October 24, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2237 who had rarely spent little more than $3,000 ple he represented. During his time in office ON THE PASSING OF FORMER for any of his re-election bids, became in- he helped to pass several federal programs, CONGRESSMAN CHARLES VANIK creasingly discouraged with the changing polit- including the federal school lunch program, ical world and the need to siphon time and re- that would help the people in his district and sources away from addressing the concerns of throughout the country improve their liveli- HON. ZACHARY T. SPACE his constituents. He chose not to run for re- hoods. In addition, he is remembered by his OF OHIO election in 1980. former colleagues as a savvy, gifted speaker IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Charles Vanik’s life and his commitment to who had the ability to make every person in a Wednesday, October 24, 2007 principle are truly remarkable. I believe one of room smile. the most important things we should learn Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join Mr. SPACE. Madam Speaker, the news of from the actions and words of Charles Vanik me in remembering the life of Congressman the passing of Charles Vanik was truly a sad is to constantly hold ourselves to the highest Charlie Vanik. May he rest in peace, and may event for Ohio. We lost a genuine statesman possible standards, no matter what the polit- his service to his country and to this body al- who always worked for the betterment of his ical environment or what criticism you might ways be remembered honorably. He is sur- country, state, and community. face. The United States Congress and the vived by his wife, Betty; his son, Jon; his While I was not privileged to have met him state of Ohio will miss one of its greatest pub- daughter, Phyllis; and two grandchildren. personally, his reputation, legislative accom- lic officials, Congressman Charles Vanik. f plishments, and dedication to making life bet- f PASSING OF REPRESENTATIVE ter for those less fortunate were well known REMEMBERING FORMER REP- CHARLES VANIK throughout the state. RESENTATIVE CHARLES VANIK Congressman Vanik was best known for the OF OHIO HON. STEPHANIE TUBBS JONES Jackson-Vanik amendment to the Trade Re- form Bill in 1974, which forced the Soviet OF OHIO Union to open up its borders. Arguably one of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CHARLES A. WILSON the most successful pieces of legislation in OF OHIO Wednesday, October 24, 2007 forcing foreign policy changes, this provision IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. JONES of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I rise was highly successful in opening up the Wednesday, October 24, 2007 today to pay tribute to a remarkable man, a USSR. This was just one of the many prin- Mr. WILSON of Ohio. Madam Speaker, it is 26-year veteran of this distinguished body and cipled stands he took to stand up for his be- important to commend the service of one of an outstanding American. liefs in defense of those who needed the most Ohio’s distinguished public servants. Charles The Honorable Charles Albert Vanik worked help. Vanik served for 26 years in the U.S. House tirelessly to promote the civil rights of all peo- My heart and prayers go out to his family. of Representatives, and we are better for his ple. His dedication to this cause extended fur- Ohio and the rest of the country join in mourn- service. He died at the age of 94 in Sep- ther than the boundaries of our country and ing this great loss. tember. touched countless lives. The Congressman felt Representative Vanik is best remembered it necessary that every individual throughout f for his work that allowed more Russian Jews the globe should fully enjoy the natural rights to immigrate to this country. During his tenure of mankind. HONORING FORMER in the House, Representative Vanik of Cleve- This commitment was most evident in his CONGRESSMAN CHARLIE VANIK land also fought tirelessly for Social Security decision in 1968 to shift to the 22nd Congres- and Medicare. sional District following redistricting to allow a HON. STEVE CHABOT Nearly all of Representative Vanik’s life was then up and coming African American politi- devoted to public service. In the Navy, as a cian by the name of Louis Stokes to run for OF OHIO Cleveland Municipal Judge, in the Ohio Sen- and ultimately win the 21st Congressional Dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trict seat. ate and through 26 years here in the House Wednesday, October 24, 2007 he worked tirelessly for the public. The great Charles Vanik was a native of Cleveland, State of Ohio and this country mourn his pass- Ohio. He represented my city and my ex- Mr. CHABOT. Madam Speaker, I rise today ing. tended community in a distinguished fashion. to recognize the passing of a former member Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Serving as a councilman, a judge and a mem- of this body from my home state of Ohio—Mr. Betty, their children and grandchildren. ber of the state legislature before joining the Charles Vanik—who represented Ohio’s 21st United States Congress, he developed a rep- f Congressional district, the east side of Cleve- utation as a caring individual. land, which later became the 22nd District. IN REMEMBRANCE OF CHARLES Congressman Vanik was wholeheartedly a After serving on the Cleveland City Council VANIK representative of the people. As a member of and in the Ohio State Senate, Charlie Vanik the House Ways and Means Committee, he enlisted in the Naval Reserves during World HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH felt that both individuals and enterprises alike War II and fought in both the Atlantic and the OF OHIO should equally contribute to society. The re- Pacific. He later went on to serve as a local IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spect that his friends and fellow Members of judge before being elected to the United Congress held for him, presented several op- Wednesday, October 24, 2007 States House of Representatives in 1954. portunities for his policy objectives to be Known for his black suits and bow ties, Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise adopted in statutes relating to both taxes and Charlie was a champion of working class fami- today to honor the memory of one of our trade. former colleagues, Congressman Charlie Most importantly, this son of immigrants per- lies and was most famous for his strong Vanik. For 26 years, he was an admirable sonified all that is great about our Nation and stance against nations that denied freedom to spokesman not only for the people of his dis- our people. He cared for his neighbors, he its citizens—particularly the Soviet Union. trict, but for the nation. was passionate about freedom and he wanted In 1974 he partnered with then-Senator During his time in office, Congressman to help those in need. Henry ‘‘Scoop’’ Jackson to craft what became Vanik was one of Congress’s most vocal ad- I had many opportunities to personally known as the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, vocates for human rights. In 1974, he co-au- speak with Representative Vanik. The most which denied normal trade relations to certain thored an amendment to a trade law that re- memorable of these meetings was when the countries that oppressed its people and re- quired the United States to assess the human National Institutes of Health dedicated their stricted the freedom of emigration. That rights records of foreign countries before new laboratory facility in honor of my prede- amendment was offered to a trade reform bill granting them special privileges. This law put cessor Congressman Louis Stokes. and was intended to allow Jewish refugees to pressure on the Soviet Union to allow freer It is with great respect and admiration that escape from the Soviet Union. The Jackson- emigration, and as a result, more than 2 mil- I ask this esteemed body to keep his wife, Vanik Amendment is still on the books today. lion people were able to leave the Soviet Betty, and children, John and Phyllis, in our Charlie Vanik is survived by his wife, two Union in search of a better life. hearts and prayers. May we all rejoice in hav- children and two grandchildren. I ask my col- While he was a member of Congress, he ing known such a great man and cherish both leagues to keep his family and friends in their never forgot where he came from or the peo- our memories and his legacy. thoughts and prayers in the coming months. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:46 Nov 20, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~1\2007NE~2\E24OC7.REC E24OC7 mmaher on MIKETEMP with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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