IIUUSUAI, JAMJAKX 21, 19.17. Powell'Francts KIDNAPPED BY REQUEST Appear in Sixth Tap* Ace Tutors Co - Workers - With Dancing Screen Romance GAIJDEN BEHIND LIBRARY Limit Law "One Way Passage," the War­ WILL BE COMPLETED ner Bros, production which Eleanor Powell Instructs DOT PORTRAIT To complete the Improvement A bluff thai has worked shows next Wednesday nt the ... of Eleanor Powell of the brick-wall enclosed gar­ successfully for .14 years Is Torrancc theatre, marks the den plot behind the public li­ finally to he made u perma­ sixth time that William Powell Stagehands, Electricians, A star after her frst picture and Kay Francis have been . the "World's Greatest Fem­ brary, the city council voted to nent und legal addition to teamed, to the delight of their inine Tap Dancer" after ten spend $350 Tuesday night. This torrance oity ordinances. This j thousands' of" admirers ail over Bellhops and Chorus'Girls sum will pay for the Installa­ will be a luiv banning Sunday | u,, country. tap lesions that's Eleanor night dancing nnil limiting tion of sprinkler system, Seldom has the popularity of Eleanor Powell started a tap dancing class on the set Powell . week-day hops to 'I u. m. «. two stare grown so steadily overcome bashfulncss now planting ol grass and trees and Mayai' W. H. Stanger, In or "Horn to Dance," new musical extravaganza opening j'provide a plaster coat to the with each succeeding story in she's overcome the world . aHklng City Attorney C. T. which they have played together Saturday at the Plaza theatre fn Hawthorne, which will brick walls surrounding the Hippy to draft such un ordin­ most unusual dancing was born In Springfield, Mass. space. as has been the case with Pow­ give her the title of "teacher of the ance Tuesday night, declared ell and Miss Francis. classes In the world." . started dancing at the age that "we've bluffed our way During her dancing carper* of six was discovered by part in musical was seen by It was popular demand which M-G-M executives who signed through tills matter for 14 Induced Warner Bros, to revive both on Broadway and In Holly­ Gus Edwards at the age of yours and now Is the time Famed Tarzan thirteen did nightly engage- her to do small dancing rolo It I "One Way* Passage," a picture wood and' even while touring, "Broadway Melody of 1936': . .. we should finally put It un tragedy and mcnts at the Ritz Cafe . hit the bookfi." I which for veiled she says, she has made it a Again Battles ind won leading fern, brooding loveliness has rarely Broadway at sixteen . six I took tost The Civic Auditorium is pro- point to start dancing classes Jungle Odds _ months in stage producers' of-| ininc opposite Robert Tay- been equalled on stage or -flees brought- her no Inck . ".".' 'or i "Born to Dance"... Tiding a popular recreation screen. This atmosphere Has" among her co-workers.- . - ' she plays the role of a stago- center und dances there arc been emphasized by the pho­ Tarzan, amazing character of they said she had to learn tap "I think my most unusual dancing had enough money struck girl . James Stewart attracting increasing crowds tography which in some class was at the Bevcrly Wll- the fiction of Edgar Rice Bur­ for ten lessons worked In Is her boy friend . gossips each Saturday that they an strange way contrasts the lights shire Hotel In Beverly Hflls," roughs, comes once more to the "Follow Thru" for year and a say this holds true o: i and off held by a Wllmlngton labor and shadows of the ship' plying says the star of "Born to screen, as Johnny Weissmuller half . appeared in several she says nothing! organization, the mayor re­ the Pacific with the stolen de­ Dance." "Here my class was .other musical hits Loves to give dancing lessons ported. lights of the doomed lovers. n (center) with Frank Orth (Inft) and Joe Kelly composed of ,tne bellhops In the and Maurcen O'Sullivan are rc- as the thugs his valet hires to kidnap Joe so he united in "Tarzan Escapes," in "Born ' Da"cc" . claims to have more classes * on't ha hotel who arranged their free ,,. ., . i M-G-M's new musical hit start- than anyone else in the world MEET NEXT TUESDAY ' Bombproof Bed Perfected play In the big game In a scene from "Polo Joe" hich Is open­ time so that I could give them Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's latest |.,ng tonlgnt at ^ Torrancc The regular meeting of the BERLIN (U.P.) A German ing tonight at the Plaza theatre In Hawthorne. ten minutes' instruction every jurigle adventure ' romance that | :theatre. electricians at the theatre city council will be held Tuesday inv«^lor ' has patented "a bomb­ night after I returned from the opens at the Torrance theatre || Came to Hollywood for'small among the stage hands. night, Jan. 26. proof four-poster bed". studio. on Sunday. QUEEN OF TAPS LEADS BAND "While working in 'At Home Abroad' last summer in New The present story marks the York my class stacted with the closest approach' of Tarzan to chorus boys and girls who were civilization. He Is captured by ilso In the show. Then grad a "bring-'cm-back-allve" animal ually the orchestra joined in collector who locks him ir and soon the stage hands were cage and plans to take him to doing time steps. I still get London to exhibit. In a thrill­ letters from some of them tell ing and dramatic climax the Ing me just what steps they're son of the primeval wilds out­ having trouble with." wits his civilized enemy, saves himself, and also his animal friends. * JOE SETTLES Breath-taking and spine-tingl­ FEUD WITH ing factors of the new picture include giant vampire bats from POLO DONKEY whose attack Wclssmullcr res­ cues a safari; the routing of Joe E. Brown Isnl Rolng to an'army of'savages by a herd heaven on a mule, but he plays of stampeding elephants; na­ HAVE PARALYSED a' few chukkers of polo on a tive tortures; a plunge over a donkey in a barn in a hilarious cliff, and a perilous escape from sequence for his new Warner death crocodile-infested The Motor Car Industry... Bros, comedy, "Polo Joe," which r'vcr. As in the preceding Tar- opens Sunday at the "Torrance ran stories Wclssmullcr swings theatre. through the jungle via trees Curtailed Production "Today Dressed In a complete polo and vines and in other ways regalia, Joe chased and was exhibits his magnificent athletic chased by the donkey from the There is a Greater Scarcity bai and through a house while "Skeets" Gallagher, his Changes Made In Eleanor Powell in a scqne from "Born to Dance" valet, watches with astonish- of Cars-Ready to be Delivered Joe runs around in, f clos, the donkey following at " ;Reeerit further oxpSJiSlon af Than at Any Time in the His­ JOE HAS A KICK COMING till In desperation, he finally Humphreys Music company, 130 vaults through vindow. Pine avenue, Long Beach, caused As Joe walks back, the don­ Don K Humphreys, owner, to tory of the Automobile In­ key nuzzles at his pockets, till appoint Elwood Reeves, former Joe pulls out a lump of sugar ly manager of the musical in­ ant! gives it to the animal. strument department, as gener­ dustry!!.. , This settles the feud. al director of the entire organi­ zation. PENSION MEETING Don Gllkerson replaces Reeves »« B U T »« A meeting of the Southwest In Humphreys band Instrument McGroarty (pension) club will department, Mrs. Blanche Boyer be held Friday night, Jan. 22, at 109th and South Broadway, department and Miss Marjorie a new address. All members Reeves is to manage recordings. and friends arc invited to at­ Clarence W. Christcnson and J. tend, hear reports on old-age I. Strom will continue as man­ pension legislation, play Bupko agers of the piano and radio and . enjoy refreshments. departments respectively. I ._/ 6 PHONE TORRANCE 132 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 21, 22, 23 Joe K. Brawn (right) with Richard (Skeets) Gallaghcr as the considerate valet who brings In a donkey so his master may "BORN TO DANCE" have a bit of practice .for his polo In a scene from "Polo Joe," with y"opening Sunday at the Torrance theatre. ELEANOR POWELL and JAMES STEW/ART The Chinese, AVabs, Greeks, Some of the latest hats seen "CAN THIS" BE DIXIE" Etruscans, Finns and Italians In London are trimmed with tin i with have all been claimed as origin­ flowers or gold and silver feath- JANE WITHERS and SLIM SUMMERVILLE WALTER G. LINCH... "Who For 15 Years Has ators of the compass. , Maintained A Perfect Record of "Taking Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, January 24, 25, 26 "POLO JOE" Care*' oft His Customers ... Can Make with JOE E. BROWN and "TARZAN ESCAPES" with JOHNNIE WEISMULLER and IU W niOUNE. CALU'OIiNIA MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN Immediate Delivery Telephone 21)0 "The Friendly Family Theatre" Thursday, Friday, January 21, 22 Wednesday Only, January 27 ,ioif E. DODGE BKOWN III "ONE WAY PASSAGE" and HAltltY CAKEY with WM. POWELL and KAY FRANCIS und KENT TAYLOU in —and— PLYMOUTH FRIDAY NIGHT PLAY MAGlC SCREEN! 1937 "15 MAIDEN LANE" Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 24, 25, 23 with CLAIRE TREVOR and CEASAR ROMERO SfeSS*ta "BORN TO DANCE" ?? SURPRISE NIGHT ?? Prices Have Not Raised YET ... But??? and Hulduvvr for "DAI f) " |fip" 2—SHOWS 6 and 9 P.M.—2 Saturday Only Added Sunday, Monday, Tuesday PETIUl iii "fDAPKcnAtiv IID"ur Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 28, 29, 30 Wednesday, January 27, One Day Only "BANJO ON MY KNEE" with Walter G.
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