E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2021 No. 108 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was have expected from the beginning: The transparency, and we must seek jus- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Chinese Communist Party inten- tice. We need to get to the bottom of pore (Mr. MCGOVERN). tionally covered up the COVID–19 out- this question and allow the truth to f break, squandering valuable time, cre- come to light. ating dangerous misinformation, and, Thanks to American ingenuity, resil- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ultimately, costing lives. ience, and perseverance, our Nation has TEMPORE Over a year ago, the China Task embarked on the long path to recovery. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Force began raising real questions However, while new virus cases are on fore the House the following commu- about the origin of the virus. At that the decline, the pandemic isn’t over. nication from the Speaker: time, the mainstream media and others For the families of more than 600,000 WASHINGTON, DC, dismissed our concerns. Despite their Americans who have died from COVID– June 22, 2021. objections, we continued in our efforts 19, grief still lingers. I hereby appoint the Honorable JAMES P. to expose this coverup. For the thousands of Americans MCGOVERN to act as Speaker pro tempore on Now, after lives and livelihoods have struggling with post-COVID syndrome, this day. been destroyed, President Biden and the virus remains a central part of NANCY PELOSI. the Democrats finally are asking ques- their lives each and every day. Speaker of the House of Representatives. tions about this virus. They finally are For small business leaders struggling f waking up to reality. to keep their doors open amid the cur- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Not only did this pandemic start in rent workforce shortage, there is still a China, but the World Health Organiza- crisis. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tion acted as a willing pawn of the Chi- Holding China accountable for the ant to the order of the House of Janu- nese Government to cover up this virus pandemic is still very relevant. We ary 4, 2021, the Chair will now recog- and hide it from the world. cannot drag our feet. We cannot just nize Members from lists submitted by After taking office, one of President move on. the majority and minority leaders for Biden’s first actions was rejoining the This is the time for Congress to get morning-hour debate. World Health Organization at taxpayer serious about our oversight responsibil- The Chair will alternate recognition expense, without requiring a single re- ities and fully investigate the origin of between the parties, with time equally form to its corrupt culture. the COVID–19 pandemic. allocated between the parties and each Time and time again, President Today, I urge Speaker PELOSI and Member other than the majority and Biden has failed to hold the Chinese House Democrats to join with Repub- minority leaders and the minority Communist Party accountable. Now, licans in exposing this regime’s blame whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no this Congress must act. in the pandemic and demanding an- event shall debate continue beyond 1:50 Last year, the China Task Force de- swers from the Chinese Communist p.m. veloped more than 400 commonsense Party. f solutions to counter the Chinese Com- We must ensure that this hostile re- munist Party’s threat to our health, gime never again is allowed to unleash HOLDING CHINA ACCOUNTABLE our economy, and our way of life. We a virus onto our shores. As we have The SPEAKER pro tempore. The could start by implementing these leg- seen, lives and livelihoods are on the Chair recognizes the gentleman from islative solutions and restoring Amer- line. Pennsylvania (Mr. JOYCE) for 5 min- ica’s leadership in 21st century innova- f utes. tion. Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Mr. As a Congress, we also should build SCIENCE IS NOT A PARTISAN Speaker, more than a year into the upon the China Task Force’s investiga- ISSUE COVID–19 pandemic, I rise once again tion into the COVID–19 pandemic ori- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to bring attention to the Chinese Com- gin, including whether the virus was Chair recognizes the gentleman from munist Party’s role in this public engineered at the Wuhan lab. Texas (Mr. NEHLS) for 5 minutes. health and economic crisis and to call Why delay? How many more Ameri- Mr. NEHLS. Mr. Speaker, more than for a full congressional investigation cans will need to be infected before we 600,000 Americans have reportedly died into the origin of the virus. say ‘‘enough’’? from COVID–19; grandfathers, grand- Day after day, we learn more facts As my friend, Leader KEVIN MCCAR- mothers, fathers, mothers, brothers, and evidence that confirm what we THY has outlined, we need to demand sisters, sons, and daughters. The true b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2935 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Jun 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JN7.000 H22JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H2936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 22, 2021 toll of this disease will never be fully malfeasance, only to be blocked by they slowly and methodically take understood; not only the loss of life, Democrats. This has not shaken our re- over Afghanistan, are hunting these but the loss of the means to provide for solve. We will continue to do the peo- brave individuals down who stood with one’s family for those who survived, ple’s business in the people’s House. us against extremism. the mental anguish over the loss of a Holding China accountable requires We need to ask ourselves, as Ameri- loved one, and the fear and uncertainty transparency and justice. We need to cans, what message are we sending in of the future. declassify intelligence surrounding the terms of keeping our promises, not It is unfortunate that, despite all origins of COVID–19. The American only with the Afghans, but again, this suffering, COVID–19 has devolved people have a right to know. around the world? The bottom line is, into a partisan issue, each side bick- We need to evaluate and defund any we need to get them out. We have a ering as to who is to blame. Despite investments in gain of function re- moral obligation to get them out. that, science is not a partisan issue. search with the CCP or China. We need This is not just a moral obligation, The facts are this disease killed hun- to reform the World Health Organiza- but it is a national security obligation. dreds of thousands of Americans. It is tion by advocating for new leadership The State Department has a 14-step one of the deadliest diseases to ever hit and transparency. And we need to pur- process that takes over a year to do America. And, for good reason, many sue visa and economic sanctions on the appropriate vetting and to assign Americans want to know how it hap- members of the CCP and any others re- these visas. We don’t have time for pened to ensure it never happens again. sponsible for the COVID–19 coverup. that anymore with U.S. forces with- That should be a bipartisan pursuit. We need to send a loud and clear mes- drawing within weeks. But, unfortunately, my colleagues sage to the globe that America will The Defense Department is ready to across the aisle, led by Speaker PELOSI, hold those responsible for the COVID– do an evacuation right now. The Gov- have stonewalled our attempts to in- 19 coverup accountable. We must leave ernor of Guam has said he is ready to vestigate the origins of COVID–19, and no doubt that if you lie to America and accept these people, as they have done they have done so even in the face of cause death of her people, there will be with our partners in South Vietnam, as mounting evidence and unanswered hell to pay. they did with the South Koreans, as questions. f they have done with Cubans. We can There have been so many theories SUPPORTING THE SPECIAL process them in a safe third country circulating as to how COVID–19 origi- IMMIGRANT VISA PROGRAM and then bring those individuals home. nated. Some in the scientific commu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Defense Department says they nity say it was of natural origins, some Chair recognizes the gentleman from are ready; Guam says they are ready. say it was of manmade origins. Florida (Mr. WALTZ) for 5 minutes. Everyone is waiting on the green light Can we expect the American people Mr. WALTZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise from the White House. to educate themselves on virology and today to talk about our local allies in Where is that green light, Mr. Speak- the origins of COVID–19? No. What we Afghanistan, those that are trying to er? Where is it? Will President Biden can expect is they demand Congress do come to the United States through the stand up and stand with those and do its job, investigate, and get to the bot- Special Immigrant Visa program.
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