Hold Second Suspect in Long Branch Slaying SEE STORY BELOW Weather Mostly ,unny and cold today, HOME high 35-40. Fair and cold ton'^ht, THEDAILY low 25-M. Tomorrow increasing cloudiness chance of rain devel- oping late In day or at night, FINAL high in lower 40s. Friday's out- look, clearing and milder. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS, DIAL 741-0010 90, NO. 109 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE To Be 'Businesslike' in 'Break With Tradition' GOP Legislators Accept Suggested Slate By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON striped pants and cutaway jack- the GOP accepted the slate re- Smith, of Atlantic, now minority 1957, 1961 and 1965, provided that voked in' the few years that party Coleman Jr. is a member, has EAST BRUNSWICK — Wheth- ets — and wear business suits. commended two weeks ago by leader of the lower house, will be a bill had to win majority favor has had control was a sham, with been deputy secretary under the er it was intended as an indict- "It's a break with old tra- Republican county chairmen for speaker. in the Republican ranks before it commitee majorities taking their Democratic leadership. This was ment of the present Democratic dition," observed Assemblyman next year's legislative leaders. One of the relics of the past could come to the floor for a orders directly from the incum- a specially created post in recog- leadership, or of past Republican Frank X. McDermott of Union, 'No Hostility' that will not be restored with the vote. bent Democratic governor or a nition of his service of more than direction, wasn't clear. who will be Senate majority lead- Though the so-called "compro- Republican control, Mr. McDer- Republican majorities as they Democratic policy maker. 20 years as secretary and assis- But state Republicans who will er. mise" list worked out by the par- mot said, is the former caucus will be next year, were so strong Name Patterson Xant secreary in past Republican control the 1968 and 1969 Legis- "But we're going to show that ty heads in the 21 counties irked rule. before 1953 that the old system None of the leadership posts years. latures declared here yesterday we're businesslike and modern. some of the lawmakers, Mr. Mc- Instead, he said, the Republi- was based on contention that went to Monmouth County legis- Robert Gladden, a Democrat, that it will be "businesslike and We're going to wear business Dermott said there was no hos- cans will elect a strong commit- there had to be enough Repub- lators but Henry H. Patterson, of wil/ be assistant secretary and modern." suits on opening day because we tility at the caucus, tee system to clear legislative lican votes in caucus to pass a Ocean Township, was chosen sec- R/iy Schleigh, a Passaic Republi- For openers, male members of want to take olf the old and put Sen. Edwin B. Forsythe, of Bur- proposals for action. bill on the floor before-it could retary of the Senate. ran, will be deputy secretary. the 3.to 1 Senate and Assembly on the new." lington, the present minority The GOP caucus rule, a target be brought up. Mr. Patterson, senior partner / Serving as assistant to the Sen- majorities will shun the usual Meeting at Brunswick Inn for leader, will be Senate president, of successful Democratic election Republicans charged that the of the Asbury Park law firm in / ate majority leader will be As- formal black morning attire — two hours behind closed doors, and Assemblyman Alfred W. campaigns for governor in 1953, Democratic committee system in- which Assemblyman James M.' (LEGISLATURE, Pg. 3, Col. 4) Fort Den iedFu nds For Sewer Project By WILLIAM HAGEMAN gional Sewerage Authority, doesn'tl in the authorization bill, but the again in the next session of WASHINGTON - Fort Moo- have the money needed to joij n House knocked it and other Congress, but that may be too mouth, which was expected to be the system, according to the of- tems out, a Case spokesman late. one of the largest users of the fice of Sen. Clifford P. Case, R- said. Then the Senate Armed The Northeast Monmouth Coun- iewer network being built by the N. J. • Services Committee restored ty Regional Sewerage Authority Northeast Monmouth County Re- Case aides yesterday disputed hem and the bill went to a joint is made up of six towns — Mon- a statement reported by the As- conference committee where the mouth Beach, West Long Branch, House agreed to re-include every- Oceanport, Shrewsbury, Little sociated Press and carried here thing except the Fort Monmouth Silver and Fair Haven — and Name Now Nov. 17. appropriation. was counting on Fort Monmouth The report quoted the state's Grounds for the exclusion were and six other towns as paying A NURSING HOME OR NOT? — Rendering by New York City architect Irving Hugh Merritt shows 172-bed, 90- other senator, Harrison A. Wil- hat present sewer facilities at customers. _.TOomnuriing.home propoied b,y,Drs..Wil!i«m L. Wpp Is Hazlet y a military construction appropri- HAZLET — The Township Sen. Case agrees that they are, Fort Monmouth, to become a Front St. and the Navesinlt River in Red Bank. The brick and glass structure has become the center of a complicated ation bill, including $1.5 million Committee formally read in- but says they won't be in a few customer, needed the $1.5 million for the Fort Monmouth sewer controversy. Actions relative to its approval are pending simultaneously before Borough Council, the Zoning Board to the minutes th"e certified years and are not now in compli- as its share of the capital cost connection, had passed the Sen results of the November ance with the state's policy o( of sewer lines and treatment fa- of Adjustment, the Planning Board and Superior Court. ate. election at last night's brief eliminating the pumping of ef- cilities. adjourned meeting. Not so, Sen. Case's office said fluent into the Shrewsbury River Chairman Michael J. Rafferty yesterday. Although Sen. Case The appropriation bill, without said last night the authority With the reading, Raritan Decision to Study May Be Crucial had supported the appropriation, Fort Monmouth's sewer money, would not be able to wait another Township officially became it was deleted from an authoriza- has passed both houses of Con- year on the chance that the fed- "Hazlet Township" with tion bill several months before gress and is awaiting the signa eral government would come up signs in and outside the the appropriation bill came up.' ture of the President. with the necessary funds. municipal hall already pro- (See SEWER, Pg. 2, Col. 8) claiming the fact. The Fort Monmouth item was Sen. Case said he would try Table Nursing Home Code In other business, the com- mittee approved a resolution RED BANK — The Planning Board last night held a pro- The attorney told the board, "You have been asked to do authorizing the use of 10 posed zoning ordinance amendment for further study before something that is against the law. I don't think you should be privately-owned dump trucks returning it to Borough Council. put in that position." for snow removal this win- Bombs Drive Back That decision could be a crucial one in the fate of a 90-room Although board member Richard L. Johnson disagre.ed ter. nursing home planned by Drs. William L. Wood and Robert B. with Mr. Auerbach's interpretation of the statute, the board It also approved a minor voted 7-0 to hang on to the amendment. Building Inspector subdivision to Philip and Robertson for riverfront property at Washington and East Rose Lanzone in the Keans- Front Stg. Maxwell H. Klarin abstained. Now, if council does not get the amendment back for burg Park area dividing one Cong Assault Force The doctors' project has been pending before the Zoning lot into two. The next com- final passage before Dec. 13, the Zoning Board will be on the Board since Oct. 11. mittee meeting will be Dec. SAIGON (AP) — Waves of Viet)four miles to the south and a Attacking pilots reported leav- spot. , .,^.,.,,,,,... .,s.,.,,..w ,.,.,.,.^,-, ^.uaa^mMtta^os,,^ 1 5r t 1 gPyi amendment, which would make nursing homes a non-permitted ment district headquarters near miles to the south. Government broken tracks in the railroad The Zoning Board, which already has reserved decision at use In the business zone. The Wood-Robertson site is in that the Cambodian border for 5'/4 casualties were reported light in yards 1.7 miles northwest of the two meetings, has a special meeting scheduled for Wednesday, zone. hours today and overran some of those attacks, and there was no Dec. 13, for the sole, purpose of acting on the nursing home. port city's center. They said they The amendment was referred to the Planning Board for Plan Board b2DQfdJi4fih jreport-of-U^-casualties. 4«l-heavy-damage-to-tiie-noTm~ 7^^ ers strafed and bombed the Reds The attack at Bo Due continued ern span of a rail and highway l i Md ih homes, Mr. Auerbach feels the decision may favor his clients. final vote were scheduled for council's meeting Monday night. into retreat. a pattern of scattered Commu- bridge a mile west of downtown FOR HOW LONG? He said there were indications at the Nov. 8 meeting of Post Yielded A South Vietnamese spokes- nist shelling and hit - and • run Haiphong. The question now is, how long must the Planning Board the Zoning Board that no decision could be reached that night man said 65 enemy bodies were ground attacks that has prevailed Both the yards and the bridge consider it? because two members were opposed to the application and found inside and nearby the pe- since the end of the Dak To bat-had been attacked before.
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