3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHProudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988FREE FREE Vol ORWOOD27, No 19Q • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION COR P ORATION • OEWSQC TOBER 2-15, 2014 NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 INQUIRING PHOTOGRaphER: JEROME-GUN HILL BID FALL FESTIVAL How Hot IS THE Earth PHOTO HIGHLIGHTS | PG. 10 GEtting? | PG. 4 MOSHOLU BENCHES Guarding Kingsbridge From RIPPED IN HALF Upzoning | pg 6 Residents Demand Better Communication From Parks Graffiti Comes, Goes, Returns in Norwood | pg 8 Be Healthy: Early Flu Shot, Early Protection | pg 12 Photo by Adi Talwar PARKS DEPARTMENT WORKER (Zhou Li Kang) repairs a bench on the west side of Mosholu Pkway near 203rd Street. By KASIA ROMANOWSKA the lush freeway by the city Parks De- North and Bainbridge Avenue, a group of Following a barely publicized bench partment. The benches, ripped from the folks huddled around one bench just by removal project along Mosholu Parkway concrete sidewalk, blindsided residents a hilltop, noticing wooden debris neatly in mid-September, Community Board 7 in the area, mainly after seeing half a piled. “Did they break it off purposely?” is now demanding better communica- bench was left over. But Parks, having asked a man pushing a stroller. tion involving future projects. The news oversight on the parkway, never alerted “It looks well-organized, though. It comes as Parks admitted there was no members of Community Board 7, which must have been done by someone who plan to replace several of the benches usually relays information to residents. does construction,” guessed another Out & About | pg 18 that were cut in half. The day before Parks began its repair neighbor. As the Norwood News learned, sev- process, confusion abounded for neigh- “There was nothing wrong with the eral benches were sliced throughout bors in the area. At Mosholu Parkway (continued on page 16) 2 • OctoberVol. 2-15, 27, No.2014 10 • Norwood News Norwood News is published bi-weekly on Thursdays by IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Mosholu Preservation Corporation 3400 Reservoir Oval East Bronx, New York 10467 Vol.Vol. 27,27, No.No. 1019 Metro-North Expansion in East Bronx Phone: 718 324 4998 NorwoodFax: 718News 324 is 2917 published E-mail:bi-weeklyNorwood [email protected] Newson Thursdays is published by MosholuWeb:bi-weekly Preservationwww.norwoodnews.org on Thursdays Corporation by Clears Another Hurdle Mosholu3400 PreservationReservoir Oval Corporation East Bronx, New York 10467 3400 Reservoir Oval East By DAVID CRUZ Publisher Bronx,Phone: New 718 YorkCEO,324 499810467Mosholu Bronx pols are cheering over Mosholu Fax:Preservation 718 324 29173UHVHUYDWLRQ E-mail: [email protected] the MTA’s plan to expand its Met- Corporation Phone: 718Corporation 324 4998 Web: www.norwoodnews.orgRoberto S. Garcia ro-North service in the borough. Editor-in-ChiefFax: 718 324 2917 The transit agency voted to include PublisherDavidE-mail: Cruz [email protected] MosholuWeb: Preservation www.norwoodnews.org Corporation in its five-year capital budget plan CEO,&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ Mosholu Preservation a $737 million project to build four CorporationDawn McEvoy Metro-North stations on an exist- Roberto S. Garcia Publisher$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH CEO, Mosholu ing track line in the east Bronx. Editor-in-ChiefDawn McEvoy Crews will build stations in Co-Op MosholuDavid Cruz Preservation 3UHVHUYDWLRQ CorporationProofreader Corporation City, Morris Park, Parkchester ClassifiJudy Noy ed Advertising Editor-in-ChiefDawn McEvoy Roberto S. Garcia and Hunts Point, neighborhoods 3URGXFWLRQ DavidAccounts Cruz Receivable known for their large populations. Neil deMause Dawn McEvoy But the proposal is still under re- 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJProofreader view by the Albany Legislature, JudyDavid NoyGreene, Adi Talwar Dawn McEvoy which Borough President Ruben Interns Regular Contributors Diaz Jr. expects will be in favor for would result in “quicker commutes bus service is limited. Train ser- $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOHDavidShayla Greene, Love, Paolo Adi Mossetti, Talwar, JustinHayley McCallum, Camacho the Bronx. and better job opportunities” for vice would crisscross along the DawnInternsand Chelsea McEvoy George “As we make our final case to Bronxites. Klein’s office released a Amtrak’s existing Hells Gate line ProofreaderKasia Romanowska, Anton K. Nilsson CatharinaFor display Thuemling,advertising, call Janaki (718) Chadha324-4998. Judy Noy the State Legislature to approve the report last year that predicted the that stretches to Boston, terminat- funding for this expansion, Albany benefits to this plan, including a ing at Manhattan’s Penn Station. 3URGXFWLRQ SupportFor Yourdisplay advertising, will see an entire borough united rise in property values around the The MTA submitted its plan Neil deMause Communitycall (718) Newspaper! 324-4998. in support of this revolutionary stations and the creation of jobs. to the Albany Legislature Oct. 1, The Norwood NewsLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE- 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV project,” said Diaz in a statement. The plan is seen largely as a which will take several months to Davidlication Greene, and relies Adi upon Talwar the support of its Supportadvertisers and Your readers to produce a quality Lobbying behind Diaz is Sena- game changer for the east Bronx, render a decision. Should the pro- InternsCommunitycommunity newspaper. Newspaper! To support your paper, tor Jeff Klein (34th Senate Dis- a place Klein dubbed a “transpor- posal be approved, it’s expected to ShaylaThebecome Norwood Love, a member PaoloNews and isMossetti, receivea not-for-profi aJustin subscription McCallum, t trict), who said the plan, once built, tation desert” since subway and be operational by 2019. andpublicationfor one Chelsea year. and George relies upon the support of its advertisers and readers to produce a ForqualitySimply display mailcommunity checkadvertising, or moneynewspaper. call order (718) for To324-4998. $40 support yourto: Norwood paper, News,become 3400 a Reservoirmember Oval and East, receive Bronx, NY 10467. Supporta subscription Your for one year. Pinnacle Tenants Still Owed Settlement Payout Norwood News is not responsible for typo- CommunitySimply mail check Newspaper! or money order for $40 graphical errors. Opinions expressed in signed By DAVID CRUZ his 33rd Senate District since Sept. - 2028-32 Valentine Ave. Theto: Norwood Norwood News,NewsLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE 3400 Reservoir Oval- letters and bylined columns represent the sole For tenants who lived or cur- 29. Nearly half of the 62 Pinnacle- - 2340 Valentine Ave. licationEast, Bronx, and relies NY 10467.upon the support of its opinion of the author and are not necessarily advertisers and readers to produce a quality rently reside in Bronx buildings owned buildings are located in his Thursday, Oct. 9, 5:30 to 7 p.m. those of Mosholu Preservation Corporations owned and managed by the Pin- district. Rivera is expected to show - 2800 Heath Ave. communityNorwoodRU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHS News newspaper. is not responsibleTo support your for -paper, becometypo-graphicalresent the a viewsmember oferrors. the and editor receiveOpinions and/or a publishersubscriptionexpressed nacle Group, a payout awaits. But up at the following Bronx sites: Rivera will also visit two other forinonly. signed one The year. newspaper letters and reserves bylined the columns right to limit many have yet to claim it. It’s a rea- Sunday, Oct. 5, 4 to 8 p.m. buildings in mid-October. To find represent the sole opinion of the author or refuse advertising it deems objectionable. son why Senator Gustavo Rivera is - 2185 Valentine Ave. out more, call (718) 933-2034. SimplyandAdvertisements are mail not checknecessarily appearing or money inthose this order paper of Mosholufor cannot $40 making the rounds in his district, to:Preservationbe Norwoodused without News, Corporations the written 3400 permissionReservoir -resent Ovalof the Nor East,- Bronx,viewswood News. ofNY the 10467. Letters editor to and/or the editor publisher are subject reminding locals they may be enti- only.to condensation The newspaper and editing. reserves Writers the should right tled to a part of a class action settle- Public & Community Meetings to limit or refuse advertising it deems NorwoodLQFOXGHWKHLUDIÀOLDWLRQRUVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWLIDQ\ News is not responsible for typo- ment. Since Sept. 29, Rivera has vis- objectionable.Anonymous letters Advertisements are not published appearing but your graphical errors. Opinions expressed in signed ited hundreds of tenants reminding COMMUNITY BOARD 7 committees are held on the following dates inname this can paper be withheld cannot if be requested. used without lettersthe written and bylined permission columns of Nor-wood represent the sole them of the settlement between the at the board office, 229A E. 204th St., at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted: opinionNews. Lettersof the author to the and editor are are not subjectnecessarily to management firm and residents. Public Safety & Quality of Life committee meets on Thursday, Oct. 2; Execu- thosecondensation of Mosholu and Preservation editing. Writers Corporations should Lawyers for Pinnacle settled tive committee meets on Tuesday, Oct. 7; Economic Development and Com- RU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHSMosholu Preservation Corporation is a - Anonymous letters are not published but their class action suit filed by ten- munity Relations/LTP committees meet Wednesday, Oct. 8 (note: Commu- resentyourQRWSURÀWVXSSRUWFRUSRUDWLRQRI0RQWHÀRUH
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