From Forest Nursery Notes, Winter 2013 46. Propagating sweet fern. Lubell, J. American Nurseryman 210(4):26-29. 2012. agating Getting to the root-or rhizome-of Comptonia peregrina propagation will help make this splendid native selection a Sweet fern's ornamental interest includes nutlets and male catkins. viable, commercial alternative to invasive landscape plants. By Jessica Lubell Moreandmo,eomamen,ol landscape plants are being found to exhib- it invasive tendencies. Some of these spe- cies have been lost from the nursery trade due to legislative bans or the desire among the gardening public to use fewer invasive plants. Native plants are a great, sustain- able alternative for invasives because they do not pose the threat of introducing un- wanted new species to an area. Natives are popular for use in creating attractive landscapes that blend naturally with the surrounding flora. When established in sites similar to their natural habitat, native plants require little maintenance, are well adapted to their environment and attract Sweet fern is a low growing shrub, family (Myriaceae), sweet fern spreads beneficial wildlife to the garden. up to 3 feet tall with a dense, mounded slowly by underground rhizomes to habit when grown in full sun. It is na- eventually form colonies. In a suitable A sweet but stubborn plant tive to eastern North America from Nova location, rhizomes may spread 2 to 3 feet Comptonia peregrina, commonly Scotia to North Carolina, western South from the mother plant over the course known as sweet fern, has been considered , Carolina and northern Georgia, and west of a few years. The shrub is valued for its a "sweetheart" plant among native plant to Saskatchewan, Minnesota, Illinois and ability to grow in dry, sandy and infertile enthusiasts because of its ferny fragrant Tennessee. Plants are cold hardy to Zone soils with full sun exposure. These sites foliage, short stature and ability to colo- 4. Sweet fern is desirable for the sweet include dry piney woods, exposed grav- nize tough sites. Over the years, there has fragrance it produces, most noticeably on elly slopes, abandoned pastures, bar- been sporadic interest in utilizing sweet warm sunny days, and for its dark green, rens, road cuts, highway embankments fern, however its rise into horticultural fern-like foliage. The alternate, simple and cut-over forested land. prominence has been delayed due to dif- leaves are linear, 2 to 5 inches long and Seeds are long-lived, and research ficulties in propagating the plant. In addi- one-third to one-quarter inch wide with has shown that banked seeds can work tion, information about where and how to coarsely toothed margins. Plants are mon- quickly to colonize areas following dis- use this plant effectively in the landscape oecious or dioecious and the fruit or nutlet turbance by fire or clear cutting. In a for- is lacking. There even seems to be a widely is enclosed in a burr-like cluster of bracts. est that lacked sweet fern for 70 years, Pe- held misconception that sweet fern is not Sweet fern fruits are not dispersed by ani- ter Del Tredici found sweet fern seedlings adapted to cultivated conditions. Despite mals or wind; they just fall to the ground in the area soon after it was clear cut. Del these issues, lots of people still have a when ripe. Tredici theorized that the seedlings must strong desire to grow and use this plant. Like other members of the bayberry have originated from seed fallen from 26 I APRIL 2012 I American Nurseryman ~,c(Ii): '2k - l.P(. unuui.amerinursery.com plants present at the site prior to its for- estation. Those are some mighty long- lived seeds!Sweet fern tolerates poor soils due to its ability to fix nitrogen by root nodules in association with the acti- nobacterium Frankia. The obstacles Despite these desirable attributes, the fact that sweet fern's propagation is not straightforward has held it back from being grown on a commercial scale. Prop- agation by seed is considered difficult be- cause seeds have a complex dormancy. In nature, seeds fall from plants and be- come buried by organic matter. Over time, chemical inhibitors are leached out of the seed coat and seeds are scarified by the seasonal freeze-thaw cycles. Then, when environmental conditions are favorable for germination, seeds will germinate. Researchers Dow and Schwintzer found that seed-bank seeds had 70 percent ger- mination, while fresh seeds off of living plants had only 1 percent germination. Sweet fern (Comptonia peregrina) is a low-growing, deciduous shrub with great commercial potential. Plant propagators don't have the luxury of waiting a number of years for fresh seeds ported, but this method is probably not ternatively, natural stands of sweet fern to naturally lose their various dorman- cost effective since no producers seem to can serve as an easy source of rhizome cies-they need seeds to come up soon be propagating it this way. The one prop- pieces, provided permission is obtained. after being sown. agation method that has been shown to Using a digging spade, undercut sweet fern plants about 3 to 4 inches down and lift rhizomes from the soil. Rhizomes can The one propagation method that has been be cut into small pieces and potted, or they can be placed in plastic bags, moist- shown to work well for sweet fern is root cuttings ened and stored in a cooler. Rhizomes can be cut into 2-inch-Iong pieces, and one or two pieces can be potted per 2- (actually rhizome cuttings) taken in late fall to late inch liner container. Plant rhizomes just below the me- spring when plants are in winter dormancy dia surface, no deeper than one-quarter inch. I tested four different medium types for propagating sweet fern from rhizome cuttings and found that horticultural grade vermiculite produced the greatest Seed germination requires a com- work well for sweet fern, however, is root number of shoots and shoot length per bination of scarification, chilling and cuttings (actually rhizome cuttings) tak- pot. Metro Mix 510 growing medium was treatment with gibberellic acid.Fresh en in late fall to late spring when plants the second-best medium tested. Straight seeds treated with gibberellic acid fol- are in winter dormancy. Sweet fern rhi- perlite or sand did not work well. lowing scarification may have up to 80 zomes contain shoot buds that are stim- After potting up the rhizomes, wa- percent germination, while seeds treated ulated to grow when the rhizome is cut. ter pots thoroughly and place either in a with gibberellic acid alone may have 20 Researchers studying the plant in 2002 cooler or minimally heated hoop house. percent germination. Breaking complex found that rhizome cuttings taken in late A two- to three-month cold period serves seed dormancy, like that of sweet fern, is fall and provided a cold treatment of two to break bud dormancy and holds cut- laborious and can produce inconsistent to three months resulted in high rooting tings until warmer weather arrives in results. percentages and a consistent crop of cut- spring. tingsin early spring. I have experiment- Once dormancy is broken through Rhizome cuttings prove ed with taking rhizome cuttings of sweet chilling, cuttings can be brought into successful fern and found that the type of propaga- a warm greenhouse and shoots can be Stem cuttings are generally the most tion medium used influences propaga- forced from rhizome pieces. One to two cost-effective method for propagating tion success rate. weeks after plants are introduced to the woody plants, but this method has not Existing surplus container pro- greenhouse, small shoots should be vis- been successful for sweet fern. Micro- duction of sweet fern can be used as a ible breaking through the media surface. propagation of sweet fern has been re- source of rhizomes, when available. Al- Continued on page 28 unuuiamerinursery.com American Nurseryman I APRIL 2012 I 27 Continued from page 28 Shoots will continue to elongate and develop into small plantlets.It has been reported that it may be possible to root young shoots at this stage. Shoots should be 3 inches or shorter, and 3,000 ppm IBA-talc rooting hormone should be used.Shoots at this stage may be easier to root because they could be expressing a more juvenile physiology or state ofthe plant. I have not tried this approach but instead have allowed young plantlets to develop into strong liners in 2-inch con- tainers, which takes about six weeks. Most nurseries that grow sweet fern find that it sells as a one or two-gallon container plant. However, some com- panies that sell the plant for restoration purposes grow it as a quart-size liner. The aromatic leaves of Comptonia peregrina resemble fern foliage. Growers should be able to produce mar- ketable, quart-sized plants in four to six produces fuller plants more consistently summer, dried and used to make tea. weeks from recently propagated but es- than if a single liner is used. The medium Planting sweet fern in wet areas should tablished, 2-inch pot liners. I used successfully with sweet fern was be avoided since the plant dislikes wet Two-gallon plants can be produced a 4:2:1 aged pine bark:sphagnum peat feet. I have heard many times that sweet in a single growing season and will be moss:sand blend. Other similar medium fern does not transplant well, however ready for sale the following spring. To types may also work well, but I have not I have not experienced problems with accomplish this, two liners (quart sized) experimented with this.
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