Periodicals Postage Paid Lexington, Va. Che Cabet 24450 Man inheptntttnttp bp cabetg Ki’me 1907 http://www.vmi.edu/cadet/ $ 1 . 0 0 VOLUME XCII Friday, February 4, 20(M) Number 13 VMI Loses Four Females over Furlough tions of the Cadre. Recently several fe­ ceived hate mail, a death-threat, and was Tamina Mars was a member of the return after Christmas. She does has no by Angelica Martinez males who made it through their Rat year harassed constantly about her weight. class of 2001 and resigned her cadetship intentions of coming back. Friday Cabet News Editor have left quietly. Some just needed a She was close to Elizabeth McKay, '02, in order to transfer to Virginia Common­ Third Classman Larissa Taylor At the beginning of each aca­ break while others felt assimilation is not and lived with LaSheeta Davis, ’02, both wealth University. Mars was also a mem­ did not return to VMI this semester demic year approximately four hundred the success it has been reported to be. of whom also went home. In an e-mail ber of Band company. Her roommates when her boyfriend, who was also a college freshman attempt to become After Christmas break four female to her former roommate she said, “My said that she just needed a break and cadet, did not return. She did not claim VMI cadets as they begin their transi­ number one reason for leaving is because might come back. Mars was very inter­ to have been haras.sed or discriminated on page 4 upperclassmen chose not to return to Sports tion with “Hell Week”. During this week VMI. Each had her own reasons. Lind­ the Corps and administration do not even ested in music and she felt that VMI again.st at VMI. and the long months that follow several say Moran was a member of the class of attempt to make things better for women lacked and outlet for her creativity. Jackie Tugman, ’02, left VMI to Rats find that VMI is not for them and 2002 and a cadet in Band company. She at VMI...they think that once women Casey Dingee, ’02, an Alpha com­ study in France and retains her decide to go home. decided to go to William and Mary after were admitted their job was done, which pany corporal, ran NCAA Cross Coun­ cadetship. The absence of a Rat in a com­ she experienced harassment, threats, and is not tiue...overall VMI is full of s— and try and was on the Dean’s List at VMI. She is an NCAA Cross Country pany makes a mark, if only for the lack general dissatisfaction with the VMI likes to pretend that everydiing is ok, She did not really want to come back to and Track runner who is active in the of one more target to absorb the atten­ lifestyle. During her Rat year, she re­ when it is not!” VMI after her Rat year and chose not to See Women • page 5 Rats Out of Ratline by Kendra Russell prefers to have authorization &t>m the ad­ ministration before creating such privi­ Baseball season opener this Cabet Managing Editor leges, when the administration balked the weekend ‘The good thing about having my General Committee granted the privilege job is that I can’t be fired. As long as I unilaterally. However, until the adminis­ have the support of my guys and [the Sec­ tration approves the privilege. First ond Qass] and the Third Qass, they can’t Qassmen caught uptown in civvies will kick me out,” said First Class President be subject to Institute penalties. Keane Jones. “As far as I’m concerned we de­ Jones plays a pivotal role in the serve [civvies uptown],'and until we get it ongoing battle between the administration we’re going to start doing things our own and the First Cla.ss at the Vuginia Military way,” said Jones. Institute. Unless hostilities arc soon re­ This is not tlie only issue over which solved, this year’s Ratline may become the the First Class and the administration have TVack competes at Sprint next casualty. butted heads this year. One of the hottest Invitational Though Breakout has not taken topics of contention is the execution of place, the First Class kicked the Rat Mass Breakout The administration wants to of2000f 3 out of the Ratline 1\iesday, Feb repeat last year’s march to the New Mar­ Opinion on page ...... I. While Breakout is a time of celebra­ ket Battlefield, while the First Qass wants tion, being kicked out of the Ratline so to resurrect the tradition of Breakout Hill. unceremoniously is merely a disgrace. “[Breakout] shouldn’t ju.st be a 2000 does the right The decision was prompted by a num­ march because Breakout is a culmination. ber of factors. One issue is poor perfor­ The whole Corps should be there break­ thing with the Rats, mance on the part of the Rats. The First ing the Rats out A march wouldn’t do Class has perceived a certain lack of that,” said OOA President Dave VT women accused unity, motivation and maturity in the Rat Epperly. Mass. According to Jones, the adminis­ of exageration. Jones said, "The reason we decided tration and the First Qass have agreed on to let the Rats out was because of their a compromise wherein Breakout will be a conduct We expect them to show some combination of a march and the hill. So Features on page 5 signs of unity.” why did the Breakout controversy affect "I’ve spoken with them twice in the the decision to suspend the Ratline? past week about vandalism, and they went "I’m not confident at all that the out last weekend and slashed the valves administration is going to stick by what Stan Midy/The Cadet off of some tires,” Jones continued, refer­ they told me,” explained Jones. He con­ A group of cadets plays a game of tackle football in the snow. VMI recieved over five inches of snow ring to the vandalism of vans belonging to tinued, “I’m veiy confident that if they in a 24 hour period over the weekend, causing a few classes to be canceled. Brief on Page 5. the Citadel’s wrestling team. don’t stick by it we’re going to do our own Besides punishing the Rats, letting thing.” them out of the Ratline is al.so a way for Rat Diiiciplinaiy Committee Presi­ the First Qass to demonstrate its defiance dent Matt Brigance echoed his class Admissions Rates Continue to Rise toward the administration. This is the sec­ president’s sentiments: ‘The way I see it, ond such demonsu^tion in as many they made deal with us that if we agreed to chosen applicants will accept. The sions policy, prospective cadets by Jenny Boensch weeks. First classmen have been include a march, to New Market, they Bob Dole among speakers at Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) will continue to be accepted until thwarted in their attempts to obtain the would give us a hill. So I’d say that if they Cabet News Writer scores have also risen. This year’s the April 15 final deadline. All ac­ W&L's mock convention right to wear civilian clothes uptown don’t adhere to our deal—if we don’t have The traditional term of average freshman at VMI averaged ceptances are sent out by the be­ in Lexington, a privilege long cher­ a hill, basically—dien we won’t have a “dumb rat” may soon be outdated. an 1124 on their SAT’s, but early ginning of May but only a little ished by cadets. Breakout” Not only are admissions up at the figures show that the applicants for over half of those who receive an "For the last two years, [First The last class to graduate from VMI Virginia Military Institute, but so next year surpassed that average by appointment will actually matricu­ classmen] have had civvies uptown by without breaking out was the class of '72, is the academic standards of those at least 2 0 points. late. December.. .But we don’t have civvies whose dykes simply relea.sed them ftum applicants that have already been With Superintendent Josiah Colonel Vernon Beitzel, ’72 uptown yet and I haven’t gotten a reason the Radine, rather than acceding to an ulti­ accepted. Bunting Ill’s, ’63, plan to curtail and Director of Admissions, has why,” Jones said. Though the First Qass matum issued by the administration. Although VMI is planning the size of the class of 2004 in or­ been in charge of the monitoring of for a rat mass of about 400 next der to retain what he refers to as next year’s crop, and Major year, 484 people have already "stoop integrity in barracks,” VMI Claudia Pirkle has been hired to VMI Catacombs: Fact or Legend? Next week's regimental been admitted, and the average could easily become “a quite selec­ assist with recruitment. Pirkle pre­ GPA of the incoming rat is already tive little school.” viously taught Chemistry part time training schedule a 3.2. as VMI assumes that not all Due to the rolling admis­ at VMI. Arts & Leisure Work on Scott Shipp is on Schedule started on the top floor and is now down to the third level.” Win Free Pizza The project, originally planned to be completed in late summer, 2 0 0 0 , is apparently on schedule. Moore continued, “I don’t see any reason it shouldn’t be done on time.
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