Paje E~t Looking at Hollywood with Ed Sullivan Scenes That Live in Memory . Freddie Bartholomew's plea, "Pray, don't beat me, Mr. Murdstone," in ••David Copper- field." Fred Astaire's machine gun tap dance in ••Top Hat." . Edward G. Rcbln- son kicking Margaret Llvtng- ston in the rear end in II Smart Money.". The unrorget- table chariot race In ••Ben Hur," with Roman Novarro lashing his thoroughbreds. Charlie Chaplin, in "City Lights," swal- Claudette Colbert in the hitc:h·hike .c:elle of ••It Hczppelled ODe Night." lOWinga whistle and then giving of! strange noises until it was Greta Garbo'. lCell. iI .tolell by Marie Drelller ill ••Anna Chriati.:' sonal mementoes, dating a pe- Sand." ... John Barrymore removed. Lilian Gish in riod in their lives as a popular In ••The Sea Beast," wincing as ••Broken Blossoms." . Doug one by one to convince the at- scene at Tia Juana when the two Sir Guy Standing, in ••Annap song dates an event for you. In the severed stump of his leg Is Fairbanks Sr. pricking a "Z" tacking Arabs that the man champagne glasses break to lis Farewell," rowing out to his their asides the fans commented cauterized by a red-hot branding on his dueling victims in ••The power of the defenders is not pieces on the bar, and the star- old ship and in his delirium call that they remembered this scene iron.. Marie Dressler's Mark of Zorro." exhausted. Helen Hayes tled bartender says, ••What was ing orders to a ghostly ere or that scene because. they saw mimicry of the drunk in "Anna and Gary Cooper in ••Farewell that? " that existed only in his memory. it the week Brother Joe and his Christie." • • to Arms.". Paul Muni Fredric March drinking the . Walter Huston, as Abra wife had a baby, or the family Gangster George Bancroft, in • hiding in the swamp' in ••I'm a potion that changed him so hor- ham. Lincoln, prostrating him had bought a new car, or Tom's ••Underworld," solicitously feed· The touching scene in " Caval· Fugitive from a Chain Gang" ribly in ••Dr. Jekyll and Mr. self on the rain-dtenched grav By ED SUWVAN salary had been raised at the ing a kitten. The spine- eade " when the you.!g lovers and breathing through a straw Hyde." ... Jeanette MacDon- of his fiancee, one of the mos store. I thought to myself, tingling scene in "Phantom of move from the rail of the ship under water. ald and Nelson Eddy's thrill- poignant scenes ever filmed. Hollywood. thought I, some day we'll go the Opera" when Lon Chaney, and you see just for an instant Claudette Colbert exposing ing duet of "Sweet Mystery of Will Rogers' hilarious imita OT SO MANY weeks ago, through that mass of mail and at the organ, removes his mask the "Titanic" lettered on the her shapely legs in the hitch- Life" in ••Naughty Marietta." tion of a crooner in "Doubtin as you. will recall, we pick out the scenes which the and the hideous face fills the lifebuoy. Noah Beery, in hiking sequence from ••It Hap- · .. Norma Shearer's death at Thomas." . The fight N conducted a pol11ngeon- fans ·mentioned. Out of 20,000 scene. Karl Dane's pop. ••Beau Geste," propping his dead pened One Night." . Bill the altar in ••Smilin' Through." tween Bill Farnum and To test to learn what pictures movie letters I'd like to tell you some ping the German sniper out of legionnaires against the walls Powell and Kay Francis in ••One · .. W. C. Fields and the Indian Santschi in II The Spoilers." . fans would prefer to see again. of the rcrget-me-nots that movie the tree in ••The Big Parade." of the fort and firing their rifles Way Passage," and the fadeout cigar store dummies in ••Missis- Pearl White and Warner Olan They named twelve pictures. In fans sent in to explain why they sippi," the funniest sequence in one of the old movie seria order they were: (1) II Snow idolize the stars. ever filmed. "Some of my best at the nickelodeons. Mabe White and the Seven Dwarfs," Emil J~mnings' return to his friends are Indians," gasped Normand in II Mickey." ... Wil (2) ••Four Horsemen of the home on Christmas eve in II The Fields. liam S. Hart glaring over th Apocalypse," (3) II Mutiny on Way of All Flesh." ... Chico George Sidney and Charlie blue barrels of his guns in th the Bounty," (4) ••A Star Is and Diane as Janet Gaynor and Murray leading the donkey old western thrillers. Born," (5) II The Hunchback of Charlie Farrell brought them to 'round and 'round the water I could go on for pages an Notre Dame," (6) ••Birth of a life in II Seventh Heaven." . tower in " Mike "-remember? pages, because the movie fan Nation," (7) II Smilin' Through," Barbara La Marr and Ramon · . Lionel Barrymore's speech sent in thousands of these forget (8) II The Big Parade," (9) ••Life Novarro in their memorable to the jury in ••A Free Soul," me-nota, but these are sutflcien of Emile Zola," (10) ••Captains love scene in "Trifling Women." that won him the Academy to illustrate the point I'm mak Courageous," (11) II San Fran. The fadeout in ••All Quiet award .... John Bunny and Ing. The movie fan idolizes th cisco," (12) II The Kid." on .the Western Front," when Flora Finch. The Chris- star of the fiickers because 0 This expression was Interest- Lew Ayres reached for the but- tians climbing the flight of steps some particular scene which h ing, but more interesting to me terfly, an agonized contrast of to the arena where the lions has played. It is not a negligi was the fact that almost every beauty and death. Jackie awaited them in ••Sign of the ble interest, this fandom of th letter contained a fan's recollec- Coogan as the tiny high·hatted Cross." John Gilbert moviegoers, but a very real an tions of particular scenes he chhnney sweep in ••The Kid.'; teaching Renee Adoree to chew a very intelligent appreciatio would like to see again. The . Valentino's love scene gum in ••The Big Parade." . of the performers over a stretc scenes they mentioned were per- with Nita Naldi in "Blood and The famoUi c:hariot rac:e from ••Bell Hur," .tarrillg Ramoll Novarro. ••The Three Little Pigs." .... of years. • • Miss Am.erica's Christm.as ·Two Stars r111lS0n Color photo. 01 the. e Th e C w 1 Z a r per.on. appear on p4lle (Colltinued from page olle.) studded with rubies and dla- one 01 the Picture Section. (Colltinued from page two.) was to wear. I saw to that. I I shall finish these records. softeners will be among the monds or rubies and sapphires, I had killed Molokof! I was able pushed her out of the dirigible shall wrap them as well as AUCE Wal bom in New most popular of all Christmas will sell very well indeed at a to see clearly. in midair. You will never know FAYE York City. May 5. 1912. can. I shall wait until I a gifts. Chicago jewelry shop for $500. Her fiJ'lt big c:hanc:e ••I knew when Maida Travers the pain this cost me. But we ordered to destroy my country' A great part of the balance of But hundreds of thousands c:ame ill G e 0 r g • White'. was carried of! by the Red Circle were out of Russia. I knew ships. Then I shall throw m the American woman's 261 mil- more costing less than $5 will ••Sc:anda1l:' where lib. m.t that I had only one thing left that if she landed safely she package overboard. When lion dollar beauty budget Is be sold in drug, beauty, and de- Rudy VaUe.. He .tarred h.r to do. Maida Travers gave me would be in friendly hands. have done this I shall direct m devoted to such things as deplla- partment stores all over the in hiI radio .how and took her life. It belonged to her. Molo·. This much of my work was done. invisible lightning against th tories, deodorants, rouges, and country. to HoUywood. She'. 5 feet 5. kof! had found this out, too. I "I am to sail Red ships. I shall destroy eve gadgets of one kind or another Cases fitted with creams and weight 112 pound.. alld hal must go to Russia and join the with the fieet. It one of them, because I shall b blond. hair and blue eye •. and is spent during the season lotions will sell, too. There will terrorists. I did this in such a is the cunning in a steel turret which I shal of jingle bells. Hairbrushes, III real life lIbe·. Mr.. TOllY Gil••• ugge.ted for Chri.tmal, 1901. be purchasers for a lether case, Martin. way as to leave a distinct trail. plan of the Reds lock on the inside. You wil hand mirrors, makeup boxes, Left .atin girdle and brac:ea; right. fitted with cloisonne-topped jars • • e I wanted every one to know that to lure the major have heard that I asked the Re and thousands of other luxuries c:hiffoll c:hemilette. and bottles, priced at $375. I had turned traitor because I fleets of the pow- Circle to deliver me some radiu and necessities will be presented There will be far more purchas- GARY or F r a Ilk Jam•• could no longer endure the ha- ers in that nar- tubes by Sonya Danilo and Com to American beauties all over perfume just as much as it is ers for fabricoid kits containing COOPER Coo~r.
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