r------------------ -------------- 1 • • • H' Botnb - page '4 VOLYME XIV, NO. 17 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's WEDNESD~Y, SEPTEMBER 19, 1979 University announces new security chief The appointment of Glenn L. evaluation procedure for the Terry as Director of Security new director, expressed was announced at a press ''appreciation for the work Wall conference in the CCE yester­ has done--he has initiated a day afternoon. Terry stated very positive process and we that he will approach his job are sorry to see him leave. Yet ·from the perspective that secur­ we are equally pleased with Mr. ity is really a service. "My Terry and the emphasis of future at Notre Dame "depends security as a service to the on how well I'm accepted," he Notre Dame community." said. Terry explained that his im­ Terry, chief of the Services mediate plans are to familiarize Division of the South Bend himself with the security opera­ Police Department since 1976, tions on campus, and "listen to assumed the position of Notre what Dean Roemer has to say.'' Dame Security Director Sep­ The objective to continue and tember 18. In the Service improve "the utilization of stu­ Division Terry's primary re­ dents in the security process," spon~ibilities_ entailed data pro­ was also one of the new cessing, cnme prevention, director's aims. In an effort to records, budget planning, and confirm the notion of security as research, and the armory. a service Terry commented, From 1972 to 1976 Terry ''there will be problems if I am The proposed ''Inn ofthe Four Horsemen'' is running into zoning troubles. See story on functioned in the capacity of not responsive to what the page 3. detective seq~eant in burglary students' needs are. I hope to and robbery mvestigation. He make the students' stay at served 28 years with the South Notre Dame enjoyable and se­ Bend police force. cure.'' Congress reaches compromise The selection of Terry set a According to Dean of Stu­ precedent in that it was the first dentsJames A. Roemer, Terry time that student participation on Carter gas -rationing plan would be given ample time to had been actively so1.1ght in the WASHINGTON (AP) they thought they could win crack at the proposal and then conclude his remaining duties selection of a security director. House-Senate negotiators final aporoval in their respec-- could block It with a veto by with the Police Department. Student Government presi­ reached agreement yesterday rive chambers of the measure. either house. Terry replaces former dir­ dent Bill Roche and vice presi­ night on a compromise formula An administration official Before. rationing could be ector Joseph Wall who will dent Bill Vita took part in the to give the president authority attending the session said the imposed, the nation's gasoline assume a position as director of process of selecting Terry, to ration gasoline during a White House could accept the or diesel fuel supply would have security, safety, and transpor-. although they did not assist m severe shortage. bompromise. to drop 20 percent. Under the ration at Michael Reese Hospi­ making the final decision. Under the agreement, Con- ·,House conferees abandoned compromise, the presid<;nt tal in Chicago. Roche considered this partici­ gress would have two shots at their earlier insistance that the could ask Congress to wruve Wall informed reporters that pation as an important, pio­ rejecting a rationing plan · first president be given a free hand this 20-percent limit. he will work closely with Terry neering step in student govern­ when the president proposes it 10 drafting details of the ration- Rep. Clarence Brown, for the next two weeks and ment at Notre Dame. In and then again when he ing pr(),gram. R-Ohw, who led the House assist him during the hectic addition, Vita emphasized that attempts to invoke it. The CRnference committee, GOP team, immediately de- MSU football weekend. Terry "student government has been The compromise came on the named t~. resolve House and nounced the compromise as congratulated Wall on the pushing the positive aspects of sixth day of negotiations- and Senate dif(erences, voted to "the worst of both" House and ''good organizational wor~'' security,'' and noted that Notre broke a stalemate over the giye Con!Ves_s the power_ ~o Senate bills. But a majority of accomplished in the secunty Dame security made 2,600 hos­ degree of congressional in- reJect a ratibpmg plan once 1t 1s conferees said they would agree department under Wall's direc- pital runs last year, an indica­ volvement in the rationing pro- submitted by the president. to support the compromise as tion this past year. · tion of security's positive, vital cess. However, s~¥=h a rejection the best that could be negotiat­ Student Body President Bill service to the Notre Dame House and Senate leaders of could be vetoed- by the presi- ed. Roche, a participant in the community. the conference committee said dent, requiring ~oth houses of The president has said he Congress to ovet.tide the veto does not intend to invoke by a two-thirds vote in order to rationing, but wants the power block a rationing plan. to do so in an emergency and ,;ck e t po l,;C'"' att~~c;tst~~ f~~~~~n~aci~~~~ rea:isl~fo~ ast~~;b~ar~at~<;nti~ HPC condemns t ~ ~ .jr~C~o~n~g;r;e~ss~w~o~u~ld~g~e~t~a~s=ec=o=n=d====o=v=e=ra=l=l=e=n=e=r=g=y=p=r=o=g=r=am==.===== by Azleen Lavin immensely, while it will barely alter the alumni's NRC reports loss StaffReporter chances. We hope that the administration will sympa­ A letter condemning present distribution of thize with our cause and give us the same chance o.f weapon -grade uranium away foo~ball tickets was sent to both Mike for away tickets as alumni." ERWIN, Tenn. (AP) - The error at the\plant, located in Bus1ck, T1cket Manager, and the Observer in a All members of the HPC signed the letter that this remote mountain town near united action of the HPC at last night's meeting. Nuclear Regulatory Commis­ was written in response to student displeasure sion ordered an immediate the Tennessee-North Carolina It;t other action the HPC met with outgoing with the amount of tickets allotted to them for shutdown yesterday of an border. d~rector of Security Joe Wall as well as incoming the Michigan game. Only sixty tickets, or one atomic fuel fabrication plant director Glenn Terry to discuss relationships William Dircks, director of , perc~nt of the total, were made available to after the plant reported the between security and students. the NRC's nuclear materials 1 students. appa_rent loss of weapons-grade The letter stated: "We, the student body of safeguards office, said the plant 1 The HPC met for most of the night with uranmm. Notre Dame, are dissatisfied with the present outgoing Security director Joe Wall and new will likely be shut down for at ~ Frank Gillespie of the NRC's least 45 days while an inventory , policy of ticket distribution for away football director Glenn Terry. regional office in Atlanta said games. This policy makes all tickets available to Wall expressed-his desire to establish a better is taken under the NRC's 1 the material missing from 1 contributing alumni ftrst with lefto'*rs going to relationship between Security and students by Nuclear Fuel Services Inc.'s supervision. students. With 25,000 contributing alumni this attending Hall Council meetings to clear up 1 plant at Ery.-in "could possi~ly In general, only a few kilo­ , policy reduces our chances as students to little or misconceptions students have about Security. be turned mto a weapon w1th nothing, as seen in the case of Michigan. "We are a service-oriented agency rather ~rams of high-enriched uran· 1 appropriate knowledge.'' mm is sufficient to make a 1 This ticket policy is an outrageous i~tjustice to than an enforcement agency which is more Frank Ingram, a spokesman the Notre Dame student body. By depriving negative," Wall said. He continued by citing nuclear weapon, but the actual for the NRC in Washington, amount necessary depends on students of student tickets the administration is the services which are offered to students and said the firm reported losin~ at the degree of enrichment. denying us an important student privilege. In staff of ND. An escort service is provided for least 19.8 pounds of "high­ Steven Sass, spokesman for light of this the Hall Presidents Council, any student who is leery of walkiQg alone on enriched'' uranium. He con­ Nuclear Fuel Services at the representative of the whole student body, is campus at night. Wall encouraged students to firmed, however, that officials calling for a new ticket policy. We propose that take advantage of this service. company's Rockville, Md., have not ruled out theft of the headquarters, said only that the 10 percent of all away tickets be sold to the Security is also involved in driving students to material and are studying the firm is investigating the cause student body, when tickets are first allocated. [continued on page 2] This 10 percent will increase our chances possibility_ of an accounting I of the apparent uranium loss. News in brief Wednesday, September 19, 1979 - page 2 Openings av.r.ilable Tornado roars through Many seniors Cance~ trip plans by Laura Vasquez ance. 26, flights will depart from Houston, causes damage The six flights will leave from Acapulco and st•Jdents will be Many Seniors who signed up O'Hare airport in Chicago on back on campus before mid­ HOUSTON (AP) - A destructive tornado roared through a fqr the senior class trip to October 21 , the Sunday after night, in time for the South plush, heavily populated section of west Houston yesterday Acapulco, Mexico during the Southern Cal football game, Carolina game that Saturday.
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