United* States* Naval Amphibious 'IheMocR-Up Ti'aining ~ase VOL. 4-NO. 18 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA * * 4 MAY, 1945 FLOTILLA 74 GRADUATES Trace and Symphonists V ocal,ovely Here DDT Coming To North AT SATURDAY CEREMONY Here Next Tuesday For Island To Rout Insects, Graduation exercises will be Concert Under Stars Mosquitoes, Sand Flies held at 1000 Saturday morning for (Photo on Page 4) Flotilla 74, present senior flotilla Al Trace and his Silly Sympho­ DDT, newly-discovered powerful in the attack boat training pro- nists will be Welfare and Recre­ insecticide, is coming to North Is­ gram, with Capt. C. Gulbranson, ation's next "Music Under the land to write a blanket death.­ USN, Base CO, heading the in­ Stars" attraction when they ap­ sentence to mosquitoes, flies, sand .specting party and presenting cash pear here Tuesday night. The flies and other insects, according awards to the prize boat crews of popular band will perform at Gul­ to Capt. C. Gulbranson, USN, the flotilla. branson Hall at 1800 and at Jay­ Base CO. The $25 first prize goes to An­ cee Field at 2000. Authorities at the Naval Air drew Sikoryak and Alfred J. After the Jaycee Field per­ Station, Vero Beach, began an ex­ Skoczylas, both Slc, Freeland F. formance Trace and his "Loon­ pansive spraying program by plane Forbess, S2c, and Jackie L. Doug- ies." will play for dancing at Le­ at tree-top level last week, anq las, F2c. gion Hall for enlisted men and according to Comdr. C. V. Hatch­ Second prize of $15 is present- their lady friends. ette, Senior· Medical Officer, plans ed to Delmar I. Morris, Richard Trace has ha~ engagements at call for the program to extend J. Osterlind, Raymond E. Rhea, s~me of ~he biggest hotels '.3-nd down North Island to a point 15 all Slc, and Bernard D. Coder, Imte clubs m t~e country and JUst miles below Vero Beach, which Flc · completed a successful 104 week would include practically all of Third prize of $10 goes to Earl .engagement at the Plantation TONI ARDEN, cute little "eye­ North Island. s. McMillan, Slc, Robert· D. Ser­ Room of ~e'; York's Hotel.Dixie. full," is one of the headline at­ tractions with Al Trace and his Freeing North Island of mos­ dahl, Roland H. Barkau, both S2c, One o~ Tr.aces m?~t popul~1 n~m ­ Silly Symphonists who will wppe1111· quitoes and other insects will be a and Julian D. Bowling, F2c. hers 1~ his. rendit~on of Mairzy here at USNATB on TtlesdafJ great asset to those training and Heading Flotilla 74 through the Doats'. which he introduced over night. living in that area, especially those trammg· · sc h e d u 1e h ere h as been the. air.. Another. famous Tracef . record is the cunent popular av­ training groups which venture out th t k f Lt C G All J at night when such insects are out e as o . en, I., 't "R d C C0 1 " of Commerce and Dallas, Texas. ori e, um an oca a. Base Chapel Nearly Ready in astronoroical numbers. A graduate of East Texas State Th~ band has had over 100 c?n­ Gen. James S. Simmons, of the Teachers College, where he re­ secutive weeks of ibroadcastmg For Religious Services U. S. Army Surgeon General's ceived his B.A. degree in. 1940 over the ~utual Netwo~k a1.1d has Office, says: "DDT constitutes the and his M.A. degree in 1943, Lt. appeared m two Columbia Pictures The former Camp One mess hall most valuable single contribution Allen coached one year at Prairie recently. is being converted into a Base of our war-time medical research Hill (Tex.) High School before Toni Arden is the little cutie Chapel Capt. C. Gulbranson, USN, to the future health and welfare, entering the Naval Reserve. with the big voice. She has the Base CO, a!.1nounced today. .not only of this nation, but of the After completing Midshipmen delivery and. sh?wmanship that The plans and construction world." School at Northwestern Univer­ stamps her Big Time. A number of work are being carried out by One of the most remarkable sity, Mr. Allen was commissioned the na~ion's. leading bandleaders Public Works, with Lt. S. E. Clip- qualities of DDT is its persistence. an ensign in January, 1942. His have tned to coax ~er away .from pard, Officer in Charge, taking a When applied to wood or canvas, its first active duty assignment took the zaney Trace Simp-Funmes. gl'eat personal interest in the killing effect lasts for several him to San Francisco, where he months. A 5% solution of DDT in OFFICER DANCE TONIGHT project, according to Lt. Comdr. was ordered to command a group K. D. Perkins, Senior Chaplain. refined kerosene applied as a spray of YPs enroute to Panama. Upon There will be a dance for Offi­ to infested beds and mattresses, for arrival in Balboa he was assigned cers, their wives and lady friends The pulpit and altar are de- example, not only will kill all bed as Officer in Charge of division tonight at Legion Hall at 2030. signed in accordance with standard bugs actually struck, but will kill of YPs on patrol duty on the Pa­ The fifteen piece USNATB dance Navy chapel plans. Standard any of the bugs coming in contact cific side of the Panama Canal. orchestra will supply the music for chapel equipment has also been with the surfaces for 6 to 8 In August of 1942, Lt. Allen dancing. One hundred hostesses received, including a brass cross, months. went on convoy duty in the Carib­ including members of the Spin­ candlesticks and flower vases. The entire output of DDT, more bean area aboard the USS :fade, sters Club will be on hand to enter­ A belfry is being erected on top than 2,000,000 pounds a month, later shifting over to the Pacific tain the single officers. of the building, and Chaplain Per- currently is going to the armed where the Jade engaged in the kins is now seeking the aid of all forces. But when the w.ar ends it training of Ecuadorian naval of­ as Commander of Flotilla 74. hands for information leading to will be a boon to housewives and ficers. Lt. Allen's next tour of duty the obtaining of a church bell. farmers. DDT can be applied in a Returning to the States in has already begun. As of May 1 Wheri construction is completed wide variety of ways against prac­ March, 1943, he went to the Sub­ he was transferred to Amphibious the interior of the chapel will be tically all of our common insect Chaser Training School at Miami Scouts, a program for which he appropriately decorated by a Base enemies and pests, according to before going aboard the SC 1299 volunteered several weeks ago. artist. Chaplain Perkins expects to Government experts. •!• U S N AT B ·!· as Commanding Officer. The craH Mr. Allen is married and his wife announce a f u 11 sc h e d u 1e 0 f re­ The Fort Pierce High School was engaged in Caribbean convoy is now residing with him in Fort ligious services for this new house Band will present the Florida duty, based at Curacao. Pierce. of worship within two weeks. Blossom Minstrel, at 2015 Friday In July, 1944, Lt. Allen re­ Boat group commanders in Flo­ +US NAT B {· night, school auditorium on Del­ turned to Miami and last Decem­ tilla 74 who have ably assisted First Sailor: "She seemed like a aware Avenue, with servicemen ber was assigned to this base. Aft­ Lt. Allen al'e Lts. (jg) J. J. Mc­ good, sensible girl." invited at special admission ·price er serving as boat group com­ Cavitt, J. C. Mahoney, and H. G. Shipmate: "Yes, she didn't pay (50 cents). Tickets on sale at box mander in Flotilla 72, he took o~er Thomas. any attention to me, .either.'' office. · PAGE TWO THE MOCK-UP 4 AY, 1945 THE MOCK-UP CHAPLAIN'S CORNER I Lt. F. A. Mclean On Duty United States Naval Amphibious By Chaplain E. c . Helmich, USN Since First Day of Base Training Base, Fo1·t Pierce, Fla. "I beseech you therefore, breth­ After more than two years of ren, by the mercies of God, that service at the USNATB, Lt. Frank VOL. 4 4 MAY, 1945 NO. 18 ye present your bodies a living A. McLean, USNR, Officer-in­ sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Charge of the old Scouts and Raid­ COMMANDING OFFICER - -- CAPT. C. GULBRANSON U. ;_., N,&Vy God." Romans 12 :1 er unit, is now awaiting orders to EXECUTIVE OFFICER" - - COMDR. PERRY M. FENTON, U.S.N.R. Sacrifice was the high water other duty. EDITOR - - - • - - - LT. C. HERSCHEL SCHOOLEY, U.S.N.R. mark of JeWish worship and devo­ A resident of Montgomery, Ala., NEWS EDITOR • - - ENS. ROBERT L. EBERT tion. Such sacrifices represented Lt. McLean graduated from Ala­ PHOTO .EDITOR • • - - LT. (JG) E. J. FINLEY, U.S.N.R. Art Editor: R. D. Force, Slc Sports Editor: F. X. McPhillips Slc a sincere desire to give the best' to bama Polytech­ Photographers: Don Cummings, PhoMlc; R. L. Lane, PhdMlc; God - nothing shoddy, nothing im­ n io l'n s titute R. J. Jonas, PhoM3c; Sam Schipps, PhoM3c pe1·fect was acceptabl~. Only the (Auburn) in first fruits of the field and the 1941. For seven THE MOCK-UP is published each' .cl~~iN'9i:aJ Friday for all Base personnel.
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