wh07_te_ch03_s01_MOD_s.fm Page 110 Thursday, March 1, 2007 7:07WH07MOD_se_CH03_S01_s.fm PM Page 110 Thursday, January 25, 2007 10:18 AM Step-by-Step WITNESS HISTORY AUDIO SECTION Instruction 1 Moctezuma Hears Strange News In 1519, the Aztec ruler Moctezuma heard an Objectives astounding report from his messengers. They As you teach this section, keep students described unusual people who had just arrived in the region—people with white skin and yellow focused on the following objectives to help hair, clad completely in iron, who rode “deer” as them answer the Section Focus Question tall as a house and had dogs with burning yellow and master core content. 1 eyes. According to a Spanish translation of native ■ Analyze the results of the first encoun- accounts, “When Moctezuma heard this, he was ters between the Spanish and Native filled with terror. It was as if his heart grew faint, A Spanish manuscript dating from as it shrank; he was overcome by despair.” Americans. the mid-1500s shows the Spanish Focus Question How did a small number of ■ Explain how Cortés and Pizarro gained arrival in Mexico (top). At bottom, Moctezuma listens to his messengers. Spanish conquistadors conquer huge Native control of the Aztec and Incan empires. American empires? ■ Understand the short-term and long- term effects of the Spanish on the peoples of the Americas. Conquest in the Americas Prepare to Read Objectives In 1492, explorer Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean • Analyze the results of the first encounters islands that are now called the West Indies. The wave of explora- Build Background Knowledge L3 between the Spanish and Native Americans. tion he spurred in the Americas would have drastic, far-reaching consequences for the people who already lived there. Ask students to recall interactions be- • Explain how Cortés and Pizarro gained control tween Europeans, Africans, and Asians. of the Aztec and Incan empires. Have them predict what the pattern of • Understand the short-term and long-term effects of the Spanish on the peoples of the Americas. First Encounters in the Americas interaction would be between Europeans Terms, People, and Places Columbus’s first meeting with Native Americans began a cycle of and peoples of the Americas. encounter, conquest, and death that would be repeated throughout alliance conquistador the Western Hemisphere. immunity Moctezuma Set a Purpose L3 Hernán Cortés Francisco Pizarro Meeting the Taínos When Columbus first arrived in the West ■ WITNESS HISTORY Read the selection Tenochtitlán civil war Indies, he encountered the Taíno (TY noh) people. The Taínos lived aloud or play the audio. Ask What is Malinche in villages and grew corn, yams, and cotton, which they wove into the main idea of this passage? cloth. They were friendly and open toward the Spanish. Columbus noted that they were “generous with what they have, to such a (The messengers’ report of unusual Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence Keep track newcomers fills Moctezuma with fear.) of the sequence of events that led to European degree as no one would believe but he who had seen it.” Despite the friendly reception, relations soon soured. The AUDIO Witness History Audio CD, empires in the Americas by completing a chart like Moctezuma Hears Strange News the one below. Taínos offended the Spanish when out of ignorance they failed to pay proper respect to Christian symbols. Columbus’s actions ■ Focus Point out the Section Focus showed that he felt himself superior to the Taínos and could there- Spain Establishes An Empire Question and write it on the board. fore decide their fate. He claimed their land for Spain, and then Tell students to refer to this question Columbus Cortés Pizarro took several Taínos as prisoners to take back to the Spanish king. as they read. (Answer appears with Columbus’s encounter was repeated by a wave of Spanish • Columbus • • Section 1 Assessment answers.) arrives in the conquistadors (kahn KEES tuh dawrz), or conquerors, who soon arrived in the Americas. They first settled on the islands of Hispan- ■ Preview Have students preview the West Indies. • • • iola (now the Dominican Republic and Haiti), Cuba, and Puerto Rico. Section Objectives and the list of Terms, People, and Places. ■ Reading Skill Have students use the Reading Strategy: Recognize Sequence Vocabulary Builder worksheet. Teaching Resources, Unit 1, p. 48 Use the information below and the following resources to teach the high-use word from this section. Teaching Resources, Unit 1 p. 47; Teaching Resources, Skills Handbook, p. 3 ■ Have students read this section using the Structured Read Aloud High-Use Word Definition and Sample Sentence strategy (TE, p. T20). As they read, have compel, p. 110 v. to force students fill in the chart sequencing The bailiff compelled the witness to leave the courtroom. Spain’s actions in the Americas. Reading and Note Taking Study Guide, p. 137 110 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe and the Americas WH07MOD_se_CH03_S01_s.fm0110_wh09MODte_ch03s1_s.fm Page 111 Page Wednesday, 111 Thursday, January 24, June2007 4:4921, 2007PM 5:39 PM Throughout the region, the conquistadors seized the Native Americans’ gold ornaments and then made them pan for more gold. At the same time, the Teach Spanish forced the Native Americans to convert to Christianity. Guns, Horses, and Disease Although Spanish conquistadors only First Encounters in the numbered in the hundreds as compared to millions of Native Americans, they had many advantages. Their guns and cannons were superior to the Americas L3 Native Americans’ arrows and spears, and European metal armor pro- Instruct vided them with better protection. They also had horses, which not only were useful in battle and in carrying supplies, but also frightened the ■ Introduce: Key Terms Have students Native Americans, who had never seen a horse. find the key term conquistadors (in Most importantly, an invisible invader—disease—helped the conquis- This passage from a Maya book written blue) in the text and explain its mean- tadors take control of the Taínos and other Native Americans. Europeans in the 1500s describes life before the ing. Explain that these explorers and unknowingly carried diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza arrival of the Spanish. What does the treasure-hunters conquered vast areas to which Native Americans had no immunity, or resistance. These dis- writer say was the main effect of of land in the Americas for Spain, eases spread rapidly and wiped out village after village. As a result, the Europeans on the Maya? enslaving and killing Native Americans Native American population of the Caribbean islands declined by as Primary Source AUDIO and plundering their wealth. much as 90 percent in the 1500s. Millions of Native Americans died from There was then no sickness; ■ Teach Discuss the first encounters disease as Europeans made their way inland. “ They had then no aching bones; between conquistadors and Native How did Spanish conquistadors treat the Taínos? They had then no high fever; Americans. Ask What advantages They had then no smallpox; did the Spanish have over Native Cortés Conquers Mexico They had then no burning chest. Americans? (Though there were more At that time the course of humanity Native Americans, the Spanish had From the Caribbean, Spanish explorers probed the coasts of the Ameri- was orderly. guns and cannons that were superior to cas. They spread stories of empires rich in gold, but they also told of The foreigners made it otherwise Native American arrows and spears; fierce fighting people. Attracted by the promise of riches as well as by when they arrived here. religious zeal, a flood of adventurers soon followed. ” they used horses in battle and for labor; and they were immune to the diseases Cortés Advances on the Aztecs Among the earliest conquistadors was they brought.) What might the Hernán Cortés. Cortés, a landowner in Cuba, heard of Spanish expeditions Taínos and other Native Americans that had been repelled by Indians. He believed that he could succeed have done differently to defend where none had before. In 1519, he landed on the coast of Mexico with about themselves against the conquista- Malinche Shapes History 600 men, 16 horses, and a few cannons. He began an inland trek toward dors? (Students might suggest Native Tenochtitlán (teh nawch tee TLAHN), the capital of the Aztec empire. A Malinche’s parents sold her as a slave when she was a child, believing that she was Americans could have been less trusting young Indian woman named Malinche (mah LEEN chay), called Doña born under an unlucky star. Despite her of newcomers, could have sought help Marina by the Spanish, served as his translator and advisor. Malinche knew unfortunate beginning, she left a major from other Native Americans, and so on.) both the Maya and Aztec languages, and she learned Spanish quickly. mark on the history of the Americas. Malinche told Cortés that the Aztecs had gained power by conquering other groups of people. The Aztecs sacrificed thousands of their captives Independent Practice to the Aztec gods each year. Many conquered peoples hated their Aztec Primary Source To help students bet- overlords, so Malinche helped Cortés arrange alliances with them. They ter understand the Spanish conquest of agreed to help Cortés fight the Aztecs. the Aztecs, have them read the selection Moctezuma Faces a Dilemma Meanwhile, messengers brought word Massacre in the Temple of Tenochtitlán about the Spanish to the Aztec emperor Moctezuma (mahk tih ZOO muh). and complete the worksheet. Terrified, he wondered if the leader of the pale-skinned, bearded strangers Teaching Resources, Unit 1, p. 51 might be Quetzalcoatl (ket sahl koh AHT el), an Aztec god-king who had long ago vowed to return from the east. Because Moctezuma did not know Monitor Progress for sure if Cortés was a god, he did not know how to respond to the news.
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