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The group had a p.m. in the Athletic Center, it will be the month off to reflect on their past works. biggest event of 1993. The extra time and effort is reflected in The b a n d consists o f v o c a l ist/harmonica the 14 outstanding songs of the album. virtuoso John Popper, guitarist Chan Following the recording of Save His Blues Traveler from New York will bring their s o u n d to the Hurst on April 30 Kinchla, bassist Bobby Sheehan and Soul, Blues Traveler began touring with 4 drummer Brendan Hill-with David names such as Lynyrd Skynrd, the to them. After two months on the phone, unfamiliar with Blues Traveler, Roberts Swanson, the group's long-time studio Allman Brothers Band, the Jerry Garcia he received the confirmation call over admits the effort spent will assure a good engineer and sound man. Band, the Neville Brothers and Carlos Spring Break. time for all. Roberts said Blues Traveler are the Santana. They hosted the 'H.O.R.D.E. Tickets for the event are $15 for the Rocket 101 is sponsoring the event and hottest to hit t h e college circuit this year. Tour' (Horizons of Rock Developing general public and $9 for Mercyhurst will broadcast from the Athletic Center They have entertained on the stages of Everywhere) with friends such as Phish students. On Monday, March 29th tick- that evening. Late Night With David Letterman and and Spin Doctors, whose sound re- ets will be on sale in the Student Union "I have been getting a lot of positive the Tonight Show as well as been inter- sembles Blues Traveler's. from 4 to 6p.m.. For more information, response for it," he said. Mercyhurst is viewed by Rolling Stone. Blues Traveler was one of the groups call the Concert Hotline at 824-2093. becoming recognized for its efforts of Among their works, 1991 's Travelers that were on a list Roberts received. "I personally think the tickets will go bringing well-known artists to entertain and Thieves combines the heated, jam- Through talking to agents and conduct- pretty fast I urge students to buy tickets the community. oriented instrumental p r o w e s s w i t h deep- ing a survey, Roberts narrowed it down early," Roberts said. Even if s t u d e n t s are CHECjK Demby recounts Vietnam trauma By Jennifer Trinidad to see a doctor who asked, aside from his and turn away. Because of this shame, he Merciad Staff Reporter legs, w a s there anything else wrong with drowned his pain in drugs and alcohol. him. Demby yelled at the doctor to fix After eight years of substance abuse, (OUT Bill Demby, disabled Vietnam veteran him. The doctor told him to stop feeling he started to slowly rehabilitate himself. and star of a Dupont commercial, spoke sorry for himself. The doctor said that if He decided to get bis life together. in Sullivan Hall on Saturday, March 18 he w a n t e d to feel sorry for someone, feel He got fitted for p r o s t h e t i c s and learned Friday, March 26 at 8 p.m. on disabilities. sorry for the guys back in Vietnam who to walk again. He went back to school. 8 to lfl p.m. Laker Inn. Redclt ffe Demby, who lost his legs in Vietnam, had to continue to fight He g o t a col lege degree in business man- Band! I asked who thought he was handicapped. When he arrived home hi a wheel- agement. He explained that he was not handi- chair, people asked him how he lost his I^Dupont was testing a new kind of plas- Sa^r^y, MflrcliW capped; he was disABLEd. He said that legs. At first, he proudly told them Viet- tic for artificial limbs. They asked Demby Shuttles to Mall. people should not j u d g e others because nam. He felt that he had something to be to test tbem out while on the basketball 8 p*in. ZuruRecital H a l l . Movieg of a disability. proud of. His country called on him, and court He got another chance to live his f Raising Cane|§ He had not been selected for a job be answered without hesitation. dream. A dream that died the day he lost because of his disability. He was sitting Soon that pride turned into shame when his legs in Vietnam. Monday, March|29 in an interview that was going well. The people began to look at him strangely 8:30 p.m.fGovernment Chamf interviewer t o l d Demby that h e w a s qual i-1 bers. MSG Meeting. fled for the job. Demby thought that it was important that the interviewer knew Board approvesftuitionjhike Tuesday, March 30| that he had a disability. The interviewer's 8:15 p.iu. Government Cham- face changed, a nd Demby did not get the At the February 18 meeting, the Mercyhurst College Board of Trustees approved a 5.5 bers. MSG Candidate!Speeches! job. percent tuition increase, or $485, for 1993-94. This tuition increase, along with a three While in school, Demby had dreams of percent increase, or $107, for room and board, and a $50 increase in the building Wednesday, March 31 becoming a professional basketball assessment fee, represent the lowest annual percentage increase in direct costs at 8 p.rn. Weber Little Theater. Dl player. He went to his guidance counse- Mercyhurst College inthe past twenty years. Since the early 1970's, Mercyhurst annual versify Yourself,?One Love, Dif- lor for advice. She told him that all ball tuition increases have averaged 8.5 percent, ranging from a low of 6.4 percent in 1992- ferent Forms." players needed a college education to 93 to a high of 15.1 percent in 1982-83. ; play. Since he was not college material, Mercyhurst College*s tuition remains about average for p r i v a t e colleges in Pennsylva- Thursday, April 1 he was told to give that dream up. nia. The national average for tuition increases in 1993-94 is expected to be in the 6.5 to 8 p.m.: Great ^Room, Student After graduation, he went to work in a seven percent ra nge. Even though the Mercyhurst tuition increase is being held below the Union. Diversify Yourself, "Spirit factory. He worked there until the gov- national average, the College will add another $250,000 to the financial aid budget, so of the 6 0 V f ernment sent him to Vietnam. His will to that nearly $3.5 million of college financial aid will be available to students in 1993-94. live became the desire to go home and The 1993-94 costs for full-time students will be: Friday, April 2 play basketball again. 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Student Union. When he was driving a truck, he was Tuition ..I,... * $9,275 Beach Party Dance. hit with a rocket that took off both his Room and Board $3,650 legs below the knees. His dreams of ever Building Assessment Fee $404 playing basketball again died in that Registration Fee ($20 per term) $60 accident Student Government Fee, $99* While recovering in a hospital, Demby began to feel sorry for himself. He went Total • » ~ $13,488 PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD $ \ * March 25^,1950 muammmmm i mm § m mmmmm IMMI I Exhibit set in Erie stone Criminal By Richard Shelton The exhibit area is approxi- will b e constructing a 70-foot long justice group Merciad Staff Reporter mately 15,000 square feet. Sur- time-line on a dividing wa 11, which rounding the creatures will be in- depicts how the dinosaurs A fascinating dinosaur exhibit formation about the lives of the evolved. Animals and Ggures w i l l travels I to is coming to Erie this summer at dinosaurs and how they related to be painted onto the wall. Second, the JMC Ice Skating Arena at W. zoo animals. at the exit of the exhibit, the An- 38 and Cherry Streets. " The main priority of the ex- thropology Department will have Kansas City The project, called Dinamation, perts working on the Dinamation a special site where people can is being organized by the Erie exhibit is to work in conjunction experience their own archeologi- By Sherrie Mishrell Zoological Society and the with the schools in the commu- cal dig and examine fossils. Merciad Contributing Writer" Mercyhurst Department of An- nity," said Dr. Dirkmaat "We hope Dinamation will be thropology.
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