Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10358-0 — The Problems of Genocide A. Dirk Moses Index More Information INDEX Abdülhamid II, 80–81 Britain and, 152, 506 abjection, 251, 494 civilian destruction and, 1, 151–152, abolitionism, 74, 83, 85–86, 88–89, 167–168, 230–232, 236, 238, 91–92, 124–125 439, 504–506 in American colonies, 69–70 collateral damage of, 1, 238 as birth of human rights justice, 72 colonialism and, 506 British, 68–73, 125–127 debate on, 18 Christianity and, 86–87 desensitization to, 432–433 colonialism and, 69–70, 87–88 drone strikes, 1, 3–4, 439–440, humanitarianism and, 68–73 490–491 imperialism and, 71–72, 87–88 erosion of distinction between as justification of imperial mission, combatants and civilians and, 71–72 503–507, 511 language of transgression and, 70–71 excluded from definition of genocide, Aborigines, 76–77, 87–88, 264–267 18–20 Aborigines Protection Society, 87–89 France and, 152 Abrahams, Elliot, 461–462 international law and, 503 Abyssinia, Italian invasion of, 167–168 liberal permanent security and, 506 Academic Liaison against Renewed missile strikes, 1–2, 439–440 Militarism, 458–459 Nazi regime and, 505 Acadians, 398–399 principle of distinction and, 503, accountability, 425–426, 428–430, 506–507 432–438, 451–452, 471–472, See terrorization of civilians by, 164–166 also responsibility United States and, 1–2, 36, 232, 237, Aceh, Indonesia, 114–116 396–397, 416–418, 424, Ache people, 445–447 430–433, 438–439, 457–458, 506 Aden, 391–392 Vietnam War and, 424 administrative separation, 335–336, See World War II and, 231–237, 432–433, also partitions 451–452, 457–458, 460–461, Adorno, Theodor W., 134–135, 415–416 503, 505–506 aerial warfare, 18, 26, 40–41, 129, 167, Afghanistan 231–237, 396–397, 438–439, British bombing of, 103 511, See also specific bombings; US bombing of, 1–2 specific conflicts Africa, 80–81, 85–86, 243, 447, See also in Africa, 128–129, 408–409 specific countries air power theorists, 504–505 aerial warfare in, 128–129 as barbarism, 167–168 British colonialism in, 121–123, 408 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10358-0 — The Problems of Genocide A. Dirk Moses Index More Information civilization of, 122–123 victims and, 229–230, 455 civil war in, 259–260 aggression, 174–175, 198, 418–419, See colonialism in, 51–52, 89, 93–95, also aggressive warfare 99–100, 105–108, 121–123, 125, criminalization of, 20, 152–153, 206 246–247, 289–294, 300, 408 interventionism and, 426 exploitation in, 89, 91 Nazi regime and, 172–173 federative ideas in, 336–337 aggressive warfare, 174–175, 198, genocide in, 259–260 205–210, 231–232, 418–420, German colonialism in, 93–95, 424–425, 436, 458–459, 99–100, 105–108, 246–247, 500–501 289–294, 300 agriculturalist argument, Holocaust education and, 496–499 264–265 labor exploitation in, 99–100, agriculture, 342–343 123–127, 246–247 agricultural societies, 260–261 liberation struggles in, 99–100 expansion of, 248 Mandates in, 128–129 aid delivery, 493 national movements in, 336–337 Akçam, Taner, 275 postcolonial political stability in, Akhavan, Payam, 24–25 259–260 Akyol, Mustafa, 464–465 secessionist movements in, 14 Aladdin Project, 497–499 trade and, 121–123 Albright, Madeline, 461–462 African-American Civil Rights Aleppo, Syria, 5–6, 50 Congress, 14 Alexander, Jeffrey C., 482–483 African-Americans, 14–15 Algeria, 257–258 civil rights movement and, 434–436 France and, 14, 55, 62, 65–66, 92–93, genocide and, 401–404 114–116, 246, 263–264, ghettoization of, 402 272–273, 395, 408–409 life expectancy of, 401–402 national liberation struggle in, 14, lynching of, 400–401 92–93, 132–133, 392, 395 segregation of, 402 Algerian Jews, migration to France, 392 African-Caribbean intellectuals, Algerian National Front, 395 133–134 Ali, Mehemet, 304–305 Africans, 85–86 alienation, Indigenous peoples and, 258 colonialism in, 94, 97–98, 293–294 alien laws, 293–294 enslavement of, 62–63, 133–134 Al Kiddush Ha-Shem (sanctification of German colonialism in, 94, 97–98, the divine name), 484–486 293–294 Allende, Salvador, 435–436 German extermination of, 94, 97–98 Alliance Israélite Universelle, 351–352 African slaves, 253 Allies. 208–209, 231, 424, 507 African Union (AU), 462–463 bombing of German and Japanese Afrikaners, 97–98 cities, 36–37, 231–237, 397–398, agency, 273–274 424, 451–452, 460–461, 503, collective, 272–273, 304–306, 309 505 decolonization and, 258–259 codification of international law and, historical, 285–287 201 historical processes and, 285–286 debate about prosecuting Axis war insurgency and, 395–396 criminals, 204–212, 218–219 para-military, 468 deportation and, 507 political, 29, 395–396, 467–468 Holocaust and, 179, 195–197 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10358-0 — The Problems of Genocide A. Dirk Moses Index More Information Allies. (cont.) Amerindians. See Indians human rights and, 339–340 Amery, Leo, 358–359 Joint Declaration by Members of the Amritsar Massacre, 127–128 United Nations, 179 analogy making, 369–370, 376–377, 379, minority protection regime and, 155, 397–400, 402, 419–420, 422, 354–355 425–426, 430–431, 455, 467–468 Molotov’s note to, 169–171 anarchists, 157–159 Nazi retaliation against, 309 anarchy, 132–133 policies and practices excluded from Anatolia, 80–81, 113–114, 275, UN Convention on Genocide, 341–342, 463–465 223–224 Anglo-American Committee, Palestine policy toward German minorities, and, 335–336 224–225, 360–362 Anglo-American Committee of priorities of, 339–340 Inquiry, 385, 387 small nations and, 145–146, 201 Anglo-Armenian Society, 80–81 social and economic order and, Anglo-Saxon imperialism, 290, 292 339–340 Anglo-Saxons, 252–253, 287–288, understanding of antisemitism, 193, 339–340 195–199 Anglo-Zulu War, 253–254 UNWCC and, 207 Angola, 257–258 victory in World War II, 477–478 Annan, Kofi,49–50 war crimes and, 193–195, 199, Anne Frank Fonds, 498–499 204–212, 399 annexations, 249–250, 294, 301–302 wartime ideals of, 340 annihilation, 249–250 WJC and, 218 Anscombe, G.E.M., 431 All-India Muslim League, 335–336, anti-Armenian sentiment, 467 357, 365, 368–371, 373–378, anti-Bolsheviks, White Russian, 315–316 380–382, 386–387, 390–391 anticolonialism, 52, 132–133, 503–504 Britain and, 380 anticolonial nationalists, 370 Lahore Resolution, 372–374, 381–382 anticolonial resistance, 259 Ambedkar, B. R., 371–373, 376–377, genocide and, 395 386–387 United States and, 94–95 American Bar Association, 398–401 Zionism and, 406 American colonies anticolonial nationalists, 370 abolitionism in, 69–70 anticolonial resistance, 86–87, 258–260 Indians and, 63–64 racism and, 258–260 “middle ground” spaces in, 260–261 as terrorism, 86–87 American Hellenic Council, 464 violence and, 259 American imperialism, 397 anticommunism, 399–400, 416 American Jewish Committee, 184–186 Arendt and, 406 American Jewish organizations, 14–15, genocide and, 450–451 See also specific organizations Lemkin and, 404–405 American Red Cross (ARC), 129–130 US imperialism and, 420–421 American Revolution, 284–285 Vietnam War and, 437–438 Americas Western civilization and, 406–408 colonialism in, 51–52 anticommunists, 227–228 Portuguese conquest of, 245–246 anti-imperialism, 257–258, 448–449 Spanish conquest of, 53–59, 66–67, Arab nationalism and, 392 245–248, 251, 253, 256, 510 Enlightenment, 64–65 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10358-0 — The Problems of Genocide A. Dirk Moses Index More Information Germany and, 292 Soviet leftist, 449–450 Nazi regime and, 310–313 as threat perception, 283 United States and, 95 tradition of, 282–283 anti-imperial thinkers, 257–258 in United States, 177–178 anti-Israel sentiment, 497–499 antisemitism paradigm anti-Jewish violence, Lemkin and, historiographical pursuit over, 153–154, See also antisemitism; 283–284 Holocaust, the; pogroms Holocaust and, 277–279, 281–283 Antilles, 253 temporal dilemma of, 282–283 antimilitarism, 438 anti-slavery, 120–121, 125–127, See also anti-nuclear activism, 458–460 abolitionism antiquity, 286–287, 295–297 anti-slavery lobbies, 127–129 anti-racism, 493–494 language of, 122–123 antisemitism, 45, 142, 164, 177–178, anti-state terrorism, 172–173 180–181, 189–190, 192–193, anti-totalitarianism, greater good of, 196–197, 232, 283, 293–294, 167 314–315, 467, 479–480, antiwar movement, 418–419, 425, 428, 482–483, 488–490, 498–499, See 430–433, 435–438, 458–459 also antisemitism paradigm anti-nuclear activism, 458–460 Arab Jews and, 391 language of transgression and, Arendt and, 406 431 in Britain, 177–178 nuclear weapons and, 427–428 Burke’s use of the term, 488–489 paranoia and, 427–428 causal status of, 192–193 security paranoia and, 427–428 colonial racism and, 292–293, Vietnam War and, 456–457 311–312 anti-Zionist policies, of Arab countries, in France, 497–498 390–391 Holocaust and, 277–279, 281, Antonov rebellion, 269 292–293 Apache Indians, 263 imperialist imaginary and, 292–293 appropriation, 328–329 as independent and active historical Arab Christians, French Empire and, force, 485 305 instrumental view of, 192 Arab countries. See also specific Judeo-Bolshevik thesis and, 315–316 countries Lemkin and, 160–161 anti-Zionist policies of, 390–391 meaning of, 192–193 Jews in, 365, 389–392 as means to political ends, 192 Palestinian refugee crisis and, 389 “nativist” violence and, 303 partition of Palestine and, 385–386 Nazi regime and, 176–177, 198–199, Arab forces, Zionist forces and, 357 277–278, 309–312, 321, 326 Arab Jews permanent security and, 283 antisemitism and, 391 political logic of, 192–193 “population exchange” and, as political project, 283 391–392 racial hatred and, 485 Arab League, 462–463 racism and, 278–279 Arab majority rights, 352–353, “redemptive,” 282–283, 314–315, 355–356, 358–359, 381 323 Arab nationalism, 391–392 scapegoating and, 488–491 Arabs, 113–114, 263–264, See also small nations and, 198–199 Palestinian Arabs © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10358-0 — The Problems of Genocide A.
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