February 4, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S493 to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, setting supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. forth the congressional budget for the United SA 845. Mr. TOOMEY submitted an amend- SA 866. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an States Government for fiscal year 2021 and ment intended to be proposed by him to the amendment intended to be proposed by her setting forth the appropriate budgetary lev- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, els for fiscal years 2022 through 2030; which which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. was ordered to lie on the table. SA 846. Mr. TOOMEY submitted an amend- SA 867. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an SA 886. Mr. KENNEDY submitted an ment intended to be proposed by him to the amendment intended to be proposed by her amendment intended to be proposed by him concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 847. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment SA 868. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an SA 887. Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. intended to be proposed by him to the con- amendment intended to be proposed by her CRAMER, and Mr. LANKFORD) proposed an current resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, amendment to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. Con. Res. 5, supra. SA 848. Mr. TILLIS (for himself, Mr. SA 869. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an SA 888. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and Mr. INHOFE, and Mr. TOOMEY) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her SANDERS) proposed an amendment to the amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 889. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 870. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an amendment to the concurrent resolution S. SA 849. Mr. WYDEN submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by her Con. Res. 5, supra. ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, f concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 871. Mr. CRUZ proposed an amendment TEXT OF AMENDMENTS SA 850. Mr. KENNEDY submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, amendment intended to be proposed by him supra. SA 547. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, SA 872. Mr. SCOTT, of Florida proposed an Mr. ROMNEY, Mr. TOOMEY, Mr. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment to the concurrent resolution S. PORTMAN, and Mr. LANKFORD) sub- SA 851. Mr. TILLIS (for himself, Mr. Con. Res. 5, supra. mitted an amendment intended to be INHOFE, and Mr. TOOMEY) submitted an SA 873. Mr. SCOTT, of Florida submitted proposed by him to the concurrent res- amendment intended to be proposed by him an amendment intended to be proposed by olution S. Con. Res. 5, setting forth the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. congressional budget for the United supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. Res. 5, supra; which was ordered to lie on the States Government for fiscal year 2021 SA 852. Mrs. BLACKBURN (for herself, Mr. table. HAGERTY, and Mr. BRAUN) submitted an SA 874. Mr. HAGERTY submitted an and setting forth the appropriate budg- amendment intended to be proposed by her amendment intended to be proposed by him etary levels for fiscal years 2022 to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, through 2030; which was ordered to lie supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. on the table; as follows: SA 853. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself SA 875. Mr. HOEVEN submitted an amend- On page 49, line 10, strike and Mr. CRAMER) proposed an amendment to ment intended to be proposed by him to the ‘‘$1,296,487,000,000’’ and insert the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; ‘‘$1,159,892,000,000’’. supra. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 854. Ms. ROSEN submitted an amend- SA 876. Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. SA 548. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an ment intended to be proposed by her to the CRAMER, and Mr. LANKFORD) submitted an concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; amendment intended to be proposed by amendment intended to be proposed by him him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, SA 855. Ms. ROSEN submitted an amend- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. Con. Res. 5, setting forth the congres- ment intended to be proposed by her to the SA 877. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an sional budget for the United States concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; amendment intended to be proposed by him Government for fiscal year 2021 and which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, setting forth the appropriate budgetary SA 856. Ms. ROSEN submitted an amend- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. levels for fiscal years 2022 through 2030; ment intended to be proposed by her to the SA 878. Mr. LUJAN (for himself, Mr. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table; KELLY, Mr. HEINRICH, and Mr. WARNOCK) sub- as follows: which was ordered to lie on the table. mitted an amendment intended to be pro- SA 857. Mr. MERKLEY submitted an posed by him to the concurrent resolution S. At the appropriate place in title IV, add amendment intended to be proposed by him Con. Res. 5, supra; which was ordered to lie the following: to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, on the table. SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST INCREAS- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 879. Mr. BARRASSO submitted an ING THE FEDERAL CORPORATE TAX SA 858. Mr. YOUNG submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him RATE TO A RATE HIGHER THAN THE ment intended to be proposed by him to the AVERAGE STATUTORY RATE FOR to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, OECD MEMBER STATES IN 2020. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. (a) POINT OF ORDER.— which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 880. Mr. KENNEDY submitted an SA 859. Mr. WARNER (for himself and Mr. (1) IN GENERAL.—In the Senate, it shall not amendment intended to be proposed by him be in order to consider a provision in a bill, PORTMAN) submitted an amendment intended to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, to be proposed by him to the concurrent res- joint resolution, motion, amendment, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment between the Houses, or con- olution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; which was or- SA 881. Mr. KELLY (for himself and Mr. ference report that increases the Federal in- dered to lie on the table. LUJA´ N) submitted an amendment intended to come tax rate on corporations to a rate high- SA 860. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an be proposed by him to the concurrent resolu- er than the average statutory corporate tax amendment intended to be proposed by her tion S. Con. Res. 5, supra; which was ordered rate in 2020 for States that are members of to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, to lie on the table. the Organisation for Economic Co-operation supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 882. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment and Development in 2020 (as determined by SA 861. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an intended to be proposed by him to the con- the Joint Committee on Taxation, based on amendment intended to be proposed by her current resolution S. Con. Res. 5, supra; data provided by the Organisation for Eco- to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, which was ordered to lie on the table. nomic Co-operation and Development). supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 883. Mrs. SHAHEEN submitted an SA 862. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an (2) POINT OF ORDER SUSTAINED.—If a point amendment intended to be proposed by her amendment intended to be proposed by her of order is made by a Senator against a pro- to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 5, vision described in paragraph (1), and the supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. point of order is sustained by the Chair, that SA 884.
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