CHALLENGESCHALLENGES ANDAND OPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIES ININ PLANPLAN IMPLEMENTATIONIMPLEMENTATION ININ THETHE PERSPECTIVEPERSPECTIVE OFOF MoWMoW DATODATO ’’ SRISRI DR.DR. ABDULABDUL MUNITMUNIT KASMINKASMIN SECRETARYSECRETARY -- GENERALGENERAL MINISTRYMINISTRY OFOF WORKSWORKS MALAYSIAMALAYSIA 99 JANUARYJANUARY 20092009 This paper was prepared with the assistance of:- IR KAMARUZAMAN HUSSEN, IR MOHD AZLAN MON JAMALUDDIN & 1 MR MOHD HEIKAL KAMARUDIN ContentsContents 1. IntroductionIntroduction toto MinistryMinistry ofof WorksWorks (MoW)(MoW) 2. MoWMoW StrategicStrategic DirectionDirection forfor thethe 99 th MalaysianMalaysian PlanPlan 3. CurrentCurrent PlanningPlanning StrategiesStrategies inin thethe MoWMoW 4. Issues,Issues, ChallengesChallenges && ActionAction TakenTaken 5. ConclusionConclusion 2 1.1. IntroductionIntroduction toto MoWMoW 3 1.1. INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION TOTO MoWMoW 4 1. INTRODUCTION TO MoW (continued) Minister : YB Dato’ Ir. Mohd Zin b. Mohamed Deputy Minister YB Dato’ Yong Khoon Seng Secretary General: Y.Bhg. Dato' Sri Dr. Abdul Munit bin Kasmin Address: Contact: Ministry Of Works, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50580 Kuala Lumpur, mailto:[email protected] Malaysia. Tel: (603)-2711 1100 5 Fax: (603)-2711 1590 / 1592 Website : http://www.kkr.gov.my 6 August 2008 LegalLegal FrameworkFramework ofof EstablishingEstablishing MoWMoW List Related of Laws and Circulars 1. Federal Constitution 2. Minister ’s Function Act [Act 2] Federal Minister ’s Orders (no.2 )2008 3. General Circular No. 2, 1982 4. General Circular No.3, 1998 5. Government Contract Act 1949 (rev. 1979) [120 Act] 6. Federal Road Act 1959 [376 Act] 7. National land Code 1965 8. Federal Road Act (Individual management) 1984 [306 Act] 9. Road Transport Act 1987 [333 Act] 10. Delegation of Power Act 1956 [358 Act] Delegation of Power u nder Section 77, 84, 85, and 85A Road Transport Act 1987 11. Malaysian Highway Authority Act 1980 [231 Act] 12. CIDB Act 1994 [520 Act] 13. Chapter a, (P.U (A) 176/2005) Civil Officer Regulation (Appo intment, Promotion and Termination of Services) 2005 14. Letter of Appointment as Controlling Officer BNPK CR(8.15) 152 – 4 Jld.2 (20) dated 7 17 April 2008. FUNCTIONSFUNCTIONS OFOF MoWMoW (in accordance to the Functions of Works Minister) 1. To plan and implement road projects especially of Federal roads; 2. To coordinate and monitor the implementation of the road projects especially of Federal roads; 3. To coordinate and monitor divisions/agencies under MoW; 4. To provide advisory and support services to other agencies of Government; 5. To regulate construction, operation and maintenance of privatized highways; 6. To develop construction and related industries; 7. To enhance the skills of workforce in the construction industries. 8. Secretariat to National Industrialized Building System (IBS) technology 8 MoWMoW VISIONVISION To be an outstanding organization in the infrastructure development of Malaysia especially in the construction of Federal Roads and assisting its agencies to elevate the construction and professional services industry to world-class standards. 9 MoWMoW MISSIONMISSION To ensure that the infrastructure development of Malaysia especially that of Federal Roads is planned, implemented and maintained efficiently and is of the highest quality as well as providing advisory and supporting services to its agencies in developing the construction and professional services industry. 10 OUTPUT OUTCOME/IMPACT Integrated Federal Road planning and implemantation according to TO GENERATE THE schedule, scope, cost, specification and standard defined. Maintenance of Federal Road and Building in accrdance to GROWTH IN concessionaires agreement. COUNTRY’S Actively involvement of Bumi’s contractors / suppliers in national ECONOMY & TO construction industry. INCREASE THE Secretariat to National Industrialized Building System (IBS) PEOPLE’S QUALITY OF LIFE STANDARD DIVISION ANNUAL ACTION PLAN JKR MoW ORGANIZATION STRATEGIC PLANNING (PSO) CIDB LLM IMPLEMANTATION PSDC MONITORING PLANNING LJM ASSESSMENT MAINTENANCE LAM MoW MAIN ACTIVITY [BPJ, BPP, BKS, BPB] LJBM Administration Human Information Finance and strategy Resources Technology Acaun Strategic Strategic Strategy Planning planning (ISP) Internal Audit Inter-relation between main activity, Strategy Survelliance agency International Relation Strategy supporting activity with agencies’ strategic strategy and Law Strategy and Professional Expertise planning in MoW 11 MoW SUPPORTING ACTIVITY FocusFocus OfOf MoWMoW 1. AllAll roadsroads whichwhich havehave beenbeen declareddeclared andand gazettedgazetted asas FederalFederal Road.Road. 2. TheThe declarationdeclaration shouldshould bebe inin accordanceaccordance toto FederalFederal RoadRoad ActAct 19591959 (Revised(Revised 1989)1989) [Act[Act 376]376] 12 AUTHORITYAUTHORITY OFOF MoWMoW FEDERAL ROAD ACT 1959 (REVISED 1989) [ACT 376] Section TERM METHOD 3 Power to declare roads, etc., to be By the order published in federal. the Gazette. The Minister may after consultation with the Government of the State concerned, by order declare any road, bridge, ferry or other means of communication in any State to be Federal. 13 ThisThis ActAct givesgives MinisterMinister ofof WorksWorks 1.1. AnAn authorityauthority toto useuse FederalFederal FundFund givengiven toto thethe MinistryMinistry inin developingdeveloping FederalFederal Roads.Roads. 2.2. AnAn authorityauthority toto managemanage andand maintainmaintain FederalFederal RoadsRoads asas inin accordanceaccordance toto RoadRoad TransportTransport ActAct 19871987 [Act[Act 377]377] 14 AUTHORITYAUTHORITY OFOF MoWMoW (continued)(continued) From ROAD TRANSPORT ACT 1987 (ACT 377] The Minister of Works is authorize to; 1. Determine Speed limits, Section 69. 2. To restrict use of vehicles on specified roads, Section 70. 3. Accommodate Pedestrian crossings, Section 75. 4. Erection of traffic signs, Section 77. 5. To erect refuges, subways and foot -bridges, Section 83. 6. To remove structures from roads, Section 84. 7. Construction of access and drains and laying of public utility installations to existing roads, Section 85. 8. Construction of structures for advertisement, etc, Section 85A. 9. Restriction of vehicles on bridges, Section 86. 10. To impose Rules, Section 88. 15 ExplanationExplanation toto thethe FEDERALFEDERAL ROADROAD ACTACT 19591959 (REVISED(REVISED 1989)1989) [ACT[ACT 376]376] && 19871987 [Act[Act 377]377] 1. The Act explains that the Minister Of Works is the owner of the Federal Roads; 2. Thus Ministry of Works (MoW) is responsible to plan, implement, maintain and develop all Federal Road using Federal Development Fund; 3. To maintain all Federal Road in accordance to Road Transport Act 1987 [377 Act]; 4. However MoW will continue its policy by appointing Public of Works Department (PWD) as his strategic implementation agency; 5. An official letter of the appointment will be issued. 16 TypesTypes ofof FederalFederal RoadsRoads Types Of Roads Owner Road No. 1. Main Federal Road MoW 1, 3, 21, 22, 25, - 228, 800 – 803, (Sarawak) 500 - 503, (Sabah) 700 – 731 (Labuan) 2. FELDA Road MoW 1000 - 2748 3. Industry Road MoW 3000 - 3740 4. Access to Institutional MoW 250 - 479 5. Tolled Expressway MoW E1 – E 30 6. State Road State Govt. Denoted with state ’s alphabet followed by its own number; eg B15, A4 etc. 17 StatisticsStatistics 1. FederalFederal RoadsRoads UnderUnder MoWMoW Jurisdiction.Jurisdiction. • MainMain FederalFederal RoadsRoads -- 10,67310,673 km;km; • FeldaFelda RoadsRoads –– 5,6455,645 km;km; • IndustryIndustry roadsroads –– 404404 km;km; andand • InstitutionalInstitutional roadsroads –– 385385 km.km. 2. TotalTotal ofof 17,10717,107 kmkm (2008).(2008). 3. AnotherAnother 1,2001,200 kmkm inin processprocess ofof beingbeing transferredtransferred toto FederalFederal jurisdiction.jurisdiction. 18 ExplanationExplanation toto thethe AppointmentAppointment LetterLetter asas ControllingControlling OfficerOfficer BNPKBNPK CR(8.15)CR(8.15) 152152 –– 44 Jld.2Jld.2 (20)(20) TheThe SecretarySecretary GeneralGeneral ofof MoWMoW is:is: -- 1. TheThe ChiefChief ExecutiveExecutive OfficerOfficer ofof thethe Ministry;Ministry; 2. TheThe FinancialFinancial ControllingControlling OfficerOfficer forfor thethe allocationallocation givengiven toto thethe Ministry;Ministry; 3. TheThe HeadHead forfor thethe DevelopmentDevelopment andand MaintenanceMaintenance projectsprojects onon thethe FederalFederal Roads.Roads. 19 MoWMoW ’’ss StrategicStrategic ImplementationImplementation AgencyAgency andand itsits RegionRegion CoverageCoverage AgenciesAgencies RegionRegion CoverageCoverage 1.1. FederalFederal PublicPublic WorksWorks PeninsularPeninsular ofof DepartmentDepartment MalaysiaMalaysia 2.2. SabahSabah PublicPublic WorksWorks SabahSabah DepartmentDepartment 3.3. SarawakSarawak PublicPublic WorksWorks SarawakSarawak DepartmentDepartment 20 2.2. MoWMoW StrategicStrategic DirectionDirection forfor thethe 99 thth MalaysianMalaysian PlanPlan 21 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS IN MoW PLANNING MASTER MOW’s5 year Plan DEVELOPMENT PLAN Project List Federal Fund Engineering Land Economy Environment Social Values Use Budget (EPU & Cabinet) IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTOR AGENCY - PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT (PWD) MONITORING EVALUATION 22 12. Road Maintenance 13. Outcome study & 1. Road Network 2. 5-Years Malaysia 4. Pre-Budget 3. Economic & Inventory evaluation Strategic Planning Plan’s Development Plan Planning Unit Road Alignment 5. Budget approval Prime from Ministry of Monitoring of repair Project Outcome Strategic Planning
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