~ ~ ~ THE GENERAL FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS. CHIEF OFFICE: 168-170, TEMPLE OHAMBERS, TEMPLE AVENUE, Telegraphic Address: LONDON, E.O. "Wellwisher, London," I 1 I ~ REPORT .'"'" I OF THE FOURTH ANNUAL ___-. I! rt ! (j~n~ral Council m~~ting 1 ~ f I HELD AT I, THE MANSION HOUSE, i DUBLIN, 011 THURSDAY and FRIDAY. 9th ami 1Otll JULY. 1903. ALSO R,EPOQ.T OF INTER.NATIONAL CONFERENCE . ..,;"..---- i!tNtl:>.<sn; GO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIEl'Y LIMITED, TUDOR STREET, NEW BRIDGE STREET, E.O. 1903 • ;'1" • <.E.: General federation of Trade Unions, 768-770, TEMPLE OHAMBERS, TEMPLE AVENUE, E.O. FOURTH ANNUAL -----;f;----- GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING. GOfI1MITT££ ; .. ~tv-'~----~.- MR. PETE CURRAN (Chairman), Gasworkers' and General Labourers' Union. COUNCILLOR ALLEN GEE (Vice-Chairman), Yorkshire Textile Workers. AGENDA. MR. J. J\IADDISON (Tl'CaSltrel') , Friendly Society of Ironfounders. I Chairman's Address. Amendments to Rules. MR. ALEXANDER WILKIE (Trustee), Associated Shipwrights. MR. G. N. BARNES (Trustee), Amalgamated Society of Engineers. Election of Officers:- Welcome by Lord Mayor (T. C. COUNCILLOR J. HOLMES (T1'ustee) , Hosiery Workers' Federation. Harrington, M.P.):- Mll. T. ASHTON, J.P., Cotton Spinners. Ohairman. Mll. J. N. BELL, National Amalgamated Union of Labour. J P. Nannetti, M.P. Vice-Ohairman. MR. J. CRINION, Card and Blowing Room Operatives. MR. W. J. DAVIS, Amalgamated Brassworkers. .0eputation from Dublin Trades Coune-il. Treasurer. Mll. T. MALLALIEU, Felt Hatters' Union. Mll. J. O'GRADY, National Amalgamated Furnishing Trades' Association. Foreign Delegation Adclress. Secretary ME. W. C. STEADMAN, L.C.C., Barge Builders. Mll. BEN TILLETT, Dockers' Union. Election of Tellers, etc. Three Trustees. MR. JOHN WARD, Navvies, Builders' Labourer3' and General Labourers' , Union. f Annual Report and Balance Sheet. Oommittee. AUDITORS; Auditor's Report. Auditors. :r.1R. J. R. CLYNES, Gasworkers' and General Labourers. Place of next Annual Meeting. CJUNCILLOR T. F. HICHARDS, National Union of Boot and Sh Treasurer's Report Opera tIVes.· , oe I f Gene?'al Sec1'eta?'Y 4 .. ------. ... ____._~ .. -···.---,·.=,=cc~~ccc."~·c--.,,.· C-~··--7-C~C=iJ',--'rIDIBER' List of Delegates attending the Fourth Annual General CouncU Meeting, NA~!E OF SOCIETY. SHIP. DELEGATES. with the names of Societies they represent, etc. --_.----- _.. _-----,_ ....... _--';,-_._----_. Hatters, Amalgamated Society of Journeymen Felt 3,055 T. Mallalieu. NA)U: 0<' SOCIETY. MEMBER· I DELEGATES. Hat Trimmers and Wool Formers, Amalgamated Felt .. 2,314 J. Bonnett. SHIP. i Hat Trimmers and Stitchers' Union, Silk ...•.......•... 193 Barge Builders ...•...........................•...•• ·1 420 i W. C. Steadman, L.O.O. Hammermen, London and Provincial ..••........•..• 204 r W. B. HOl'nidge. Boot and Shoe Operatives. National Union of •...•••.•. 1 26,625 1 C. Fronk, L.O.C. Hosiery Federatioll, National ••....•.••••...•.....•.. 3,222 Jas. Holmos. \ Councillor T. F. Richards. Bmssworkers, National Amalg~mated Society of. .....•. 1 6,793 W. J. Dnvis. Holloware and Sanitary Pressers', etc. •..•.••...•...• :::,017 J os. Hassall. Bleachers, Dyers, etc., FederatIOn ••..•..•••..••..•••• 978 Jns. Holmes. Holloware Buffers ••.........•.............••..•••.• 100 C. Yates. Britltnnia :Metal Workers ........................... 67 Holloware Stampers ....• ; .•......••.•••.•••.•••.... 75 Card IInd Blowing Room Operatives, Amalgamated ••.... 22,940 ! W. Mullin, J.P. (Councillor J. Davidson. 1J. Crinion. Ironfounders, Friendly Society of •.••..••..•..•...... 18,287 \ J. I1IadclisoIl. Cotton Spinners, Amalgo.mated Oporative ...........••. J. Hownl'th. 18,407 { T. Ashton, J.P. Iron, Steel, and Bmss Dressers of Scotland, Amalgamated 950 R. R. McFadycn. Compositors, London Society of ..•..•...•.•.•..•..... 11,244 J. Dingle. (J. N. Bell. { W. Baxter. Labour, National Amalgamated Union of ..••..•..••... 21,420 1G. Greig. Carpenters and Joiners, Perseverance ......•.........•. 528 Labourers, Heywood and District General ....•••••... 150 Card Setting Machine Tenters '" ......•.•••.....•.••. 203 Leather Workers, Fancy .. '.' ........••••.••....•.... 294 Carter,;' Ass(Jcio.tion, Gllited ..•.•. .. • • . • .• •• . 1,670 A. Astles. Labour Amalgamation, British .• , . .. • . • . 1,150 T. Fox. {Jlothier,;' Operatives, Amalgamated ••••....••••••.... 1,505 J. Young. La~e Makers, Amalgamated Operative ..••••••••...... 3,312 W. A. Appleton. Drillers, London and District .....•.........•...•.... 280 Lace Pattern Readers, etc ... , •....•••...•..•..••••.•. 87 H. Bo.rtlctt. Dock, WIHlrf, Hivcrside, and General Labourers. • . 12,357 ( Ben. Tillett. "[ H. W. Kay. Machine Workers' Associ;],tion, United ••••...•••••..•. 3,871 Councillor l\f. Arrandale, J.P. Dock Labourers, Natiollal Union of •........•.•..••.. 9,000 J. Sexton. Midland Counties Trade Federation ••.•........•••••. 7,800 W. Millerchip. Blectrical Trades Union.............................. 1,116 W. T. Gooday. Moulders, Amalg(tmated Plate and I1Iachine .•..•••..... 661 S, Roward. G. N. Barnes. 3,030 Engineers, Amalgamated Society of.................... 94,951 Jas. H. Wheelhouse. Musicians' Union, Amalgamated ..•.....••.......... D. Gardner. I 1l!'recl Crompton. Navvies, Bricklayers and General Labourers' Union ..•. 1,815 John Ward. Enginoors' and Firemen's Union, Hull Steam Trawlers.. 600 ~ J. G. R unnacles. Painters, Amalgamated House Decorators and ......... 5,130 J. P. Johnsoll. Enginemon, Cranomen, Firemen, Boilermen, National 3,169 T. Dobson. 111. Deller. Amalgamated Society I Plasterers, National Association of Ope~ative ....••.... D,505 I!'rench Polishers, Amalgamated Society of •..•• • • • . • • • 961 A. A. Purcell. \ Pipomakers, Tobacco ...............••.••......•..•.• 164 Firemen, Dippers, Placets, ctc.. • • • • • • • . • . • • • •• • • • . • . 440 ) T. Edwards. Plate, Spoon and Fork Filors, British ••....•........... 97 Ploor Cloth and Linoleum Trade Society ••..•••....•.. 100 A. H. Tilbul'Y. Printers and Transferers' Trade Protection Society ••.... 700 Furnishing Trades' Association, National Amalgamated.. 6,248 J. O'Gmdy. Printers'Trade Society, South of England Block •.••..•• 80 Grinders, Amalgamated Engine and Iron •••...••••..•• 394 Printers'Trade Society, Scottish Block ........•...••.. 60 Grinders, 'l'able Blade .• ; ..•.••.•••••.•....•••••••••.. 94 Packing Box I1Iakers ......•.......•.•.••..•....••••• 80 Glass Blowers, London Society of ...•••.•..•.••••.••. 373 J. Stokes. Pocket Book and Leather Case Makers ........•...•••. 70 i Councillor Will Thorne. Gasworkers and General Labonrers, NatiOllll1 Union of . 40,986 ~ J. Smith. QuarrYlnen, North 'iVales ••••••.,' ..•••......•.••• .' .. , 4,509 D. R. Daniel. l Pote Curran. Gasworkers, Bricklayers, and General Labourers, Amal. 4,371 Roller Makers, Operative ..........•.••••.•.•••...••• 150 A. J. Wilson. gamatod Society of R. Toiler. Railway Wagon anc1 Oarriage Builders and Lifters •.••.. 162 6 NA~IE OF SOCIETY. DELEGATES. ,! ! Sl~ve r:r,'to Worke.rs, National ••.......••.....•...•• 1 1,460 'No Knowles. (A. Wilkie. Shipwrights, AssocJ!lted •.•...............• 0 ........ I 1,9411 I General federation of Trade Unions. '( H. Sawyers. 1 1 Shipwrights' Provident Society, London ••..•••...... '1 780 ! j Smiths and Strikers, United Kingdom Society of Ama!. 3,696 G. Ashcroft. Silversmiths' Trade Protection Society ..•............. 1 565 FOURTH ANNUAL GENERAL COUNCil MEETING. Silver and Electro Plate Finishers ......•.••.......... I 121 1 Shuttlemakers, Amalgamated .. 0 0 o ••••••••••••••••••• 242 Dr. Isherwood. I Seamen alld Marine Firemen, Hull •...•..•.•• 0 •••••• 640 J. B. Butcher. t I iNTRODUOTION. Smiths and Hammermen, National United •.••.•..•.•. 910 J. Shea '.. HE Fourth Annual General Oouncil Meeting well maintainecl the good Steelworkers', Engineering, and Labollr League, Nat •. o. 1,786 Gco. Beadle. standard of those previously held, not only on account of the interesting JT. A. Flynn. \ Tail<m, Amalgamated Society of ..•••...••• 0 •••••••••• 13,838 ~• discussions which took place, but because of tbe hospitality and l J. IILc:Mahon. generous spirit wbich manifested itself amongst all those with whom we T!lilors, Amalgamated Jewish •.•..••...•••....••..... 1 1,000 S. Freedman. came in contact while at Dublin. Tooimakers, Engineers, !lnd Machinists, Amlll. Society of, 2,002 A. H. Betts. I The Lord 1\1ayo1', Mr. T. O. Harrington,1\T.P., Mr. ,T. P. Nannetti, l\T.P., Textilo Operativos, Burnley ..•.•• 0 ••••••••• 0 ••••••••• 216 Mr. Field, M.P., the Trades Oouncil, tbe Press, and the other representative men with whom we were brought in contact, all vied with en.ch other in Tin and Sheet MiIlmen's Society .•.•• 0 ••••••• 0 •• " •••• 1,441 making our visit both profitable and pleasant, and there can be no two opinions Wlltermen and Porters, Upper Mersey •••••••• 0 ••••••• 970 J. W. BilIam. but that they were eminently successful. Weavers IInd Textilo Workers, West Riding .......... .. 2,026 Councillor AlIen Gee. The sympathetic remarks of the Lord Mayor in his address of welcome to Wood Turners,SlIwyers, ete., Amlllgllmllted Society of. o. 180 the delegates, as well as the encouraging speeches from Mr. Nannetti, Mr. Field, and the others who spoke were fitting openings, together with the Ohairman's address, to a consideration of the Agenda. Sixteen amendments were down for consideration, dealing with ninc FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES TO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. clauses of seven of the thirteen mles which form the constitution of the Federation. Tbe meeting lasted two days, being preceded
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