Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 10-1919 Friendly Endeavor, October 1919 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, October 1919" (1919). Friendly Endeavor. 3. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A F R I E N D LY E N D E AV O R V O L U M E I I . OCTOBEKf NUMBER 4 Atla "HOBBYISM." he would be remembered ^ r,urdened deny being a "hobbyist." I decided to tic to the Pacific. He w^® mini a look up the word "hobby," and find the by the church, and especiallJ' guch an ^ ' origin, quoting from Webster— Lewis 1. Hadley, should receive an educati®'^'jgtect 1-A strong active horse of a middle Dean of North Pacific Evangelistic cation as would help thf^^^ how size, said to have originated in Ireland. thought, as well as to doctw^" -An ambling nag. Institute, press right thought and ® jTriends 2-A subject to which one is ever re Portland, Oregon. in a masterly way. j^n made verting. never believed that edt*® ^.gachers ^ Then I looked for the meaning of preacher. They said, jjoly Spi^f.® "ambling;" I found this— Recently I read an article in a religious called, and qualified by t^f young- 1-To go at an easy gait. paper concerning "Hobbyism." Do you at that time. God was sa'^^^j^h the Ij 2-The easy gait of a horse, a pacing know what that means? The definition and women, baptizing theP^ .jje mini<5+° horse. given in the article was, "the preacher I closed the dictionary and said. Amen, who hath in his mind any one notion Ghost, and calling them ifit^ . j alono- The Church was being victnw I guess I will have to be called a "hobby or idea or doctrine or duty which he ist," for Salvation is my hobby. I will feeleth called to air in every sermon." 0.e Of this .great . irh™! revival wave of 40 yearP lectuv-eiT" belong to the "Hobby Horse Cavalry" I presume each of us has a hobby, and down here till I'm promoted to the White it is really amusing, (however serious it no time for "dry educatJ'"' chance h But this man preached eV®' Horse Cavalry of Heaven. Rev. 19:14. may be), to note- how each of us calls got (which wasn't-bften). ^ pjg notion » I have just one subject to preach upon; the other of us a "hobbyist," if we don't one plan of Salvation to which I am ever hear our particular "notion, idea, doc wherever he went he "aiJ"®'' heeri" Instead' of listening to him Quaker/'^" reverting) whenever I get a chance to trine or duty aired in every sermon." " a i r m y n o t i o n . " A n " a m b l i n g p a c i n g At least it struck an amusing neurone him, we just kept "looking drew^'* and he finally quit. Then „jjgbbyig. ^ nag" is easier to ride than a trotter, so, while I was musing and mediating upon breath of relief, dubbed 1""? gm. ® ' since I have a message which I feel pro it, and I began surveying in my mind and are handicapped today ^^j„ies foundly convicted I must present to the my ministerial friends of the present and to meet the conditions of th® ,, i," „ ^ world, I am glad to have an easy ambling past, and recalled many who were dubbed we listened to him, we able^ ^ horse on which to amble. "hobbyists." I remember one who was There are doctrines of men and doc a prohibitionist. He preached that the membership and ministry li®.^ detect doctrine that has ® trines of devils, but there is only one voter who voted to give a saloon keeper truth as it is in Christ JesU®- Doctrine of God—that man was created privilege to sell whisky, was party to all h o l y, w a s r u i n e d b y t h e w j i r k o f t h e the crime caused by the whisky. In every I have been reminiscing, ^mort^^^ devil, and that God proposes to com sermon, and from every text it mattered the past. We are still the %irtv n pletely restore and redeem him through t h a t m y f r i e n d s a n d I w e r ® not what subject, he "aired his notion." t h e w o r k o f J e s u s . People didn't like the tnith he preached. forty years ago. Now, hold P ds All "hobbies" ought to have vital con They kept still and stood it while he was up and look pleasant whil® Relieves"?; nection with the Doctrine of God. So preaching, but after it was over they picture. Here is a man wh® whether people hear or whether they would frown and say, "oh, it's just his the "Young Friends Moveine® ^ " forbear, I suspect we will go ambling on hobby," and go on voting as before. er, you may not be aware it'was "airing our notions;" only let us see to I recall another who was intensely in is as much the tinith now it that our notion is in vital connection earnest in his effort to get the Christian the old days, that just in P^^'JcT^Lonld wits the message of God, and conclude Churches to see the awfulness and wick you are convinced that the that— edness of war. He was concerned and get your message, you will "Since there is so much 'hobbyism' in burdened about it, and longed to get his notion" every chance you get- the woi-st of us. message before the church—the message are so earnest, so anxious And there is so much 'hobbyism' In of "Peace on eai-th, good will toward your thought that the first J 5 /°" the best of us. men." The people didn't want his mes know they will have you si. ^ I t h a r d l y b e c o m e s a n y o f u s sage. The war of the "sixties" was over, the "Hobby Horse Cavalry." To charge 'hobbyism' to the rest of us." and the church was enjoying a marvel Here is another. He beli®^f® The Lord bless you'all. Amen. ous revival. What reason had they to Baptism with fire and the think there would be another war ? They in old-time religion, in old-tiiP® Too many people seek to cari-y out the had no time for peace lectures. But You give this man a chance this man preached peace—at revivals and "air his notion,'.' and for the plan of God by adding new machinery. What we really need is to get rid of a ■at Quarterly meetings, and wherever he that all the others did. Beca®®® ^® lot of our machinery and get back to went. He always "aired his notion." a profound conviction that tb® <-™rch Pentecost. So he was dubbed "hobbyist," and the should accept his message. church went thoughtlessly on, and his Our picture is taken—do y®d message was unheeded and unapprec "proof?" Two brothers her® ^h® We preachers are not so "intellectual," iated. Had they heeded, the greatest Institute went down town the or "deep," but we are giving people and awfulest war in history might have and had their pictures taken. '^"®r ,^'^® strong meat and they can't take it. They been averted. proofs came, one of the boys did not like want milk. Another man comes to my mind—one his picture, and thebrother brother said' tnat's of the most prominent educational men because it looks so natural-"' Well, Training may make orators, but God of his day. If I should mention his name. Amen, I can see MY picture- I don't I makes ministers. mony to take place Wednesday, October 14. She is Idaho's new state C. E. pres SOCIETY NOTES thrown from his bicycle, receiving many the bay for a dip in the briny. Back FIRST CHURCH PORTLAND 8th. We all wish this young Christian ident for the coming year. bad bi-uises and a badly sprained ankle. to the picnic grounds for a snack supper couple a long and happy life together. We are hoping he will have a speedy and then home again, everybody voting Neu-port seemed to be the Quaker S C O T T S M I L L S . Sunday morning, Sept. 14, we had \vith it a fine picnic. recovery. vacationists resort this summer. There SPRINGBROOK. us Guy Furbay and \vife who are teachers The same evening, the Young People's were thirty Friends there at one time. at the Greenleaf Seminary. His message class of the Sunday School, called the O u r C . E . c o n t i n u e s t o b e v e r y i n t e r Willard Wiley is at home helping with Most of our people have returned from We are glad to announce that a new was helpful and inspiring.
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