~- , -.. ..." All the News Home of tbe News of All the Pointes • Every Thursday Morning * * * rosse ,e Call TUxedo 2-6900 Complete News Coverage of AU the Pointes VOLUME 19-No. 17 Entered as Second Class Matter 5c Per Copy at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE p,qt'NTE, MICHIGAN, APRtb 24, 1958 t3.50 Per Ye.u 24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation . , • . HEADLINES Seek Blood Donors Parking Lot of th6 • • Play Areas WEEK F C II As Compiled by the or 0 ectlon In Included Gr-osse Pointe News' Kerby Field. Parking Sites I Woods. on May 2 Thursday, April 17 And Beach Impro~ements THE SENATE APPROVED To Cost $20.845 -- an emergency bill to set up a Red Cross Mobile Unit Coming to Presbyterian Church billicn-dollar loan fund for From 2:45 to 8:45 P.M. Contribution 'I Farms City Monager Sid- l publIc works in cities Wed- May Be Allocated !, nesday night, despite Repub- ney DeBoer has been armed lican protests that there was The American Red Cross will visit the Grosse Pointe with authority to seek no evidence it was an anti- Woods Presbyterian Church from 2:45 till 8:45 p.m. on recession measure. plans and bids for vari .. Friday, May 2, to collect much needed blood donations ous improvements through The roll call vote was 60 to from tqe residents in the Grosse Pointe Area. If you city 26. The action came a few parts of the and to are between the ages of 18 and 59 and weigh at least seek bids on the projects hours after President Eisen- 110 potinds, your blood Wi be most welcome. hower reluctantly signed an- which will cost an estimat- other Democratic anti-reces. Mrs. Carl Asmus is chair., ed $20,845. sion measure: the 5% billion- The Farms council on Mon- dollar highway bill. Mr. Eisen- man of this spring. blOO~drive, Hoodlums given in cooperatIon WIth the1 " day,' April 21, approved the hower said the bill had "grave authorization which is neces- defects" but these were over- Grosse Pointe Com m u nit y Try to Crash sC'::y toward completion of the shadowed by the need to Blood Council, of which Hugh work. create jobs. Burns !s pre~ident and Mrs. Park PUJ4ty The public works bill was Peter Kemle IS secretary. Mr. DeBoer has been re- . approved after the Senate beat quested to prepare plans and down Republician attempts to , The foliowing ci~urches, or- specifications and to take bids chop the program in half and '",7. ..:: • • Knife-Wielding To ugh s for the installation of curbs '~L,,:~;;"::,:>~,A' :", ganizations and theIr chaIrmen and recapping of the parking attach other strings. "~,:,.):;:1.:~,;.. will participate: Christ, The Slash Host and Damage • • * :'.><:~<:~:>"",: ,,' ..,; I area at Kerby Field, which ':':i;';:!::~':'~~:':':;::'!.~~:";~;:'~"j,dKing with Mrs. 'Lee Zeunen; Two Cars Affer Being is expected to cost an esti4 THE VIOLENT DEATH of , ~:,.,'~,:,,/~':, <:;:, , ~;'.:f<! Christ Church, Mrs. E Foer- a Detroit sailor aJboard his , ': ~~ ; ,,' ,.., x,.. ' '.': • C 't Re Ousted mated $3,500. Navy ship in Puget Sound "', ',':':<f~);':<:.:.:h:,.:<:, :::'>:f\"~ sterling; FaIth ommum:y - Other Improvements (Wash.) Naval Yard last Feb- '., ':,,:<~;~fi.;,;:::~~;,~'.;.>.''I' formed, John Freisman; Grace Park police are still with- , "~>,,:«,hf'.,;,-", Evangelical and Ref 0 r m e d, ruary was officially termed a out clues to the identities of Other improvements at the , '::,;.:,:y:. : ,', ,'::1 Mrs A Riske' Grosse Pointe field being planned, are: in4 suicide Wednesday by a board .:~'.~:~;;:.. .).~ .. ~ I M E the young hoodlums who " ~:':~".",''t:::;'",:~~" Con g reg a t Ion a, rs. stallation of a. fence along the of investigation. ?,," '~""''''V''''', ";-":: • ,....,.:;:'::',',:~,::.-': Schwartz; Grosse Pomte Mem- crashed a party at the home Mack avenue alley side of the In Detroit, the youth's moth- ;::"'::"::',:,;~":;;oria! Mrs. John Rei n del; of the Ivan. C. Dunlops, field. at an estimated cost of er angrily accused the Navy -Picture by Fred R~:;e~,l Gros~e Pointe Methodist, Mrs. 15520 Windmill Pointe $1,000; the purchase of a s~t of covering up murder. The drive, on April 12, although of goal posts, estimated cost, coroner who investigated the Taking six standard French poodle puppies for becoming entangled in the leashes. MIMI, the mama C. Zentgraf; Grosse Pointe $250; three sets of bleacher case made the same charge an airing poses a problem for IVlrs. ,Fred W. Schoen poodle at'left, pres~nted a litter of nine to the poodle Woods Presbyterian, Mrs. Carl a number of suspects have seats, estimated cost, $660; and and announced he will for- of Maumee avenue as she attempts to keep from world in the care' of the Schoens. ,Asmus; Grosse Pointe Uni. been questioned by Park tarian, Dr. D. H. Basinski; St. the purchase and installation ward his rePort to three United and Detroit authorities. Michael's Episcopal, Mrs. L. W. of a new flag pole, which will Details of the incident were Has~ell, Mrs. Ray Nigro; st. cost an estimated $115. Paul Lutheran, Mrs. Heian; released by Park police on St:::;:~:;:)~IN kindledDouble Duty IPointe Has Full Program Center Drive Thursday April 17, following The city manager will pre- , First English Lutheran: Ray a flame Thursday morning to P f d Ob - M- h- W k Sh ], 669 York; American Legion Post, an investigation, which is still pare plans and sp~ifications , f officially open the 1958 World's er orme serVIng Ie 19an: ee: 'ows , R'~ Butts; .J a'c 0 b son s, Mrs. being carried on. and take bids for the comple- Fair - the first since the New Layne; Grosse Pointe FarIns Accol'ding to Park Police tion of the municipal parking Police, F. J. Belanger; Grosse Chief Arthur Louwers, two lot strip leased from the Grosse Y~:o:;:ld~.F~ral~~ ~:;~er By Firemen Starting O'D Sunday, May 4 Give $22,989 'Pointe War Memorial, John young toughs wearing leather Pointe Boa.c>-dof ~ducatlOn. chairman of the Republican --- ,--' -,----- Lake; Marine League, Mrs. jackets, entered the Dunlop This, the last phase of tha National Committee r ep re- Fretful Furnace C a u S ,e s Visiting' tv1"ayors To Be' H'onore.d ,at, Luncheon May' 5; More Donors' Contribute William Gibson; and the Post home, while four othel'S waited project, is the application of sented President Eisenhower Smoke-eaters to Be Sum. Churches. Sehools and Service Clubs Office, Hugh Burns. in the vestibule. a black topping which is ex- at the opening of the Ur...ited T k P Less Money Than on Maid Calls Host pected to cost an estimated States pavilion. Forty-one na:. moned to Same House . d. ing. art Corresdoriding Date It is not necessary to be a One of the boys told the $4,500. member of on'e of these groups tions will be showing off their in The five Grosse Pointe communities and the city maid that his father was at- To Fix Other Lot Twice Day In 'Last Year's Drive to donate your blood. It may best until the Oct. 19 closing -- of Harper Woods will soon join other Michigan munici- tending the party, ~"ld the. be designated to the organiza- maid called DUnlop. The co.unc.ll also authorIZed date. Grosse Pointe City fire- palities in celebrating the annual state-wide observance Most recent tallies on Already the fairground has d d bId tion or individual of your Dunlop figureci none of his t~e apphcatlOn of black top- become an international prop. men di 0 u e uty - of Michigan Week, This year, the week of May 4 through donations to the Grosse choice. A staff of well trained some 200 guests were related pmg and other necessary work aganda battleground wit h dou,?ly -, last Wednesday, May,: 10 has been set aside to mark the 5th annual cele- Pointe War Memorial's 1958 nurs~s and a. doctor are in at- to any of the youths, and he be ?-ane to the municipal western free enterprise ar. Apnl 16, 'Yhen t~ey. were bration of "It's Great to Live in Michigan \Veek." Annual F'amily Participa- tendance. If you require the demanded that th.e boys leave. parking lot on Mack avenue, rayed aga-inst Communism. called tWIce, WIthIn as The purpose of this observ-~ ' tion Campaign show fewer services of a baby, sitter, bring A brief scuffle followed dur- north of Manor, to make it • • • many hours, to the same I ance is to aw~k.en the people vice clubs of th~ Grosse Pointe dollars received. than last the children along, the garIs ing which one 'of the ~ouths suit~ble for parking. This Friday. April 18 household. ?f the communItIes to .the glor- -Harper Woods area have been year as of the 18th day of from the Junior Red Cross of pulled a switch-blade knife. proJect will cost an estimated the Grosse Pointe High School A CIRCUIT COURT jury The firs,t call for help came 10US past, the chall~n:gmg pres. asked, to incorporate some ob- the driye. To da~e $22,989.11 Aided b,y seven of his male $2.500. will take care of them without (Continued on Page 2) Thursday awarded Carl Renda at 11:46 a.m. from the resi- ent, and the promISIng 'f~ture servance of Michigan Week has been received compared charge. Mary Patterson is di- The following projects have damages totaling $400,000 in dence of Dr. John 'Guyton, 402 of th~ state ~n local, natlon~ into their reguLar. meetings to $23;416.76 in 1957.
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