a * I Rain Being Needed "Voice of The Frontier" TWELVE for Growing Crops PAGES This Issue * d A fortnight ago farmers and ranchers were confronted with • * New Police Chief excessive moisture. Their crops were lagging because of cool Geis Increase weather and frequent showers. Pay Not so now. North-Central Nebraska’s BIG Newspaper Late June and early July hot winds have dried out "the surface Wert’s Salary $250; moisture and it’s impossible to Volume 74.—Number 10. O’Neill, Nebraska, 8, 1954. Seven find a tiller of the soil who is Thursday, July Cents Petition Filed not hoping for rain—right away. Persons who are visiting out- Lost 22 The city council in regular | lying sections of the county re- Ring eve- a definite Fred Truax Dies monthly session Tuesday port need for moisture Brisk Years Is Found ning authorized a pay increase everywhere, particularly in the Filings | of $25 per month to the newly- north half of the county, which ATKINSON — in appointed police chief, Joe Wert. seemed to have been short- Twenty-two Lynch Hospital Crash Fatal years ago, Mrs. Ella Hoppe lost The new pay figure is $250—in- changed compared to other sec- Highway Til 1st her Atkinson high school class creased from $225. tions when the rain valves were July was a of the ring. She member Also granted a pay increase left open last month. Funeral Rites class of 193 L Are was Mrs. Don Douglass. who Pastures are showing the ef- Lawrence Kramer cioes clerical work for the city. fects of a moisture lack. Saturday, Held found the while Wednesday She was from $50 to $75 Zero Hour ring raking upped and to his Mrs. E. Ressel of O’Neill Hoppe — Y per month. Harry garden. LYNCH Funeral Lincolnite services said he noted some water her mother, Mrs. Emma Kaz- were oung conducted on Brought under consideration standing in northeast portions da, a number of years ago sold Wednesday Settles on 7 from the Wesleyan Meth- was a filed by R. H. of the but, even so. he Gillespie the house and lot where Kra- petition county, odist church here for Fred Truax Parker and bearing 50 signa- declared, moisture is wanted. mers now live. Band Concerts ! Wilbur Well* 68, Redbird resident, who died Killed tures. The petition expressed Supervisor Contest; Mrs. Hoppe said the ring Friday, July 2, in Sacred Heart Continued Grass the council's The northeast section has been had a in to opposition to plan “fairly high polish” hospital at Lynch. Ford’s Park Enroute Home from to bring Douglas street and visited by hail, wind, cutworms, Cork for Treasurer spite of being lost for more I L‘ cloudbursts, cool weather and _ W- M>'ers of portions of Fourth street under than two decades. r Spencer, Effective Wednesday, July 14, since the Lutheran Research Asked Holiday in O'Neill a street improvement district. dry spells growing Everybody—well, almost ev- pastor, officiated and the regular weekly concerts by — burial was in the season began, and com is show- erybody is a candidate for Scottville cem- the O’Neill Municipal band will A etery. 25-year-old Lincoln man The district was created a ig the effect of the varied assault something in the forthcoming be played in Ford’s park instead Wilbur W state Della Travels 155 Wells, was fatally ini month ago to conform to by the elements. primary election, which falls on Walker, 80, of at the bandstand. Group jured The late Mr. Truax was born early Tuesday when the highway department instructions Com generally throughout the Tuesday, August 10. This was announced this week September 6. 1885, at Cham- on Holt which he was a tantamount to retaining U.S. county looks “wonderful,” how- There were two zero hour fil- by Charles W. Houser, band di- Tour leftWf passenger berlain. S.D., a son of state highway 64 about their wheat have been on — Burial at Stuart Spencer two* highways 20 and 281 along ever. Oats and ings Thursday, July 1 the and rector. Starting time for the con- miles Lounetta Truax. He came Outstanding results were northwest of Bellwood routes. State and federal from the moisture lack. deadline. — present suffering t© certs will be unchanged 7:30 Ws have threat- will be L. G. earli- Nebraska as a small child. shown as to what can be done to wife, Rebecca,, highway engineers The hay crop probably Gil'espie of O’Neill p.m. and theirWeUsi infant to er had Resident of Nebraska increase and daughter, ened bypass the city unless a little late this year. filed for First district At Wahoo on There is no for production quality 6 Patsy, November 16 plan moving ol weeks, were to these steps are taken. C. E j Week’s weather summary; supervisor on the republican 1907, he the bandstand to the hay from native meadows. ?*e.their returning married Ida White. They park. home m Lincoln after hav- I.undgren, a spokesman for the ticket. He withdrew from the Since 1881 became County Agent A. Neil Dawes Hi Lo the parents of 11 chil- ing spent the Fourth of O'Neill Taxpayers’ Committee race when Charles Switzer en- reports there were more business- July 93 64 dren—three of whom preceded weekend with relatives in — O’- asked the council to rescind the July 1 tered his name on the same tick- STUART Funeral men along this year and, as a re- 95 67 services their father in death. Neill. ordinance would result in July 2_ et. then filed for coun- were Mrs. Chet Fees sult of the additional ranch- which Gillespie conducted Tuesday, July 6, Mr. tour, 3_ 82 63 Truax farmed for many ers street-widening. July ty assessor, a position that for- for Mrs. Della Walker, about 80, and businessmen want the Mr*. Well* said she July 4_ 95 56 years and had been making nis vru Numerous citizens filled the merly he had held for several widow of the late Edward Walk- program to continue. driving the car and loat control 5_ 98 65 home in Redbird. He was re- council chamber Tuesday eve- July terms. er. The rites were held in Wins Powder Race commented that when the the “Many they machine struck a July 6_ 96 69 tired. rut ning. Community church at 2 p.m., would not have believed there in the road. As the car went 7_ 93 64 As the zero hour neared, He was a member of the Luth- Some residential owners verb- July. with Rev. D. D. Su, church pas- could be so much difference be- into the ditch, the door Gillespie withdrew from the eran church at Schuyler. 11-Car opened ally protested additional paving. tor, officiating. Event Proves tween fertilized and unfertilized and Mr. Wells fell out. assessor chase but insured his Survivors The council has several requests Burial was in the Stuart cem- include: Widow; grassland” Dawes explained. It Weichman name will be on the ballot by ! sons—Fred E. She said the in the hopper to create addition- ‘Marge’ etery. of Lynch; Rollie Holiday Feature was estimated that some car turned up- for and plots side districts. refiling supervisor. Pallbearers were Donald I Harry, both of Schuyler; down and fell back on its al paving Acclaimed Krot- would increase 200 per cent. action was taken on the Queen John Walter Richard of Redbird; daughters— Mrs. Chet Fees of right side, pinning her husband No Another last-minute develop- ter, Newman. Ou&rt, O’Neill Phosphorous application increas- matter. Only routine Leonard Ora and Mrs. Henry Hull of Verdel; Mrs. grabbed first-place honors in the underneath. highway STUART — Miss M a r r i e ment was the of Roberts, Yarges ed the clovers to such an extent jo filing Lloyd James Walker of “powder She summoned business was handled. Cork of Fred Zink. Omaha; Mrs. puff derby’’—the fea- that clover had aid froin. (“Marge”) Weichman, daughter Page for county treasur- Robert ture people thought Acting Mayor Crabb adjourn- Della Rhodes was born July Cochran of Bloomington, of Sunday’s Fourth of July been seeded. neighboring farms but Wells- of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weichman er on the democratic ticker. died ed the council to convene again 26, 1874, at Winterset, la., a Calif., and Mrs. Dale Bessert of stock car race show at the Air- Holt before he could be removed of Stuart, was crowned queen of Cork, a World War II veteran, is county grassland research from the at 10 a.m., today (Thursday). daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Redbird. port Speedway. Eighteen hun- work wreckage. the seven annual American Leg- currently manager of the Am- dred has attracted many men Rhodes. At the age of 7 she im- Pallbearers were T. J. persons looked on as Mrs. I Funeral services will be con- rodeo here Sun- erican Legion club at O’Neill. Graham, from the research staff at the ion-sponsored migrated with her parents to Leon Mellor, Clifford Wells, Hal- Fees’ jalopy churned around the ducted at 2 p.m., Friday. July 9, 4. The coronation was Roman Hruska of Omaha, an .University of Nebraska. Those from Senate Aspirants day, July Keya Paha county in Nebraska. lie Rosenkrans, Ray Wilson and oval ahead of Mrs. Wayne Fox I the Assembly of God before a crowd attorney who is now serving his I attending the tour from the un- performed large The went back to Iowa Arthur Bessert. of O’Neill, second; Miss Ida church in O’Neill.
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