Celebrating Remembering B.-P.: 50 Years!8th World Scout Jamboree 1955 by Anthony Roberts n 1955, over 11,000 Scouts maintained by the Niagara Parks ow of the Founder of Scouting, Lord Commission, which landscaped and Baden-Powell of Gilwell. Ifrom 71 countries gathered planted the area in front of the main On Friday, August 26, the Scouts in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario arena. The Commission monitor- were taken by bus, train, and boat to ed the traffic during the Jamboree, Toronto, where they paraded through for the Eighth World Scout and estimated that 80,000 vehicles the grounds of the Canadian National Jamboree. In 2005, we will cel- entered the area, representing over Exhibition. The salute was taken 130,000 visitors, which included and the Ex was officially opened by ebrate the 50th Anniversary of diplomatic representatives from the Chief Scout of the British Com- this historic event. at least 20 countries. The Province monwealth, Lord Rowallan. After the of Ontario supplied highway signs, parade, the Scouts were allowed to Jamboree of New Horizons snow fences and a grant of $25,000. tour the Ex for the rest of the day, WJ’55 was a historic event for with instructions to reassemble at Canada and for World Scouting. four o’clock. Everyone made it home. It was the first major internation- The Jamboree was a pivotal event al gathering of Scouts outside of in the lives of those who attended. To Europe. In recognition of this, the quote one of them, “(It was) an event theme was “New Horizons”. that played a major role in my early The Jamboree was held in a tent years, and assisted greatly in my city next to the recently-reconstruct- future endeavours”. Today, these ed Fort George. It was the first Scouts are in their mid-sixties. World Jamboree to be broadcast on television. The CBC provided both Celebrate with Us radio and TV coverage. All cooking The 50th Anniversary of the Jam- was done the modern way: over char- boree is an opportunity to celebrate coal. Three Brazilian Scouts travelled the important role Scouting has to the Jamboree by jeep. played in Canadian society and the The event generated huge and elebrate the 50th Anniversary long-lasting positive impact Scout- enthusiastic support within the C ing has on the lives of its members. country as a whole. An Honourary of the 8th World Scout Jamboree All Jamboree attendees, Scouts, Advisory Committee was struck, at the original site! family, and friends are invited to chaired by the Governor-General celebrate the 50th Anniversary of and Chief Scout of Canada the Right Many organizations provided the 8th World Scout Jamboree. The Honourable Vincent Massey, who huge amounts of assistance. The commemoration will be held Sep- also officially opened the Jamboree Ford Motor Company loaned 45 tember 16-18, 2005 at the original on Saturday, August 20. The com- vehicles and drivers. Bell Telephone Jamboree site. A commemorative mittee included Lester B. Pearson, Company provided a switchboard plaque under the auspices of Parks Secretary of State for External Af- and 24-hour staffing. Canada Post Canada will be unveiled. The cele- fairs (and later Prime Minister); issued a special commemorative bration will coincide with the Scout Donald Gordon, President of Cana- postage stamp. Brigade of Fort George, a camporee dian National Railways; W.A. Math- Work on the site was almost com- that annually attracts about 1500 er, President of Canadian Pacific pleted when, on Saturday, August 13, Scouts from Canada and the United Railways; and Leslie Frost, Premier it was struck by Hurricane Connie. States. This event will be a reunion of Ontario. The Camp Chief was Volunteers from local fire depart- of attendees and an opportunity for Jackson Dodds, C.B.E., Deputy ments, service clubs, Scout groups former Scouts to reconnect with the Chief Scout of Canada and retired and private individuals rushed to help Scouts of today. General Manager of the Bank of in such numbers that some actually A commemorative crest, based Montreal. had to be turned away, and every- on the design of the original WJ’55 Part of the site was then under thing was restored in time to wel- crest (see above right), is available. It the jurisdiction of the Government come the first arrivals on Thursday, can be ordered through our web site. of Canada (through the Department August 18. Our current challenge is to get of Defence), which supplied fac- Many high-level Scouting offi- the word out to Jamboree attendees ilities and equipment, RCMP and cials from around the world were in and others who would be interested. military personnel, and a grant of attendance, but the most popular More information is available on the $50,000. The greater portion of the was probably Olave, Lady Baden- event web site: http://wj55.org/.m site, including Fort George, was Powell, World Chief Guide and wid- – Anthony Roberts Scouts in Ontario. Photo: Scouts Canada Archives THE LEADER, February 2005 5.
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