Stáisiún Uí Chonghaile, Baile Átha Cliath 1, D01 V6V6 Connolly Station, Dublin 1, D01 V6V6 T 01 703 nnnn F 01 703 nnnn E [email protected] W www.irishrail.ie 16th January 2018 Re: FOI Request Response [IE_FOI_139] Dear , I refer to your request dated 13th December 2017 made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, which was received on that date for records held by Iarnród Éireann your request sought: All relevant documentation relating to: 1) The number of carriages on each DART departing from Bray heading Northbound eg 6.15am Bray-Howth Dart has 4 carriages, 6.25am Bray-Malahide Dart has 6 carriages etc 2) The number of carriages on each DART departing either Malahide or Howth heading Southbound. Please include time of departure and number of carriages on Dart 3) The number of carriages on each Commuter train in both directions departing from Pearse Station to Maynooth Station. Please include time of departure 4) The number of carriages on each intercity trains in both directions departing from Connolly Station going to Wexford. Please include time of departure 5) The number of carriages on each intercity trains in both directions departing from Connolly Station going to Sligo. Please include time of departure 6) The number of carriages on each intercity trains departing from Heuston. Please include departure time and final destination of each time. I, Lynette O’Toole, Freedom of Information / Data Protection Officer have now made a final decision to release this record on the 16th January 2018. Rights of appeal In the event that you are not happy with this decision you can make an appeal in relation to this matter, you can do so by writing to the FOI Unit, Corporate Communications, Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail, Connolly Station, Amiens St, Dublin 1 or by e-mail to [email protected]. You should make your appeal within 4 weeks (20 working days) from the date of this notification, where a day is defined as a working day excluding, the weekend and public holidays, however, the making of a late appeal may be permitted in appropriate circumstances. The appeal will involve a complete reconsideration of the matter by a more senior member of the staff of this body. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please contact the FOI Officer on 01, 7034293. Yours sincerely, Ms Lynette O'Toole Freedom of Information / Data Protection Officer Cathaoirleach Chairman - P Gaffney(UK), Stiúrthóirí Directors: F Allen, C Griffiths (UK), T McGee(UK), M McGreevy (UK), J Moloney; F O’Mahony, T Wynne; Príomh Fheidhmeannach Chief Executive: D Franks Iarnród Éireann – Irish Rail, cuideachta ghníomhaíochta ainmnithe, faoi theorainn scaireanna, cláraithe in Éirinn ag Stáisiún Uí Chonghaile, Baile Átha Cliath 1, Ur. 119571 Ur. CBL IE 4812851 O Iarnród Éireann – Irish Rail, a designated activity company, limited by shares, registered in Ireland at Connolly Station, Dublin 1, No. 119571 VAT No. E 4812851 O Freedom of Information Request: Schedule of Records for IE_FOI_138 : Summary for Decision Making Decision: No. of Grant/Part Record No. Date of Record Brief Description Pages Grant/Refuse Section of Act if applicable 1 15.01.16 2.1b IE Mins 20170117 - Minutes 17.01.16_Redacted 6 Grant Signed Decision Maker Record Edited/Identify Deletions Departure Origin Destination Size 06:25 Heuston Portlaoise 3 06:35 Heuston Newbridge 4 07:00 Heuston Cork 8 07:25 Heuston Waterford 5 07:30 Heuston Portlaoise 3 07:35 Heuston Galway 4 08:00 Heuston Cork 8 08:25 Heuston Portlaoise 6 09:00 Heuston Cork 8 09:20 Heuston Portlaoise 3 09:25 Heuston Galway 3 10:00 Heuston Cork 5 10:15 Heuston Waterford 6 10:20 Heuston Portlaoise 3 11:00 Heuston Cork 8 11:20 Heuston Portlaoise 3 11:25 Heuston Galway 4 12:00 Heuston Cork 5 12:20 Heuston Portlaoise 5 12:45 Heuston Westport 7 13:00 Heuston Cork 8 13:15 Heuston Waterford 3 13:20 Heuston Portlaoise 3 13:25 Heuston Galway 7 14:00 Heuston Cork 5 14:20 Heuston Portlaoise 3 14:45 Heuston Westport 4 15:00 Heuston Cork 8 15:10 Heuston Waterford 5 15:25 Heuston Portlaoise 3 15:30 Heuston Limerick 4 15:35 Heuston Galway 4 16:00 Heuston Cork 8 16:20 Heuston Portlaoise 3 16:25 Heuston Limerick 5 16:30 Heuston Galway 5 16:40 Heuston Waterford 6 17:00 Heuston Cork 8 17:05 Heuston Tralee 5 17:10 Heuston Athlone 4 17:25 Heuston Limerick 5 17:30 Heuston Galway 6 17:32 Heuston Portlaoise 3 17:35 Heuston Waterford 6 18:00 Heuston Cork 8 18:05 Heuston Portlaoise 6 18:15 Heuston Westport 5 18:25 Heuston Portlaoise 4 18:30 Heuston Galway 5 18:35 Heuston Waterford 5 19:00 Heuston Cork 8 19:05 Heuston Portlaoise 3 19:35 Heuston Galway 7 19:45 Heuston Portlaoise 3 20:15 Heuston Carlow 3 21:00 Heuston Cork 7 21:05 Heuston Portlaoise 4 22:10 Heuston Portlaoise 7 23:10 Heuston Kildare 3 Departure Origin Destination Time @ Bray Size Departure Origin Destination Size Departure Origin Destination Size 05:40 Bray Malahide 05:40 8 06:05 Howth Bray 6 06:30 Malahide Greystones 8 06:00 Greystones Malahide 06:10 8 06:45 Howth Bray 6 07:00 Malahide Greystones 8 06:20 Bray Howth 06:20 8 07:15 Howth Bray 6 07:30 Malahide Greystones 8 06:30 Greystones Howth 06:40 8 07:45 Howth Bray 8 07:40 Malahide Dun Laoghaire 6 06:55 Bray Howth 06:55 8 08:02 Howth Greystones 8 08:07 Malahide Dun Laoghaire 8 07:00 Greystones Howth 07:10 6 08:19 Howth Bray 8 08:25 Malahide Bray 8 07:25 Bray Howth 07:25 6 08:30 Howth Greystones 6 09:00 Malahide Greystones 8 07:30 Greystones Malahide 07:40 8 08:45 Howth Bray 6 09:30 Malahide Greystones 8 07:47 Bray Connolly 07:47 8 09:15 Howth Bray 6 10:30 Malahide Greystones 8 07:54 Bray Howth 07:54 6 09:50 Howth Bray 6 11:02 Malahide Greystones 8 08:00 Greystones Malahide 08:10 8 10:00 Howth Greystones 8 12:00 Malahide Greystones 8 08:25 Bray Howth 08:25 6 10:18 Howth Bray 6 12:30 Malahide Greystones 8 08:30 Greystones Howth 08:40 8 10:45 Howth Bray 8 13:02 Malahide Greystones 8 08:55 Bray Howth 08:55 6 11:15 Howth Bray 8 13:30 Malahide Greystones 8 09:00 Greystones Malahide 09:10 8 11:30 Howth Greystones 6 14:00 Malahide Greystones 8 09:25 Bray Howth 09:25 8 11:45 Howth Bray 6 14:30 Malahide Greystones 6 09:30 Greystones Malahide 09:40 8 12:15 Howth Bray 6 15:00 Malahide Greystones 8 09:55 Bray Howth 09:55 8 12:45 Howth Bray 6 15:30 Malahide Greystones 8 10:00 Greystones Howth 10:10 6 13:15 Howth Bray 6 16:05 Malahide Greystones 8 10:25 Bray Howth 10:25 6 13:45 Howth Bray 8 16:30 Malahide Greystones 8 10:30 Greystones Malahide 10:40 8 14:15 Howth Bray 8 17:00 Malahide Bray 8 10:55 Bray Howth 10:55 6 14:45 Howth Bray 6 17:30 Malahide Greystones 6 11:00 Greystones Malahide 11:10 8 15:15 Howth Bray 6 18:17 Malahide Bray 8 11:25 Bray Howth 11:25 6 15:45 Howth Bray 6 18:30 Malahide Greystones 8 11:30 Greystones Malahide 11:40 8 16:15 Howth Bray 6 19:15 Malahide Bray 6 11:55 Bray Howth 11:55 6 16:45 Howth Bray 8 19:45 Malahide Bray 8 12:00 Greystones Malahide 12:10 8 17:15 Howth Bray 8 20:15 Malahide Bray 8 12:25 Bray Howth 12:25 8 17:45 Howth Bray 6 21:00 Malahide Greystones 8 12:30 Greystones Malahide 12:40 8 18:00 Howth Greystones 8 21:30 Malahide Greystones 8 12:55 Bray Howth 12:55 8 18:25 Howth Connolly 4 22:10 Malahide Connolly 8 13:00 Greystones Malahide 13:10 6 18:45 Howth Bray 6 22:30 Malahide Greystones 8 13:25 Bray Howth 13:25 6 19:00 Howth Greystones 8 23:05 Malahide Greystones 8 13:30 Greystones Malahide 13:40 8 19:30 Howth Greystones 8 23:35 Malahide Connolly 6 13:55 Bray Howth 13:55 6 20:00 Howth Greystones 8 14:00 Greystones Malahide 14:10 8 20:30 Howth Greystones 6 14:25 Bray Howth 14:25 6 20:45 Howth Bray 6 14:30 Greystones Malahide 14:40 8 21:15 Howth Bray 8 14:55 Bray Howth 14:55 6 21:45 Howth Bray 6 15:00 Greystones Malahide 15:10 8 22:15 Howth Greystones 6 15:25 Bray Howth 15:25 8 22:55 Howth Bray 8 15:30 Greystones Malahide 15:40 8 23:20 Howth Connolly 8 15:52 Bray Howth 15:52 8 23:55 Howth Connolly 8 16:00 Greystones Malahide 16:10 6 16:27 Bray Howth 16:27 6 16:30 Greystones Malahide 16:40 8 16:55 Bray Howth 16:55 6 17:00 Greystones Malahide 17:10 8 17:25 Bray Howth 17:25 6 17:30 Greystones Howth 17:40 8 17:55 Bray Malahide 17:55 6 18:00 Greystones Howth 18:10 8 18:25 Bray Malahide 18:25 8 18:30 Greystones Howth 18:45 8 18:55 Bray Malahide 18:55 8 19:00 Greystones Howth 19:10 6 19:25 Bray Howth 19:25 6 19:30 Greystones Malahide 19:40 8 19:55 Bray Howth 19:55 8 20:00 Greystones Malahide 20:10 8 20:25 Bray Howth 20:25 6 20:30 Greystones Malahide 20:40 8 20:55 Bray Howth 20:55 6 21:00 Greystones Malahide 21:10 8 21:25 Bray Howth 21:25 8 21:30 Greystones Malahide 21:40 8 21:55 Bray Howth 21:55 8 22:00 Greystones Malahide 22:10 6 22:25 Bray Howth 22:25 6 22:30 Greystones Howth 22:40 8 22:55 Bray Malahide 22:55 6 23:10 Greystones Connolly 23:20 8 Departure Origin Destination Time @ Maynooth Size Departure Origin Destination Time @ Pearse Size 06:20 Maynooth Pearse 06:00 4 07:59 Pearse Maynooth 07:59 4 05:35 Longford Pearse 06:52 4 08:22 Pearse Maynooth 08:22 7 06:15 Longford Pearse 07:30 8 09:10 Pearse Maynooth 09:10 8 07:55 Maynooth Bray 07:55 8 10:40 Pearse Maynooth 10:40 4 08:20 Maynooth Pearse 08:20 8 11:40 Pearse Maynooth 11:40 8 09:10 Maynooth Pearse 09:10 4 12:42 Pearse Maynooth 12:42 4 09:45 Maynooth Pearse 09:45 7 13:42 Pearse Maynooth 13:42 8 10:10 Maynooth Pearse 10:10 8 14:39 Pearse Maynooth 14:39 4 10:40 Maynooth Pearse 10:40 3 15:10 Pearse Maynooth 15:10 8 11:43 Maynooth Pearse 11:43 4 15:55 Pearse Maynooth 15:55 4 12:40 Maynooth Pearse 12:40 8 16:09 Pearse Maynooth 16:09 4 13:46 Maynooth Pearse 13:46 4 16:38 Pearse Maynooth 16:38 8 14:40 Maynooth Pearse 14:40 8 17:05 Bray Maynooth 17:39 8 16:06 Maynooth
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