VIVATECHNOLOGY.COM The pace of technological change is al- ready faster than ever and forces us to rethink and redesign our future. This booklet is about the latest insights, key ideas, bold moves, and striking initia- tives presented by thought-leaders and business pioneers during the CEO Forum at VIVA Technology. Leading companies, startups, and lo- cal authorities share their vision about how digital is not only reshap- ing the future economy, transform- ing organizations and business sec- tors, but also society and human beings. The following topics were high- lighted during the CEO Forum. How digital transformation is being strengthened by the deeptech wave (artificial intelligence, IoT, robotization, augmented & virtual reality) for which everyone needs to prepare. From now on, all of an industry’s success partly de- pends on their capacity to combine tra- ditional activities with this new techno- logical dimension. Artificial intelligence emergence impacts companies’ growth strategy by requiring continuous inno- vation to compete in their respective market, while global hyper-automation is radically changing the way we produce and use our equipments. 2 3 foreword We are here to understand: transformations in line with the decisions of today’s leaders? How companies are reinventing them- selves by developing new ways of work- Wavestone offers in this report to consoli- ing, upskilling their available pool of date the forward-looking vision of today’s competences and taking into account leaders by collecting the ideas developed the drastic changes of consumer behav- during the VivaTech CEO Forum and the ior. views and expectations of tomorrow’s leaders, thanks to a panel in partnership How to forge fruitful, sustainable, and with the associations “Elles bougent”, efficient collaborations between very dif- “Villebon” and “Nos quartiers ont du talent.” ferent stakeholders involved in the inno- vation process: private and public sector, large companies and startups, users and So, let’s plunge into tomorrow’s world. citizens. How companies can leverage these new technologies to fulfill humanitarian goals in a “tech for good” perspective, by put- ting human beyond digital. The human role has emerged as one of the most prominent challenges of the digital era and the key to unlock value and ensure long term change. The issue Julie Ranty and Maxime Baffert, is to find the right place where human Co-Managing Directors, VivaTechnology. can stand by technology and not be ex- ceeded by it. Society needs empowering diverse and inclusive voices... To be better prepared for the numerous upcoming changes, everyone should participate in these reflections, regard- less of age. But is the viewpoint of the Xavier Metz new generation on social, and economic Partner, Wavestone. METHODOLOGY: A survey was conducted on a sample of 455 young people under 26 part of the Wavestone firm, the Institut Villebon and the associations “Elles bougent” and “Nos quartiers ont du talent”. They were asked 17 questions on their vision of digital transformation in society and the answers were used to develop this publication. Furthermore, around twenty young people representative of this sample attended the VivaTech CEO Forum and 2 shared their impressions3 of the arguments heard. 4 5 INSIGHTS INTO THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION By today’s and tomorrow’s business leaders Hybrid model industry Digital technologies are now at the heart of all industries Black Mirror or tech for human? Beyond technology, trust and human in question Upcoming deeptech wave The digital revolution is only starting, new waves arrive and will be more Tech for good powerful Will technology save us? Advocate for tech for good Digital Consumers’ drastic Revolution changes Radical consumer changes Collaborative ecosystems force the reshaping Cooperation between startups, of the marketing approach companies and digital giants: a well-understood necessity, how to succeed? A new education required The challenge of skills and education will be decisive for every company Culture: a wager that pays off and every country Culture and diversity at heart to capture the potential of tech and to invent the future 4 5 HYBRID MODEL INDUSTRY OVERVIEW Nowadays, mastery of digital techno- companies are moving towards a reinventing their business models, and logy extends well beyond tech com- hybrid system that combines long- combining their industrial capacity panies, but to all business sectors. In standing core businesses and digital with the use and integration of digital opposition to the traditional model, technologies. Their success will entail technology. “Before, applications “Tech is our DNA” “We have to totally reinvent “The digital were there to support our business model” health revolution Rachel Picard the business, now Voyages SNCF Nathalie Collin is going to change applications are Le Groupe La Poste healthcare” the business” Ameet Nathawani Eric Greffier Sanofi Cisco 6 7 Analysis Hybridization is a boost for business / Rethinking core businesses: for growth strategies and a lever for: example, the French Postal Ser- / Successful sectorial transfor- vice strives for diversity to make mation: digital technology rep- up for the inescapable decline in resents the “green fuel” for the postal mail. Upholding its values energy industry’s revolution. of universal service and competi- It plays a major role in energy tive neutrality, it provides clients suppliers’ two main challenges: with new digital services: ac- decentralization and decar- cess to a secure digital platform bonization of energy production. to store their health records. Its value lies in facilitating energy Raised with budding digital tech- management steering, environ- nologies (cell phones, internet, mental quality control, predictive social media), tomorrow’s lead- management of equipment, etc. ers see hybrid models as self- evident and in line with their ev- / Upstream value chain activities: eryday lives. Sanofi’s term “Drugs +” describes its service-oriented strategy that combines drug manufac- turing and digital platforms for improved access to health is- sues and assessment of environ- mental risks. 6 7 UPCOMING DEEPTECH WAVE OVERVIEW The digital revolution is only begin- our daily lives and drives us to push the ning. It gains momentum every day, is limits of our ambition. a source of profound transformation in “We are facing “IA doesn’t just change “Edge computing is going “With digital a Revolution, the potential speed to be a big thing tomorrow. technology, nothing less than of business, it changes It’s going to get bigger” the world we are living a revolution” the nature of it” in is definitely Gilles Thiebaut Marc Fontaine Keith Strier HPE moving much faster Airbus EY than ever before” Florent Menegaux Michelin 8 9 Analysis The next deep tech wave will perme- / The value and performance in ate our everyday lives and transform: the workplace. Today AI can ex- / Our daily practices, e.g.: ceed human capabilities in 2 out of 6 skill areas: learning and task • Advancements in voice re- performance. New criteria are search, especially with con- needed to assess human added nected speakers, will give way value in the workplace. A new to conversational commerce, education is required. which enterprises believe will define upcoming consumer / The world exploration by revo- habits. Today 20% of Internet lutionizing space travel. Robots queries in the US are done vo- replace humans in discovering cally. the universe. They are capable of more efficient learning, observ- • Revolutionized mobility due to ing and building at a lower cost. electric vehicles, connected and autonomous vehicles, We cannot yet grasp the speed at and shared mobility platforms. which the deep tech wave trans- Valeo expects taxi robots to forms everything. appear this year. • 56% of our panel is enthusias- tic about such changes, 21% is indifferent and only 22% fear what they believe to be an “in- trusion”. Younger generations who favor the deep tech wave will make it spread. 8 9 CONSUMERS’ DRASTIC CHANGES OVERVIEW Consumers’ radical changes entail an environment where services and prod- And yet they want those services to be overhaul of marketing approaches. ucts are instantly available, today’s highly and increasingly personalized. Consumers’ profiles and habits are con- extremely mobile and connected Such changes affect how companies tinuously and very rapidly changing. As consumers aspire to enjoy the same ser- create, improve and market their offers. they evolve in a global and borderless vices as those delivered around the world. “B2C is now really “You have to develop “Since the 1950s, “The customer representing your empathy and we have lived in a certain experience is the big C of your emotional world of mass market, the new battlefield” Consumers which is intelligence to stick to mass consumers, mass Sophie Heller the much younger the usage and the marketing; and we are BNP Paribas generation of preferences of enjoying now a completely chinese consumers” the consumer” new era that is only Andrew Wu Maud Bailly beginning” LVMH AccorHotels Jean-Paul Agon L’Oréal We [the younger generation] are used to instant results and immediate pleasure Guillaume Manderscheid, Millenial 10 11 Analysis Thanks to AI, mass marketing gives / Customers are no longer ex- way to precision marketing for per- clusively consumers at the end sonalized customer experiences and of a chain, but are now co- revamped offers: building offers. Examples include / Highly personalized customer the French national rail company experience and services, along SNCF, which involves customers with premiumization, which per- in design workshops; or Orange mits to offer high value-added and BNP Paribas, which place services, have become key no- their customers’ feedbacks at the tions. L’Oréal is one such exam- heart of their product and service ple. The company’s ambition is improvement, and innovation to invent the future of tech beau- process. ty thanks to the wealth of data. / Innovation combines a global / The way of considering and ap- and local approach. For exam- proaching consumers is evolv- ple, Orange designs its offers like ing.
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