The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 2009, 25, 87–98 Relational Frame Theory: An Overview of the Controversy Amy C. Gross and Eric J. Fox, Western Michigan University Although Skinner’s Verbal Behavior (1957) was published over 50 years ago, behavior-analytic research on human language and cognition has been slow to develop. In recent years, a new behavioral approach to language known as relational frame theory (RFT) has generated considerable attention, research, and debate. The controversy surrounding RFT can be difficult to fully appreciate, partly because of the complexity of the theory itself and partly because the debate has spanned several years and several journals. The current paper aims to provide a concise overview of RFT and a summary of key points of debate and controversy. Key words: relational frame theory The first comprehensive paper introducing view of verbal behavior in some respects relational frame theory (RFT) as a behavior- (Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & Culli- analytic approach to human language and nan, 2000), its proponents are also directly cognition was presented at the Association critical of key components of Skinner’s for Behavior Analysis annual convention in analysis. Given Skinner’s prominence and 1985 (Hayes & Brownstein). Since that time, importance in the development of behavioral RFT has inspired a great deal of research, psychology, it is not surprising that a theory discussion, and debate. It is not uncommon to challenging his view on a topic, particularly witness heated discussions about RFT during one as important as verbal behavior, might be both symposia and social gatherings at be- met with apprehension, suspicion, and even havioral research conferences, and a number contempt. of criticisms of the approach have been Second, if the RFT analysis is accurate, it published, usually in the context of reviewing has drastic implications for how we conduct the first book-length treatment of the topic a science of human behavior (Hayes & (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001). Berens, 2004). The transformation of stimu- Whereas behavior analysts have grown lus functions seen in the literature on derived accustomed to harsh criticism from those stimulus relations indicates that stimuli can outside their discipline or worldview (e.g., acquire behavioral functions based solely on Chomsky, 1959), it is less common for a their participation in verbal relations with behavioral theory to generate so much other events. The research on stimulus equiv- intense debate within the field itself. It is alence has revealed that stimulus functions probably accurate to say that RFT has commonly transfer through members of equiv- become one of the most controversial, hotly alence classes (e.g., Augustson & Dougher, contested topics in modern behavior analysis. 1997; Dougher, Augustson, Markham, Green- Much of the controversy surrounding RFT way, & Wulfert, 1994; Dymond & Barnes, seems to stem from two primary sources. 1994; Hayes, Kohlenberg, & Hayes, 1991), and research on other derived stimulus rela- First, it is a treatment of human language that tions has revealed that the behavioral func- differs substantially from that offered by our tions of a stimulus can also be changed or field’s founding father, B. F. Skinner (1957). transformed based on its derived relation to Although RFT is an extension of Skinner’s other stimuli (Dougher, Hamilton, Fink, & Harrington, 2007; Dymond & Barnes, 1995; We thank Candice Jostad for her feedback on an Roche & Barnes, 1997; Roche, Barnes- earlier version of this manuscript. Eric Fox is now Holmes, Smeets, Barnes-Holmes, & McGeady, at the Saybrook Graduate School and Research 2000). For example, if an individual derives Center in San Francisco. an arbitrary relation of ‘‘A is greater than Address correspondence to Amy Gross, Depart- ment of Psychology, Western Michigan Universi- B’’ and B is then established as a con- ty, 1903 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, ditioned reinforcer, with no further training, Michigan 49008. A may begin to be more reinforcing for the 87 88 AMY C. GROSS and ERIC J. FOX individual (e.g., the individual will choose mentally similar to Skinner’s account, and is A over B or work harder to obtain A than distinct from most cognitive and linguistic B). Such changes in stimulus functions approaches to language, in that ‘‘it approach- mean that our ability to predict and influ- es verbal events as activities not products’’ ence the behavior of humans with verbal (Hayes, Fox, et al., 2001, p. 22). It is abilities will be greatly impaired if we rely fundamentally different from Skinner’s ac- solely on analyses of direct-acting contin- count in how it defines and accounts for gencies; we must also take into account the those verbal events and activities. individual’s relational or verbal behavior. Such analyses often require new experimen- Challenges to Skinner’s (1957) Account of tal procedures and can lead to interventions Verbal Behavior that seem foreign and perhaps unnerving to many behavior analysts. For example, the Informal conversations with behavior an- most prominent applied extension of RFT, alysts sometimes reveal a sense of compla- acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT; cency with regard to the topic of verbal Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999), often behavior. Many seem to believe the field has makes use of mindfulness meditation and adequately addressed verbal behavior, thanks experiential exercises that can seem out of to Skinner’s 1957 book. Unfortunately, the place in behavioral psychology. impact of Skinner’s analysis on research and If nothing else, the RFT debate has application has been limited. Although re- brought important philosophical, conceptual, search based on Skinner’s verbal operants is and empirical issues to the forefront in our increasing (Sautter & LeBlanc, 2006), both field. Despite being the focus of much atten- the volume and scope of this research remain tion, however, it seems that RFT in general, underwhelming at best. Many researchers and the controversy it has evoked in parti- focus on teaching Skinner’s basic verbal cular, remain poorly understood by many in operants (primarily mands and tacts) to behavior analysis. This is due, in part, to the children with developmental disabilities complexity of the theory itself. Although (Sautter & LeBlanc). Moreover, Dymond, the core claim of RFT is relatively simple O’Hora, Whelan, and O’Donovan (2006) (deriving stimulus relations is a learned found that during the period of 1984 to 2004 operant), fully understanding RFT research ‘‘the majority of citations of Verbal Behavior and analyses can be daunting and requires were from nonempirical articles’’ (p. 81). familiarity with the theory’s overall approach, Advocates of RFT have argued that the concepts, and terms. Even seasoned behavior limited impact of Skinner’s (1957) analysis analysts must commit to learning some new of verbal behavior may be due to the manner technical terms to grasp RFT. An additional in which he defined verbal behavior and problem is that the critiques of RFT and the verbal stimulation. Skinner defined verbal responses to those critiques have been scat- behavior as behavior that is reinforced tered across several journals over several through the mediation of another organism years. It can be difficult to fully appreciate who is trained by a verbal community to the nature of the controversy surrounding mediate such reinforcement. RFT, along with the excellent points made Hayes, Blackledge, and Barnes-Holmes on both sides of the debate, without conduct- (2001) claim that this definition is too broad ing an extensive literature review. To help because many behaviors are socially mediat- remedy this situation, the present paper aims ed in this manner, and the definition does to present an overview of RFT, summarize not provide any way to distinguish verbal the primary criticisms of the theory found in behavior from virtually any other social the literature, and present the responses to behavior. Skinner noted that his definition those criticisms by proponents of RFT. included the behavior of the nonhuman animal in an experimental chamber, with a WHAT IS RFT? nonhuman animal and experimenter com- prising ‘‘a small but genuine verbal commu- RFT is a behavior-analytic account of nity’’ (p. 108). Such a broad definition raises human language and cognition. It is funda- the question of why a separate definition or RFT CONTROVERSY 89 treatment of verbal behavior is even neces- that a girl in the woods hears a ‘‘cuckoo’’ sound sary, and does not lead to any obvious and says, ‘‘clock.’’ Is this response a tact or an advances in the methods we might use to intraverbal? Using Skinner’s definitions, it study verbal behavior (Hayes, Blackledge, & depends not on the function of the stimulus Barnes-Holmes, 2001). for the girl but on whether or not it is the Relational frame theorists have argued that product of verbal behavior. To classify the girl’s Skinner’s (1957) definition of verbal behav- response in this case, the key variable is the ior is not functional because it includes the source of the stimulation, not its function. If the behavioral history of another organism (i.e., ‘‘cuckoo’’ sound were the product of her the listener) as a defining feature (Hayes, brother’s verbal behavior, for example, the Blackledge, & Barnes-Holmes, 2001). In all girl’s response would be an intraverbal. How- other areas of behavior analysis, individuals ever, if the ‘‘cuckoo’’ sound were an instinctual define behaviors by their function for the noise made by a bird (i.e., not the product of organism of interest, not by the behavioral verbal behavior), the girl’s response would be a history of another organism. By incorporat- tact. Classification of the girl’s behavior differs ing the behavior of another organism into his depending on the source of the controlling definition of verbal behavior, RFT theorists stimulus, despite the fact that the girl is claim that Skinner placed the researcher in responding in the same way to perceptually the peculiar position of needing to study the identical stimulation in the two scenarios.
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