2770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 January 31, 2007 HONORING ALAN M. HANTMAN itol by some 70 percent. And he has see the implementation of the Coast The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a done an incredible job. Guard’s $8.3 billion fiscal year 2007 previous order of the House, the gen- At the same time, he has had to budget, including the more than $1.1 tleman from Florida (Mr. MICA) is rec- make this Capitol run. I often joked billion appropriated to fund the reha- ognized for 5 minutes. when I first came here that the U.S. bilitation and modernization of the Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased Capitol was run like a southern planta- Coast Guard’s fleet through the Deep- tonight to come to the floor for a spe- tion with bad management. water procurement program. cial order presentation. Let me start Alan Hantman changed that. He The United States Coast Guard is a out by reading some names. Dr. Wil- brought professionalism to his position critical part of our homeland security liam Thornton, Benjamin Henry La- and to service and to, again, to the system, and is the lead agency respon- trobe, Charles Bulfinch, Thomas U. most monumental project, not on be- sible for ensuring the security of all Walter, Edward Clark, Elliott Woods, half of those who serve here. The Cap- ports in our Nation, including the more David Lynn, J. George Stewart, George itol Visitor Center, in fact, is the first than 150 ports that handle the bulk of M. White, and Alan M. Hantman. structure and expansion to the Capitol our Nation’s foreign and commercial My colleagues, I read these names. in the history of the Capitol for the commerce. The Coast Guard is also a vital part They are the names of the 10 architects public, for those who own the place and of our emergency response system, as of the United States Capitol. to make, again, their visit an enjoy- This week will mark the last days in able, informative and educational expe- demonstrated when it was the only service to the United States Congress, rience. Federal agency that could come to the and this historic structure, of the Ar- Alan brought with him great experi- rescue of thousands of Hurricane Katrina victims left stranded in the chitect of the United States Capitol, ence from the private sector with more Gulf. Alan M. Hantman. And I am pleased to than 10 years heading up the Rocke- Our subcommittee will closely exam- rise this evening to recognize his serv- feller Center Management Corporation in New York City, overseeing that ine whether the Coast Guard has ade- ice. quate resources to enable it to imple- Of course, we have had many presi- great project, and then coming here. ment its significant new Homeland Se- dents, we have had many Speakers of Now, I know he has had 535 bosses, a curity responsibilities while also ful- the House. We have only had 10 archi- smaller group of Capitol preservation filling its other critical missions, in- tects who have been in charge of this on which I serve, and then the leaders cluding drug interdiction, search and incredible structure that we call our of the House and Senate and some of the appropriators and other author- rescue, and maritime safety oversight. United States Capitol. We began that effort just yesterday Alan Hantman will leave his service, izers. I call him working for 19 prima with an oversight hearing on the Coast leaving a legacy untold by almost any donnas. But he has completed the Guard’s $24 billion, 25-year Deepwater of his predecessors. And it has been my structure, planning, and under the procurement, through which the Coast honor and pleasure to work with him most difficult circumstances you can Guard is acquiring the ships, planes on a project that will dramatically imagine. and helicopters that the service will change the nature of the United States When people see the Visitor Center, utilize for decades to come to ensure Capitol, that is, the United States Cap- the name of Alan Hantman will live the safety and security of the Amer- itol Visitors Center. forever in the history of the United ican people, United States ports, and Let me reminisce for just a minute, States Congress and our country. our maritime industry. as I thank him for his 10 years of dedi- f Importantly, our subcommittee will cated and sometimes difficult and try- COAST GUARD AND MARITIME also balance oversight of the Coast ing service to Congress. But let me TRANSPORTATION ISSUES Guard with our responsibility to reminisce, if I may, about Alan The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a strengthen maritime transportation. Hantman coming to serve as our The United States Maritime Admin- previous order of the House, the gen- United States Capitol architect. istration estimates that the total vol- tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) I have been involved in the Capitol ume of trade handled by U.S. ports will is recognized for 5 minutes. Visitors Center for some 14 years, since double in the next 15 years, Mr. Speak- Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise I came to Congress, committed that er. To prepare our Nation to handle today to discuss some important issues the people who visit this institution such cargo growth, we will examine that confront the 110th Congress re- should have the opportunity to have an how U.S. ports can more fully be inte- garding the structure and missions of enjoyable, informative and memorable grated into a multi-modal transpor- the United States Coast Guard and the visit to the United States Capitol. In- tation network. stead, in the past, they have stood in broader field of maritime transpor- We will also work to foster a prag- the rain, snow, sleet, cold, ice, without tation. matic dialogue between the members even common comforts or courtesy in I am deeply honored to have been se- of the commercial maritime commu- front of our most historic structure, lected by Chairman JAMES OBERSTAR nity and the United States Coast Guard and sometimes denied access to the and by my colleagues on the Transpor- to ensure that each group understands structure or again common conven- tation and Infrastructure Committee what the other needs to succeed in iences. to chair the Coast Guard and Maritime what should be their complementary I was a little bit afraid because I Transportation Subcommittee and to pursuits. know the way this place runs, when move on an ambitious agenda that will they were selecting an architect, some address these critical issues. b 1645 10 years ago, that they might find I look forward to implementing the Security of the United States ports someone in this process that would three policy objectives that Chairman and cargo transported through them deep six the project, so I spent a par- OBERSTAR has laid out for the Trans- will be a major priority of the sub- ticular amount of time as author of portation Committee, which include committee. The House of Representa- two authorization measures for the ensuring the safety and security of our tives has already passed H.R. 1, which project, talking to Alan Hantman, and transportation infrastructure; sup- not only implemented the rec- I was convinced he was the right per- porting expanded investment in trans- ommendations of the 9/11 Commission son at the right time in the history of portation infrastructure to relieve con- but exceeded these recommendations the United States Capitol. gestion and enhance mobility; and en- by phasing in requirements that will He undertook that expansion of the suring environmental stewardship, in- lead to the scanning of all cargo bound United States Capitol Building, the cluding combating global warming. for United States ports. largest in history. It will increase the In the area of safety and security, The Subcommittee on Coast Guard volume, the sheer volume of the Cap- the subcommittee will diligently over- and Maritime Transportation will work VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Jun 06, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 2\LOC FILES\BR31JA07.DAT BR31JA07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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