Page 1 of 45 ईट셍न कोलफील्ड्स लललिटेड EASTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED (कोल इंडिया का एक अंग) (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) अध्यक्ष- सह प्रबन्धक निर्देशक का कायाालय, Office of the Chairman-Cum-Managing Director, - - सं啍टोरिया, पो दर्दशेिगढ़, जिला वधामाि, Sanctoria, PO: Dishergarh, पजचिम बंगाल-713333 Dist. Burdwan. West Bengal - 713333. महाप्रबंधक(का/औ.स.) का कायाालय Office of the General Manager (P&IR). CIN-U10101WB1975GOI030295. CIN-U10101WB1975GOI030295. फ़ै啍स- 0341-2523586. Telefax- 0341-2523586. Ref.No:ECL/CMD/C-6/Recruit/26/15/1769 Date:17.12.2015 Sub :- Written examination for the post of Dy.Surveyor. The applications received in response to open advertisement Notice No.: ECL/CMD/C-6/Recruitt./Gen/15/1396 dated : 14/09/15 for the post of “Dy.Surveyor”. The written test to be held on 10.01.2016 between 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m(noon) at Asansol Engineering Collage, Vivekanand Sarani, Kanyapur ,Asansol Dist-Burdhwan, West Bengal, Pin-713305. Individual emails & sms alert will be sent to the following candidates. The candidature of the applicant would be accepted provisionally, which is subject to verification of certificates and testimonials. The candidates found successful in written examination will be called category wise in ratio of 1:3 for Interview amongst the qualified candidates to be notified later on. Instructions for written examination:- Candidates will have to report at the Examination Center half an hour before the scheduled time. Candidates will have to download the blank format of the Admit Card published with this notification & they are advised to fill it properly & attested by any Gazette Officer. They are required to show the admit card at the entrance of Examination Hall & to produce as and when the authorized persons ask for. Pen, Pencil and Eraser etc. are to be brought by the candidate himself. Mobile Phone would not be allowed to use in the examination Hall. If any candidate is found using the mobile phone in the examination hall, then the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled. Candidate will not be allowed to enter into examination Hall with Book, Papers or any type of belongings. The Admit Card is issued provisionally subject to his/her satisfying the eligibility criteria. If it is found that false/wrong information has been furnished at any stage of the process, the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled/rejected even after appearing for the exam and securing a position in the merit list or after final selection and appointment. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the Written Test. Written test exam will consist of 50 marks objective type questions and the syllabus for written test will consist of General Knowledge and questions from respective trade/Subject. Candidates are required to produce valid photo identity proof (Voter card, driving license, PAN Card, Passport, Nationalized bank passbook with photo, Adhar Card) in the examination hall, it is mandatory. The exam will be of objective type comprising of multiple-choice questions. The candidates are required to answer by darkening only one circle with Black/Blue Ball Point Pen only in the OMR sheet provided to them. If one or more circle is darkend, the question will not be evaluated. Methods to be followed for OMR Sheet : Page 2 of 45 List of candidates for written examination is as under:- SL.NO. Name Father's Name Category DOB ROLL NO. 1 santosh chouhan suresh chouhan SC 22-04-1986 12001 2 KUSHAL MAJI REBATI RANJAN SC 20-05-1993 12002 MAJI 3 HEM LAL LAHRE JAGDISH PRASAD SC 18-07-1992 12003 4 DHARMENDRA KRISHNA SC 08-05-1996 12004 KUMAR CHAUDHARY CHAUDHARY 5 K HARI CHANDAR K ANJYA NAIK ST 15-08-1995 12005 LAL 6 DHEERAJ KUMAR RAJBANSHI SC 08-03-1993 12006 PASWAN 7 VIJAY ORAON LAXMAN ORAON ST 10-07-1995 12007 8 SATYAPRIYA AHIBHUSAN GEN 26-08-1989 12008 MUKHERJEE MUKHERJEE 9 JITENDRA KUMAR UPENDRA GIRI OBC-NCL 05-10-1984 12009 GIRI Page 3 of 45 10 JITEN ORAW NILKANTA ORAW ST 02-04-1995 12010 11 ASHWIN RAMESH RAMESH LAXMAN SC 30-03-1992 12011 BIZADE BIZADE 12 ANURAG MISHRA JANKI DAS MISHRA GEN 01-01-1995 12012 13 SATNAM SINGH LATE LAL SINGH GEN 06-01-1989 12013 14 SWAPAN KR SHANKAR KR GEN 25-01-1990 12014 MAHATO MAHATO 15 ANISH KUMAR KAMTA PRASAD GEN 05-06-1990 12015 TIWARI TIWARI 16 Muhmmad Ahmad Islam Ali GEN 03-08-1992 12016 Raja 17 Saugata Dutta Nirmal Chandra GEN 25-11-1991 12017 Dutta 18 SOURAV KUMAR SUNIL KUMAR GEN 11-09-1989 12018 SINHA SINHA 19 Sarvjeet Kumar Gopal Sharan Singh GEN 24-06-1986 12019 Singh Page 4 of 45 20 SANAJ KUMAR KHAGENDRA NATH SC 09-03-1986 12020 MANDAL MANDAL 21 SUNNY KUMAR AVINASH KUMAR GEN 18-07-1989 12021 SINGH SINGH 22 BADAL KUMAR ABHIMANYU SC 28-09-1990 12022 SWANSI 23 SOURAV MANDAL DEBNARAYAN SC 15-09-1996 12023 MANDAL 24 ANUP KUMAR SHIV PRASAN SC 30-12-1991 12024 MEHRA 25 Samir Das Madan Das SC 20-10-1986 12025 26 SANTANU DAS GOBINDA SARAN OBC-NCL 29-05-1990 12026 DAS 27 BADRINATH KUMAR RAMA PRASAD GEN 13-01-1990 12027 28 KISHOR KUMAR RAJENDRA RAM GEN 15-08-1990 12028 29 KHAGENDRA LAKHAN LAL NAYAK OBC-NCL 02-01-1990 12029 PRASAD NAYAK Page 5 of 45 30 DEVI PRATAP SINGH NAND SINGH GEN 04-10-1986 12030 CHOUHAN CHOUHAN 31 SUBHRAJYOTI NATH MRITYUNJAY NATH GEN 05-05-1990 12031 32 ASHIS KUNDU ARUN KUNDU GEN 13-05-1987 12032 33 SATYAM SHUKLA MAHENDRA GEN 25-03-1993 12033 SHANKAR SHUKLA 34 BINAY GURIA NUASH GURIA ST 08-04-1997 12034 35 RAMPROSAD MAITY SANKAR PROSAD GEN 05-04-1987 12035 MAITY 36 SUMAN MAJEE SWAPAN KUMAR GEN 03-08-1990 12036 MAJEE 37 GANESH SATISH SATISH RAJARAM GEN 09-06-1994 12037 PATIL PATIL 38 SRIMANTA SANTRA KAMAL SANTRA SC 05-02-1993 12038 39 BHUVNESHWAR HARDATT SINGH ST 04-02-1992 12039 SINGH MARAVI MARAVI 40 MANISH KUMAR PRADEEP KUMAR GEN 04-03-1995 12040 SHARMA SHARMA Page 6 of 45 41 ANJANI KUMAR LAL BAHADUR SC 10-10-1985 12041 CHOUDHARY 42 LAXMAN BOIPAI SUKHLAL BOIPAI ST 20-11-1996 12042 43 AVIJIT MONDAL KANAN CHANDRA SC 07-03-1984 12043 MONDAL 44 SOUMITRA MAJI KARUNAMOY MAJI SC 18-07-1985 12044 45 RAVI RANJAN VISHNU DEO RAM SC 29-02-1992 12045 RANJAN 46 TARUN KUMAR NAVKUMAR DAS GEN 21-02-1991 12046 47 PIYUSH KUMAR PRABHASHANKAR GEN 12-06-1987 12047 DWIVEDI DWIVEDI 48 DEEPNARAYAN INDRAJEET MISHRA GEN 01-10-1990 12048 MISHRA 49 AVINASHGOLLA SHALEM RAJU SC 08-03-1987 12049 GOLLA 50 piyush singh hari niwas singh GEN 05-03-1990 12050 Page 7 of 45 51 ARUN KUMAR RAM PAL TIWARI GEN 28-10-1989 12051 TIWARI 52 ashish singh ram bahadur singh GEN 10-02-1987 12052 53 Dhananjay Singh Manoranjan Singh GEN 01-01-1989 12053 54 VICKY KUMAR JANKI GEN 05-01-1991 12054 55 SUDIP GHOSH SHIB SANKAR GEN 12-06-1990 12055 GHOSH 56 SHABHA RAJ SINGH SHANT BHAN SINGH OBC-CL 03-02-1991 12056 57 PRATIK THAKKAR PRABHULAL GEN 09-04-1991 12057 THAKKAR 58 AJEET KUMAR SONI RAMJI PRASAD SONI OBC-NCL 08-12-1989 12058 59 MOHADEB DAS SHRIKANTA DAS SC 10-04-1996 12059 60 ARNAB DATTA NISITH DATTA OBC-NCL 29-06-1992 12060 61 DAVID DEBNATH GOURANGA GEN 18-03-1989 12061 DEBNAYH Page 8 of 45 62 AMAR SARKAR ASHOK SARKAR SC 19-03-1991 12062 63 GOURANGA ROY LATE MANIK ROY GEN 19-12-1985 12063 64 HIMANGSHU SUBRATA KUMAR SC 03-09-1995 12064 SEKHAR RAJAK RAJAK 65 AFTAB ALAM JANNAT HUSAIN OBC-NCL 04-02-1993 12065 66 AMAR SARKAR ASHOK SARKAR SC 19-03-1991 12066 67 SAMINDRA SINGHA MAHENDRA SINGHA GEN 21-01-1995 12067 68 vishal tamrakar sunil kumar GEN 07-07-1993 12068 tamrakar 69 SHIVNARAYAN RAMLAL SAHU OBC-NCL 04-11-1992 12069 SAHU 70 DHANANJAY KUMAR UPENDRA SINGH GEN 13-01-1989 12070 71 MUKESH ASHOK KUMAR OBC-CL 05-07-1990 12071 VISHWAKARMA VISHWAKARMA Page 9 of 45 72 ALMAMUN MOLLAH MD SOFIUL BASAR OBC-NCL 15-04-1992 12072 MOLLAH 73 JAY KUMAR GHOSH TAPAN KUMAR GEN 15-10-1991 12073 GHOSH 74 SANJAY TIWARI BRIJENDRA TIWARI GEN 02-07-1990 12074 75 SHANI KUMAR BHAGWAT PRASAD SC 15-01-1986 12075 SURYAWANSHI SURYAWANSHI 76 TANMOY MAITY UJJAL MAITY GEN 27-02-1993 12076 77 SAMIRAN SARKAR JAGABANDHU GEN 05-06-1989 12077 SARKAR 78 BIKASH KUMAR RAGHUNANDAN SC 12-12-1990 12078 MAHATO MAHATO 79 RAJ SAHA JOYDEV SAHA GEN 27-02-1993 12079 80 SATYA PRAKASH DEONANDAN SINHA GEN 16-02-1990 12080 SINHA 81 ANAND KUMAR VIKRAMA RAM OBC-NCL 12-04-1990 12081 PRAJAPATI 82 ANGAD PASWAN ANANDI PASWAN SC 15-06-1994 12082 Page 10 of 45 83 SUJOY MONDAL SUBHAS MONDAL GEN 07-02-1991 12083 84 JALIL ANSARY JIAD ALI ANSARY OBC-NCL 03-04-1985 12084 85 ARGHYA ASHOK GEN 24-12-1985 12085 CHAKRABARTI CHAKRABARTI 86 Shatrunjay Swami Prashant Swami GEN 12-10-1992 12086 87 RAMAVATH RAMAVATH ST 02-05-1995 12087 HATHIRAM DHANKOTI 88 CHIRANJIT LAKSHMAN GEN 18-01-1993 12088 MUKHERJEE MUKHERJEE 89 HIMADRI SINHA BIKASH KUMAR GEN 02-02-1994 12089 SINHA 90 ANIL KUMAR YADAV SURESH PRASAD OBC-NCL 19-11-1983 12090 SINGH YADAV 91 RANJIT KUMAR SHIV NANDAN OBC-NCL 13-01-1989 12091 RAWAT RAWAT 92 ABHIJIT TIWARI SHAMBHU NATH GEN 02-02-1988 12092 TIWARI Page 11 of 45 93 AROJIT MONDAL SADHAN MONDAL SC 26-06-1994 12093 94 suvadeep das bhola nath das SC 16-10-1989 12094 95 prabir kumar mandal bhola nath mandal SC 08-12-1988 12095 96 BIBEK MISHRA LAKSHIMI KANTA GEN 27-04-1990 12096 MISHRA 97 SURYA BANERJEE LATE PORITOSH GEN 11-04-1987 12097 BANERJEE 98 ASHOK KUMAR BISOON MAHATO OBC-NCL 13-10-1992 12098 MAHATO 99 AJIT KUMAR ASHOK KUMAR OBC-NCL 16-06-1993 12099 YADAV 100 ANKIT KUMAR AYODHAYA PRASAD GEN 19-02-1993 12100 MISHRA MISHRA 101 SWARNENDU ROY LATE SWAPAN GEN 21-11-1986 12101 KUMAR ROY 102 RANJAN KUMAR RABINDRA SINGH GEN 16-05-1991 12102 SINGH 103 RANJIT BEPARI ANIL CHANDRA SC 05-01-1981 12103 BEPARI Page 12 of 45 104 ASHISH KUMAR GANESH PRASAD GEN 24-09-1987 12104 GUPTA 105 MANOJ KUMAR RAI RAM JANAM RAI SC 14-04-1984 12105 106 JAI KISHAN MISHRA RAJESH KUMAR GEN 22-03-1991
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