CORRESPONDENCE The wood of this tree is very hard, tough plasm. However, in situ or complemen- Fruits in India, NBPGR, New Delhi, and durable and is used for oil presses, tary conservation efforts are lacking. 2010, p. 168. house building and turnery. Some of the germplasm collections are 3. Malik, S. K., Choudhary, R., Kumar, S., As there is no organized cultivation also maintained at CHES (CIAH), Dhariwal, O. P., Deswal, R. P. S. and and land is being cleared for agriculture, Godhra and CISH, Lucknow. Conserva- Chaudhury, R., Genet. Resour. Crop Evol., 2012, 59, 1255–1265. there is severe pressure on natural wild tion of this species in natural habitat is 4. Anonymous, The Wealth of India: Raw populations of Khirni for its fruit by the the need of the hour, which can be fur- Materials, Vol 6, Publications and In- tribal people. As a result, the species ther utilized for harnessing the potential formation Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi, falls under the ‘critically endangered’ of the species for its fruit and for me- 1962, pp. 298–301. category (extremely high risk of extinc- dicinal properties. The main drawback 5. Warrier, P. K., Nambiar, V. P. K. and tion in the wild)10. Presently, few natural with regard to this species is that natural Ramakutty, C., Indian Medicinal Plants: populations are found in Ratlam, regeneration is poor due to fruit collec- A Compendium of 500 Species, vol. 3, Chanderi, Jhabua and Neemach in tion from natural populations. It also Orient Longman Private Limited, Madhya Pradesh, Panchmahal and Bha- shows non-orthodox seed storage behav- Hyderabad, 1995, p. 393. ruch in Gujarat, and Sirohi in Rajasthan. iour and hence cannot survive for long 6. Pareek, O. P., Sharma, S. and Arora, R. K., Underutilized edible fruits and Moreover, this tree has received attention periods. So both these issues must be nuts: an inventory of genetic resources in as commercial rootstock for sapota considered during multiplication of this their regions of diversity. International plants. A survey conducted by Malik et species among farmers/tribal communi- Plant Genetic Resources Institute 3 al. in the diversity-rich areas of Madhya ties. Above all, popularization of this (IPGRI), New Delhi, 1998, p. 73. Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat revealed species is required to generate awareness 7. Raju, V. S. and Reddy, K. N., Indian substantial variability in all Khirni germ- for its cultivation and conservation, as it J. Trad. Knowl., 2005, 4(4), 443–447. plasm accessions. The fruit length ranged is important for tribal populations and for 8. Chanda, S. and Parekh, J., Phcog. from 0.85 to 2.50 cm with an average of ecosystem diversity. The present study J., 2010, 2(12), 448–455. 1.78 cm and width ranging from 0.62 to aims to open up research areas for 9. Xian-zi, T. S., Flora of China, vol. 15, 2.90 cm with an average of 1.55 cm. The assessing the range of variability among 1996, p. 206. 10. Joshi, S. and Shringi, S. K., Biol. fruit weight varied from 0.74 g to 4.13 g natural populations and conduct improve- Forum – Int. J., 2014, 6(1), 84–91. with an average of 1.51 g. Significantly, ment studies in the field to cull out elite 11. Malik, S. K., Kumar, S., Choudhary, R., maximum coefficient of variation (CV) cultivars for popularizing among farm- Kole, P. R., Chaudhary, R. and Bhat, K. was observed in pulp weight (46.62%) ers/tribals for conservation and sustain- V., Indian J. Hortic., 2013, 70(1), 18–25. followed by fruit width (44.51%) and able utilization. This will prevent the fruit weight (43.71%). Genetic variability species from becoming extinct. A. KEERTHIKA* studies among 23 accessions of Khirni 1. Stewart, J. L. and Brandis, D., In The A. K. SHUKLA using random amplified polymorphic Forest Flora of North-West and Central VIKAS KHANDELWAL DNA (RAPD) markers have shown India, Reprinted by Bishen Singh and 78% polymorphism revealing substantial Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 1992, 11 genetic diversity within this species . p. 602. Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Ex-conservation efforts have been 2. Malik, S. K., Chaudhury, R., Dhariwal, Regional Research Station, taken at Cryogene Bank, NBPGR, New O. P. and Bhandari, D. C., In Genetic Pali-Marwar 306 401, India Delhi for 60 accessions of Khirni germ- Resources of Tropical Underutilized *e-mail: [email protected] Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. (Asteraceae) – an eco-friendly natural hair dye The common weed Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. (family Asteraceae) is a prostrate or reclining to erect, often branched, annual or perennial herb. It is used for various medicinal purposes like urinary infec- tions, gastrointestinal disorders, jaun- dice, cough and lung infections. Several health benefits and antivenom properties of this plant have been reported1–6. In Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India the rural people commonly use the leaf extract of this plant as a natural dye to colour their hair. The juice of the herb contains an oil-soluble black dye. The bhringraj (vernacular name of E. pros- Figure 1. a, Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. in its natural habitat. b, Dark greenish-black leaf trata) leaf powder is mixed with coconut extract of E. prostrata. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 109, NO. 6, 25 SEPTEMBER 2015 1011 CORRESPONDENCE oil and heated. It is then cooled and bot- also carcinogenic. Also, since the prehis- 6. Pithayanukul, P., Laovachirasuwan, S., tled for further use. To enhance the toric times, man has been using plants as Bavovada, R., Pakmanee, N. and Suttisri, sticky nature and longevity of the dye, a source of natural dyes because they are R., J. Ethnopharmacol., 2003, 90, 347– watery latex of Musa paradisiaca L. safe and eco-friendly7. Our study shows 352. (family Musaceae) is mixed with it. that this natural eco-friendly hair colour 7. Das, P. K. and Mondal, A. K., Environ. Ecol., 2008, 26(4c), 2304–2307. At first the leaves of the plant are from E. prostrata is cheap and safe com- washed thoroughly in water. Then they pared to synthetic hair colours. are crushed, so that a black juice drips ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank Mrs out, which is collected in a container. A Kajal Shing for providing valuable informa- 1. Chopra, R N., Nayar, S. L. and Chopra, minimum amount of watery latex (M. tion during the present study. We also thank I. C., Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, paradisiaca) is diluted with water and UGC–DRS–SAP for partial financial support CSIR, New Delhi, 1955. and DRS–SAP Laboratory for infrastructural the mixture is added to the leaf extract of 2. Kirtikar, K. R. and Basu, B. D., In Indian support. E. prostrata. Then the solution is applied Medicinal Plants, Lalith Mohan Basu, Al- on the hair by hand or brush and kept for lahabad, 1935, 2nd edn, p. 536. about 20–30 min. The solution is applied 3. Kritikar, K. R. and Basu, B. D., In Indian SAYANTAN TRIPATHI once again. According to the tribal peo- Medicinal Plants (eds Blatter, E., Caius, AMAL KUMAR MONDAL* ple, the dye lasts for 7–10 days. The J. F. and Mhaskar, K. S.), Vivek Vihar, plant extract is also used as a eye liner. It New Delhi, 1975. Plant Taxonomy, Biosystematics and 4. Mors, W. B., Nascimento, M. C., Parente, is a natural hair tonic which prevents loss Molecular Taxonomy Laboratory J. P., Silva, M. H., Melo, P. A. and Suarez- and promotes hair growth. (UGC-DRS-SAP Department), Kurtz, G., Toxicon, 1989, 27, 1003–1009. Generally it is found that the synthetic 5. Paria, N. D. (ed.), Medicinal Plant Department of Botany and Forestry, hair dyes cause various side effects like Resources of South West Bengal, Saras- Vidyasagar University, rashes, dandruff, itching, allergy, hair waty Press Limited, Kolkata, 2005, pp. 39– Midnapore 721 102, India fall, etc. Some synthetic hair dyes are 42. *e-mail: [email protected] Tribute to two departed leaders I liked and admired the late A. P. J. Ab- Chairman of ISRO, Satish Dhawan Kalam’s admiration for Dhawan was dul Kalam for a quality that is not often stepped in and said to the press some- an example of how leaders lead from the mentioned about him. As a member of thing to the effect ‘Gentlemen, why are front in adversity and ‘hide’ in oblivion the scientific fraternity, I met him at a you asking him these questions, I am the at times of glory. We do not hear too conference where we started discussion Chairman, ISRO and I will answer your many stories about unsung heroes like on a topic that, I think, was very close to questions’. Kalam felt relieved but ad- Dhawan. It took Kalam to point to us his heart. It started with the issue of miringly looked at his leader who came what leadership really entails and he India’s difficult start in its efforts of de- to his rescue. But the real story that lived a life to teach this lesson to the veloping rockets for eventually launch- Kalam narrated was to follow later. youth of the country when he spoke to ing Indian satellites in space. As an The next satellite launch vehicle came them through his talks and writings. aeronautical engineer, Kalam was desig- up for trial after some months. Kalam Through such stories he helped ignite the nated as the Project Leader of the satel- was again the Project Leader and Dha- minds of the future young leaders. There lite launch vehicle programme of the wan was still the Chairman of ISRO. The are many untold stories about such lead- Indian Space Research Organisation launch was a great success and there was ers who are no more.
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