- • ' "• ^ " -IV. ~ *' , ; : • • . , ' " — "pj ;;- '-,'v ,i3» %'& .r^v *{^i' .-i*S5**£ A il j Bf JB& • IJ '• ... • : —r > "*'5- ' V- 'V y'"l "!-• U'"- r--; • -!'> ;a hltif a T ..jNsir'tv" U.: J PiUHisSjed Every Wcducsday Moraius, by JAMES li fi S 3>, ut Two Dollais I'c i' A ais uE:I iu A<1 va ncc. NUMBER 371—NEW SERIES. NOItWALK, CT. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1846. VOL U M E 29—N OUJ E I? POETRY. Man, 1 shall not obey thee! said Seth, in over the arguments he had advanced ii^ less and faithful bosnm. Young Love was Mew Bry Goods Store I a cool determined tone. 1 no longer ac­ urging her to leave her present'situation, j beginning to shed his sweet and happify- THE DYING WIFE. knowledge thine authority ; and, from this and go forth with him into the world ing influences over her pure and gentle Cnnifi nc.srer tn mo William, come ••nid clasp me iu hour, I am no longer one of thy blinded his companion for wtfal or for woe. heart, and his twin nngel, Hope, had just thilit; arms. and deluded people. I go hence, he ad­ '1 he more she thought of he proposed showed his snowy pinion to her unaccus­ Ho m« For the .-iirht of iLue, my loved one, even i!catb of ded, turning out of the path with the view step at first so startling, the less feaiful tomed vision pointing her to a land of feur disarms; of passing by the other. did it appear. I he more she weighed his Come nearer to me William, coir.e and fold me tn earthly felicity, which ever before, even in AT THE OLD RUS OF t! y bi«a?t, I will detain thee—1 will seize thee—I reasons with those she found herself a le her bl ighted dreams, had been pictured to And let my head be pillowed where alone it can find will curse thee, and, verily, I will smite to bring up in refutation, the lighter grew her mind j but all these grateful feelings rest. r . ... thee! exclaimed the fuming Elder, spring­ the objections which had causcd her to had been suddenly chilled and frozen in BLACKMAN & BETTS, MAIN ST. NGRWALK, Go and call die children, Wiliiam, go and call them ing at the other and ma ing a desperate hesitate even in giving him a definite prom­ the current that was so blis fully wafting from their (day. grasp at his collar. ise of acceding to his request whan they her away to the promised haven of happi* Fori am conscious, my own husband, that I'm has­ The young man, however, was not taken should again meet; and as her scruples Contains a good assortment of Goods recently purchased, and Cheap. tening fast away ; riess—ali these bright visions had vanished^ Go call the children, William, bid them gather round unprepared for the on^et, and the next in­ yielded and gave way, the unchecked leaving her future not only blank and 'THE subscriber would call the attention of purchasers to the pleasing variety of his stock, and iny bed, stant tl e wrathful Quaker was sprawling prudence of her own heart came and soon cheerless but with portents of persecution • although he would not so far impose upon the good sense of this community, as to boast of its And let me by my feeble hand upon each infant's upon the earth. decisively turned the already inclining and wo, from which there was no hope of head. being the "Largest and Richest, the Best and Cheapest," to be found in this extensive arid en Bounding towards the pond with the balance, leaving her now free to wander escaping. These circumstances combined terprising world, yet he does believe, that in every point of merit, it will bear a favorable com­ Oh! forgive me my beloved, for each harsh or hasty object of getting out upon the water be­ unhesitatingly o/er the bright field of made the poor girl's loss no ordinary be­ parison with his neighbors. word, fore his diseomlitted antagonist could re­ destiny which had been presented to her reavement ; and most persons of her nat­ 22a^DDI£IS^3 For thon»li my will was sometimes strong, I ever for thee caret'— cover himself and reach the shore in pur­ view. ural sensibilities would probably have sunk lire invited to an examination of his DRESS GOODS; plain and twilled GINGHAMS ; Mus­ ()! forgive mc my heart's treasure, let my faults for­ suit, Seth quickly gained the landing, has­ After indulging- in her pleasing reveries under the weight of the affliction. But lin, Rep'd, and Cashmere D\L AINES ; pin id, plain, and fig'd, cotton and silk warp ALPACAS; gotten be. tily unfastened the skiff and leaped on as long as inclination prompted, the moid- Alartha was a Christian ; and she meekly BOMBAZINES: French and German MERfNOES; plaid Cloaldttfzs ; Prints to suit all fan • And think alone upon my love, my burning love for board ; but before he could succeed in en arose, dressed, and was on the point 0! cies ; Broclia, Printed Cashmere, heavy Damask, and common winter SHAWLS; Hosiery, thee. bowed beneath the chastening red, and an extensive assortment Kid Gloves; cotton, silk and merino do; fine Swiss, Book, .Tackonet, c!earing the boat fairly from the shore, and descending from her chamber to join in turned for consolation to that life-spring You'll see me, William, will 3-011 not, you'll see me as he was stepping backwards, with han­ performing the domestic duties of the on high which i< never long a sealed foun­ -find check Muslins; Fringes, Gimps and Buttons for Dress Trimmings ; beautiful Table Spreads; when in death ? "Table Linens ; superior Hat Velvets, Satins, Silks, and "Ribbands," Flannels, bleached and You'il come and kiss my cold, cold brow, when gone dled oar, the infuriated Filder came puffing morning, when her attention was arrested tain to the meek and devoted followers of brown Muslins, &c. &c. &c. my latest breath ; in hot haste down the bank and dashed by an unusual commotion among the fam­ Him who once bixself knew earthly sor­ S3T=0* L® S^T And, William, dearest William, when 3'ou lay- me into the water up to his I- nees after the ily below, which she soon ascertained, rows. 'neath the sod. receding boat, which even at that moment from some \\ ords that readied her through But while Martha was thus comforted WILL oblige by taking n look at his Collars, IJosoms, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Silk and Cam­ Re member, though my body's there, my spirit is bric H'DK'FS; Gloves, Socks, Jeans, Tweeds, Suttinets, Cassimores, Beaver, Pilot, and with God. had just passed out of his reach. Ksp\ing, the partially opened door, to be caused by and sustained, no such consolation re­ however, the end4of the rope, which, in the the discovered nb.-ccnce of Seth, f r whom mained for the despicable wretch whe had BROAD CLOTHS ; Traveling Bags, Umbrellas and CAPS. And bring the children, William, bring them some­ All the above Goods and many more, will be sold at the lowest market prices for Cash, or times to my gra\ e, hurry of unfastening had not been taken search had alreaJy been made, but in vain, been the cause of her troubles; and the short credit to prompt customers. I11 the church-yard's quiet shadow, where the weep­ up, and which was now dragging through i he consciousness that within her own more he tried to sti 1 his .-tartled con­ Frequent additions of fashionable Goods arc made to the above Stock. ing willows wa\ c; the water within reach, he instantly seized bosom she harbored the secret of the miss­ science, the more did its acc.ising- spirit And tell them, dearest William, of the paradise it and gave a sudden jerk. Unconscious ing one's abseei ce,\\hi h she might not re For sale cheap, handsome OILCLOTHS, CARPETS, and RUGS. above. ' rise up to disquiet him, not only for the Wanted IsiimcdiatcSy. And bid them pray that we may meet within those of the oversight he had committed, and, veal, made her, for the first time in her hand lie had in the young man's death, but realms of love. therefore, wholly unprepared for this, 5,000 pra wool socks and stockings. 10,000 lbs. white and ini.vd Yarn, at the life, tee 1 like a guilty one ; and, daring not for the part he had previously acted to­ movement, the young man lost his balance to go down lest her appearance should be­ wards him in his general misusrge, and Mammoth Sign iBr3 WARD'S.^a THE SHAKER LOVERS. in the violence of the shock-, was precipi­ tray the agitation she felt, she paused at more particularly in an affair to which tated backwards over the end of the skifi the head of the stairs, and stood some time only a slight allusion has as yet been made. Norwalk, Nov. 20, 1846. ~ Continued. into the water, a> d instantly disappeared to compose her feelings and trnin a com­ About a month previovs to the time of Fondly and anxiously gnzed the youtli beneath the surface. With a desperate ' SADDLES, IIAJBSJESSES, &c. BLACK SfMfiTIl'S COAL mand over her countenance, which should which we are spea ing, a .-tnnger from after the maiden till her retreating form effort the Elder first drew the skiff' high save her from showing any excitement :il fS&e St<?:ttEsa Kojutt Laiadiaag- the n ighborhood of Seth's early rtsiJer.ce, was lost to his view among the intervening and dry upon the shore, then hurriedly that might not be natural to the occasion : ca led at the £'s ablishment, bearing for SOUTH NORWALK.
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