20 - EVENING HERALD, Thurs., July lO .jm iianrhfatpr Iran frees one hostage I niled l’rcnH Inlrriiulionul today whether a medical team would V '> Vol. xcix, Ng. 240 - Mancheater, Conn., Friday, July n , iw o Since 1881 • 2(k go to Zurich to bring Queen back to One of the 53 American hostages in Frankfurt for processing and Iran. Richard Queen, was freed examination like other hostages who today and flown to Switzerland in the were released or whether he-would first release of any of the captives in be flown directly to the United States Public works pact voted eight months. from Zurich. Queen’s release was the first since The release of Queen. 28. a native the earliest days of the hostage By MARY KITZMANIN settles some of the court cases that group. pute that dates to 1973. ’Fhe new New Yorker who had been held for crisis, when 13 Americans were arose from the promotion dispute. “We will sit down and discuss a policy apparently involves a system ^ days, was ordered by" Ayatollah Hrralil Reporter released in two days. .Nov 19 and According to several sources, few minor things,” Fuller said. “ But using portion of both the merit and Ruhollah Khomeini Thursday. MANCHESTER — In a close vote, Nov 20. Robert Fuller, union president, will the members are satisfied with the seniority policies. Tehran radio reported he was freed the public works union accepted In Scarsdale, N Y . where Queen's return to the bargaining table, trying package." Fuller said a point scale, where because he was seriously ill. but did yesterday a two-year contract calling parents Harold and Jeanne Queens to reach a more acceptable agree­ The wage increases of 8.5 and 9 points are given for high ranking on not elaborate for 9 and 8.5 percent pay increases ment on the court suits. But the percent, are the highest to be given town tests, and also the number of were visiting, th e. elder Queen and settling the long-standing dispute package was accepted by about a by tlie town in this year's contract years a persons has worked, will be Tehran airport official said Queen appeared to scoff at published and LV. over the promotion policy. four-vote margin at a meeting negotiations. Both the firefighters used. The candidate with the highest boarded the morning flight for Zurich broadcast reports his son was suf­ However, while compromising on yesterday of the American Federa­ and the police officers’ unions won number of points will be given the alter he had been released to the fering psychological problems. whether public works employees tion of State, County, and Municipal contracts that call for 8 percent in­ promotion. custody of .Swiss Embassy officials. “ His spirits were good.” Mr. should be hired under the town’s Employebg, Local 991. The union has creases each year of the contract. “We’ve moved on this and they’ve The American, a U.S. consular of­ Queen said. “His morale was very, merit system or the union-endorsed about 50 Inembers, and recently The compromise on the moved,’’ Fuller said. “It’s in ficial at the emba.ssy, which was very high ' He said he was "ab­ seniority policy, union members merged with clerical workers union promotional policy will settle a dis- between the merit system and our seized Nov. 4 by Islamic militants, solutely surprised by what 1 can only balked at the contract clause which system." was due to arrive in the Swiss city at consider at the moment to be However, Fuller is not entirely 5:40 a m. EDT on the Swissair flight. rumors ” confident about the agreement. “The But it was possible Queen, whose il­ There was also a report Queen suf­ merit system scares me," he said. lness was not specified, might be fered from a form of paralysis stem­ “When you look at the way they’ve flown to Frankfurt, West Germany, ming from a stroke that affects handled promotions outside of the sometime today for treatment. movement and feeling in the lower contracts, giving the promotion to The State Department's Iranian extremities. The report on a Califor­ people who didn’t finish first. We’ll task force would confirm only that nia radio station said a physician at have to watch the new system very Queen was enroute to the Swiss city. the Tehran hospital where Queen was carefully.” An official at the task force in treated said Queen suffered from While the town maintained a merit Washington .said the flight out of paraplegia and his legs were system was more equitable, the un­ Tehran was delayed but did not say paralyzed ion contended the margin was great by how much or why. The official Queen s parents, who now live in for awarding promotions for reasons said Queen's parents and a variety of Lincolnsville, Maine, said they were other than merit using the system. officials would decide the next step “tremendously excited but worried" The dispute over the two systems for the American, meaning whether about their son. Mrs. Queen said. began in 1973 when the town in­ he will remain in Europe or be flown 'We worried, the health, there must stituted its merit promotion policy to the United States. be some reason. We ask that you all The policy was adopted but the union In Frankfurt, a U.S. consulate of­ pray” She said her son had no contract still stated promotions ficial said it will be decided later history of any health problem should be made according to seniori­ ty. When several union members were passed over, using the merit Reason yet unclear system. Local 991 filed a grievance, the first being filed in 1976. The union has won several battles on the question. First the Connec­ Parents, elated ticut Board of Mediation and Arbitra­ tion agreed with the union, that the c town could not supercede the con­ tract and then the state Labor over release Relations Board. The town has appealed two cases, out of five SCARSDALE. N Y. lUPI) - Ela­ Queen of Brooklyn, was more blunt v / > grievances filed, to Superior Court. tion vied with fear on the faces of •If that S O B . (KhomeiniI is The cases of Francis Hahn and Richard Queen's parents, who took releasing him, there must be Robert Taylor are pending. Thur.sday’s news that their son was something terribly wrong, " Queen This year’s negotiations were com­ being released by Iranian captors as said, "There must be something pleted without any mediation by a sign that something might be terribly wrong What's wrong with state officials. The public works un­ "terribly wrong." him’’ lie was always in good health. " ion contract has several times, in the Harold and Jeanne Queen learned .Mrs. Queen said her son had no past, gone into lengthy bargaining the 28-year-old diplomat was history of health problems. He left \ sessions lasting a year. "seriously ill, ” according to Tehran for Iran in June 1979. His family last “We got to the point of the Radio, in a 4:30 p.m. telephone call received a letter from Queen in negotiations this year.” Fuller said. from the State Department. The April, just before the abortive “Negotiations are never easy, but radio broadcast said the Ayatollah attempt to rescue the hostages. both sides gave” Ruhollah Khomeini had ordered his ' He wrote us very cheerful letters. Fuller, and Steven Werbner, per­ release. He knew he was going to be in for the sonnel director, declined to say what “ (Were) tremendously excited — long haul, but he wrote cheerful agreement — that union member did but worried," Queen told reporters letters. There was very little to do not agree with — had been reached on gathered on the front lawn of his except read everything he could get the court suits. niece's home. 48 Wynschcomb Way. his hands on." said Queen's uncle. The two-year contract is retroac­ Scarsdale, where he was visiting. Queen is a 1973 graduate of tive to June 30 when the previous con­ The Queens moved to Lincolnville. Hamilton College in Clinton. N Y., V. Guest conductor tract expired. Besides the flat pay in­ Maine, last year — partly because of and has a master's degree in Balkan creases, several jobs were upgraded the publcity they received as the History from the University of Michael Larco, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. nor’s Foot Guard Concert Band at the in pay. About six persons will receive parents of one of the 53 hostages. .Michigan in Ann Arbor. higher pay with the new contract. “We don’t know any more than you He had applied to West Point, but Thomas Larco, 70 ^ rg a ret Lane, Glaston- Manchester Bicentennial Band Shell, Fuller said the jobs were upgraded was turned dovsn because of near­ bury, got into the act Thursday night as he Michael’s grandfather plays the baritone do, " Queen said. because tHe pay had not expanded "It must be serious." said his wife. sightedness. help^ conduct the First Company Gover- horn in the band. (Herald photo by Burbank) with the duties. "We’re worried — the health — there Queen was raised in Scarsdale and lV- must be some reason We ask that graduated from Edgemont High you all pray. " School before his family moved to Mrs. Queen also was fearful thaf Briarclift Manor about eight years an^ criticism of Khomeini's regime ago. He was_on his first assignment Glastonbury figures said too low might jeopardize the hostages' safe­ for the Statetfepartment ty.
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