Cheshire Rugby Football Union MEMBERSHIP CARD SEASON 1979/80 Name ...... ".............. ,.", ..... "" ......... """."""",_"." ... "".".".",,, ... ,,,,,, .... ,, .. ,,, .... ,,,,,.,,, Club ........ _." ...... "., .. "...... "....... :.. ,.. ,.................... ".............. "...... "... "... ".... _ PAST PRESIDENTS: H. M. BLYTHE (1880/83) J. W. H. THORPE (1883/1904) J. BAXTER (1904/42) R. R. RICHARDS (1942/47) T. WALTON (1947/49) R. D. NESBIT (1949/51) W. H. PEMBERTON (1951) N. McCAIG (1951/53) C. H. OFFLAND (1953) A. S. CAIN (1954/56) J. MONTADOR (1956/58) P. H. DAVIES (1958/60) W. M. SHENNAN (1960/61) D. R. WYNN-W1LLIAMS(1961/62) W. G. HOWARD (1962/63) H. V. MIDDLETON (1963/65) W. J. THOMPSON (1965/67) G. C. NODEN (1967/69) N. A. STEEL (1969/71) J. E. STARK (1971/73) E. J. LOADER (1973/75) H. M. CURPHEY (1975/77) A. F. KOENEN (1977/79) 2 OFFICERS . FOR YEAR 1979-80 President: P.G.TURNER Higber lngersley Farm, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Bol1ington 72245 (Home), 061-236 3627 (Bus.) Past Presidents: H. V. MIDDLBTON Sunnybank, Flat l, Holly Road North, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Wi1msIow 527855 (Home) G.·C. NODBN 147 Frammingham Road, Brooklands, Sale, Cheshire M33 3RQ. 061-973 9231 (Home) N. A. STEBL Borrowdale, Spital Road, BromborouBh, Wirra1, Merseyside. 051-334 1776 (Home) J. B. STARK 6 Sandy Lane, Chester. Chester 47342 (Home) H. M. CURPHBY 24 Prenton Dell Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside. 051-6082863 (Home) A. F.KOBNBN Lindale Grange, 4 Ridge Park, Bramhall, Cheshire. 061-439 3575 (Home) Senior Vice-President: A. H. RUSHTON 2S Labumam Grove, Irby, WirraI, Merseyside. 051-648 5353 (Home). 051-227 1291 (Bus.) 3 Vic:e-Presidents: W. PLATI Ecldisbury Hill Farm, Kelsall, Tarporley, Chesbire. Sandiway 882057 (Home) G.C.COX: , 47 Lathom Avenue, Helsby, Wairington, Cheshire WA6 ODY. He\sby 2108 (Home), 051-3553611 Ext. 332 (Bus.) A. L HART The Hermitage, 7 Ingestre Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside. 051-6520375 (Home), 051-486 3151 (Bus.) C. HOOLE 6 Harwarden Court, Bebington, Wirral, Merseyside. 051-645 7611 (Home) 'Hon. Secretary: W.G01T The HawthomiJl Neston Raad, Ness, South Wural L64 4AT. 051-3362240 (Home), 051-709 1817 (Bus.) Asst. Hon. Secretary: , G.C.COX 47 Lathom Avenue, Helsby, Wairington Cheshire WA6 ODY. He\sby 2108 (Home), 051-~5S 3611 Ext. 332 (Bus.) Hon. Treasurer: M.COHEN Linnel\s, Marlborough Drive, Macclesfield, Chesbire SKIO 2JX. Macclesfield 24317 (Home)',22619 (Bus.) Asst. Hon. Treasurer: '. N. H. MIDDLEBROOK 27 Clarendon Road, Sale, Cheshire. 061-962 2957 (Home) 4 R.F.U. County Representative: N. A. STEEL Borrowdale, Spital Road, Bromborough, Wirral, Merseyside. 051-334 1776 (Home) R.F.U. Colts Association Representative: A. J. HENDERSON Tree Tops, Beech Lane, Baton, Tarporley, Cheshire. Tarporley 2984 (Home). Crewe 553S6 (Bus.) Coach: J. TAYLOR Allport Lodge, Plymyard Avenue, Bromborough, Wirral, Merseyside. 051-3275670 (Home) Honorary Lire Members: G. H. GIBSON, M.B.E. W. FLETCHER T. C. KNOWLES Hon. Medical Officer: MR. TREVOR FARRINGTON Auditor: W. POTI'S, F.C.A. COMMTITEE Alsager College of Education: M. STOBART, Alsager College, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent. Alsager 2640. Ashton-on-Mersey: D. STUBBS, 2 Ludford Grove. Sale. Cbeshire. 061-969 2580 (Home). Birkenhead Park: A. COLLEIT. Capstone. Mouldsworth. Cbester. Manley 298 (Home); Runcom 64321 (Bus.). 5 Bowdon: B. F. FALLON. 11 Kenmoor Drive. Timperley, Cheshire. 061-9802477 (Home). Cald)/:. D. 1. ADAMS. 7 Beaumaris Drive. Thingwall, Wirral, Merseyside. 051-648 1681 (Home). Capenhimt: J. ORAIN. S3 Bryn Awelon. Bistre Heigbts, Buckley, Clwyd, CH7 2QB. Buckley 4602 (Home); OSI-339 4101 Ext. 55! (Bus.). Cheshire Constabulary: M. ROONEY. 69 Hallfields Roa<1 Tarvin. Cheshire. Tarvin 4!3S0(Home); ",hester 315432 (Bus.). Cheshire HospUa1s: S. J. HUMPHREY. The Staff House, West Cheshire Hospital, Liverpool Road, Chester. Chester: D. O. DIAMOND. 26 Nicholas Street. Chester, CHI 2PQ. Chester 44561 (Home): Chester 40111 (Bus.). Chester College: E. J. CHARLESWORTH. Pear Tree Cottage. Private Wall<. Deebanks. Chester. CH3 5XB. Chester 46899 (Home); Chester 375444 (Bus.). Congleton: R. BOWEN. 4 Stone Cottages. Weathercock Lane. Timbersbrook. Congle­ ton. Cheshire. CWl2 3PP. Crewe & Nantwich: W. CAPENER. 46 Helleth Wen. Nantwich. Cheshire. Nantwich 63380 (Home). Dane: D. OILLlOAN.18 Westmoreland Terrace. Holmes Chape!, Cheshire. Holmes Chapel 3386 (Home). Davenport: A. M. LEES. 23 Hall Moss Lane. Bi'amball. Cheshire, SK7 IRB. 061-439 3101 (Home): 061-480 8731 (Bus.). Douglas (I.O.M.): J. F. KAY. Manor Farm. Ridgeway, Timperley, Cheshire. 6 Dukinfield: S. PRATT, 260 Huddersfield Road, Stalybridge, Cheshire. Helsby: A. J. BOSTOCK, 18 Winscombe Driver Vicars Cross, Chester, CH3 5LZ. CheSte, 318809 (Home); HeIsby 2700 Ext. 358 (Bus.). Hoylake: J. N. LENTON. 24 Kingsway. Gayton. WirraI, Merseyside. 051-342 3923 (Honie); Chester 34621 (Bus.). Lymm: J. HAlGH, 108 Higher Lane. Lymm. Warrington, Cheshire. Lymm 3754 (Home); Warrington 34621 (Bus.). Maccles/ield: B. W. JONES. Oakwood. IvY Lane. Macclesfield, Cheshire. Macclesfield 20732. Marple: R. L. GRAY._ 12 Orchard Drive, Handforth, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Mid-Cheshire College: R. BLAKE. Ryedale. Halehouse Lane, Little Leigh, Northwich, Cheshire. Comberbach 891426 (Home). Moore: R. A. PULLIN, 141 Norley Road' Cuddington, Northwich. Cheshire. Warring­ ton 32214 (Bus.). New Brighton: A. J. HART. The Hermitage. 7 Ingestre Raad, Birkenhead, Merseyside. 051-652 0375 (Home); 051-486 3151 (Bus.). Old Anselmians: D. J. MASON. 3 Brimstage Avenue, Higher Bebington, Wirral, Mersey­ side. 051-608 7027 (Home). Old Blrkonlans: M. PEARSON, The HoUies. Vyner Road South. Birkenhead, Merseyside. 051-653 9372 (Home); 051-236 9891 (Bus.). Old lnstonians: B. HUNTRISS. 8 Fieldway. off Acre Lane, Heswall. WirraI. Merseyside. L60 IUP. 051-3422741 (Home); 051-2364871 (Bus.). Old Parkonians: M. J. CURPHEY. 16 Colwyn Street, Birkenhead, Merseyside, UI OBB. 051-653 5271 (Home);, 051-236 2026 (Bus.). Old Rockferrlans: W. K. GORRY, 20 Yew Tree Road, Walton, Liverpool 9. 051-525 8836 (Home); 051·647 7080 Ext. 2725 (Bus.). Old Sallans: A. E. SEDDON, 4 Overton Crescent; Sale, Cheshire, M33 4HQ. 061-9738704 (Home); 061-8814778 (Bus.). Old Sandbachlans: A. 1. HENDERSON, Tree Tops, Beech Lane, Baton, Tarporley, Cheshire. Tarporley 2984 (Home); Crewe 55356 (Bus.). Oldershaw: D. FARNWORTH, 7 Regents Cose, Thingwall, Wirral, Merseyside. 051-648 4123 (Home). Port Sunlight: C. HOOLE, 6 Harwarden Court, Bromborough, Wirral, Merseyside. 051-645 7611 (Home). Ronaldsway·(l.O.M.): Runcorn: Sale: C. J. COVENTRY, 19 Albert Road, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire. 061-928 9603 (Home); 061-928 0027 (Bus.). Shell (Carrlngton): M. R. GRANT, 22 Barley Road, Thelwall, Warrington, Cheshire. Warrington 66584. Shell (Staalow): J. A. K. LAWSON, 54 Chester Road, Whitby, South Wirral, L65 6RX. 051-355 2580 (Home). Simon: C. LAMBERT, 12 Mill Street, Hazel Grove, Stockport. Cheshire. SK7 4AR. 061-4566921 (Home); 061-485 6131 Ext. 363 (Bus.). Vagabontis (l.O.M.): L. R. CORKHILL, 18 Som­ erset Road, Douglas, Isle of Man. Douglas 21185 (Home). Vauxhall Motors: W. G. BROWETT. 78 Circular Drive, Lache, Chester. Chester 45082 (Home) 8 Wallasey: F. R. pOVALL, 224 Greasby Road, Greasby, Wlrral, Merseyside. 051-677 9674 (Home). Wllmslow: P. E. POIZBR; Woodside, Popper Street, Che1ford, Cheshire. Chelford 861379 (Home); Stoke-on-Trent 21750 (Bus.). Winnington Park: ·P.a. WOLLAN, South Gables, Tbe Crescent, Hartford, Northwich, Cheshire. Northwich 75179 (Home); Porth- madog 2340 (Bus.). WÛliford: P. LEWIS, 9 Rutland Avenue, Middlewich, Cheshire. Wirral: D. B. LEWIS, 12 Mobber.ley Way, Spital. WlrraI, Merseyside. 051-334 2937 (Home). Re/erus' Societles: . V. E.. SBABROOK, Lamorna, Drury Lane, BucIdey, Clwyd, CH7 3DU. Buckley 3267 (Home). K. A. PRATI, 7 Brookdale, Bramhall, Stockport. Chesbire,.SK7 2NW. 061-439 1596 (Home). Sehools: R. BLAKE,ltyedale, Halehouse Lane, Little Leigh Northwich. Cheshire. Comber­ bach 891426 (Home). J. Young, 2Vanderbyl Avenue, Spital, Wlrral, Merseyside. 051-334 5834 (Home). StIB-COMMlTIEES Selection: A. I. HART (Chairman), P. J. ASCROFT, J. CAMPBELL, J. R. CROWE, J. GARDINER, J. TAYLOR. K. J. WATSON. Emergeney: OFFlCBRS OF THE COUNTY . DlscipUnary (East): C. J. COVENTRY (Chairman), A. F. KOENEN, N.H.M1DDLEBROOK,H.V.MIDDLETON, W. PLATI. P. G. TURNER. 9 Dlsclplinary (West): A. H. RUSHTON (Chairman), A. COLLETT, M. J. CURPHEY, J. N. LENTON, D. B. LEWIS, D. J. MASON, F. R. POVALL. Coachlng: J. TAYLOR (Chairman), E. J. CHARLES­ WORTH (Secretary), D.I. ADAMS, A. M. LEES FllIIlIICe: M. COHEN (ChainDan), G. C. COX, W. GOTT, J. N. LENTON (Co-opted, N. H. MlDDLEBROOK, N. A. STEEL, P. G. TURNER, Chairman of each Sub-Committee. Isle ofMan: G. FATHERS (Chairman), G. DAWSON, T. DORE, K. DYCHER, M. HENTHERS, G. HOLLAND, J. HORSTUlS, J. F. KAY, T. MANNING, P. NEWSOME, R. PLEDOER. S. FOSTER (Secretary), 45 Woodboume Road, Douglas, Isle of Man. Douglas 21166. Match and Ground: W. GOTT (Chairman), M. COHEN, G. C. COX. One member of the Committee from Birkenhead Park, New Brighton, Sale, Wilmslow. Colts: A. H. RUSHTON (Chairman), F. CARLYLE, D. EWlNG, J. HAlGH, A. J. HENDERSON, H. MADOC JONES, p, O'BRIEN, R. A. PULLIN. B. EWING (Secretary), 1 Wolfrick Road, Bebington, Wirral, Merseyside. 051-334 9619, 10 Mini: H. V. MlDDLE1'ON (Chairman), J. HAIGH Offiœr i/c Mini Rugby in each Club. Schoolboys: J. YOUNG (Chairman), D. I. ADAMS (Secret­ ary), R. BLAKE, B. FOSTER, C. HOOLE, B. HUNTRISS, D. J. MASON, P. MATHEWS, A. MclNNES, G. WILSON, W. STANTON (L.E.A.). Cheshire Cup: A. F. KOENEN (Cbairman), H. M. CURPHEY (Secretary), C. J. COVENTRY, M. J. CURPHEY, N. H. MIDDLEBROOK, P. G. TURNER. Intlividual Members: D. O. DIAMOND (Chairman), B. HUNTRISS, D. B. LEWIS. The President, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer are ex-officio rnernbers of ail sub­ committees. COMMITTEE MEETINGS Committee Meetings will be held at the Chester RUFC Clubhouse at 6.30 p.rn. on the following Thursdays: 1979 1980 16th August 10th January 27th Septernber 27th March 29th November 29th May ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the County Union will be held at the Chester RUFC Club­ house at 6.30 p.rn. on Thursday, 17th July 1980. II COUNTY FIXTURES 1979-80 Sept.
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