For Official use only V DISTRICT STATISTICAL HAND BOOK 1980-81 UPPER 8UBAN81R1 DISTRICT Published by :— The Department of Economics & Statistics OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Upper Subansiri Disi. DAPORIJO 791122 u P P - s S t O a p P- ^ FCREV.ORD The District Statistical Hand-Book of Upper Subansiri District has been compiled under the all India Core Scheme of the Central Statistical organisation with a view to presenting a comprehensive picture of the District of Arunachal Pradesh and others in general and the District Administration in particular. It is pleasure to say that Shri D.K.Deb, Inspect or of Statistics with the assistance of Sarva Shri B.C,Lahon,SIS>T•Dulom,SISi /^' Mrs .S,Changmai,L.L Shri Tasi Nalo,Peon has been able to compile the District Statistical Hand-Book with respect to Upper Subansiri District Daporijo in such a short time with very limited resources. The cooperation of the District Heads of all Departments had made this possible„ The Statistical tables that appear in the Hand-Book of Aru^iachal Pradesh have provided the frame to prepare the tables of the Dist^rict Statistical Hand-Book of Arunachal Pradesh,the details of the same uptg the circle level will be provided automatically in the District Statistical Hand-Book of the succeding year. Any suggestion from the users for improvement of the Distf’ict Statistical Hand-Book will be gratefully received, r \ . Deputy Commissioner, j ^ Upper Subansiri District, Daporii o. NIEPA DC D00961 5ub. National Systea.i6 Unit, National Institute of Educational Planning and Aministration 17-B.SriAurbinijo , New DeIhi-llOOlf DOC. hSo....^.nit............. D»te..._....... I NTRODUCTION This Statistical Hand-Book (19B0-81) ofuppojr: Subansiri District is the sixteenth issue of the series. The Statistics unit here at Daporijo annualy publishes the "i^der the direction and guidance of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics,Govt,of i*runachal Pradesh, Shil^ong-1. It is designed as a manual highlighting various statistical inf carnation pertaining to the Dirtrict. Utmost attempts have been made to incorporate,in this manual,such basic data as on population,agriculture,rural^works^education, engineering ,electricity,veterinary,transport and communication,forest, industry,medical,supply etc.as on 31st March/1981, The source of the data is mentioned at the foot of eafeh table. The Statistics unit doesnot take any responsibility for error, if any originated at the source. /^ny suggestion from the users of the hand-book for impro\’'^ment of its coverage,design,etc will be greatfully accepted. P -.AX.. ^ (D.K.Lab), bated Daporijo,the .. Ds... .. ./82# Inspector of Statistics, Dapori.io. ACKNOWL£IjGEM£NT. I acknowledge my gratitude to Shri B,C.Lahon,who has taken imme3ise pain in compilation of this hand-b ook. I am greatfiol to Mrs .S.Changmai lor nice and sincere typing of tke manuscript. It is my pleasure to acknowledge the pains takin by S/Shril T ,t;ulom,T .Marde in collecting- data from various sources. It is my pleasant duty to acknowledge sincere works done by Shri Iasi Nalo in cyclostyling the hand-Book. ( TYife^^jpuLlicthis hand-book owe much to the co-operation and initiative of the various official units of state and Central Govt, funct ioni»g in this district. D,K.Deb. Dated Dapa|'ijo,the . , . , t h ............ /82, BRX£F HISTCRY ^ G£ffiRJIPHY a*"' THIj imii entire Upper Subansiri District untill recently was de^^'ibed pi the ^'Hidden land". For a long period it was a part of the then Svbi -iri District with Headquarters at Ziro. A circle headquarter was eeu.:lished at raparijo in early 1953 imder Subansiri Frontier Division.lt c;.ir; into lime-ligrit after the incident of Achingmuri (about 53 K.Ms north- V?::?;* of Dapori^'o^-in 1953j in which the Tagins had in a misunderstanding ^riciCked a platoon of Assam Rifles and killed Major Ripu Daman Singh,Area .Pradip B^iiah and few jawans of Assam Rifles and village porters* L,tir in 1957 an Addl.Deputy Commissioner was put in-charge of the then D.p;rijo Sub*<iivision under Siang District and subsequently in 1959 the at.^.lining area of the left bank (i.e.north-east bank; of Subansiri river, wiL;i were then a part of the then Siang District were merged with Daporijo a^8 and a new sub-division of Daporijo emerged with an independent charge oig3 Addl.Deputy Commissioner. In 1980. this sub-division of Daporijo was delred a full-fledged district under the charge of a Deputy Commissioner— ttuethe Upper Subansiri District emerges, ■ I ■\ • The region is inhabitate by three major tribes i.e.Tagin, Gsil^g and Hill-Mri living in close proximity not only in regard to la^ge but also religion and the way of life. The district extends over an apex, area of 5353 sq.Km. fr<i ^titudez? 45’ M to 28840 »N and longitude 93 12'E to 94 30» E bo]te?ing the Mcm^han line on its north and north-east,part of Lower Subii^ri district on its south and south-west; and east and south-east cori.gi;iou3 to Siang district* Unlike rest of the area of Arunachal Pradesh,the region is US'; difficult,backward,formidable and of diverse terrain extending froi.ieight 1,000 ftZabove sea-level. The entire area is intersected byj(-k) ono^v. rivo.s^ibansiri and its tributaries.' Its diverse types of land with varied topoiaOhy and climatic condition consists of Alpine forests (9,000- Moist temperate forest (5,000-10,000 ft.)# Sub-tropical pine fore£ ^,000-6,000 ft), and Temperate wet evergreen forests (1,000-4,000 ft .) in ti tpper^'upper-middle,middle and lower regions respectively and very rich Ti flora and fona. An unique climatic feature of Daporijo during winter is tnrfnicl^! mist formation from early morning till 10.30 am everyday which onpletely envelops the area and blocks out the sun .After the mists ifte ^the S’jn shines brightly till 3*30 p.m. and vanishes behind the hdjon* These natural formation causes extreme cold and inconven­ ience c tlte people. The region is also rich in mineral resources, Limestae eidsts in large area. The Geological survey of India is Undert'ing the ‘ .third' round of survey of Menga valley to determine the poiibilities of cement factory.lt has already been established that tl area consists of high grade limestone and Do3pite.yo :A-T..UkY____ R/JiiMP7tLL A T DAPnifiTrn u,a. During t h c - year To'^n 2 -I J Ll 5 VJ m 0 N T H C GNTENTS Table Mo_. 0 ____________ ___________ITEM______________________________ J Pare’ .^1____L ____________ I _____ ZZ^___________________________ I I J Z 3 _ ’ 0,1 Upper Subansiri at a glance 1-5 1. GEL1EK..L 1.1 ^.dmiLnistrative set-up showing sub-divisions and circles with pop-ulation 6 1 .2 ^administrative centres with year of opening,distances from District H.Q and the rank of officers 7 ' ,3 Nmber of police stations and strength of police personnel 8 ' 2. POFHLiJIGN £ ,1 Distribution of population,sex-ratio,growth rate and decadal variati n by circles (l9‘1 census) 9 2.2 Distribution of workers (circle-v/ise) in Upper Subansiri District (l9Bl census) 10 2.3 Scheduled tribe population (19?1 census) '{'[ Literacy rate with rural and urban break-up (1971 census) 12 ’ 3. CLm TE 5 -.I ■ ' iinnual rainfall at different places during last 5 ye-ars 13 3.2 Monthly rainfall statistics at different places during the year 1980 14 3*3. Monthly average temperature and humidity of Daporijo for the year 19B0 15 4> TR.J'JSFg^T iM j GCMIv1[MXC.JIC^^~ J!u. 1 Construction/improvement/maintenance of road/track during 1980-81 I6 /u#2 Length of - roads in Upper Subansiri district as on 31«3-8l 17 4*>3 Statement showing the .etails of post, offices with and without telegraph facilities in upper Subc'Jisiri District as on 3 1 .3.81 18 No,of .Govt .vehicle (Deptt .wise ) in upper Subansiri DishrJct as on 31.3.81 19 5.BUILDING 5*1 Expenditure on construction of building in upper Subansjri ' district during 1980-81 ^^0 6>£LEGTRIGITY AND POWER •4 ( .i Number of places electrified and installfed capacity as on 31.3.81 21 f' i*» • • "i” _i_____ r ____________________________2__________________________ i__i. 1. MELICi;L .JML PUBLIC Hl..LTH 7«1 Distribution of medical imits/hospitals/(Circle-wise) in in upper Subansixi I/istrict as on 31«3*S1. 22 7*2 Medical units ana .ical staffs (circle-fflise) in 23 Upper Subausii-i ki -hrict as on 31*3«S1. 7»3 Aut-hri'i^ed beds in h'-jspitals/health units in 24- Upper Subaiisii'J. Dishrict as on 31.3*B1 1 Jy A^ihiorernent of National Malaria Eradication programiae 25 in Upper Subansiri List.rJ.ct during 1980-81. 7 «5 Age groupwise disbribufcion of malaria cases ^ 26 7^6- Statement showing the details of spraying activities 26 in Upper Subansiri district during 1980-81 li . • .•.! . 7,7 Achievement of National smallpox Eradication programme 2? in Upper Subansiri district during 1980-81. 7-8 Achievement of famnly planning programme in Upper Subansiri L-.1 strict during 1980-81 27 8 .EDUC.JION 8.1 Number of educational institutions,students ajid teachers in Upper Subansiri District during 1980-81. 28 8.2 Distribution of educational institutions (circle-wise) 29 in Upper subansii i district as on 31.3 8.3 Number of students and teachers (general circle-wise) 30 in Upper Subansiri d:istrict during 1980-81 8^4.
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