2018-Question Paper- STPGT-Music

2018-Question Paper- STPGT-Music

This Booklet con tains 32 printed pages. AN18—XX Ques tion Book let No. &Òü šøÅ—šìy 32> ³å[‰t¡ šõË¡à "àìá¡ú šøÅ—-šå[ÑzA¡à Î}J¸à EXAMINATION—STPGT SUBJECT : MUSIC Do not open this Question Booklet until you are asked to do so. &Òü šøÅ—šy ™t¡Û¡o Jåºìt¡ >à ¤ºà Òì¤ t¡t¡Û¡o š™¢”z Jåºì¤> >à¡ú Read care fully all the instruc tions given at the back page and on the front page of this Ques tion Book let. &Òü šøÅ—šìy¹ ëÅÈ šõË¡à * šø=³ šõË¡àÚ ëƒ*Úà γÑz [>샢Åऺ㠳ì>àì™àK ÎÒA¡àì¹ šØl¡æ>¡ú In struc tions for Candidates š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ã샹 \>¸ [>샢Åऺã 1. OMR 1. Use Black Ballpoint Pen only for writing &Òü šøÅ—šìy ëºJ๠\>¸ &¤} l¡üv¡¹šìy l¡üv¡¹ particulars of this Question Booklet and [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹ìt¡ Ç¡‹å³ày A¡àìºà A¡à[º¹ ¤ºšìÚ–i¡ A¡º³ marking responses on the OMR ¤¸¤Ò๠A¡¹ç¡>¡ú Answer Sheet. 2. &Òü š¹ãÛ¡à¹ Î³Ú 2 Qsi¡à 30 [³[>i¡¡ú š¹ãÛ¡àÚ ë³ài¡ 2. This test is of 2 hours and 30 minutes 150 [i¡ MCQ ‹¹ì>¹ šøÅ— =àA¡ì¤¡ú šø[t¡ šøìÅ—¹ ³èº¸àS¡ 1 duration and consists of 150 MCQ-type Ò줡ú questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 3. ®å¡º l¡üv¡ì¹¹ \>¸ ëA¡àì>à ˜¡oàuA¡ >´¬¹ =àA¡ì¤ >à¡ú 3. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer. 4. š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ãìA¡ ¹àó¡ *ÚàA¢¡ A¡¹ìt¡ Òì¤ Ç¡‹å³ày ëA¡àìÆW¡> ¤åA¡ìºìi¡ (šøÅ—šìy) [>[ƒ¢Ê¡ A¡¹à Ñ‚àì>¡ú 4. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the Question Booklet. 5. šøìÅ—¹ l¡üv¡¹ Ç¡‹å³ày OMR l¡üv¡¹šìy [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹ìt¡ Ò줡ú l¡üv¡¹ [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹à¹ [¤ÈìÚ š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ãìA¡ Î줢àZW¡ Ît¡A¢¡t¡à 5. The answers are to be marked on the OMR "¤º´¬> A¡¹ìt¡ Ò줡ú šøìÅ—¹ l¡üv¡¹ &A¡¤à¹ [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹à ÒìÚ Answer Sheet only. Mark your responses ëKìº ëA¡àì>à "¤Ñ‚àìt¡Òü t¡àìA¡ š[¹¤t¢¡> ¤à Î}ìÅà‹> A¡¹à carefully since there is no chance of ™àì¤ >à¡ú alteration/correction. 6. A¡à[º-ë³àW¡>ãÚ Òüì¹\๠¤à Îàƒà t¡¹º-\àt¡ãÚ ¤Ññ¹ ¤¸¤Ò๠6. Use of eraser or whitener is strictly δšèo¢¹ê¡ìš [>[ȇý¡¡ú prohibited. 7. š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ã샹 ³ì> ¹àJìt¡ Òì¤ ë™ šøÅ—šìy¹ šøÅ—P¡[º 7. Candidates should note that each question is [‡-®¡à[ÈA¡ (Òü}¹à\ã * ¤à}ºà) Ò줡ú &Òü ëÛ¡ìy ®¡àÈà-³à‹¸³ given in bilingual form (English and Bengali). In case of any discrepancy or confusion in the ¤à ®¡àÈà-Î}ÑH¹ìo ëA¡àì>à ‹¹ì>¹ "ÎU[t¡ "=¤à ë¤àc¡à¹ medium/version, the English Version will be "Îå[¤‹à l¡üšº§¡ Òìº Òü}¹à\ã Î}ÑH¹oìA¡Òü šøAõ¡t¡ Ç¡‡ý¡ ¤ìº treated as the authentic version. Ko¸ A¡¹ì¤>¡ú Name of the Can di date (in Cap i tals) : __________________________________________________________________________ š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ã¹ >à³ (¤Øl¡ "Û¡ì¹) Roll No. : ________________________________________________ OMR An swer Sheet No. : ____________________________ ë¹àº >´¬¹ OMR l¡üv¡¹šìy¹ >´¬¹ Full Sig na ture of the Can di date with date Sig na ture of the In vigi la tor with date š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ã¹ δšèo¢ ѬàÛ¡¹ t¡à[¹JÎÒ [>¹ãÛ¡ìA¡¹ ѬàÛ¡¹ t¡à[¹JÎÒ /8 Direction : Answer the following questions [>샢[ÅA¡à : Î[k¡A¡ l¡üv¡¹[i¡ [>¤¢àW¡> A¡ì¹ >ãìW¡¹ šøÅ—P¡[º¹ by selecting the correct option. l¡üv¡¹ ƒà*¡ú 1. A musical composition sung with 1. ë™ Kà> t¡àìº "इý¡ A¡ì¹ Kà*Úà ÒÚ, t¡àìA¡ rhythm is called ¤ìº (A) Alaap (A) "àºàš (B) Nibaddha Gaan (B) [>¤‡ý¡ Kà> (C) Anibaddha Gaan (C) "[>¤‡ý¡ Kà> (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 2. In Sharaj Grama, the Shruti on 2. which the Swara ‘Sa’ is placed, is ÈØl¡\ Nøàì³ ë™ Åøç¡[t¡¹ l¡üš¹ ‘Îà’ Ñ¬¹[i¡ Ñ‚à[št¡, ëÎ[i¡ Òº (A) Manda (A) ³–ƒà (B) Dayavati (B) ƒÚà¤t¡ã (C) Chandavati (C) á–ƒà¤t¡ã (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 3. Identify the Purvanga Vadi Raga from the following. 3. [>³—[º[Jt¡ ¹àKP¡[º ë=ìA¡ šè¤¢àU ¤àƒã ¹àK[i¡ (A) Iman [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹ç¡>¡ú (B) Bhairav (A) Òü³> (C) Asabori (B) í®¡¹¤ (D) None of the above (C) "àÎà¤[¹ (D) 4. Which one of the following Ragas is l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú not a Sandhiprakash Raga? 4. [>³—[º[Jt¡ ëA¡à>ô ¹àK[i¡ Î[Þê¡šøA¡àÅ ¹àK >Ú? (A) Bhairav (A) í®¡¹¤ (B) Purvi (B) šè¤¢ã (C) Desh (C) ëƒÅ (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 5. How many varieties does Varna have? 5. ¤o¢ A¡Ú šøA¡à¹? (A) Four (A) W¡à¹ (B) Five (B) šòàW¡ (C) Six (C) áÚ (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú /8 2 6. Pannalal Ghosh is a famous 6. šàÄàºàº ëQàÈ Òìº> &A¡\> [¤J¸àt¡ (A) flute player (A) ¤òàÅã ¤àƒA¡ (B) shehnai player (B) Îà>àÒü ¤àƒA¡ (C) sitar player (C) ëÎt¡à¹ ¤àƒA¡ (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 7. Identify the correct order of the following Ragas according to their 7. [>³—[º[Jt¡ ¹àKP¡[º¹ š[¹ì¤Å>à¹ Î³Ú ÎA¡àº time of presentation from morning ë=ìA¡ ¹à[y¹ ">åÎàì¹ Î[k¡A¡ yû¡³[i¡ [W¡[Òû¡t¡ to night. A¡¹ç¡>¡ú (A) Bhairav, Bhimpalashri, Iman, (A) í®¡¹¤, ®¡ã³šºÅøã, Òü³>, ëƒÅ Desh (B) (B) Bhairav, Desh, Iman, í®¡¹¤, ëƒÅ, Òü³>, ®¡ã³šºÅøã Bhimpalashri (C) í®¡¹¤, Òü³>, ëƒÅ, ®¡ã³šºÅøã (C) Bhairav, Iman, Desh, (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú Bhimpalashri (D) None of the above 8. ™J> ¹àìK ¤¸¤Òê¡t¡ Ѭ¹P¡[º¹ ³ì‹¸ &A¡ ¤à &A¡à[‹A¡ Ѭ¹ "¿ š[¹³àìo šøìÚàK A¡¹à ÒÚ, 8. When a Swara/Swaras of a Raga t¡J> t¡àìA¡ ¤ìº is/are very rarely used, it is termed as (A) "à[¤®¢¡à¤ (A) Abirbhav (B) "¿Œ (B) Alpatwa (C) ¤×Œ (C) Bahutwa (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú (D) None of the above 9. Kàì>¹ ®¡àÈà ÎÒì™àìK ë™ t¡à> A¡¹à ÒÚ, t¡àìA¡ 9. The Taan rendered using the words ¤ìº of a song is known as (A) (A) Gamak Taan K³A¡ t¡à> (B) Alankarik Taan (B) "àº}A¡à[¹A¡ t¡à> (C) Bol Taan (C) ë¤àº t¡à> (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 10. Murchana of Madhyam Grama from 10. [>³—[º[Jt¡ ë=ìA¡ ³‹¸³ Nøàì³¹ ³èá¢>à[i¡ Òº the following is (A) (A) Uttarmandra l¡üv¡¹³–ƒøà (B) Rajani (B) ¹\>ã (C) Soubiri (C) ëÎï¤ã¹ã (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú /8 3 [ P.T.O. 11. Melapak is a type of 11. 볺àšA¡ Òº &A¡ šøA¡à¹ (A) Dhatu (A) ‹àtå¡ (B) Taan (B) t¡à> (C) Gamak (C) K³A¡ (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 12. Murki is played on 12. ëA¡à>ô ¤àƒ¸™ì”| ³åA¢¡ã ¤à\àì>à ÒÚ? (A) Tabla (A) t¡¤ºà (B) Khol (B) ëJຠ(C) Pakhwaj (C) šàìJàÚà\ (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 13. Which of the following is played on the Tabla? 13. [>³—[º[Jt¡ ëA¡à>[i¡ t¡¤ºàÚ ¤à\àì>à ÒÚ? (A) Jor (A) ë\àØl¡ (B) Jhala (B) c¡àºà (C) Peshkar (C) ëšÅA¡à¹ (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 14. Chikari is the name of 14. [W¡A¡à¹ã Òº (A) Taal (A) t¡àº (B) Prabandha (B) šø¤Þê¡ (C) String of sitar (C) ëÎt¡àì¹¹ t¡à¹ (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 15. Which one of the following is a type 15. [>³—[º[Jt¡ ëA¡à>[i¡ K³ìA¡¹ &A¡ šøA¡à¹? of Gamak? (A) ³v¡ (A) Matta (B) "àÒt¡ (B) Aahat (C) (C) Udgraha l¡üƒôÿNøàÒ (D) (D) None of the above l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 16. If the frequency of ‘Sa’ is 240, then 16. ™[ƒ ‘Îà’ Ñ¬¹[i¡¹ "àì–ƒàº> Î}J¸à ÒÚ 240, the frequency of ‘Ma’ will be t¡àÒìº ‘³à’ Ѭ칹 "àì–ƒàº> Î}J¸à Òì¤ (A) 240 (A) 240 (B) 320 (B) 320 (C) 360 (C) 360 (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú /8 4 17. According to ancient music 17. šøàW¡ã>A¡à캹 ÎUãt¡`¡ìƒ¹ ³ìt¡, ‘Îà’ Ñ¬¹[i¡¹ scholars, the ‘Sa’ Swara originated l¡ü;š[v¡ ÒÚ ëA¡à>ô šÇ¡ ¤à šà[J¹ l¡àA¡ ë=ìA¡? from the sound of which animal or (A) bird? ³Úè¹ (A) Peacock (B) Kà‹à (B) Donkey (C) Òà[t¡ (C) Elephant (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú (D) None of the above 18. ÎUãt¡ ëA¡à>ô ë¤ìƒ Ñ‚à> ëšìÚìá? 18. Which Veda contains music? (A) ˜¡Aô¡ì¤ƒ (A) Rigveda (B) Îà³ì¤ƒ (B) Samaveda (C) "=¤¢ì¤ƒ (C) Atharvaveda (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú (D) None of the above 19.

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