RioRio GrandeGrande CompactCompact Past,Past, Present,Present, andand FutureFuture PatrickPatrick R.R. GordonGordon CommissionerCommissioner JuneJune 17,17, 20082008 LawsLaws ofof thethe RioRio GrandeGrande TreatyTreaty’’ss withwith MexicoMexico 19061906 ConventionConvention –– RioRio GrandeGrande aboveabove FortFort QuitmanQuitman 19441944 TreatyTreaty –– RioRio GrandeGrande BelowBelow FortFort QuitmanQuitman RioRio GrandeGrande CompactCompact CongressionalCongressional AuthorizationsAuthorizations FloodFlood ControlControl ActAct ofof 19601960 (86(86--645)645) SanSan JuanJuan--ChamaChama ProjectProject (87(87--483)483) CochitiCochiti PermanentPermanent PoolPool (88(88--293)293) StateState WaterWater LawLaw TheThe RioRio GrandeGrande CompactCompact EnteredEntered betweenbetween Colorado,Colorado, NewNew MexicoMexico andand TexasTexas inin 19381938 EquitablyEquitably apportionsapportions thethe waterswaters ofof thethe RioRio GrandeGrande aboveabove FortFort Quitman,Quitman, TexasTexas AnnualAnnual DeliveryDelivery RequirementsRequirements Colorado’s delivery point is the New Mexico state line Since 1949, New Mexico’s delivery point is Elephant Butte Reservoir 57% of the “Texas” Supply is consumed in New Mexico CompactCompact AdministrationAdministration ColoradoColorado CommissionerCommissioner -- StateState EngineerEngineer NewNew MexicoMexico CommissionerCommissioner –– StateState EngineerEngineer TexasTexas CommissionerCommissioner –– AppointedAppointed byby thethe GovernorGovernor TechnicalTechnical andand legallegal supportsupport providedprovided toto eacheach CommissionerCommissioner TheThe CommissionCommission meetsmeets annuallyannually toto conductconduct itit’’ss business.business. SpecialSpecial meetingsmeetings maymay bebe calledcalled toto addressaddress issues.issues. RioRio GrandeGrande BasinBasin WaterWater SupplySupply RioRio GrandeGrande flowsflows –– NativeNative waterswaters ImportedImported waterswaters ClosedClosed BasinBasin ProjectProject -- ColoradoColorado TransTrans--mountainmountain waterwater –– ColoradoColorado SanSan JuanJuan--ChamaChama ProjectProject –– NewNew MexicoMexico RioRio GrandeGrande CompactCompact ImplicationsImplications Compact apportions native flows between Colorado, New Mexico and Texas Provides an opportunity for development of waters from outside the basin Provides an opportunity to construct new reservoirs after approval of the Compact RioRio GrandeGrande CompactCompact ImplicationsImplications continuedcontinued Provides for a detailed water accounting to ensure native water deliveries are not impacted Specific Compact provisions related to post- compact reservoirs Article VII Rio Grande Compact - 400kaf restriction Article VIII Rio Grande Compact - Release from reservoirs when in debt Rio Grande Compact Compliance New Mexico 1940 - 2006 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 January 1, 2007 Credit = 180,100 AF -300 Status in Thousands ofAF Status Thousands in -400 -500 -600 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Time (Calendar Years) ColoradoColorado AccruedAccrued Credit/DebitCredit/Debit Colorado Accrued Credit/Debit Yearly credit/debit Accrued credit/debit 400 200 0 -200 -400 Thousand Acre-Feet Thousand -600 -800 -1000 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005* Year HistoricHistoric LitigationLitigation 19511951 -- NewNew MexicoMexico’’ss accruedaccrued debtdebt hadhad reachedreached 330,000330,000 acreacre--feet.feet. TexasTexas filedfiled suitsuit inin thethe U.U. S.S. SupremeSupreme CourtCourt againstagainst NewNew MexicoMexico andand MiddleMiddle RioRio GrandeGrande ConservancyConservancy District.District. Dismissed because U. S. was not included as an “indispensable party”. 19661966 -- ColoradoColorado’’ss accruedaccrued debtdebt hadhad reachedreached 900,000900,000 acreacre--feet.feet. TexasTexas andand NewNew MexicoMexico filedfiled suitsuit inin thethe U.U. S.S. SupremeSupreme Court.Court. Case was stayed in 1968 on condition that Colorado would meet it’s annual delivery requirements, which it did. Lawsuit was dismissed in 1985 when Elephant Butte spilled, eliminating Colorado’s remaining debt. CurrentCurrent ActivitiesActivities New Mexico’s pilot channel at Elephant Butte Saves approximately 15,000 acre-feet of water annually Endangered species Rio Grande silvery minnow Located above Elephant ButteButte inin NewNew MexicoMexico Impacts water deliveries and operations - minimum flows Reintroduction in Big Bend area of Texas as experimental non-essential population Southwestern willow flycatcher Located within conservation pool at Elephant Butte PilotPilot ChannelChannel LocationLocation MapMap Approximate Phase 3 Work Area AA CompletedCompleted PortionPortion ofof thethe PilotPilot ChannelChannel (looking(looking South)South) RioRio GrandeGrande SilverySilvery MinnowMinnow ReservoirReservoir OperationsOperations Operations must be in compliance with the Rio Grande Compact Operations must be in compliance with federal authorizations Water use must be in compliance with federal authorizations and state water laws RioRio GrandeGrande -- WhereWhere AreAre WeWe Going?Going? EarlyEarly historyhistory ofof irrigationirrigation SanSan LuisLuis ValleyValley ofof ColoradoColorado MiddleMiddle RioRio GrandeGrande ofof NewNew MexicoMexico RioRio GrandeGrande ProjectProject GrowingGrowing municipalmunicipal demandsdemands AlbuquerqueAlbuquerque ElEl PasoPaso JuarezJuarez RecreationRecreation demandsdemands IsIs therethere FlexibilityFlexibility Rio Grande Compact Commission can accommodate certain deviations Relinquishment of credit water PL86-645 Flood Control Operations Conservation water agreement Changes to federal authorizations require Congressional action CanCan ThereThere BeBe MoreMore FlexibilityFlexibility Coordination/cooperation between the states and federal agencies Coordinated releases of water from upstream to downstream Formal operating plan for Elephant Butte Reservoir How provisions of the Compact are interpreted Definition of “Project Storage” …storage below Elephant Butte…. “Usable Water” …release in accordance with irrigation demands… StorageStorage ElephantElephant ButteButte andand CaballoCaballo ReservoirsReservoirs areare thethe keykey reservoirreservoir componentscomponents ofof thethe RioRio GrandeGrande Project.Project. ElephantElephant ButteButte servesserves asas thethe deliverydelivery pointpoint forfor NewNew Mexico,Mexico, andand thethe reservoirreservoir alsoalso retainsretains anyany ““creditscredits”” oror ““debitsdebits”” accruedaccrued byby ColoradoColorado andand NewNew MexicoMexico underunder Compact.Compact. RIO GRANDE PROJECT ConclusionsConclusions Changing water demands will require more flexibility Municipal needs, environmental needs, variations in water supply Changes must be within the terms of the Rio Grande Compact No State supports changing the Rio Grande Compact We’ve found ways to address issues before - I think we can and will continue Texas will require that it’s Compact entitlement be delivered - but is open to flexible options which do not impact our water supplies.
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