DIRECTORY.] SUSSEX. WITHYHAM ST. JOHN':5. 631 Goring Charles D.L., J.P. Wistoll' pk Bush Robert Matthew, head game- *Knight Frank, farmer, Woodmans Penfold Arthur H. Weppons house keeper to Charles Goring esq Marking Robert W. farm bailiff to !Prichard Rev. Cyril Henry M.A. The Clements Rose (Miss), shopkeeper Charles Goring esq. Fairoak farm Rectory · Flux Geo. frmr. Buncton Manor farm Matthews William, farmer von Zur-Mtlhlen Raymond, Wiston Hardy M. A. (Mrs.), frntr.Guesses fm Message Edgar, grocer, Post office Old rectory Hiekox Frederick Richard, farmer Pearse Wm. G. farmer, .A:bbott's frin coMMERCIAL. Holland George, c~erk of the works to Pollard James Henry, farm bailiff to {Marked thus * receive their letters 0. Goring e·sq Charles Goring esq. Wiston park through Pulborough.) Humber Felix, farmer, Butcher's frm Raven Fredk.C. cowkpr.Wheelers corn *Bentley Cha.rles, woodreeve toO C. Hunt Charles, farmer, Up. Buncton Wood Waiter, blacksmith Goring esq. l''renchland WITHDEAN, see Patcham. WITHYHAM (or Withiam) is a parish and station on the chief landowners. The soil is sandy loam and clay; the London, Brighton and South Coast railway from subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat East Grinstead to Tunbridge Wells, 8 miles south-east and oats. Hops are successfully grown in this parish, from East Grinstead and 7 south-west from Tunbridge and are of the finest quaiity. The a.rea is 8,o68 acres Wells, in the Northern division of the county, Hartfield of land and 58 of water; rateable value, £18,490; the hundred, East Grinstead petty sessional division, union population in 1911 was 2,479 in the civil and 735 in the and county court district, rape of Pevensey and in ecclesiastical parish. the rural deanery of East Grinstead, archdeaconry of Withyham (St. John's) is in the civil parish of Withy­ Lewes and diocese of Chichester. The church of St. ham, and was formed into an ecclesiastical district in Michael is of stone, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, 1871. It is given under a separate heading. and has a tower containing 8 bells, and a private chapel, New Groombridge (St. Thomas) is in the civil parish belonging to the ancient family of Sackville, Dukes and of Withyham, and was formed into an eeclesiastical Earls of Dorset and Barons Buckhurst, which from 1451 district in 1886, and is also given under a separate has been their place of burial: there are also monu- heading. ments, and an altar tomb, with effigies, to the Sack- Parish Clerk, Richard Stephens. ville family, besides some stained glass: an organ was Police Station, William Heasman, constable in charge given in 1906 by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick William Ha.rris: the church was renovated and a south ·aislE> Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- added in 1 s41 , and has 240 sittings, of which 72 are William Welfare, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from free. The register dates from the year 1663. The Tunbridge Wells at 6 & 1r.45 a.m. & 5.15 p.m. & are living is a rectory, net yearly value £387, with residence dispatched at 10.40 a.m. & 5.30 & 7.40 p.m.; sundays, and one acre of glebe, in the gift of the Earl De La arrive at 6 a.m.; dispatched at 7.40 p.m. Telegraph Warr, and held since 1 s92 by the Rev. Charles Nassau office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days & from .Sutton. All Saints' chapel of ease, at BLAOKHAM, was 8.30 a.m. to 1o a.m. on sundays . ~!:milt in 1902 from designs by Mr. Lacy Ridge F.R.I.B.A. Post Office, Blackham.-William Clarke, jun. sul•-post- .at a cost, including site, of £ 1 , 300, and has nearly master. Letters through Tunbridge Wells. Box 200. sittings. HIGHF'IELDS Presbyterian Church of cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 7 p.m.; sundays, 6.45 p.m. England, built in 1s7s, has r8o sittings: there is a Bap- Withyham is the nearest money order office & Ashurst tist chapel. Moorehouse's charity of £ 7 48. rod. yearly station, I mile distant, the nearest telegraph office . is' for bread, and the Countess of Thanet's, of £ 1 6, for Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleaTed at 11.30 a.m . .apprenticing. Mrs. Price's charity, producing about & 5.10 & 6.10 p.m.; sundays, 9.25 a.m .£4o yearly, is for pensions and clothing for the poor Pillar Letter :Boxes :-Lye Common, cleared at 9.30 a.m. residents at Blackham; Smith's, of £13 yearly, is for & 6.15 p.m. & 9.30 a.m. on sundays; Leyswood • .coal for the poor. Not far from the church are remains cleared at 7·45 a.m. & I & 7.15 p.m. & 7·45 a.m. on of Old Buckhurst house. Buckhurst Park, the property sundays; Friar's Gate, clt>ared at 9·45 a.m. & 6.45 of the Earl De La Warr, is the residence of Robert p_.m.; sundays, 9-45 a.m. ; Watch Oak, cleared 8..~5 Henry Benson esq. M.A., J.P.; the mansion, rebuilt on a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 6-45 p.m , a new site about 1738, is in the Elizabethan style and Public Elementary Schools. stands in a. park of 2,ooo acres, on high ground between · two small streams, which form part of the head waters St. Michael's (mixed), for 91 children; Miss Fanny Penn, <1f the Medway; one of these streams supplies a con- mistress 11iderable lake. Penn's Rocks is the residence of Col. Blackham (mixed), for 6o children; Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas Pryce. Earl De La Warr is lord of the manor, Harwood, mistress -and Lt.-Ool. David P. Haig and Earl De La Warr are Railway Station, Frank Prevett, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ashby Thomas, farmer,Willetts farm, Harwood Frederick, farmer,Pittfields. Benson Robert Henry M.A., J.P. Blackham Blackham Buckhurst park ..!shc:.lown Jabe~, blacksmith, Lye green Hewitt George, gardener to Hy. Arth. Benson Wm. Arth. Smith,Windleshaw Baker Thos. frmr. Penns Rocks farm Colefax esq. K.C. Old Buckhurst Colefax Hy.Arth. K.O. Old Buckhurst Baldwin Chas. cle.rk to Parish Coun- Hoath Alfd.jun.frmr.White House fm Cripps Chas. Hy. Bazil cot. Blackham cil .& assist. overseer, White cot Hobbs Robt.A. poultry frmr.Blackhm Floyd 'l'hos. Watch oak, Blackham Bates Sarah (Mrs.), landowner, Alks- Johnson Wm. farmer, Top Hill farm Haig Lt.-Col. David P. Highfields pk ford farm Kingswood Jn.bricklyr.SchoolHouse hl Harris Fredk. Wm. J.P. Park grove Be.an George, miller, Blackham water LangTidge John Stephen, farmer, Harris Miss mill Ham farm Kestin Mrs. Watch oak, Blackham Booker Charles, farmer, Stephnetts, Mcllwick Brothers,farmers, Blackham Lampriere Guy Percy, Old Park cot Blackham Marshall Henry, shopkeeper, Blackhm Ludlow Major Ludlow Coape, Beec\t Callingt.on Arthur James, farmer, Obbard Wm. farmer, Cherry gardens Green park 1 Salehurst, Blackham Philpot John Thomas, head gardener Mackintosh Lewis, Sackville lodge, Clarke Wi'lliam, jun. shopkeeper & to R. H. Benson esq. The Gardens, Lve Green sub-postmaster, Blackham Buckhurst Man"sell Henry John, Forest home, Clarke Wm. Gibbs, grocr. Lye Green Pratt Peter, fanner, Hendall farm Buckhurst park Cole William, farm bailiff to Earl Ravilious Frederick James, farmer, Pryce Colonel Douglas Penn's Rocks De La Warr, Old Buckhurst farm Toll farm, Blackham Sutton RP-v. Charles Nassau, Rectory Cornford Waiter, g-ardener to CoC Scales William Frederick, Sussex Oak Swift Mrs. View house I Douglas Pryce, Motts ~ill inn, Blackham Tillard Percy Leonard, Park cottage Couch man Albt. w?eelwnght,Blackhm Snazell J oseph, Dorset Arms P .H Weir Clement Burnett M.A.Duckings 1 Crowhurst Ephra1m, farmer, Pound Southwood Edward C. frmr.Sherlocks Wharton Lady Fisher's Gate farm, :Blackham Spanswick Hy. Thos. frmr.Hunt's fin ' Fermor Alfl'ed, farmer, Plume of Swift William, farmer & hop grower, COMMERCIAL Feather.!! farm Stonelands Akehurst & Son, carpenter& Ford Wil.liam, blacksmith, Blackha.m Taylor Charlie, blacksmith Ash by Herbert, farmer, Lodge field Had/d'(Jn Ralph, grazier,Parkgate farm, Uridge John, farmer & hop grower, A.shby Robert, farlll!er & hop grower, Blackham Summerford Blackham court Hale Henry, farmer, Hale farm Welfare Wm. grocer,& sub-postmastr WITHYHAM ST. JOHN'S (Crowborough Town) and 9 miles south-west from Tunbridge Wells, in the is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Dec. 1871, out of Northern division of the county, hundred of Hartfi.eld, the ancient parish of Withyham, 3 miles south from petty sessional division, union and county court district Withyham station on the London, Brighton and South of East Grinstead, rape of Pevensey and in the rural Coast railway, II miles south-east from East Grinstead deanery of East Grinstead, archdeaconry of Lewes and .
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