THE .Kashmir and Jammu Universities ACT, U69. NIEPA G0244 THE Kashmir & Jammu Universities ACT, 1969 Act No. XXIV'of 1969 {Received the assent of the Governor on 30th October, 1969) AN ACT to provide for the establishment of the University of Kashmir and the University of Jammu in the State. Be it enacted by the Jammii 'and -Kashmir State Legislature in the Twentieth Year of the Republic dlf India as follows ;— 1. Short title—This Act may -be called the Kashmir and Jammu Universities -Act, 1969. 2. Deftnitidns—in this Adt "knb in all Statutes imade hereunder, unless there is anything .repugnant in fhe subject or context— (a) “ Academic Coiincir' “the Academic <3ouncil of the Utii^^*siry '(b) '“^fiat'ed college” means an institution imparting instruction upto the Bachelor’s "Pciversities Act of 1969. dfgj-pe excluding integrated Honours, Post­ graduate and professional degree courses recognised by the University concerned in, accordance "with the provisions of this Acu and the Statutes ; (c) “ College” means an institution maintained or admitted to its privileges by the University concerned and includes a constituenti college; (d) “ constituent college” means an institution recognised as such by the Syndicate of the University concerned in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the .Statutes ; (e) “ Faculties” , “Boards, of Studies”, “ Board of Inspection” , and “Boards of Research Studies” mean the ‘Faculties’, ‘Board? of Studies’, ‘Board of Inspection’ and ‘Boards of Research Studies’ of a University ; (f) “Head of the department” means the hea(J' of a University teaching Department who has the status of a Professor or a Reader in the University and where any Uni­ versity has no teaching department in a subject the senior most Professor in that Thie Kaahtfflir & Jam m u Uaivgities Act of 1969. ------------------------------------- — --------4©----- sub'ject in an aSated or a constituent colllege ; i(g] “ Principal" means bead of a coilege ; (hj) “Statutes" and “Igulations” mean res­ pectively the S tati:s and Regulations of a TJaiversity madi or continued under this Act ; ((i) “Syndicate” means the Syndicate of a University ; ((j) “ teacher” means aoerson giving instruc­ tions on behalf ol a University, in the teaching departmei of a University, constituent or affiliEd college, and includes a Principal, Professr, Reader, Lecturer, Demonstrator, Diretor of Physical Edu­ cation, Director of the Bureau of Educa­ tional and Vocitioal Guidance and a teacher of Teachers Training College, and such member of :aff of a University Library as the Synicate of a University naay declare to be teacher ; (3c) “University” mean the University of Kashmir or the Uiversity of Jammu, as the case may b e; (1) “ Umversity Council’ means the University Council of a Univeiity. 4 Joixuiiu, Univeraitaes.JiAct^'or W69. .'3. lUniversities--r(l) There sshail be two Uni­ versities in the. State, one in the jKafehmir Division and the other in the Jammu ^pivision each having jurisdiction extending to its respective Division of “the tcrritorifes’ -of»the »State. ' i (2) The University .in the .Kasljnjjr Division shall be known as the “University of Kashmir” and the University in the Jammu Division shall be known as the “University of ’Jammu'’. 4. Ineorjvorqtion—The University .of ^Kashmir ^nd ;the Ufliv.ersjty of Jaoimu .shall be corporate bodies knowp by the .names of the “University of .Kashmir” .and .the “JJnLv^rsity of Jammu”, each having perpetual succession and a common ^eal with pow^r to .acciuire and hold pi;£}pertj movable and immoy- al^Ie, -to ti;a;isfer thp sapie, to contract and to do all other .things .necessary for the ,purjiose of its constitution ^.nd may s.ue or .be sued by its corporate name as .aforesaid. 5. P-owers and functions -of a tJniversity—A University shall’have ithe following powers -and functions, ^oamp.ly '(1) to provide for instruction in such branches of learning as the University may think .fit, and to make ^provision for research and for «he advancement and dissemination .Qf knowledge ; T he iashmir <& Jammu Universities Act of 1969. 5 (2) to hold examinations, to grant degrees to, and to confer other academic distinctions on persons who— (a) have pursued an approved course of study in the University or in a constituent or affiliated college or in any educational institution approved for the purpose, unless exempted therefrom, as a very special case, by a decision of the University Council on the recommendation of the Academic Council under conditions laid down in the Statutes and Regulations; or (h are teachers in educational institutions under conditions laid down in the Statutes and Regulations, and have passed the exami­ nations of the University under like conditions ; or (c) have carried on independent research under conditions laid down in the Statutes ; or (d) art women who have carried on private studies under conditions laid down in the Stitutes; (3) to (corfer honorary degrees or other distinctions cm approved versons in the manner laid down in the Statutes ; (4) to gQut such diplomas to, and to provide 6 The Kashmir & Jatnmn Universities Act of 1969. such lectures and instructions for persons not being members of\ the University as the University may determine ; (5) to co-operate with other Universities and authorities in t,uch a manner and for such purposes as the University may determine; (6) to institute professorships, readerships, lecturer­ ships and any other teaching posts required by the University ;■ (7) to admit and maintain colleges, to recognise colleges and other institutions not maintained by the University and to withdraw such recognition ; (8) to inspect constituent and' affiliated colleges and other institutions and places approved by ^the University for the residence of students ; (9) to demand and receive payments of such fees and other charges as. may be authorised by the Statutes and Regulations ; (10) to obtain loans in furtherance of the objects of the University ; (11) to supervise and control the residence and discipline of students of the University or of colleges and other institutions admited or affiliated to it and to make arrangements for prom6ting their health and general welfare ; The K ashm ir & Jam m u U niversities Act of 1969. 7 (12) to institute and award fellowships, exhibitions, prizes and medals in accordance with the Statutes and Reguktions ; and (13) to do such other acts and things, whether i.ncideatal to the powers aforesaid or not, as may be requisite in order to further the objects of the Uni­ versity as a teaching, affiliating or examining body. Bind, to cultivates and promote arts, science and other branches of learning. 6. Re-organisation of Education—Notwithstanding a,nything in the foregoing section, any reorganisation or alternation in structure, pattern or medium of e ducation at tie University stage shall require the previous approval of the Government. 7. University open to all classes and creeds—Each University shaill be open to all persons of either sex aiDd of wbate’.ve: race, creed or class, and it shall not bie lawful fo>r a University to adopt or impose on ainy person amy test whatsoever of religious belief or pirofession in «rder to entitle him to a certificate, d;ipl(oma or de;gr;e of the University, or to serve as a tcacher or to) lold any office in the University, or to enjoy or eiercise any privileges thereof, except w'here such teest is specially prescribed by the Statutes, oir, in respect: tf any particular benefaction accepted bjy the Univcrsi.ity where such test is made a condition 8 The Kashmir & Jammu Universities Act of 1969. thereof by any testamentary or other instrument creating such benefaction. 8. Admission restricted to educational institutions in the State—Notwithstanding anything in any law for the time being in force, no educational institution outside the State territories shall be associated with or ad­ mitted to any privileges of a University under this Act Dor shall any educational institution within the State be associated in any way with or be admitted to any privileges of any other University incorporated by law outside the State : Provided that the Chancellor may by order in writing direct that the provisions of this seciion shall not apply in the case of any institution specified in the order. 9. Officers of the University—The following shall be the officers of each University :— (1) the Chancellor ; (2) the Pro-Chancellor ; (3) the Vice-Chancellor ; (4) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, if any ; (5) the Financial Adviser ; (6) the Registrar ; (7) the Controller of Examinations ; Tie Kashmir & Jammu Universities Act of 1969. 9 8) the Joint Registrar, if any ; and 9) such other officers as the Statutes may declare to be the officers of a University. 10, The Chancellor—(1) The Governor shall be th<e Chmcellor of both the Universities. He shall be thie head of both the Universities and shall, when present, preside at the meetings of the University Council and at the Convocations of both the Universities. (2) The Chancellor shall have such powers as may be: conferred on him by this Act or the Statutes. (3) Every proposal for the conferment of any honorary degree shall be subject to the confirmation o f the Chancellor. (4) The Chancellor may delegate to the Pro- Clhancellor such of his powers under this Act or the Scatutes, as he may specify. 11, The Pro-Chancellor—(1) The Chief Minister o f the Jammu and Kashmir State shall be the ex-officio Piro-Chancellor of both the Universities. (2) The Pro-Chancellor shall, when present, in the atbsence of the Chancellor, preside at the meetings of thie University Council and at the Convocations of broth the Universities. (3) The Pro-Chancellor shall have the right to caiuse an inspection to be made, by such person or 10 The Kashmir & Jammu Universities Act of 1969.
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