CCoor o o r d i n a t i n g e oommltteo m m ltt e o race, . The. accident was JnveatlRated«tlB£ed ^a y,”Vietnamese soldier was JtUlcd ’ ^ mUmon theposslbUltyofwork-y of work- (SNICK);(SNIC NaUonal Council of TopTon officials of professlopa by Jerome Sheriff Jaipei (Pat)(Wt) jn the crash of a TJ. a marine I^T Ing out ft compromlM» between Negro Women..and the-.NAACP^ w ? lootbalVitMVa also teslltled th a t th e ir Bums. Deputy Bherllt OofdoaOoraon corps0^™ |helicopter In'mountalns 800 1 T ' m e Saigon Riot, ^the seven on-slt« Inspectionsectlons do-do* l>8al Defense fund. The latter -oort itroimen miles northeast of Saigon.S Gets^ Warmarm AWelcome Mtvibry, -and State Fatrolmea mies ; manded by the Westt and the ffroup Sprobl. c S S ^ iTjpf- maximum nf .threa-the-SovIels Marvin S._Wxi«bt and & D. T\ 5 ----------- 1— i —^ ■■- MOSCOW, July 17 OT—An^A n InIndian d ian ml:military delegation arrived in ^ 1 J oocov'today^and" w u TCcelvisd-wannly-by-SovtBrorflclairinryefreceived warmly Sn"-« -5 0' -Are-Hur-t—/ once said they were wilingUingtoac* to ac- Co-(Co-chalrmen of COCRLTIOIU aregr» “ Tfhe conunerce committee la According.
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