Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 4-28-1960 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1960). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3392. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3392 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I �A � - SA�"� - SA" � LOWEST PRICES J"Jl GREEN STAMPS TOO QUANTITY THE HORMEL A BONELESS PORK SHOULDER CANNE D rr:Lr.\\I:nnlnt; 'NATIONAL AWARD WINNER RIGHTS j CWtilllll,cr RESERVED 1959 PRICES GOOD BeUer Newillapel THE 57 Thru QpDI�. BULLOCH HERALD SATURDAY, $ 99 19" APRIL 23rd Nullonol Editorial AssoclaUon l.bs. Belter Newspaper Contest Net, VOLUME XIX-ESTABLISHED MARCH 26, 1937-P, 0, BOX 210 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 28,1960 NUMBER 24 Boston Butt or Rib End Loin Thrifty Maid have CANS You�h �eys Grand to FIrst recommends new Limit 6 LB Baptist Jury , TALL MILK 3 Please PORK ROAST Smoked (Not Sliced) Chu:� tax for 303 ::o�eek levy county _ purposes This week, April 24th-May 1------- CANS The lSI, the keys 01 the First Bap- April Term Grand in session here 10 $100 LB • Jury, April list Church of Statesboro have 25, recommended that the Bulloch County Board of SLAB been .tumed over to Old BACON the youth aet 2 a YOlI b Commissioners levy tax for of the church. Hugh Burke, county purposes, "aver and above other tuxes W-D "BRANDED" FULL CUT youth pastor, accepted the keys authorized by law, not to ex­ fro III Rev. J. Robert Smith at ceed two and one-half counted a (2Y"l mils, for the year 1960." the evening worship service on by The complete of April! 24th. presentments the grand jury are as l-Lb. ? follows: all Thursday, ut 6:15 p.I11., Census Taker. We, the Grand Jury, hosen Bag there will be I] Sunday School worker's council supper. Follow­ With the 1960 Census of �!����W�960,f�� t�ll�II��'lUIS:;p�;��\! Umlt one with Morris ing this Mrs. J. Robert Smith Populatino and virtual­ T.J. to hold Housing to Court, beg submit the fol­ Lb will lead a lesson ses­ o $5.00 or Company planning Iy completed locally, District lowing recomrnendauons and sion for the Alfred C. to­ more Food youth Sunday Supervisor Mann presentments: School teachers. day announced the beginning of Order' l. We recommend thut. the oun House" 1 a "Were YOLI Counted?" cam- Bulloch At 7:45 of the sa me County Board of Com­ 'Open night, to insure that no resi­ Cod Fish tea pnlgn W-D May u "Branded" Plate Sunday; seven missioners levy tax ror Coun­ W-D "Branded" Ground young people of the dent of the urea has been over­ HOUSE The' officials and of the T. J. Morris church ty purposes over and above personnel and the youth choir will looked. Lb. Family OIlier taxes authorized by law, FILLETS 3 Lbs. $100 invite the citizens of Statesboro and Bulloch present the "The Chat- Persons STEW 2 Lbs. 29¢ BEE Company drama, who believe that they not to exceed two and one-ha If F 3 Package the Cross." and of this lengeof Mrs. Carl have been missed the census for the 1960. Sea W-D "Branded" Short County entire section of the state to their by (��) miles, year Whole Boyd is directing the group with takers arc to the 2. Pinky Pig Hog House" to celebrate the formal urged noufy MI'. H. P. WOI11Rck, Coun­ "Open opening of their the assistance of Miss Glenda census Standard district office by means ty School ap­ Lb. new Superintendent, SCALLOPS 59¢ RIB S Lb. offices and IGA warehouse located on Northside Banks. of "Were You Counted'!" forms. peared before our and 39¢ SA USA G E Lb. Body mode an oral Drive between North Main Friday, at 6:00 p.m., the Area newspapers arc report in which Sunnyland Street and North Zetter- printing he 303 rand Loot will these forms in their current edi­ stated facts in connection 2-Lb. Superb ower Young Women's Auxiliary Avenue. with of class room THE REV. CARY C, WOOD CANS 12-oz. Lb. begin their associaionnl house lions as a public service. Prompt shortage SOAaLlsA Bag The Open with of the GkE a "Were You TOMATOES 10 $1°° FRANKS Pkg. 39¢ C H E F. S E 2 Loot party supper at the mailing ��h�1 69� House inSy!t�n.BU��h w�on���k is from church and activities Counted?" forms will speed up planned states that he plans n trip to RIPE 1 to 6 afterwards at Robbin's the of GOLDEN Robert Morris Jimmy Morris p.m. p.m. pond. compliation preliminary Atlanta within the next two Revival Y. W. A.'s from this ussocta- population figures for the area. weeks and felt thut begins ____________ on Sunday, May he would tion will the at the Preliminary figures presenting be in a postlon to make 303. 1. Don Grimes, spend night sug­ pond. the total population of incor­ gestions uL that time to cope IGA with the at CANS president, porated places of 10,000 or class room shortage. LBS Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to DR. H, FRANK TAYLOR Cahary The Grand recommends PEAS will te the f'ea­ Union more population, and for COUIl- JUly 8 5:00 SliGAR T�mpleHin p.m., the Baptist Student sponsors will be as t 1I lies, issued soon as red speaker Union will have a car wash at }!��� I�� ��;g3:stt�nsth�nd ut the formal the the district supervisor is con­ pr��� I church. Revival PCI' noss susoon as practical Baptist May Church to meet vinced that a count i Car At 6:00 afternoon complete begins upon hi return, , Wash Sat. Saturday 8ANANAS J. Morris Sr. has been made. detailed Revival at 2 Final, Servlces the Cal­ Fresh, Tender Pole 19F ����: m\�i� ��T. there will be a cook-out ut the 3. Miss Sara Hall, Director ware­ population figures will be is­ Church guided tours of the big The Woodcock Farmhouse on South at of Welfare for Bulloch vary Baptist are sched­ Baptist Student Union at sued in Bible County, . later this now house and one . Washington before our demonstrations G 301. appeared Body and uled for May 1·8, with the Rev. Sou tIiern C0II ege IS after the returns have been weekly thous�nd dollars in and year Illude an oral report on the prizes eorglB. Youth Burke will C. associate LBS a Car' Wash on pastor Hugh tabulate" on the Census Bu- Cary WOOd, pastor The 'I' e m The r e will be sponsoring Sat:. disbursements of the Welfare pie Hill Baptist at the give:.-ways. preside Sunday morning reau's electronic to of the Second Ponce de Leon Pkg, music April at the computers. Church Department recipients of BEANS 2 Church voted Sunday in a spe- all during urday, 30, First service with the .th� after�oon. Baptist Bulloch message given The of a com­ County. GIANT cial T. J. Morns IS importance Baptist Church, of Atlanta as called conference to discon- Mr. Baptist Church. Rev. Smith. music Limit one with preslde�t by Special count was stressed Revival services will 4. Mr. Chair· Golden Bantam tinue the of Morns plete by begin Edgar Wynn, speaker. Fancy present program will be the man of visiting a or ?f t�e company, �obert by youth choir. the district He the Board of $5.00 IS 111 of The purpose is to earn mOI1- supervisor. point- County twice-monthly worship services, vice president At the Monday night, May 2, at the charges evening service three ed out that the Commissioners. appeared before Rev. Wood was the mere Food and to s a I e s and ey to contribute to a SUmmer population fig- Bible speaker begin holdtng worship and talks will be on Baptist Church in States­ our undo a .m�rch?ndIS111g. given YOUth' ures complied in the current Body gave report of Order EARS services each morning Jimmy Morns 15 vice president Missions Can boro. The services will the fiscal condition of the for revivnl at the sund6:y Fund, which, together Serve Christ. Therefore I census must stand as official opening Calvary new com- and . and comtroller. The be at 8 o'clock with County. church evening .. May 2, Dr. two with funds contributed by Bap- Will At Home, At School until the next Federal Census. years ago and many CORN a . is the result of . H. 8 . Frank 5. merger of We 591 pany and Church .. Collins, pastor the wish to thank Warden ust At Linda of Statesboro The new program is to students over the Will Anderson, "Federal aid funds are 01- people have asked go of the Statesboro Grocery Corn­ 'Carrie Boulevard Church of Fed Fields for having prepared TIDE Sunkist into �tate, Johnson and Hugh Burke lotted to States and State B'lPtist that he Lorge, Juicy effect on Or before the be used to send SIX funds, and return for another meet­ pany and the Telfair Grocery young will the Taylors: S� C., as Ihe evange­ serving lunch to the mem- first week of July.
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